At 5 o'clock, the landing force began to approach the beach. At this time, the bombardment fleet had already opened up and began shelling the beach for a long time.Ron's command ship stayed between the US battleship cruiser formation and destroyers responsible for fire support.Ron stood on the bridge, his ears filled with the roar of naval guns.He held up the binoculars and looked at a beach in the distance—that beach was the Omaha Beach that had appeared in many movies in his original time and space.

Omaha Beach has a total length of 30 kilometers, and the coast is mostly 2500-meter-high cliffs that cannot be climbed. Only a few places have steep slopes that can barely be climbed.The Germans built a large number of bunker groups there, with machine gun bunkers and artillery bunkers scattered all over the place.In the original history, the U.S. military paid a heavy price for capturing this section of the beach. On this 2.5-kilometer-long beach alone, the U.S. Army killed at least [-] people.In other words, on this beach, on average, every [-] meters or so, a corpse will fall.Of course, now with the help of fuel-air bombs, the number of casualties is expected to be greatly reduced.

However, looking at the sea ahead, Ron still frowned—the wind here is really too strong.Looking through the telescope, it can be seen that the waves near Omaha Beach are obviously higher than where his command ship is located.In this case, there are only two possibilities: either the wind near the beach is stronger than here, or there are a large number of hidden reefs in the sea near the beach.In either case, it is not a good thing for the landing troops.

The Allied weather forecast was undoubtedly correct that the wind force would not exceed force 3 throughout the channel and on the beachhead.However, in some places, due to the influence of terrain, the wind will become stronger.Just looking at the waves near the coast of Omaha, if there weren't too many hidden reefs under the sea, the wind here might not exceed four levels.

This is not the most troublesome thing, the most troublesome are those slopes that can be climbed in several places.There is a natural wind outlet, and Ron estimates that the wind force there may exceed level 5.This can be seen from the speed at which the gunpowder smoke from the naval guns that hit there was blown away by the wind.And such a strong wind will seriously affect the effectiveness of fuel-air bombs.

Ron turned and walked into the war room. "Where are all our planes?"

"It will be in place in another 5 minutes!" A staff officer replied.

"Immediately transfer two PA-38s from Sword Beach and 4 PA-38s from Utah Beach to the direction of Omaha Beach." Ron ordered.

In the pre-landing plan, 48 PA-38 attack aircraft equipped with fuel-air bombs were allocated in this way.Omaha Beach, Utah Beach, and Juno Beach each have 10 attack aircraft, and the remaining two beaches—Gold Beach and Sword Beach—have 9 attack aircraft each.Each beach is also equipped with two reconnaissance electronic communication aircraft.

Now with Ron's order, the number of attack aircraft in the direction of Omaha beach has greatly increased.


Corporal Hein Severo was the son of a peasant family from South Germany. In the early hours of June 6, he was on combat duty squatting in his machine gun bunker, sitting on the ground against the wall and taking a nap.Suddenly woke up by a burst of gunfire.He found that the machine gun bunker he was in was shaking violently.He saw that not far from him, his officer, Captain Luther, was squatting under the firing port, holding the telephone, and shouting into the receiver: "Yes! Yes! They definitely have more than 6 The warship! If you don’t believe me, listen!” Luther raised the receiver of the phone and held it in front of the firing hole, as if he wanted the person in the receiver to hear the sound of the Allied artillery.

"Listen! Listen to the cannon!" Luther yelled, and then he retracted the receiver and shouted into it: "I heard it! Believe it! You said they wouldn't come, but here they are! Hello... hello?" Luther slammed the phone receiver to the ground. "Damn it! The phone line is down! . . . Get ready for battle!"

Severo quickly got up from the ground. At this moment, with a loud noise, the ground shook violently, and Severo slipped and fell to the ground just a little bit.Severo knew that it was a battleship gun that exploded nearby.He couldn't help congratulating himself on his good luck.Although this reinforced concrete bunker is so strong that it can completely ignore the 8-inch and 6-inch guns on the American and British cruisers, it can never withstand a direct hit from the battleship guns.

The heavy shelling lasted for a long time, as if it would last until the end of time.


