New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 186, Prison Robbery

() "What? Let's go and provide fire support for a jailbreak operation?" Boyington's eyes widened in shock, "How did the guys from the intelligence department come up with such an idea? How did their heads grow?"

Ron smiled helplessly. Obviously, the imagination of the intelligence department far exceeded his expectations.He said to Scott: "Scott, you come and tell everyone how this happened."

"Okay, General." Scott stood up and opened a folder.Then tell everyone:

"Two weeks ago, the French resistance organization and the Royal Air Force conducted a successful cooperation. Two Mosquito bombers of the Royal Air Force dropped bombs on a German prison at night, destroying the high walls of the prison and the prison with precision." The dormitory of the Jings. Then the guerrillas who had been prepared outside the prison rushed into the prison, killed many guards who tried to resist, and rescued some quite important members of the resistance organization who were imprisoned in the prison.

A week ago one of our important intelligence officers - here is her picture - was captured by the Germans in Calais.She was on an extremely important mission.She knew many important secrets, very important to the course of the war.She was trained against torture, and judging by the movements of the German army, we can be sure that she has not given away the secret.However, everyone knows that the Germans must also know her importance.They will try their best to pry her mouth open.Inspired by the actions of the British, our intelligence services planned to launch such a raid to rescue her.

According to the information we have received, she is currently being held in a prison attached to the Gestapo headquarters in Calais.This prison is in the center of Calais. It is small in scale, but it is closely guarded. Just less than 200 meters away from it, there is a German barracks with a whole battalion of German soldiers.

Two days ago, a team of rangers had been secretly sent to the French mainland, and they had already contacted the local resistance organization.In the event of a raid, our mission was to blow through the prison walls, suppress the machine guns in the prison, and prevent any German troops from coming for reinforcements.Escort commando retreat. "

"How is this possible?" Just after Scott finished speaking, before he had time to sit down, Boynton couldn't help but uttered such a sentence.

"Our pilots are not owls. They can see all targets in the dark. This difficulty is much higher than that of the British. They are all attacking fixed targets. Just throwing a flare is enough. However, we We also need to perform fire support tasks and escort the commandos to retreat. To be honest, we can’t even identify friend or foe at night. thing!"

"Who said we were going to do it at night?" Ron began.

"Then you mean daytime? My God, do you know how many places in Calais are suitable for deploying anti-aircraft guns? Breaking into the center of a city at low altitude in broad daylight... Besides, you don't think it's too... ...Is it too sensational?"

"Who said it wasn't? But it's fun when it's hard. Isn't it?" Ron laughed.

"It's fun only when it's difficult?" Boyington shook his head. "Ron, there's a big problem with your point of view. War is an extremely serious thing at any time. But, to be honest, I also like difficulty." things."

"Okay, Scott, you go to the map of Calais and take it out." Ron said.


In Calais, France, diagonally opposite the Gestapo headquarters, there is a small cafe.In France, such cafes can be found almost everywhere.Even if the Germans come, they cannot change the French habit of drinking coffee.Of course, during the period of German occupation, the business in the coffee shop was not as good as before because of the backwardness of the economy, but recently, the business in the coffee shop has picked up again.People come to the coffee shop, order a cup of coffee, and then sit with their friends, exchanging gossip that they have heard from different channels that are not in the formal and legal media. .

"Did you listen to the BBC yesterday?" one boy asked another boy in a low voice.

"Listen, General de Gaulle is speaking there again. He said..." The young man looked around and lowered his voice, "The Allied forces are coming to liberate us soon. We must be ready to cooperate with the Allied forces. Destroy fascism!"

"What have you prepared?"

"I have a shotgun, how about you?"

"I have one……"

While the two young men were talking softly, there was also a young man and woman sitting at a small table by the window on the other side of the coffee shop.They sat there for a long time, talking and laughing like a couple.However, if you get closer without drawing their attention, you will find that they are actually carefully recording the shift schedule of the Gestapo headquarters.And the law of German patrols patrolling the city.

