New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 176, Complex Tactical Background Confrontation Exercise

( ) After the air threat disappeared, the strike group quickly resumed its attack.At this time, the enemy tanks had taken the opportunity to approach the defensive positions of the paratroopers, and the infantry had already dismounted from the armored vehicles and launched a foot assault; and those tanks and armored vehicles also began to use artillery and machine guns to shoot directly Fire support for infantry operations.Under the direct firepower of them, especially the tanks, white smoke rose from the few support points of the anti-tank guns of the paratroopers one after another-this shows that the director department has determined that these anti-tank guns were destroyed up.

The machine gun support points of the paratroopers were also in danger before the attack of the tanks.Many of the heavy machine guns that are difficult to move, like the m-2, have been destroyed. Fortunately, there are still a lot of Browning automatic rifles (actually a light machine gun) in the hands of the paratroopers. The firepower of these machine guns Temporarily suppressed the infantry accompanying the tank, but without the support of the infantry, if the tank rushed into other people's positions rashly, they would definitely be beaten to pieces with bazooka and the like.However, the situation of these machine guns is also not good. Under the threat of tank guns, they don't even dare to finish even one magazine at a firing point, and often can only fire three to five bullets in a hurry, so they have to move quickly. , otherwise, it will be attacked by tank artillery and judged to be out.If the situation is not reversed, the collapse of the defense line is almost at hand.

"Zi you attack! Prioritize attacking those who have stopped!" Major Druby, who was in charge of the formation of three P-38 attack aircraft, issued such an order. Zi you attack means disbanding the formation, which allows the pilots to concentrate all their attention on the ground attack, but it also increases the danger faced by the pilots. Once the enemy fighter group appears again, the attack aircraft will easily suffer.However, considering that there are already 8 P-51s over the target area, it is very reasonable to make such a decision.

As for attacking stopped tanks first, that's because, during World War II, tanks did not yet have the ability to shoot accurately during motion.If they want to hit the target accurately, they must obviously stop the tank, otherwise the ups and downs when driving will reduce the hit accuracy of the tank shells to the point where it is comparable to the accuracy of the national football team.And stopping itself will also increase the danger of the tank itself, so most tanks at that time used the mode of short-stop fire.This mode is like this. The tank completes the actions of loading ammunition and turning the turret to the target while driving at a low speed. Then, under the command of the commander, the driver brakes urgently. After the tank stops, the gunner quickly fires, and then the tank quickly Start and return to driving condition.So, in combat, if a tank stops suddenly without being hit, there is no doubt that it is about to fire.If you don't give priority to killing him, there will be paratroopers who will be unlucky.

Arthur saw an m5 braking in the distance, and he immediately slid the rudder and pointed the nose at the m5.The vision of the tank is very poor. Even if it is a target on the ground, it cannot be seen from a certain angle. As for the vision of the air, it is basically not at all.So the m5 had no idea that a p-38 attack plane was swooping down on it.However, the crew who drove it also knew that there were enemy planes above the tank group, and it was extremely dangerous to make a short stop.So as soon as the tank stopped, it immediately fired a shot at a suspected machine gun position, and then the driver immediately increased the accelerator, and the tank engine roared and began to accelerate.

However, it was too late to speed up at this time, Arthur swooped over and fired two shots at it from the back and above.Ten seconds later, the tank crew received a frustrating notification from the director's department: "Your car has been destroyed!"

In just 2 minutes, another 8 tanks and armored vehicles were judged to have been destroyed.But at this time, with the support of tanks and armored vehicles, the infantry had already torn through the line of defense. Two M5 tanks took the lead, and several armored vehicles and a group of soldiers had already broken into the small town at the bridgehead.Subsequently, more enemy soldiers rushed in through this gap.

This is a typical small town in the European countryside.There is a main road and several small side roads in the town.The streets are narrow and the buildings next to them are not tall.But these buildings are quite solid, they all have thick walls and small windows made of large stone slabs and blue bricks.These buildings, as well as some zero-hour fortifications on street corners, became the last line of defense for the resisters.Relying on a 57mm gun hidden in a house on the corner of the street, the paratroopers killed the two tanks that broke into the town, and several armored vehicles were quickly destroyed by the bazooka group. destroyed.But more enemy troops rushed into the town through the gap.The defenders retreated steadily under their attacks. If this situation cannot be changed, the fall of the town is only a matter of time.

The gap must be plugged!But if the continuous influx of enemy troops cannot be stopped, the existing strength of the paratroopers will not be able to plug this gap.So now, the attack fleet in the air must hold off the influx of enemy troops!

