New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 191, Attacking the Gas Tank

() Ron was quite moved by Barton's counter-suggestion.Now over Europe, the threat to the US Army Aviation is already very small.German fighter jets are now even rarer than giant pandas and South China tigers many years later. The only threat is the German anti-aircraft guns.But as long as the flying altitude is high enough, anti-aircraft guns have always been ineffective in attacking fighter jet-sized high-speed maneuvering targets.The German 88mm anti-aircraft gun is probably the most famous anti-aircraft gun in World War II.But the irony is that this anti-aircraft gun is not famous for its air defense.It can have such a big reputation, mainly by performing anti-tank missions.In fact, in terms of air defense alone, it was not particularly outstanding in World War II.At least compared to those American products with vt fuze shells, its air defense capability is really not strong.

Moreover, there is no express provision in the regulations that prohibits senior US generals from personally flying above the enemy-controlled area by plane.There are actually precedents for such things. For example, in the South Pacific, Big Big Wolf has done such things more than once. Take a turn.Then he came back and launched the final offensive of "bringing American soldiers home for Christmas", and then, um, then he was pushed back by a group of bumpkins whose combat effectiveness in his eyes was no more than 5.

Ron thought about it, if he took a p-81 two-seater reconnaissance model and went out for a walk, his safety would still be guaranteed.Moreover, there is no need to stay there for a long time, and come back after a short turn from high altitude to Calais. After returning, this move can further mislead the Germans through media propaganda.

So, Ron nodded his head and said, "General, it's not impossible. But you must agree to this—although you are an officer, you will have to listen to me in the sky."

Button opened his mouth and laughed: "Ron, this is the natural truth. Even if Ike or Marshall board the plane, they must obey the pilot's order honestly. In the sky, you will be my officer, and I will be everything. I listen to you."

"Okay, then, General, we have to go get ready together."


A few minutes later, Ron and Patton showed up at the edge of the runway in flight jackets and caps.A two-seat P-81 Scout was already waiting there.The ground crew is busy with the last test before take-off.A large group of reporters gathered around, waiting anxiously.It seems that they have been notified and are now preparing to interview them.

"Ron, why didn't they put bombs on our plane?" Barton saw that all the other planes had bombs hanging under them, only his and Ron's planes were empty, without anything.

"Ah, General, our plane is a reconnaissance plane. Although there is still a bomb pylon, it can't hang a big bomb. It can only hang a 250-pound little guy. Moreover, in order to reduce the Weight, the auxiliary bomb sighting equipment on it was also removed. So now, using it to drop bombs, if the pilot is not a veteran, it is basically a waste of bombs."

"But Ron, aren't you an old fritter pilot? Let them hang one." Barton's tone at this time was a bit like a child who was in a hurry for a toy.

A 250-pound aerial bomb was hung on the plane's only belly pylon.There was also a text written on the bomb with white paint: "A gift for the damn Hitler-George Patton."

Now that everything was ready, Ron and Barton boarded the plane, closed the canopy, and then, the two propellers of the p-81 spun rapidly, one in front and one behind.Driven by them, the plane began to speed up on the runway, and after a while, it took off into the air.

In order to ensure safety, Ron flew very high. Before crossing the narrow strait, their plane had climbed to an altitude of 10000 meters.Most of the Germans' anti-aircraft guns were unable to threaten targets flying this high.Now, the coastline of France has appeared before Ron's eyes.

"General, we're over France." Ron said, "Look, the building at one o'clock is the German's Fort Lindemann."

"Where is it? Let me see." Barton immediately became interested. He immediately took down the telescope that was firmly fixed in front of him, and looked over there.

Ron turned a corner and let the Lindemann Fort appear at 3 o'clock, which made it easier for General Patton to observe him.

Button held up the binoculars and looked at it for a while, then said, "I still can't see clearly, can you get a little closer?"

"General, you promised that in heaven, you will listen to me." Ron carefully reminded Barton.

"Ah, of course! But, didn't we hang a bomb? We must find a place to throw it?" Barton said.

