() Seven "Lysander" mkiiisd liaison aircraft loaded with commandos quickly lifted off from the glade.In order to save weight, the commandos left all the weapons they carried with them before boarding the plane.These things are just what the resistance group needs. The "Lysander" liaison plane slowly circled and climbed above the small clearing, while the guerrillas of the resistance organization were also picking up the weapons left by the commandos and starting to retreat.

The "Lysander" liaison plane climbed to an altitude of about 1000 meters, and then began to fly towards the UK.At this time, several p-81 fighter jets flew over and began to escort them.When flying over the coastline, the German anti-aircraft guns fired at them, but they didn't get any results, because the 88mm anti-aircraft guns that fired at them were all 88mm anti-aircraft guns.These anti-aircraft guns are more suitable for attacking heavy bombers with higher altitudes, but now, the "Lysander" liaison aircraft is flying too low, and the 37 guns are not suitable for shooting such targets.On the way of the "Lysander" liaison planes retreating, several original 21mm guns were destroyed by the attack planes of the [-]st Attack Aircraft Wing in the operation just now.That's why the "Lysander" fleet successfully broke through the blockage of high-speed firepower, without any loss.

If the Germans hadn't transferred "Lisa" away in advance, this assault would definitely be a perfect textbook assault.The cooperation between the resistance organization and the commando, the cooperation between the ground assault force and the air force is extremely perfect.It is said that when the Germans sent relevant reports on this operation, Skorzny, a veteran special operations expert, also praised the rescue operation of the US military, and believed that the performance of the Americans in this operation It was no less than the bold action he took to rescue Mussolini.

This action also confirmed a point.That is, the mission performed by the female spy named "Lisa" must be extremely important, so the Germans further intensified their interrogation of her.


Calais, entrance to Fort Lindemann.The car of the SS Battalion Captain Frederick was stopped by the gate.After showing the credentials, the iron door opened in a short while, and Frederick led a team of SS soldiers into the fort...

Colonel Seaman, the commander of the fort, accompanied Captain Frederick, and introduced the situation of the fort to him as he walked.To be honest, Colonel Schiemann, like all Wehrmacht officers, disliked those SS soldiers who wore beautiful military uniforms but specialized in things that were not humanly capable.In Seaman's view, these guys can do nothing but harm people.But considering the power in these guys' hands, he still had to act courteously to accompany this villain.

"Your Excellency, Captain, this is the 406mm cannon that Lindemann Fort is most proud of." Seaman pointed to a double-mounted 406mm turret, and introduced to Frederick, "It is what we originally built for The guns of the battleship Bismarck to upgrade her firepower. They were moved here after the sinking of the Bismarck."

"How many warships can these guns take against?" asked Frederick.

"How many warships?" Seaman smiled proudly, "My friend, have you seen the thick reinforced concrete roof on the turret? That thing is 10 meters thick, even the heaviest bomb in the hands of the US military— — Even the so-called 'Grand Slam' bomb they boasted in the newspapers and radios can't penetrate it. As for the 355, 380, and 406 shells on the enemy battleships, hitting them is the same as tickling In addition, you need to know that the fort is built on stable ground, and its shooting environment is much better than that of naval guns. In addition, we have conducted tests in all nearby sea areas. Therefore, our she The shooting accuracy is also much higher than the enemy's naval guns. Warships directly confront the fort, and the loser is definitely the warship. Just like the British Lord Nelson said: "A fort with one gun is enough to fight against a fort with one gun." A battleship with a hundred guns'."

"So, this thing is completely indestructible." As a counterintelligence officer, Frederick didn't know much about these things.

"Of course not." Seaman pointed to the big gap where the gun barrel protruded, "This gap is the weakness. If the British warships can shoot shells through this hole, they can destroy our cannon. But In order to have such a low trajectory and such a high precision, they need to drive the battleship to a distance of only a few kilometers from the fort. Before rushing to such a short distance, we have been able to sink the enemy's battleship Several times. If the Americans and the British want to fight hard, they must be prepared to sink at least 6 battleships in front of the fort."

"How does this thing turn?" asked Frederick, looking nonchalant.

"Oh, under it, there's a giant motor that drives this cannon," Seaman explained.

"Ah, that's right." Frederick said, "Commander, if those saboteurs sneak into the Calais substation. When they suddenly cut off the power supply of the battery during the Allied attack, will it cause the cannon to be unable to fire? What was the result of the blow?"