In fact, they are not the only ones who perform such missions. The entire underground organization is active. Some of them are stationed for reconnaissance, some are wandering around, observing the German air defense deployment, and some...

It wasn't until the sun was about to set that the two people in the cafe got up and left. They joined hands and disappeared into the streets of the city.


"Did the woman still say nothing?" asked a German in SS uniform at Gestapo headquarters.

"Yes, Mr. Captain, we used a lot of means, but she still didn't say anything."

"Don't just use corporal punishment, it's not very useful, and it will cause resistance if you use it too much. We need to find more things before we can completely defeat her." The team leader frowned. Has the investigation progressed?"

"Your Excellency, Captain, we found out that she had contact with soldiers of the Coast Guard."

"Soldiers from which army?"

"It's the troops stationed at Lindemann's Fort."

"Fort Lindemann?" The captain immediately stood up from behind his desk and began to walk around the office quickly.

"Contact the military and ask for an interrogation of the soldiers at the Lindemann Fortress. Also, hurry up and investigate this woman's activities!"


When it was time to get off work, Jean Jacques, who worked at the Calais newspaper, left the newspaper office and walked home.His home is not far from the newspaper office. If you take a shortcut, you can walk for only 5 minutes.As usual, he walked into a small alley, and passing through this alley was his residence.Just when he was about to reach the end of the alley, a man wearing a plaid shirt suddenly appeared at the entrance of the alley. His burly figure blocked the entire alleyway tightly.

Jean Jacques turned his head sharply, and he saw that behind him, there were also two men walking towards him with mocking smiles.

"Come with us, we have something to ask you!" A man looked at him with a sad and contemptuous look, "Don't try to play tricks!" He put one hand in his jacket pocket, so Jacques could see What was bulging in that pocket was probably a pistol.Then Jean-Jacques held up his hands, and another man came up and reached out to search his clothes.He seemed to have found something in Jean Jacques' jacket pocket, but the jacket pocket was too small and the object was too big for him to get it out with one hand.So he stretched out his other hand to help.

At this moment, Jean Jacques suddenly spun, took off his jacket, and wrapped the man's hands with his jacket. At the same time, a small pistol appeared in his hand.He put the pistol to the man's head.

"Let me go! I'll let him go! Don't force me to do it..." Before Jean Jacques finished speaking, he suddenly felt his eyes go dark, and then he didn't know anything.

The tall man was now standing behind the fallen Jean-Jacques, wiping the butt of his pistol with a handkerchief.It was he who shot Jean Jacques' head from behind just now, and knocked him down.The man who was careless and almost turned himself into a hostage just now has also broken free from his coat. He flushed with shame and anger, and kicked Jean Jacques who was unconscious on the ground again, viciously. He cursed: "Bah! A traitor who deserves to go to hell!".

"Don't waste time, lift him up, let's go right away!"

Several people lifted Jean Jacques, and disappeared into the alley in a blink of an eye.


In the basement of an unassuming room in Calais, more than 20 people in US military uniforms were crowded.They were gathering together now, studying a map by the aid of a light.A person who looks like a captain is deploying a mission.

"Once the attack is launched, we this position, the enemy has a machine gun. From this position, it can directly attack areas b and c, and form a crossfire with a machine gun here. So when the attack starts, we These two points must be unplugged. This task will be handed over to Philip and Thomas!"

A short soldier touched the m1903 Springfield sniper rifle in his arms and said, "No problem!" The other man also nodded.

"The air contact depends on you, Dey. In addition, Peter, you are Dey's deputy. If he dies, you will take over his job..."


"General, in fact, since there are no important military targets in the city, the German air defense force in the city is actually quite weak. According to the information we have obtained, the air defense force in the city is only four quadruple-mounted 20 guns in total. Here, here, and here! And according to the underground organization, these artillery positions have basically never moved. But near Calais, the anti-aircraft artillery fire is very dense, here, and here, there are dense The anti-aircraft artillery group..." In the combat research room of the 21st Attack Aircraft Wing, Scott was analyzing intelligence for everyone.

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