New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 190, Inspection of the Commander of the "1st Army Group"

() Although the 21st Attack Aircraft Wing performed very well in this rescue operation, the operation "failed" in the end.The commandos were unable to rescue "Lisa" due to "a matter of luck".This result made Poynton, who was quite proud of his subordinates' excellent performance in action, a little frustrated.Although the superiors still rewarded them, Poynton still felt rather regretful.

"If we had launched earlier and rescued people, then this operation would be enough to fall into history." Boynton said.

"Dad, don't worry, this operation has already fallen into history." Ron said.

"I know, but there is such a saying in history: 'In the end it didn't work out'!" Boyington said, "I don't understand why Ron you don't look regretful at all."

Yes, Ron didn't regret the outcome at all.Because he is familiar with history, he knows that this operation certainly did not fail, and even this operation was an unparalleled success.

Ron knew that the real landing place of the Allied forces was Normandy, and Calais was just a cover.In the original history, in order to lure the German army into believing that the Allied forces would land at Calais, the Allies took an unprecedented deception operation.Although there was no such rescue operation in the original history, the activities of the resistance organizations in the Calais area suddenly became extremely active, which was also part of the plan to deceive the enemy.In the original history, the Allied forces used various means to send false information about their landing in Calais to the Germans. Among them, the British MI[-] even deliberately let the Germans catch the spies they sent, so that Those Germans themselves went to torture the false information from these spies.And those poor spies who were sold by their superiors, most of them didn't know what they knew at all, and what their superiors urgently needed to let the enemy know.After being pried open by the Germans, they may continue to be ashamed of their weakness.Ron believed that the "Lisa" who belonged to MI[-] was probably a "dead man" with such a mission.

"British people really have a dark heart!" Ron accidentally said this sentence.

"What did you say?" Boynton asked.Ron's voice was too low just now, he didn't hear clearly.

"It's nothing," Ron pretended, "I mean that woman's unlucky."

Thus ended the story of the unfortunate woman.After knowing the victory of the war, Ron never heard any news about this female spy.The disappearance of a spy is really common in wartime.


A few days later, the 21st Attack Aircraft Wing received an order-tomorrow, General Patton, commander of the "First Army Group of the US Army", will visit the 21st Wing.He was accompanied by a large group of reporters.

The so-called "First Army Group of the U.S. Army" is actually a fake army that does not exist.According to the fabricated information, there are dozens of divisions in this organization.There are 6 airborne divisions alone.On paper, this is a force of nearly a million men.But in fact, these divisions were troops that only existed on paper, and what Patton really controlled were dozens of wireless communication stations.He would rely on the radio activity of these stations to simulate the movement of a large army, so as to fool the Germans.

During this period of time, the Germans discovered that the troops belonging to the "First Army Group of the US Army" were active.At least, the radio monitoring clearly recorded that these troops were frequently mobilized.In American and British newspapers, there are often reports of the "First Army Group of the U.S. Army", and the commander of the "First Army Group of the U.S. Army", General Patton, often publishes reports with the "First Army Group of the U.S. Army" in newspapers. Show your face on the radio.

General Patton performed very well in the battles in North Africa and Sicily.In the eyes of the Germans, he was the master of tank warfare on the Allied side.If the Germans were to choose a US general who was most suitable to command the army that was about to land, it must be Patton.Therefore, General Patton, who was demoted for slapping a wounded soldier in the hospital who he believed to be a fake injury, was brought out to serve as the commander of this non-existent unit known to the outside world as the "First Army Group of the United States Army".

Since General Patton took up this position, he has frequently appeared in front of the media. He often took reporters to inspect various units, and delivered morale-boosting speeches to the soldiers in front of them.

Recently, the 21st Attack Aircraft Wing has frequently launched attacks in the Calais area.They must have impressed the Germans.According to intelligence, the Germans tend to believe that this team will play a key role in the landing operations.Therefore, in order to better deceive the enemy, General Patton brought reporters here to inspect.

