New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 192, The explosion that shook the earth

() Actually, the guess of a certain ground crew is really reliable.This new bomb is really similar to an acetylene cylinder.This is a new type of fuel-air bomb.In the original history, this kind of bomb would not appear until the Vietnam War.But its technology is quite simple. Even with the level of technology during World War II, the first generation of primary-level fuel-air bombs can be completely made.Because this thing, to be clear, is a large gas tank.

The body of this thing is not filled with explosives, but some fuel that is easy to volatilize and mix with air to form an aerosol state.After being dropped, the bomb will undergo two explosions. In the first explosion, the bomb body is blown apart, the fuel is thrown out, and is fully mixed with the air to form an aerosol state. Then, these aerosols will be released. Detonated, forming a second explosion.

Since the fuel contains no oxidant at all, the oxygen required for the explosion comes entirely from the oxygen in the air.Therefore, the same weight of fuel can produce much higher energy after complete combustion than explosives with their own oxidizers.This also leads to the explosive power of a fuel-air bomb of the same weight being much greater than that of a conventional bomb.At the same time, the fuel in the aerosol state can easily penetrate into the interior of various fortifications and explode, and its strike ability against fortifications, especially those in a closed state, is much higher than that of ordinary bombs.

In addition, because the explosion of the fuel-air bomb consumes the oxygen in the air, it also brings another new killing effect-suffocation.A fuel-air bomb will quickly deplete a large area of ​​oxygen.If the weather conditions are right, its explosion will cause severe oxygen deprivation in the explosion area for more than ten minutes.In this way, even if the enemy escaped from the explosion, they would die of suffocation due to lack of oxygen.

Because this kind of bomb is so suitable for attacking fortifications, the biggest problem facing the US military when they landed is the strong fortifications built by the German army on the "Atlantic Wall" line of defense.Therefore, after making the decision to fight on the Western Front, Ron, who had a little knowledge of this weapon, proposed the idea of ​​making such a weapon.Unexpectedly, after more than a month, the Viper Company actually took out the samples so quickly.

According to the Big Viper, this bomb has achieved surprisingly good results in domestic tests.According to them, the explosive force of this bomb is almost twice that of ordinary bombs.This test result scared the jaws of the US military personnel who were in charge of acceptance.

Ron knew that this power was far behind the power of the latest fuel-air bombs in his original era.In that time and space, the explosion power of the best fuel-air bombs can even reach 7-8 times that of TNT under the right weather conditions.Of course, to reach such a level, the required technologies were not available to the United States during World War II.Therefore, the power equivalent to about twice that of TNT also made Ron very satisfied.

Compared with the power, Ron is more concerned about the bomb's performance when attacking various fortifications, especially various bunkers.According to the engineers sent by the Viper, in the tests conducted in the United States, the performance of this bomb when attacking various bunkers finally impressed the US military, making them willing to order this bomb at a price five times higher than ordinary bombs s reason.

However, to be on the safe side, after these bombs are sent to the UK, it is also essential to conduct another test in the UK.And such a test must be carried out at least 4 times to test its performance in different climatic environments.

The first test will be carried out in a week because of the modification of the PA-38's skin pylons, and the target is a fortification near the coast of Dover, England.This fortification was built in 1941 when the British faced the threat of a Nazi invasion.The line of defense includes a large number of reinforced concrete artillery bunkers and machine gun bunkers.In these artillery bunkers are placed various artillery from 75mm to 406mm in caliber.The thickest, 406mm gun bunkers can withstand direct hits from bombs weighing up to 6 tons.Even the smaller artillery bunkers equipped with 127 mm guns can withstand direct hits from 1-ton bombs or 12-inch shells, and the most common machine gun bunkers can also withstand direct hits from 8-inch shells. , It can be said to be impenetrable.