Now, the students also know that the time to decide the winner has come.The enemy's tank force has been severely damaged. Now if the enemy can be repulsed, it will be difficult for them to launch an attack of this scale.Therefore, all the planes in this airspace, including those P-51s of the air superiority model, have come to low altitudes to prevent the enemy's troops from entering the town.

Now Arthur misses the original 38-tube 6mm gun of the p-20 very much. When attacking infantry, this thing can provide a much higher firepower density than the current one 37 plus two 20-rotor guns.It is much stronger than the current machine gun combination for suppressing infantry.What's more terrible is that because the 37mm shells take up too much space, the shells in this machine gun combination are much less than the original ones. After using it in the previous paragraph, now there are no shells in his machine guns. Swooping over, swooping over, it's more just scaring people.Later, he had to rely mainly on the self-defense machine gun of the rear seat machine gunner to attack the enemy on the ground.

Fortunately, the 8 P-51s still had enough ammunition. They kept rushing from here to there, and from there to here, trying to prevent the enemy's infantry from entering the town as much as possible.But as soon as the fighter jets rushed over, those cunning enemies immediately hid themselves with the "wreckage" of the tank or something else, and when the fighter jets flew over, they immediately appeared again and continued to rush into the town.

"If only I had 6 bombs! One can blow up a piece!" Arthur couldn't help but miss the 6 bombs he had thrown away long ago.

More enemy soldiers poured into the town. Just when everyone was almost desperate, there was the roar of engines in the sky—a total of 12 p-47 ground attack modifications appeared in everyone's field of vision inside.The pylons on the wings of these planes are full of rockets.

When the p-47 fleet set off, the task they accepted was to attack the enemy's armored forces, and for this job, rockets are more useful than aerial bombs. At this time, tanks are no longer the main threat, but they have already taken off P-47 can't always follow Nagumo's good example and fly back to change bombs.Therefore, these p-47s rushed over with anti-tank rockets.

The input of the p-47 fleet suppressed the momentum of the enemy's attack. Now, the speed of the enemy's invasion of the town has been greatly slowed down, and the paratroopers in the town are also working hard to regain lost ground. The situation has emerged A momentary balance.

Captain Knuth circled the town in his reconnaissance plane, constantly reporting the situation to the command center.At this time, he suddenly received an order: "Find out the enemy artillery immediately! Our position has been heavily bombarded by the enemy!"

Knuth began to search for the target. Today's weather was good, and the atmospheric visibility was quite high. Soon, he found the enemy artillery that was firing.So the newly arrived p-47s were transferred to attack the artillery group.Because if the artillery cannot be suppressed, the paratroopers will not be able to hold the town.In fact, in the shelling just now, the paratroopers who were trying to counterattack were judged to have suffered heavy losses, and now their counterattack momentum has been completely suppressed by the artillery fire.On the contrary, with the support of artillery fire, the "enemy army" in the town has further expanded its territory. Now, nearly half of the territory in the town is under their control.

But the departure of the p-47s, even if only for a short period of time, immediately caused major problems: the force to perform the interdiction mission was greatly reduced, and more enemy troops poured into the town...

After a few minutes, the shelling stopped, but within a few minutes, the enemy was less than 100 meters away from the bridge.There, the paratroopers relied on the last line of defense to hold them back, but if the enemy can still keep pouring in like this, who knows how long they can last?

In order to support them, Arthur, who had fired all the cannon shells, even drove his p-38 attack plane over the town and flew back and forth along the street, relying on the self-defense machine gun at the tail to attack the enemies in the town.Although buildings and the like caused him a lot of trouble, his attacks and swooping intimidation still caused a lot of trouble to the enemy.

Arthur pulled up the plane, and the machine gunner's voice came from the headset: "I'm out of bullets!"

Arthur didn't speak, he just continued to pull up the plane.Completed a somersault and dived down the street again.

"Even if there is no ammo, rushing over will always scare them and force them to find a place to hide." Arthur thought so.

"Bomber! It's a B-25 bomber!" The rear machine gunner shouted excitedly again.Arthur didn't care about scaring the "enemy" anymore. He pulled up the plane, turned his head, and saw a large group of 24 B-25 bombers flying towards this side in a dense formation.

After the bomber fleet approached, it was divided into two groups. One group began to perform tactical interdiction missions outside the town. Relying on the full bombs and 6 m-2 machine guns on the nose, they suppressed the enemy at once. Yes, under their pressure, it will be quite difficult for the enemy army to enter the town again.

Another group of b-25s, under the command of the ground, bombarded the "enemy troops" in the town at a very low altitude.And the paratroopers in the town also took the opportunity to launch a counterattack...

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