New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 174, Complex Tactical Background Confrontation Exercise

() "Fires are found at 3 o'clock! It's artillery!" Arthur shouted in the radio, and began to lead his four-machine formation to the direction of the fires.But at the next moment, he was surprised to find that there were flashes of light in almost all directions, which looked a bit like the muzzle flame of a cannon.

"Damn it! What's going on! How could there be so many artillery firing?" Arthur was almost stunned for a moment.However, he quickly realized that each type of artillery has different muzzle flames due to differences in caliber, barrel structure, charge, and artillery brake.Most of the muzzle flames that appeared now were different from the artillery he was familiar with. Obviously, most of them were false targets.

"No, those flames at 10 o'clock are the real artillery! Come with me!" Arthur issued another command.The fleet quickly flew towards 10 o'clock.At this time, the flame at that position has disappeared.Apparently, the "enemy" also judged their arrival through things like listening devices.Arthur in the lead dropped a string of flares first.Under the blazing light of the flares, Arthur saw a group of people on the ground busy attaching several guns to the tractor—obviously, they were preparing to move.

"Attack!" Arthur shouted excitedly. At the same time, he habitually looked towards several locations where anti-aircraft guns might be placed.The light from the flares was limited, and those locations were still buried in darkness.But this is nothing to be afraid of, the flare was only ignited at a height of more than a hundred meters from the ground.Also because of the distance, it will not illuminate itself very brightly.It is almost impossible for anti-aircraft guns to attack themselves in such a dark night sky.

But Arthur, who is cautious by nature, still led his fleet to avoid those dangerous positions as much as possible and swooped over.Now, the crowd that had surrounded the artillery had dispersed, and they all left the artillery and tractors and ran away.The appearance of flares means that bombs or rockets will fall from the sky in the next moment. Now the artillery will definitely not be able to keep it, so it is better to keep the personnel as much as possible.

Arthur did not choose to use rockets.Firstly, when rockets are used, the flight path of the aircraft will be exposed. Although the time is short and the chances of the anti-aircraft artillery reacting are very small, he is still unwilling to give the enemy such a chance.Second, the rockets will be reserved for later use against tanks.So his choice is the bomb.There are six 6-pound aerial bombs hanging under his belly, which is more than enough to solve the problem.


As soon as Toskin's tank unit approached the assembly point, they heard the sound of the engine of the B-25 bomber in the distance.Toskin decisively ordered the tank group to stop advancing and shut down the engines.Two or three minutes later, the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground came from the assembly point in front of them—of course the bombs dropped during the confrontation exercise would not explode.

The navigator and bombardier of the b-25, Robillo, had just dropped the bomb when the plane tilted so suddenly that he almost sat down in the cabin.

"What's wrong?" Robio asked.

"Night fighter!" Captain Cagliari replied succinctly.At this time, the machine gunner Turner had already started manipulating the machine gun to sweep towards the night sky.

However, Turner's shot basically had no effect.Because he couldn't see the night fighter hidden in the darkness, he could only infer its current location based on the light of the night fighter when it fired just now, and shoot blindly.

Of course, this kind of shooting would have no effect. After completing a round of attacks, those mosquito night fighters circled around and came back again...


The sky gradually brightened, and the night of confrontation was over.But the real confrontation is only now beginning.Under the cover of night, the simulated enemy tank troops had already entered the starting position. Although they were not without losses, their losses were limited and they could still launch a decisive offensive.

Under the reddish light of the morning sun, about 30 tanks and a little more armored vehicles began to form a battle formation and attack the target!At this time, the attack planes still hovering over the battlefield also rushed towards these tanks.

Arthur had dropped six 6-pound aerial bombs in his previous attack on the artillery group, but his arsenal was still very rich: there were 250 rockets hanging under his wings, and in the He also has a 12mm gun in the nose that is powerful enough to destroy tanks directly.

However, in the tank group, there was something Arthur hated most - self-propelled anti-aircraft guns.

Due to the pressure brought by the Soviet Army's il-2 on the Soviet-German battlefield, and the performance of the Luftwaffe in many cases, the Army was not at ease.Therefore, the German Army has always attached great importance to self-propelled anti-aircraft artillery, and the types and quantities of self-propelled anti-aircraft artillery equipped are very large.From the point of view of caliber, there are not only small calibers like 20mm, but also medium calibers like 30mm and 37mm, and even large calibers like 88mm—but this one is really not suitable for accompanying air defense. something happened.As far as the chassis is concerned, there are both tracked and half-tracked chassis.

