New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 193, Restricted Weapons

() A group of officers drove to the target area two kilometers away.The vehicle stopped 200 meters away from the target area-the suffocation caused by the fuel-air bomb can last more than ten minutes at most.For safety reasons, within 20 minutes after the explosion, it is not allowed to enter the explosion zone.

Although it is not yet possible to reach the explosion zone, at a distance of 200 meters, everyone can already clearly see the effect of the explosion.In an area the size of three football fields, there was a mess.The grass that had already sprouted a little green was now scorched black.Some tall trees were uprooted by the blast and then thrown tens of meters away.These big trees, like the grass on the ground, were scorched black all over, and some were still emitting white smoke.

"Look, that tree suddenly caught fire!" someone shouted, pointing at a tree.

Everyone quickly looked over there.Sure enough, a flame burst out from the trunk of a big tree that had fallen on the ground. The flame flickered, as if it was about to go out, but in a blink of an eye, it started to burn again.

"The outer skin of those big trees had been carbonized by high temperature in the explosion just now. The temperature of these big trees has long exceeded the ignition point of wood. It's just that this kind of bomb depleted the surrounding oxygen when it exploded. So those big trees at that time The tree has not yet burned. Now it seems that fresh air has entered the explosion zone." A technical official explained this to others.

The flames are burning, which means that there is enough fresh air in the explosion zone.So everyone started to walk towards the center of the explosion...

Ron and several officers came to an artillery bunker.The cannons in the bunker had been pulled away long ago, but the British were very responsible and put a cement pole into the firing hole of the bunker.Now, this cement pole has been blown into several sections, scattered inside and outside the bunker.

The door of the bunker could no longer be opened, and the metal door was severely deformed.A soldier inserted a large crowbar into the gap in the iron door, and pried it hard.Just hearing a bang, the entire iron gate fell to the ground.

Everyone walked into the bunker one by one. There were several iron cages in the bunker that was originally used to house 203mm artillery.These iron cages are also now lying on the ground.Some iron cages were completely deformed, and were even blown apart.All the animals in the cage died without exception.And most of their hair was carbonized in the explosion.

Ron covered his nose with a glove.To say that the smell of burnt corpses in the bunker was really bad, and most of the officers were the same as Ron. They took a quick look and then retreated.After the officers went out, several people wearing masks and white coats hurried in.

Then everyone turned into a machine gun bunker.The opening of the machine gun bunker is small, so not much flammable gas seeps in.The degree of destruction inside seems to be smaller than that of the artillery bunker just now.At least the animals in those cages were not burnt to black.But those animals, whether they were rabbits or pigs, were all dead without exception.Ron estimated that they probably died of suffocation.If this is the case, it would be better to blow up to death directly.

This time the test was extremely successful.An officer of the Royal Navy said that if this thing could perform so well in actual combat, the casualties of the Allied forces could be reduced by at least half when they landed.However, he pointed out with concern that good weather like today is not common in the English Channel.If the wind is stronger, it's hard to say whether this thing can still have such a good effect.

Therefore, this weapon needs more tests.To ensure that it can also play a role in a more complex environment.


While the officers were discussing the effectiveness of this weapon, a tall, thin man wearing a peaked cap was standing on a lighthouse, holding a binoculars and looking in the direction of the test.

This is a small island off the harbor of Dover, or rather a lighthouse on a large reef.And this man is a Tower Keeper.

"Hey, Gregor, what are you looking at?"

Gregor put down the binoculars, turned around, and saw a short, fat old man climbing up the spiral staircase of the lighthouse.

"It's old James," said Gregor. "It's still early. Why did you come to the lighthouse so early?"

"It's getting late. It's already 10 o'clock. If I come earlier, you can go back to sleep earlier." James smiled and replied.

"How about it, what interesting discovery? I saw you holding up the telescope just now, as if you saw something interesting?" James asked again.

"Ah, there were explosions and flames just now," Gregor replied.

"Over there? Fort Dover. Is the fort trying to shoot again?" Old James shook his head, "Since 41, it has become less and less common for the fort to fire. I remember the last time I saw the Dover fort Fire, or..."

Old James was nagging again about the last time the daring German fleet crossed the English Channel.After talking a few words, he found that Gregor didn't seem to be very interested, so he laughed at himself and said:

"When people are old, they just like to chatter. I forgot all of a sudden that you were on duty all night. It's time to go back to sleep."