While the Germans were hiding from the shelling in the bunker, the amphibious tanks of the landing force had already begun to launch into the water.These amphibious tanks, nicknamed "Donald Duck" by soldiers, were improved from m-4 tanks with inflatable floating tents and tail propellers.This thing is also equipped with special drains and steel brackets to resist the seawater seeping into the tent, but if the wind and waves are too strong and the seawater enters the tent faster than the pumping speed, then this tank will be in trouble.

According to the calculations of mathematicians, its tent can ensure that the tank can safely float on the water when the wind force does not exceed level 3.But now the wind is clearly above level 3.The results proved the correctness of the mathematicians. As soon as the 32 amphibious tanks were launched into the water, they encountered a gust of wind, and then... Ron saw through his binoculars that one tank after another sank with a wave of waves.Fortunately, when the dd amphibious tank was sailing, it had considered such dangers, and the hatches were all opened so that the crew could escape quickly when the tank sank.As a result, many tank crews escaped.

At this time, the landing craft also began to sprint towards the beach.The landing craft has no ceiling, and the soldiers staying in the landing craft are like sardines squeezed into a can. After a night of sailing, tension, and now it’s raining again, although the battle has not officially started, everyone feels exhausted .

Lieutenant Miller checked his gun one last time, then took out the water bottle and took a sip.The kettle is not filled with water, but authentic Scotch whiskey.Relying on this wine, Miller finally felt a little warmth.


"General, the navy will end its bombardment in 5 minutes!" a staff officer reported.

"Get the attack planes in place!" Ron ordered, "As soon as the bombardment is over, launch an attack! It's windy today, let the boys try to be as accurate as possible in their bombing!"


Sefulo suddenly found that the shaking of the earth stopped.At this time, he saw Captain Luther yelling at him. "Quick, go to your position! The enemy will come up soon!" Severo quickly picked up his mg-42 and put it in front of the shooting hole.At the same time, he opened his eyes wide, staring at the sea ahead.The landing craft were very close, and they were about to drop the gangway ahead.Severo planned to finish the 250-round ammunition belt in one go as soon as the landing craft lowered the gangway.


"Dive attack!" The navy fired three red flares into the sky immediately after the last salvo.Looking at the flare, Arthur knew that it was time to attack.Now his aircraft group is at an altitude of about 4000 meters to the west of the enemy's defensive position. He looked at the ground, estimated the landing time of the shells fired by the last salvo, and then issued such an order.


Severo stared at a landing craft that was getting closer to the shore from the firing holes. Because of the tension, he felt his mouth was very thirsty and his hands were sweating.He stuck out his tongue and licked his lips, then brought his eyes to the sight.At this time, he suddenly heard the sound of something exploding. The sound was not loud, it sounded like the explosion of 60 mortar shells.

But then, he was horrified to find that there was a white mist with a strange smell filling the air.A lot of fog seeped into the bunker along the firing port.At the same time, his nose smelled a strange smell.

"Damn! They actually used chemical weapons!" Severo held his breath, dropped the machine gun over and over again, and tried to take out a gas mask from the backpack placed aside.

"Fortunately, there is a gas mask!" Severo thought.

"Hurry up..." Luthor had just yelled two words when Severo found a bright light flashing in front of his eyes.


Arthur pulled up the plane, and this time the bombs dropped by their 16 attack planes covered a large area.

"Hold on to the controls and hold the plane!" Arthur yelled over the radio.At this moment, a violent airflow blows from behind.The plane shook violently.Then it was back to normal.Arthur didn't need to ask the machine gunner sitting in the back seat. From the air current, he could conclude that the bomb went off well.


"Put on the oxygen tube!" Lieutenant Miller yelled.His oxygen tube has been inserted, and this tube is fixed next to his nose with a piece of white tape, and the white tape on his nose makes him look like a clown.

With a bang, the diving board door in front of the landing ship was opened, and Miller took the lead and jumped into the waist-deep sea water, and began to walk towards the shore.The beach was so still that the Germans failed to fire a single bullet.

"Quick, go! We have to rush up and take down those bunkers before the German reserve team comes up! God bless America, kill the Germans!" Miller shouted.Amid his shouts, the soldiers also jumped into the sea with their m1 rifles held high, and walked towards the beach.

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