The U.S. military captured some German self-propelled anti-aircraft guns in the battles in North Africa, Sicily, and Italy. Among them, the main ones obtained in North Africa were single-tube 20mm self-propelled anti-aircraft guns using half-track chassis. Got some half-track self-propelled anti-aircraft guns with quadruple 20 guns.It's just that compared with the former, the number of the latter is much smaller.Therefore, there is only one such thing as a sample in "Inverse Cross".In the exercise, these things were all decorated with the U.S. military's own M16 anti-aircraft combat vehicle, which is also a quadruple installation, although the M16 anti-aircraft combat vehicle is only equipped with a 12.7 mm caliber machine gun.

In addition, according to intelligence, the US military knows that the German army has also developed a self-propelled anti-aircraft gun with a caliber of 37mm.However, the U.S. military did not have relevant samples, so the "Inverse Cross" directly used the U.S. military's own 40mm dual-mounted self-propelled anti-aircraft gun as this thing.Out of the consideration of being lenient to the enemy, the number of self-propelled anti-aircraft guns equipped by the "Reverse Cross" to this armored unit is much higher than that of the authentic German army.

Therefore, when Arthur dived towards those "enemy tanks", he must first consider the threat of these anti-aircraft weapons. The 20mm anti-aircraft guns were fine, their effective range was far inferior to the rockets under his wings, as long as he could identify these guys and attack them first, their threat to him would be very limited.But the 37mm self-propelled anti-aircraft gun is different.Although I don't know its specific performance data, but based on the data of the US military's own 40 anti-aircraft guns with similar calibers, the effective range of this thing is no closer than that of rockets.Of course, the nominal range of the rocket is still longer.But everyone knows that with the precision of the rocket, if the launch distance is a little farther, it can go from the Vatican to Italy.Therefore, it is really necessary to take some risks to deal with this guy.

Arthur looked around the battlefield, and he first discovered a 40mm self-propelled artillery hidden in the tank group.Arthur gritted his teeth, overcame himself, and swooped down on it.

The self-propelled gun also started firing at Arthur.Of course, all the bombs it fired were empty shells, and they wouldn't really threaten Arthur's plane.But Arthur now felt that blank ammunition was more annoying than live ammunition.There is a tracer bullet every few rounds in the live ammunition.On the one hand, the trajectory it pulls out is convenient for the shooter to adjust the trajectory, and on the other hand, it is also convenient for Arthur to make corresponding evasive actions.But now without this thing, Arthur can only dodge with his own imagination. As a result, Arthur felt even more nervous, and the hand holding the operating lever was a little sweaty.

Arthur made several side-slips and barrel rolls in a row, approaching the 40mm gun.After completing a barrel roll, Arthur put the cannon into the shooting aura, and then fired 6 rockets in one breath.

Of course, this simulated rocket will not actually be fired.But Arthur can be sure that if the guy he shot out is a real one, the half-track vehicle must be dead.And the white smoke was released from the car very quickly, it seems that the director who stayed nearby also made the judgment that the chariot was destroyed.

But Arthur couldn't care less about this anymore. Just when he was about to pull up, he suddenly found that there was an m-16 anti-aircraft tank a little to the left in front of him!Now, the four 4mm machine guns on it were turning towards him.If it is really on the battlefield, relying on the armor of the modified version of the p-12.7, the power of the 38mm machine gun is simply negligible, but here, this guy is simulating a 12.7mm German product.Although some parts of the modified p-20 can withstand the attack of 38 guns, if the quadruple 20 guns hit the head, they will be disabled even if they are not dead.

Fortunately, Arthur is an old pilot, and he is also a master who is famous for his ability to dodge. At this critical moment, Arthur took the first step, aimed the nose at the opponent, and then used the two 20 guns in the nose He shot a long shot at the m-16 anti-aircraft tank.Then, with a sharp turn, it escaped from its threatening range.

After pulling up the plane at a farther safe distance, Arthur turned his head and saw that 4 self-propelled artillery in the enemy tank group had already raised white smoke, and two of them were the results of his own battles.At the same time, the voice of Dubin, the pilot of his subordinate attack plane No. 04, came from his earphones: "Captain, it said that my plane was seriously injured and ordered me to return immediately."

At this time, another team of four p-38s began to attack from another direction.

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