Gregor tidied up, raised his hand to old James and said, "Then, Mr. James, I will leave this place to you. I will go back from get off work first." He made a fist with his right hand, put it to his mouth, and punched He yawned, "Look, maybe I really need to go back and get a good night's sleep."

After saying this, Gregor took off his hat, nodded to James, and carrying his own small leather bag, walked down the spiral staircase outside the lighthouse.

James watched Gregor go down to the base of the lighthouse, and then watched him board a small boat that was leaning against the bottom of the lighthouse.Gregor waved to James from the boat, started the boat, and headed towards the land not far away.

Gregor docked the boat on the pier, and a dock worker quickly helped him tie the cable, and waved to him at the same time:

"Good morning, Gregor!"

"Good morning, Mike!" Gregor yawned again. "Sorry, I have to go back to sleep."

Gregor yawned all the way back to a seaside hut he rented, took out his key, opened the door, and walked in.

As soon as he entered the room, Gregor immediately changed his exhausted look. He quickly drew the curtains, and then dragged out a large heavy wooden box from a hidden compartment under the bed.


A report was sent to Ron.

This is a comprehensive report of 12 tests of the bomb over the course of a month.Ron picked up the report and read it carefully.

"This kind of bomb has excellent destructive power in sunny weather conditions with wind power less than or equal to level 3, especially for relatively closed fortifications such as bunkers. The destructive power is even more amazing. It can also kill exposed soft targets. Quite powerful. A 1.5-ton bomb has a direct killing radius of up to 80 meters for such targets, and it also has a strong direct killing capability for light tanks. Its shock wave strength and duration are much greater than conventional bombs of the same weight …Under such weather conditions, a single explosion of the bomb can cause a state of extreme hypoxia for about 20-4 minutes within 5 meters of the explosion core. This state is enough to make most of the remaining enemy combatants unconscious due to suffocation .If covered by multiple bombs, the extreme anoxic state in the explosion center area can be maintained for 10-15 minutes, which is enough to suffocate most of the enemy personnel.

But as the wind increases, the explosive power becomes extremely unstable.Under the condition of level 5 wind force, the explosion can still proceed normally, but the power of the explosion is attenuated by 20.00% to 1%.However, when a single bomb exploded, the extreme hypoxia time in the explosion center area was less than 3 minute, which could not cause the effect of suffocating the enemy.Even if multiple bombs explode at the same time, the suffocation area will last for no more than [-] minutes.

And when the wind force reaches level 7 or above, there is a 50.00% chance that no explosion will occur, and even if an explosion occurs, the power will attenuate by more than 40.00%.At the same time, the suffocation effect is basically non-existent.

In addition, rainfall can also greatly reduce the power of the explosion.Depending on the size of the rain, the power of the explosion will be attenuated to varying degrees.

In addition, after the first bomb explodes successfully and the wind force is less than or equal to level 3, if another bombing attack is required, the time for re-bombing must be scheduled to be 10 minutes later. If the bomb covers a large area, the second bombing time must be arranged 20 minutes after the explosion.Otherwise, the bombs dropped in the second round will have a very high probability of not exploding normally.Correspondingly, when the wind force is level 5...

For the above situation.Suggestions are made as follows:

1. Try to avoid using this bomb when the wind force exceeds level 5, and try to avoid using this bomb when it rains.

2. In order to ensure the strike power, it is best to use multiple bombs to cover a large area. "

Seeing such words, Ron couldn't help sighing that although this kind of bomb is good, it has a lot of restrictions on its use.It is simply a restrictive weapon.


Field Marshal Rommel's command center almost at the same time.A staff officer handed a document to Field Marshal Rommel, who had recovered from his injuries.Rommel took the document and read it carefully.

This is a piece of intelligence sent back from the United Kingdom. The intelligence shows that in less than a month, the US and British allied forces targeted the Dover Fort and conducted as many as 12 air strike drills.According to the intelligence, the Allies seem to be testing a particularly powerful bomb.This kind of bomb, which can be carried by a PA-38 attack aircraft, explodes, and its power seems to be close to that of a high-corner cabinet.It seems that this should be the secret weapon prepared by the Allied forces for the landing.

"The conditions closest to the Dover Fort are undoubtedly Calais, which also has a 406mm cannon. It seems that the Yankees and the Brits are really preparing for the storming of Calais. Is my judgment really true? is it wrong?"

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