This sentence hit Ron's heart.Ron didn't want to take the risk of taking Barton to low altitudes to attack those moving targets. Now Barton seemed to mean that he wanted to drop a bomb on the fort.This task is much simpler than before.Climb to a height of 10500 meters first, then make a large dive, and drop the bomb at a height of about 9000 meters. The range of the Lindemann fort is so large, even if the bomb is a little crooked, it will definitely fall within the range of the fort. .Of course you can't expect such a small bomb to do anything to the fort.Anyway, coming out this time is just to promote it.

"Why, do you think it's not challenging enough? Do you still want to keep the bomb to attack a more difficult target?" Barton asked.

Ron couldn't help but think of posterity's evaluation of the two bold generals in the US military—Halsey and Patton.They said that Halsey was falsely careful and bold, and Barton was falsely bold and really careful.It's different from Halsey, who immediately thinks of using all his strength to attack the enemy as soon as he sees the enemy, trying to beat the enemy to pieces before the enemy knocks him down.Although Patton said something like "Since there was such a fool who said to protect the flanks, when the fools in the world are fighting, they always cover their butts carefully, for fear of being kicked, So much so that I forgot about kicking other people's butts" and so on, but when he led the soldiers to fight, he kicked people's butts happily, but at the same time he always put his own The ass is well protected.He'd never exposed his own ass to kick someone else's ass like Halsey did.

Thinking of this, Ron felt that he understood what Barton meant. Barton is not the kind of person who likes meaningless adventures. In fact, he has always been a very rational person when facing war.

So Ron began to change the course, and continued to climb while flying towards the Lindemann Fort.After a while, the plane approached the Lindemann Fort.

"Why don't they shoot at us?" Barton asked.

"There is no anti-aircraft gun with such a height on the Lindemann Fort. But general, you put the telescope back and fix it first? Next, we will do a dive right away. Are you okay?"

"Okay, no problem. Isn't it like a roller coaster ride? No problem."

Ron began a slow 180-degree roll, and then began to pull the lever to turn into a dive, and also opened the dive flaps.The plane swooped down towards the Lindemann Fort at an almost vertical angle.At 9000 meters, Ron dropped the bomb and began to slowly level the plane.

If the action of pulling up the diving plane is done violently, it will generate a strong overload, and people who are not specially trained may not be able to bear it.Although Patton in the back seat has participated in the Olympic Games, he has also won rankings.But after all, he was not a pilot, so Ron's movements had to be very gentle.

Of course, doing this will make the plane pull up a little slower, and it will also allow the plane to enter the height that the anti-aircraft gun can get.However, this time is very short, and it is almost impossible for the ground anti-aircraft artillery to seize such an opportunity to shoot them down.

The result was just as Ron expected, the anti-aircraft guns in the turret fired a few shots, but the shells fired were far away from Ron and the others.Ron easily drove the plane out of the range of the anti-aircraft guns, and continued to circle the Lindemann Fort while saying to Patton behind him:

"General, were you okay just now?"

"No problem," Barton said in a steady voice, "it feels like a roller coaster ride."

"General, we have also been to the Lindemann Fort. General, you are busy with business, why don't we go back."

"Okay, as I said, in the air, everything is up to you."


After landing, Ron accompanied Barton to accept interviews from the reporters who were still waiting there.He was busy until after lunch before Barton was able to leave.

Just the next morning after General Patton left the airport, a C-47 transport plane landed on the runway of "Crow's Nest".The transport plane brought a special batch of bombs to the 21st Attack Wing.

The shape of these bombs is no different from ordinary bombs, except that the tail fins are painted red.But when the ground crews came to carry them, they immediately noticed a difference between these bombs and ordinary bombs: These bombs were much lighter than other bombs of the same size.Judging from the weight, it looks like a gas bomb.

"This thing can't be a gas bomb? Otherwise, how could it be so light?" one ground crew whispered to another ground crew.

"How is that possible?" said the older ground worker, shaking his head. "Gas bombs are not painted like this. Besides, if it was a gas bomb, we should be wearing full chemical protective suits by now. That's for sure." Not gas bombs!"

"Then tell me, what is this?"

"It knocks loudly. It's really a bit like the acetylene gas cylinders used in welding. Speaking of which, in the storage regulations for these bombs, the requirements for setting fires are very detailed. It really looks like that thing."

"Acetylene gas cylinders sometimes explode. Could it be..."

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