New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 188, Prison Robbery

() When the bombing began, German Private Owens was playing poker with some teammates.Gambling is prohibited in the army, but playing cards is still allowed.Of course, Shimizu poker without se is completely boring.Therefore, this poker still has a small jackpot.However, this is really not gambling. In the words of Staff Sergeant Cook, how can it be regarded as gambling?

But today Owens was really lucky. In just a short while, there was a small pile of Reichsmarks piled up in front of him. Owens raised his head and saw that Sergeant Cook, who was sitting opposite him, was already pale. That's it - Owens lost almost all of the pile of money in front of him.

It was the turn of the cards to be dealt again. Sergeant Cook shuffled and shuffled the playing cards, then solemnly placed them on the small table, and several people gathered around the small table to divide the cards.

The first card was an ace of spades, and then an old king of hearts... In this round, Owens' luck was as good as ever, but Sergeant Cook's face became darker.As soon as the cards were dealt, Sergeant Cook stood up suddenly and threw the poker in his hand to the ground.He also said viciously: "The dog (river crab) fucked up, don't play! It's too mediocre!"

Before Owens had time to speak, Christian next to him spoke first: "What's the matter, why didn't you behave like this when you won yesterday? You wanted to run away when you saw a bad card? Why didn't you leave before the cards were dealt?"

Cook turned around and glared at Christian, "Bastard, what are you talking about!"

"What did I say that you are deaf and can't hear?" Christian stood up without showing any weakness.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Owens quickly stuffed the money in front of him into his pocket.While he was busy, someone suddenly hit him heavily and knocked him to the ground.

"A fight?" This was Owens' first reaction, but he knew right away that it was not, because before he passed out, the sound of a huge explosion drilled into his ears, and at the same time he saw that the barracks were like broken pieces. Paper flies like that


The bombs dropped by 8 pa-38s blew up the entire barracks into ruins.There may still be many undead German soldiers in the ruins, but in a short time, they will definitely not be able to interfere with the commando's actions.Not to mention anything else, the vibration caused by the explosion of the aerial bomb alone is enough to severely damage the vestibular function of a person.Even if these Germans were unscathed, they would not be able to stand up within half an hour.

Now for the commandos, the most direct threat is only the patrols on the street.

Now, there are two patrols on the streets of Calais. Fortunately, at this time, they are both a certain distance from the Gestapo headquarters.This is an excellent thing for them, otherwise, the pa-38 in the sky definitely gives them a good look.They seemed to know this too, so they moved towards the Gestapo headquarters rather slowly-of course, this may also be due to the chaos on the street after the air strike.


Assault Captain John had been entering the building for several minutes, and just when Deputy Captain Wallace was seriously considering whether to retreat first, the figures of several people finally appeared in his sight.The one who walked in the front was Captain John, who was carrying a person on his shoulders, and the other team members were behind him, and one of them was carrying a large bag in his hand.

"Retreat!" John pulled off the gas mask on his face, and then threw the man on his shoulder to Wallace.It was a German police officer, but he is now in a coma.

"What's that?" Wallace asked, pointing to the big bag?

"I don't know if some documents I got by hand are useful."

The commandos quickly withdrew from the wall, climbed into the truck, and drove away in the truck.


The German army in the city failed to respond quickly, and the German army outside the city naturally had no time to respond.At this time, under the escort of several PA-38s, the truck carrying the commandos rushed out of Calais after receiving the two snipers at the church.The German checkpoint at the intersection has long been smashed by shells falling from the sky, and it has not played a blocking role in the slightest.

Retreating is more difficult than attacking.The German army gathered near Calais, and it was impossible to completely suppress them with the 21st Attack Aircraft Wing alone.If the retreat is a little slower, the consequences will be unimaginable.If the attack had happened a few years earlier, the likely retreat would have looked something like this:

The commandos find a place to hide, wait until it is dark, and then come to a certain beach, and then the Royal Navy will pick them up with a small boat.But now, with the "Atlantic Wall," the coastal Maginot Line, access to the beach by boat is no longer possible.And going to Switzerland like in "Escape from the Tiger's Mouth" is also unlikely.Switzerland is too far away, and it is extremely difficult for a group of Yankees to get there safely.

So now, the only way to retreat is in the air.According to the retreat plan, the commando will first retreat to a forest glade on the outskirts of Calais.Over the open space, 8 British "Lysander" mkiiisd liaison planes were waiting quietly.