According to the notice, General Patton will come to inspect around 05:30 in the morning. He will first preside over the flag-raising ceremony at the airport, and then he will inspect the troops and deliver a speech.In order to meet the inspection, the 21st Attack Aircraft Wing postponed the departure time of the attack aircraft group that was originally scheduled to depart early in the morning.After General Patton's speech, they will take off in front of the general and reporters, and go to the battlefield.


General Patton was very punctual. At 05:30 in the morning, he brought his entourage to the entrance of the "Crow's Nest" airport on time.At this time, at this time, Ron and other officers were already waiting at the door.

It is very easy to recognize Barton in the crowd.The bloodthirsty general was a big man, and he liked to wear a big steel helmet with three stars on it, even in his tuxedo.And in his waist, there is always an oversized revolver slanted, instead of a much smaller and more delicate pistol like other generals like to carry.

"General, welcome!" Ron stepped forward and saluted General Patton.

After Barton raised his hand in return, he approached Ron and offered to shake his hand.

"Young man, I've heard of you." Barton said, "You are a super lucky guy who encountered a war at such a young age. Unlike me, I have been waiting for this war for a lifetime."

Ron had heard similar words from General Fletcher.But when such words as the war has waited for a lifetime come out of General Fletcher's mouth, the taste is completely different from that of Patton.General Fletcher's words were more laments about being born at the wrong time and not being able to catch up with the era of battleships to determine the outcome; while General Patton's words were full of desire to seize the time and make contributions.

"General, I think you are the one born for this war." Ron said.

Together they got into a convertible and drove towards the airport tower.There, there is a tall flagpole, where many soldiers are waiting to raise the flag.

The car stopped next to the tower, and while Ron led General Patton to the viewing stand, he introduced the situation of the two flag raisers.

"General, one of the two flag raisers is Second Lieutenant Paul. He is now the tail gunner on the PA-38 attack aircraft. He used to serve on the B-24 bomber. He is a warrior who has won the Purple Heart four times. He Having flown enough times to move on to other, safer jobs, he still volunteers to continue fighting on the front line..."

"Well, yes, he is a tough guy!"

"The other was Captain Arthur. He was lucky and unlucky. A little over a week ago he attacked Rommel's convoy and killed a bunch of Germans, including one in the same car as Rommel. But he failed to kill Rommel and lost the opportunity to include his name in the history of the war. Therefore, we arranged for him to raise the flag this time, which can be regarded as soothing his wounded heart."

Barton laughed: "This kid is really unlucky. However, I like him."

After everyone was in place, the solemn "Star-Spangled Banner" began to be played, and the flag-raising ceremony began.Button stood upright, and accompanied by the music, he sang the national anthem loudly, and the sound shook the ears of Ron who was standing beside him.

After the flag-raising ceremony, it was Patton's speech as usual.

"General Ron introduced me to our flag raiser just now—our Sergeant Paul, a warrior who has won the Purple Heart Medal four times. He proudly told me that in our 21st Attack Aircraft Wing, Concentrating on the bravest and most amazing fighters in the United States.

I told General Rowan that he was wrong, because here are the bravest and greatest fighters in the world.For the bravest and greatest of us Americans must be the bravest and greatest in the whole world!This is because we Americans love winners and Americans never forgive losers.Americans despise cowards.No matter what competition the Americans enter, they must win.I sneer at the kind of people who laugh when they lose.Because of this, the Americans have not lost any wars to date.Not in the future.A true American hates even the thought of failure.

...20 years from now, you'll be glad you fought in this world war.And then, when you're sitting by the fire with your grandson on your lap and asking, "Grandpa, what did you do in the great Second World War?" Move over to the other, stammering, "Ah... grandpa was shoveling manure in Louisiana." Instead, brothers, you can look him in the eye and say, "Grandson, grandpa, I was Fighting alongside that bastard Patton in the First Army Group."

Patton's speeches are always full of an indomitable fighting spirit, which can give soldiers great encouragement.His speech naturally aroused cheers from the soldiers again and again.After the speech, Ron gave the soldiers the mission to attack, and at the same time, he also extended an invitation to General Patton.

"General, if you are interested, you can go to the war room with me to direct our attack."

"Of course I would." Patton said, "I would be more satisfied if I could take off with you and go to the scene to have a look."

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