New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 175, Complex Tactical Background Confrontation Exercise

() Facts have proved that in the absence of air power to contain it, it is very difficult to counter air assaults by relying solely on ground air defense firepower.Compared with anti-aircraft guns, attack aircraft are faster, more maneuverable, and have stronger firepower.Except for the advantage of concealment, anti-aircraft guns have almost no advantages.In the process of accompanying the tank assault, this advantage is also lost.In addition, they are also at a numerical disadvantage relative to the attacking fleet.So in the confrontation they were completely suppressed by the attacking fleet.

The formation of four p-38 attacking four-machines cleared out the eight sets of self-propelled anti-aircraft guns mixed in the tanks and armored vehicles in just a few minutes.Now, the tank group has lost its protection and is completely exposed to the p-38 attack.

However, the tank group is not completely helpless, they can also dodge by moving at high speed.In addition, the tank can also rely on the anti-aircraft machine gun on the turret to defend itself.It's a pity that the powerful machine gun on the tank turret is really limited, and it poses very little threat to attack aircraft that have strengthened their defenses.And due to the lack of a dedicated anti-air targeting system, its hit rate is ridiculously low.

Because the high-speed machine guns on tanks are of limited use in air defense, the high-speed machine guns were once canceled on the first-generation medium tank T-54 developed by the Soviets after the war.Of course, the Soviets put the anti-aircraft machine gun back on later.However, the reason for putting it back is not to attack aircraft, but to hit other targets that cannot be reached by tank guns on high-rise buildings.

Arthur skimmed from low altitude, his sight firmly on the ass of an m5 tank.The flexibility of this light tank is much better than the Leopard tank it plays, but no matter how good the maneuverability of the tank is, it cannot be compared with an airplane.He pressed the launch button, and the two rockets were "fired"—in fact, they just dropped the counterweight.

To ensure destruction, Arthur fired his remaining two rockets.Now Arthur can be sure that the "enemy" tank must be finished.After dozens of seconds at most, the people in the director's department will let the tank emit white smoke and stop.

After shooting all the rockets, Arthur pulled up the plane, made a somersault, and entered the attack route again.Now, he has used up all his rockets, but he still has one big killer: the 37mm cannon. A 37mm gun is absolutely unable to penetrate a tank like a Tiger and Leopard from the front, but if it is attacked from above, as long as it is fired, it will definitely be shot one by one.However, attacking the top requires a large dive angle, which is a test for the pilot's control of the aircraft.

But that wasn't a problem for Arthur.His plane has now consumed two-thirds of its fuel, dropped all the bombs and rockets, the body is relatively light, and the modified p-38 has further increased the dive flaps .This makes this kind of fighter plane's original lack of good performance in diving and pulling up has been effectively made up for.

Arthur swooped down at an angle of 60 degrees, and at a distance of less than 200 meters, fired at another tank that he had put into the shooting halo.Even if blank ammunition was used, the recoil caused by the gunpowder gas sprayed out by the gun still made Arthur feel as if he had slammed on the foot brake.Arthur pulled up the plane again, and at the same time added another result to himself in his heart - shooting such a large low-mobility target at such a short distance, can he still miss it?

Just when Arthur began to climb up contentedly, the rear machine gunner's shout suddenly came from his earphones: "Above 6 o'clock, enemy fighter jets!" Arthur immediately made a sharp turn.At the same time, he heard the sound of machine gun fire from behind him—it was the machine gunner trying to jam the enemy plane.

Arthur turned his head hard while turning sharply, trying to find the enemy plane that attacked him.

"They jumped to the heights!" the rear machine gunner reminded.

Arthur knew that this was the classic approach of the German FW-190 fighter jets. The horizontal hovering capabilities of the fw-190 series fighter jets are abysmal. It is impossible for them to bite a p-38 while circling, even if it is a fat version of the p-38.But their jumps and dives are good, and their rolls are even better.Therefore, experienced pilots will pull up the fighter plane at this time, maintain the altitude advantage, and watch the enemy plane in the low position consume precious energy in the sharp turn.Then take another chance to dive down and give him another dick.

Arthur's current situation is really bad.He was carrying out the task of sweeping the ground just now, in order to improve the attack precision, he flew low and slow, seriously lacking in energy. The p-38's roll was insanely slow, and now that it lacked energy, it was impossible to make a sharp turn like just now.If the altitude is not lowered as soon as possible, as long as the "enemy plane" swoops down again, he can only wait to be beaten.

