New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 187, Prison Robbery

() The time for action was so tight that it was too late to build a one-to-one model for a drill.The 21st Attack Aircraft Wing only had time to organize the pilots to carry out several on-map drills, and it was about to prepare for an assault.

In order to accomplish this task, the 21st Attack Aircraft Wing will be dispatched in full force. A fighter squadron will be responsible for clearing the airspace and suppressing the enemy if necessary. The two attack aircraft squadrons will be divided into two battle groups and go into battle.Of the 1 attack aircraft of the first battle group, 24 will be used to attack the Gestapo headquarters, 4 will be used to attack the nearby German barracks, and 12 will be used to suppress other possible reinforcements such as those already on the street. Go to patrolling patrols or fake police, although Ron can almost guarantee that the fake police will definitely be a turtle.Finally, two more will serve as general reserves ready for reinforcements.

The second battle group will shoulder the task of blocking the roads outside the city and delaying the reinforcements of the German troops stationed outside the city.

Obviously, the tasks of the second battle group are much more common than those of the first battle group.So much so that the guys in the two attack aircraft squadrons under Ron strongly demanded to have themselves as the first battle group.However, considering that the mission of the first battle group has higher technical requirements, Ron finally decided that the first battle group will be composed of elite pilots selected from the two squadrons, and the second battle group will be mainly new pilots .


At noon, a large truck was driving on the streets of Calais. The body of the truck was covered with a rainproof canvas carport. Looking from the back, it could be seen that the truck was full of beer.But in fact, only the last row of the car was piled with beer, and the car was full of heavily armed commandos.The truck is now making its way slowly towards Gestapo headquarters.


In the Calais church, several people dressed as cleaners climbed the two towers of the church.After reaching the top of the tower, they opened a bag, but what they took out was not a cleaning tool, but an m1903 Springfield sniper rifle.A cleaner strips off his clothes to reveal a US Ranger uniform.He picked up the gun from the bag, took out a scope from a small box, and clicked it onto the rifle.Then he quickly pushed the bullet and loaded it.

The tower is very high, and the small room on the top has windows on all sides, with a good view.From here you can overlook most of Calais.It was winter now, and there were thick cotton curtains hanging on the windows. Fili opened the curtains a little, and a ray of sunlight immediately shone into the room.

Fili gently removed a piece of glass from the window, moved a table to the side of the window, and then placed the gun on the table, pointing the muzzle at the gap.He didn't stick the gun out of the window, it would be too easy to spot.He put his eyes close to the sight, and through the sight, he could clearly see the target about 300 meters away.


"Get ready to attack!" Major Ma Long, the leader of the attack aircraft squadron, issued an order, and the four PA-38 attack aircraft immediately changed from a wedge formation to a straight line formation, and Malone's attack aircraft flew at the front.It took him a lot of effort to win the award of leading the team to attack the most important target.Thinking of his competitor, another squadron leader, Major Duist, frustrated after losing to him, Malone felt as refreshed as eating ice cream in June.Of course, it is very important to grab the task, but more importantly, it must be completed beautifully.

Now, the twin towers of Calais Church have appeared in his vision.The target is just behind the twin towers.Malone narrowed the throttle, the engine started to idle, and the PA-38 attack plane glides quietly towards the target like a glider.At this time, the sun was behind Malone's attack plane, and Malone believed that it would be difficult for the enemy in the target area to detect him in advance.


In a small car, Frederick, the First Class Captain of the SS, was seriously looking at the documents in his hand.This is a document about the female spy's contact with those people.From there, Frederick learned that this woman, whose alias was Lisa, had been brought into the fort in the name of a washerwoman by some stupid soldiers with jing (river crab) brains.Moreover, according to their investigation, it is not the first time that those guys in the fort have done such a thing.

"Should send these bastards to the Eastern Front, the ice and snow there will surely calm down these jing (river crab) worm-headed fools!" Frederick cursed, looking up from the file, At this time, through the window on the left, he saw several planes flying towards the north without a sound.

"Damn it! It's the Americans!" He almost immediately thought of the incident where the British used mosquito bombers to help the resistance organization rob prisons. The Americans must also want to do such a thing, but they are so arrogant that they do it in broad daylight. , which was really beyond his surprise.