"No." Seaman said with certainty, "In the ground more than 30 meters below our feet, we have a large diesel generator of our own. It is enough to provide electricity for the battery. It only takes 3 minutes, and we can restore the power supply." , and 3 minutes is not enough to change anything."

"So, what if they do something different and send us a high voltage from the substation and just burn the motor?"

"There is no need to worry about this. We have considered this situation a long time ago. There is a fuse on the line connected to the motor. If the current intensity is too high, the fuse will be broken before the motor burns out, thus ensuring the safety of the motor. It’s safe. Then, we switch the power to our own generator. After the same 3 minutes, everything will be normal for the fort.”

"Who's in charge of fuse insurance?" Frederick asked.

"It's Sergeant Karl," replied a captain who was accompanying him.

"Go get him and let's go to the fuse," ordered Frederick.

The captain looked up at Seaman.Seaman nodded, so he turned and left.

"Mr. Captain, are you worried that there is something wrong with the fuse? In this way, I will take you to the underground power distribution room first, and Sergeant Karl will wait for you there."

"Then I will trouble you." Facing Seaman, Frederick was still polite.

Riding the elevator, Seaman and Frederick went down to a depth of 30 meters.Then he passed through iron gates one after another, and through tunnels one after another, until Seaman finally stopped in front of an iron gate.The captain he sent just now was waiting there with a sergeant.

"Open the power distribution room." Seaman ordered.

"Yes, sir!" Sergeant Carl saluted Seaman, then took out the key and opened the thick iron door of the power distribution room.

"Where's the blown fuse connected to the cannon drive motor?" Frederick asked.

"Right here, sir!" Sergeant Karl replied, pointing to a large switch.

"Open it!"

Carl glanced at Seaman, who nodded.So Karl immediately pulled down the switch to cut off the power, then he quickly removed the cover of the switch with a screwdriver, pointed to a thick dark gray fuse, and explained to Frederick: "Sir, this is the blown fuse. .”

"Take it down and show me," said Frederick coldly.

"Yes, sir!" Carl turned around and quickly removed the fuse.But when he picked up the fuse, he suddenly felt something was wrong.This fuse is harder than the ones he has been exposed to before...

"Give it to me!" Frederick urged coldly.

Carl turned around, his face pale.He gave the fuse to Frederick.

Frederick took the fuse with his white gloved hand, and he drew a pocket knife from his pocket.He scraped the fuse with a knife, and a thin layer of dark gray metal was scraped away, revealing the dark red copper core.

"Ah, Sergeant Karl." Frederick said, looking into Karl's eyes, "I think you should tell me what's going on!"

"Ah... this..." Sergeant Karl trembled all over, and could hardly stand up.Of course he knew what would happen if the fuse was replaced with a copper wire.As long as the enemy sends a high-voltage current from the substation, it can burn the unprotected cannon drive motor in an instant.Then for at least 4 to 5 hours, the turret will be paralyzed.The enemy's battleship will definitely take this opportunity to approach the turret, and use close-range direct fire to completely destroy the giant cannon on the turret.

"What's going on here!" Seaman was also angry.

"I don't know sir, I really don't know anything..." Carl's answer was filled with tears.

Frederick stretched out his hand to the side, and an attendant handed him a photo.With a sneer of contempt, Frederick threw the photo at Carl's feet.

"Pick it up and take a good look to see if you still recognize this bitch!"

Carl bent down and picked up the photo. He glanced at it, his face pale and trembling.

"Mr. Captain, what's going on?" Seaman turned to Frederick.

"Commander, it's nothing." Frederick replied coldly, "Your soldiers are far away from their families and relatives. They are very lonely and need women's comfort. So they often go to the city to find some prostitutes and let them Go into the fort under the name of 'The Laundryman' and fix some of their physical problems. I just didn't realize Sergeant Karl's need was so strong that he needed to bring that bitch into his work place... ..."


Hitler's secret command post "Eagle's Nest".

An aide-de-camp handed a piece of information to Hitler.

"Führer, this is important information from Himmler. They have cracked a major espionage case."

Hitler took the document, put on his glasses, and looked at it seriously.After a while, he took off his eyes and said to himself:

"So that's it! That's it! It seems that in this dispute, Rondestedt's judgment is more accurate. The enemy's landing target must be Calais!"

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