So Arthur quickly dived to a height of less than 15 meters, so that when the enemy plane attacked him, he would have a lot of scruples when diving.If the recoil machine gun had performed well, he might have escaped with his life.While carefully controlling the altitude, you must know that flying at such an altitude requires a high degree of concentration, otherwise, a small undulation on the ground, or a big tree, or a house can really kill you They don't care if this is a drill or not.

But right now, he can't put all his attention on flying the plane—he still has to keep an eye out for enemy planes.At this time, Arthur deeply felt that it is a good thing to have a rear-seat machine gunner.The machine gunner who doesn't care about flying can put all his attention on the dynamics of the enemy aircraft.He can constantly report the dynamics of the enemy aircraft to the pilot.

"The enemy plane flew over us and is now above your 12 o'clock!"

Arthur made a turn to the left and at the same time gave the order over the radio: "Pitbulls close into anti-aircraft formation!"

The remaining three planes in the squad were quickly grouped together so that their self-defense machine guns could support each other.Thereby improving one's own defense ability in the face of enemy fighters.

"The response was very quick!" McGaa was sitting in the cabin of F4U, watching the three P-38s below quickly form a defensive formation, and nodded slightly.

However, appreciation is appreciation, and the necessary test is still indispensable.McGaar and his wingman separated left and right. His wingman would launch a feint attack from the front of the enemy plane. If the opponent continued to maintain the course, he would enter from the two o'clock direction, which was difficult for the enemy's tail machine gun to take care of, and launch an attack.If the opponent turns sharply towards him, looking for a head-on confrontation with him, then he will give up the attack and the wingman who originally feinted will attack.

"The two enemy planes separated left and right, coming from our direction of twelve o'clock and two o'clock! The distance is about 600 meters! The speed is about 550 kilometers!" The machine gunner on the wingman issued an alert.

"These guys' attack angles are really cunning." Arthur fully understood the opponent's intentions.Therefore, he did not choose to confront the F12U that launched a feint attack in the direction of 4 o'clock, nor did he turn to McGahr, but made a turn in the opposite direction, and at the same time climbed a little higher, allowing the three P-3 The attack plane came and opened up a little altitude difference.In this way, the two F38Us that launched the attack were all within the fire range of the tail self-defense machine gun.

Of course, when completing these actions, Arthur did not forget another extremely important thing - call for help!

"Bulldog encounters enemy fighters in area 2! Call for support! Repeat! Bulldog encounters enemy fighters in area 2! Call for support!"

Arthur knew that there were at least a dozen or more P-12 fighter jets patrolling nearby. As long as he could survive a few rounds of attacks, these fighter jets would definitely arrive. The instructors of the "Reverse Cross" are of course very skilled, but the P-51, which has an overwhelming numerical advantage, can still easily drive them away.It's just that they let these two planes get in so easily, this is really unforgivable!

"The response is good!" McGaia praised the team again.He pulled up the plane and gave up the attack, and at the same time informed the wingman: "Let's test the other formations."

McGaar understood that his main task was never to completely defeat the students by relying on technology, but to help them develop good flying and combat habits.Judging from the reaction just now, this team has already qualified.Moreover, as far as the exercise itself is concerned, it is their purpose to interfere with the enemy planes and make it difficult for the enemy planes to concentrate on attacking ground targets.Therefore, McGaa immediately turned his target to other p-38 attack aircraft squadrons.

At this time, a formation of four P-51 aircraft had already begun to approach McGaher, and McGahr understood that there was not much time left for him to bully the attack planes at will.But he didn't care about the p-51 that appeared at him at six o'clock, and still tried his best to harass those attack planes, so that they had to interrupt their attacks constantly.As for the p-51s who followed behind, McGaar believed that these guys alone would not be able to defeat him in a short time.

But just two to three minutes later, another four-machine formation of p-3 appeared.McGaar knew that he was going to leave now, otherwise, he would really be beaten down by these rookies.So, he took his wingman to increase the horsepower, and ran away directly. He knew that those p-51s would not dare to chase him.Because they have to worry about whether they will be hit by their own plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain.The fact was just as he expected, the eight P-51s turned around and returned after a short chase.

At this time, due to McGeater's interference, the p-38 attack aircraft fleet had not launched a very effective attack on the enemy tanks on the ground for nearly 10 minutes, and at this time, these tanks had already approached their targets.

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