The truck had advanced to a distance of about 38 meters from the Gestapo headquarters. At this time, Malone's PA-[-] attack plane had just passed the church tower.Ma Long pushed the throttle to the end violently, and the plane's engine began to roar.At the same time, Fili and Thomas fired at the same time, and the machine gunners on the two watchtowers in the east and west of the prison were killed almost immediately.

At this time, Malone, who was flying at an ultra-low altitude, also pressed the bomb button, and a 500-pound bomb flew out from under his belly and hit the prison wall accurately.Then, with the sound of a huge explosion, a large hole seven or eight meters wide was blown out of the high and thick wall.At the same time, Malone pulled up the nose violently, and the plane began to climb rapidly.

Before the smoke of the bomb exploded and the rocks were still crackling and falling to the ground, a large truck accelerated and rushed to the vicinity of the gap.Then, a commando team in American military uniform jumped out of the truck one after another.

Several U.S. soldiers armed with m3 submachine guns rushed into the prison affiliated to the Gestapo headquarters, and then there were loud gunshots.The Gestapo and the SS who woke up during the attack started a counterattack. They shot at the U.S. military from the windows of the headquarters building with various weapons-p-38 pistols, mp-40 submachine guns, and Mauser 98k rifles.The U.S. military also used the M-3 submachine gun, M1 semi-automatic rifle, Browning automatic rifle, and rifle grenades in their hands to fight back.

At this moment, several attack planes following Ma Long had already approached the target, and they fired a series of rockets towards the headquarters building.These rockets quickly hit the building. Some of the rockets flew in directly through the window and exploded inside the building, while others hit the outer wall of the building and immediately blasted a big hole in the outer wall.

The rockets carried by the attack aircraft of the 21st Attack Aircraft Wing this time have been specially modified.They have deliberately reduced the range and increased the charge.This attack emphasizes the precision of the attack, so these rockets can only be used at a fairly short distance.Reducing the process a little bit is not a problem at all.The weight of the reduced propellant is just supplemented by more warhead charges.However, what is added to the warhead is not all explosives, but more incendiary agents.Such as napalm and thermite.So the building that was hit by the rocket immediately ignited a fire, and billows of smoke poured out from the windows of the building.

This round of blows almost immediately incapacitated the enemy in the building to continue fighting.For them, the most important thing now is not how to stop the commandos who are about to rob the prison, but how to escape from the burning building.

After launching the rockets, the four PA-38 attack aircraft began to circle the Gestapo headquarters at a low speed.The machine gunner on the plane began to use the M-2 caliber machine gun on the tail of the plane to suppress the Germans who tried to resist.Under their cover, the commando quickly rushed into the prison where the prisoners were held.

After another burst of gunfire, several men who looked like prisoners were rescued.Commando Captain John yelled at one of them: "Do you know where Lisa is?" <ren was out of shape, leaning against two commandos before falling to the ground.Unable to adapt to the bright light outside, he squinted his eyes and replied in a weak voice: "Late last night, she was taken out. I don't know where she went."

"Damn it!" John spat hard on the ground. "Let's rush into the building and ask an official!"

"Captain, the scheduled time is only a few minutes away."

"I know!" John said as he took out a gas mask and put it on his head. Now the Gestapo office building is full of thick smoke. Without this, going in is courting death.

"Tom, Scotty, Robinson, little K, you go in with me, the rest of you stay vigilant, if we don't come out within 5 minutes, you all retreat!"

After speaking, John led a few commandos into the office building through a hole blasted by a rocket.


While the commandos were attacking the Gestapo headquarters, other attack aircraft were also busy.Arthur and his wingmen were ordered to take out a quadruple anti-aircraft gun near the barracks, while two other aircraft were tasked with taking out another.There are only four anti-aircraft guns in the entire city, and the other two are too far away to affect anything at all.If these two anti-aircraft guns are destroyed, the German army in the entire barracks can only be ravaged by the attack aircraft of the 4st Attack Aircraft Wing.

In fact, Arthur once again showed his good luck.The personnel on duty at the German battery had no idea that there would be an air strike. They didn't realize it until Arthur greeted them with rockets.But it was too late. In the explosion of the rocket, the anti-aircraft gun and the fragments of the German soldiers flew into the sky together.

Immediately behind Arthur, eight PA-38s loaded with bombs began to drop bombs on the German barracks from a height of less than 80 meters. For a while, the sound of explosions became one.

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