The "Lysander" liaison aircraft is a single-engine, high-wing, low-speed, two-seater light aircraft. Its wings are designed in a rather peculiar shape to enhance flight performance at low altitudes and low speeds.Its characteristic is that the middle section of the wing has the largest thickness, gradually becomes thinner towards the inside and outside of the wing, and the thickness at the wing root is only half of the middle section.

The low-speed take-off and landing performance of this aircraft is extremely good, just like a biplane (river crab) aircraft.It can take off and land on a very small piece of grass, and is often used by the British to send espionage personnel to the German-occupied areas, or to pick up pilots who have been parachuted over Europe rescued by resistance organizations.The mkiiisd type is a type with very small production and is specially used to pick up and drop off espionage personnel, and sd stands for "special duties" (special duties).Compared with the prototype, the mkiiisd has many improvements.The biggest change is that the machine gun in the rear seat has been removed, and the space in the rear cockpit has been increased, which is enough for 3 people, thus increasing the rated number of passengers to 3 people.There is also a stepping ladder added under the rear cockpit so that spies can get on and off the plane quickly.In order to increase the range, an auxiliary fuel tank is mounted on the belly.In addition, the belly and cockpit are equipped with armor, and the onboard radio communication equipment has also been improved.

In the past, the "Lysander" MKIIISD liaison aircraft always transported personnel at night, and only one aircraft was used each time.But this time, relying on the current absolute air supremacy of the Allied Forces, this kind of aircraft with a maximum speed of only 300 kilometers and a maximum flight altitude of no more than 4500 meters actually took the risk of flying out in groups to perform missions during the day.

When these planes landed in this small open space, they were spotted by a few police officers who turned towards the Germans.These despicable traitors dare not find out for themselves.If they had had such courage, they would not have been traitors in the first place.So they only dared to call their German masters.

A team of German gendarmes stationed nearby got on their BMW motorcycles, mounted a mg-42 machine gun on the truck body, and rushed along the road towards the landing site of the plane.It's just that there are several PA-38 attack planes cruising and flying in the sky above this area. The motorcycle team just went out, and these attack planes didn't keep an eye on them.

Four PA-38s swooped down from the sky in a column, and the leading PA-38 fired rockets first.After it fired all the rockets.The plane quickly pulled up, and with a beautiful somersault, it rolled over to the rear of the group.At this time, the attack plane originally following it also started firing rockets towards the ground target...

When the second PA-38 fired all the 20 rockets hung under the wings, and then exited the attack with the same somersault, the third PA-38 did not continue to fire the rockets.Because there are no cluster targets suitable for rocket strikes on the road now.All the German motorcycles were either blown up or overturned on the road and in the gutters beside the road.Those usually proud chain dogs (the name of the French resistance organization for the German military police) either lost their lives directly in the air strikes, or were injured, lying helplessly on the road and groaning.And a small group of people who moved more quickly and reacted more quickly, who decisively abandoned the car and escaped when the plane dived down, rushed into the forest on the side of the road at a speed that broke the world's [-]-meter obstacle course record.The giant dark green umbrellas opened by the trees in the forest blocked the sight of the American attack planes and saved the lives of these guys.

However, there are only a dozen guys who survived this way.They lost their motorcycles and had to walk through the forest if they were going to complete the mission.And doing this will make the forward speed very slow, and it is estimated that they will not be able to reach the remote forest glade in less than an hour and a half.


The truck carrying the commandos stopped at the edge of the woods. The commandos jumped out of the truck and went into the forest led by two drivers sent by the resistance organization. They walked in the forest for about 10 minutes.At this time, there was a cuckoo cry from the front.Members of the two resistance groups immediately responded by imitating the cuckoo's call.So two resisters with Sten submachine guns turned out behind the big tree in front.They nodded to the commandos and led them on. After a while, a glade appeared in front of them.


SS Battalion Captain Frederick stood in front of the Gestapo headquarters building, watching people continue to carry out the charred bodies of the war dead from the building.His face was pale, and he couldn't help wondering if he would turn into such a charred corpse if he went out even 10 minutes late.Obviously the enemy is coming for that woman.Surrounded to rescue her, the enemy dared to make such a risky move. From this, it was not difficult for him to see how much the enemy attached importance to this woman.

"Fortunately, I saw her importance a long time ago, so I sent her to Paris last night." Now, Frederick could only comfort himself in this way.

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