With such a defensive force, British Prime Minister Churchill admitted in his memoirs written after the war, although he said on the radio that the German invasion was imminent.But in fact, he has always believed that the possibility of the German landing is extremely slim. The German Navy in 1941 was in a state of inadequacy.The battleship Bismarck has not yet entered service, and the two Scharnhorst-class battlecruisers were overhauled in the shipyard due to war damage. Before September 41, the German Navy had a maximum of about 9 tons , the artillery is only 1mm, and the pocket battleship with the armor defense at most at the level of a cruiser ran to such a fortification to play and land, it was no different from sending it to death.Some spiritual Germans of later generations often like how Germany landed in Britain in yy280.But most of them didn't know that the German navy at that time, even if the whole army was overwhelmed, couldn't beat the British coastal defense batteries.

Now Dover's coastal defense turrets are of little use, so the 21st Attack Aircraft Wing can use them for attack drills.Of course, the British are still reluctant to take out the 406mm, 380mm, and 355mm caliber forts for the Americans to fry.Therefore, the largest artillery bunker within the attack range of this test is only prepared for 203mm guns.

The cannons in these bunkers were also removed and replaced by caged animals such as rabbits, sheep, pigs and the like.The machine gun bunkers were similarly treated.


The time has come for the first round of tests of the fuel-air bomb.It was a fine day, clear skies and excellent visibility.The only problem is that the wind is a bit strong.According to the weather forecast, there will be 3 to 4 winds at the test site.But this kind of wind is already quite gentle at the seaside.

Ron is now standing on a platform about two kilometers away from the target. There is a high-powered telescope there, and he can clearly see the fortification they are about to attack.Next to Ron, there were several officers.Some of them are army, some are navy, some are air force.Some are American, some are British.Ron knew that this new weapon's superior ability to destroy fortifications in previous tests could greatly change the tactics of landing operations, and this also attracted the attention of high-level officials.These officers are probably here to see what happened on behalf of Eisenhower and others.

"General Ron, I heard that this bomb is your idea." A lieutenant colonel said to Ron, "What do you think will be the result of this test?"

"Oh, I came up with the idea of ​​this bomb. But I don't know anything about the whole process of design and manufacture." Ron replied, "In principle, the power of this thing will be obviously affected by the wind .But today's wind is not strong, I think the effect should be good."

While they were talking, the sound of an airplane engine gradually came from the sky.The lieutenant colonel quickly raised his neck and looked in the direction of the sound.

After a while, 8 pa-38s appeared in people's field of vision.Ron raised the binoculars in his hand. Through the binoculars, he could clearly see a huge bomb hanging under the belly of the PA-38.Judging from the size of the bomb alone, it must have weighed two tons.But Ron knew that this thing was a little lighter than it looked, in fact, it weighed only 1.5 tons. It is quite easy to hang it on pa-38.

The pilot of the PA-38 flying in the front is Major Malone. In the coastal area, the wind direction is usually very regular.Generally speaking, the wind blows from the sea to the land during the day, and the wind blows from the land to the sea at night.The wind is now blowing from the sea towards the land.

Malone turned a corner with the strike group.Turned to the upwind direction of the target, then swooped down to the target at a small angle along the wind direction, and dropped the bomb at an altitude of 800 meters.

As soon as the heavy bomb was detached from the pylon, the plane jumped up automatically.He took advantage of the opportunity to pull up the plane and flew into the distance.Behind him, several other planes dropped their bombs almost simultaneously with him.

When the eight bombs fell to a height of about 200 meters, a speed parachute was opened, and the falling speed of the bombs began to decrease significantly. When they fell to a place more than 20 meters from the ground, the eight bombs exploded quickly. A large gust of ruddy gas bubbled out from inside, and the entire defensive position was covered under this layer of strange mist.

"What's this for? Gas bombs?" Beside Ron, a colonel of the British Navy said with wide-eyed eyes.

His words hadn't dissipated when he saw some flames flashing in the strange white mist, and then the whole white mist exploded violently.The observation platform was a full two kilometers away from the explosion site, but after about a second, everyone standing on the platform felt the violent vibration of the ground.

"It was like when our grand slam exploded," said an RAF officer.

But his words were immediately drowned out by a thunderous explosion.It took several seconds for the sound of the explosion to travel from the explosion site, and at a distance of 2000 meters, the sound of the explosion was still shocking.One can imagine how those Germans who are attacked by such bombs will feel in the future.

"Okay, let's go to the explosion site and have a look," said Ron.So everyone left the platform one after another and drove towards the target area.

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