"Damn it! The Americans have already landed, why don't they open fire! What are they doing!" In an official business a little further back, a German colonel shouted angrily, "The phone! Is the phone connected? ?”

"Colonel, the line is working, but no answer!" the operator replied.

"Haney, take your battalion and rush over there immediately!" said the colonel. At the same time, he remembered the white fog that appeared before the second explosion of the bombs dropped by the American planes, so he quickly added, "Let everyone Put on the gas mask!"

Battalion Commander Harney stood up silently, raised his hand like a colonel, and walked out.After a while, the colonel saw Hani leading hundreds of people along the traffic trench and running towards the front for business.


"Quick, quick!" Captain Miller has now landed on the beach. He waved the Chicago typewriter in his hand and shouted to the soldiers behind, "We must rush up before the enemy reacts!" Facing the sand that had been completely overturned by the naval shells, he rushed towards the slope.The Germans planted a lot of landmines on the slopes, but now, these mines no longer pose a threat.In more than two hours of shelling, the navy plowed the place over and over again with cannon.Those minefields have long been cleared by this crazy shelling.

Climbing up the steep slope without hindrance, Miller and his company rushed into the German traffic trench.Following the traffic trench, they came to a bunker.The iron door of the bunker was open, and a German soldier was lying beside the door.It was quiet inside the bunker.Although at the preparation meeting the night before landing, Miller and the others had already learned about the effectiveness of the Air Force's fuel-air bombs, and they also knew that this bomb could create a rather large oxygen-free area, directly causing Enemies suffocate to death.At first, Miller, like everyone else, was skeptical about the bomb's effectiveness.However, the smooth rush into the opponent's traffic trench along the way seems to prove from the side that this kind of bomb has such capabilities, otherwise why didn't the enemy fight back?

However, out of caution, Miller still winked at Tommy who was following him, and threw a grenade in at the same time.The sound of the grenade exploding hadn't dissipated before Miller and Tommy rushed in with Thompson in their hands.The smoke from the explosion had dissipated, and Miller's eyes widened when he saw the scene.

In the bunker lay the corpses of seven or eight German soldiers.There were no obvious scars on their bodies, but their mouths were all opened wide, their eyes were all wide open, and the eyes were bulging outwards, almost bursting out of their eye sockets.Their hands were also clutching their throats tightly. Miller saw that the hands of the Germans were covered with blood. It seemed that they wanted to scratch their throats so that they could catch their breath.

"This is really tragic!" Miller felt his spine tremble a little, "I bought a watch last year! If I were me, I would rather shoot myself in the head!"

Although the oxygen tube leading to a small oxygen cylinder with a guaranteed 20-minute capacity is fixed under the nose, Miller still feels a little suffocated.He walked to the embrasures of the bunker and looked out.From here you can clearly see the beachhead not far away.There were still a lot of soldiers jumping from the landing craft into the waist-deep water, and then they waddled like a large flock of ducks towards the beach.

"If I were a German, I would set up a machine gun here and shoot at them, how many people would I be able to kill..." This thought frightened Miller for a while, and he quickly shook his head violently, as if wanting to Like shaking this horrible thought out of your head. "Fortunately there is such a bomb, fortunately these Germans are dead! God bless America." Miller thought so.

"Captain! The Germans are coming up!" Sergeant Bill shouted from outside the bunker.

Miller ran out quickly, and they saw that, more than 200 meters away, a large group of German soldiers were rushing towards this side along the traffic trench.

"Steady, don't fire, wait for them to get closer!"

Miller knows that the oxygen levels here are gradually returning due to the strong winds, but in any case, the oxygen levels here are still much lower than normal levels. "Put them in the hypoxic zone first, and then..." Miller showed an evil smile.


Hani led the soldiers to run towards the forward bunker group, and he felt a little out of breath after only running more than 300 meters.His heart was beating wildly, as if it was about to jump out of his chest, and his legs began to feel a little weak.

"What's wrong with me? I'm so tired after only running for a few steps?" Although he felt strange in his heart, but the situation was urgent, Hani didn't care about it, still gritted his teeth, and ran forward.

Gritting his teeth, Hani ran for more than 20 steps. At this moment, he only felt his legs go limp and fell to the ground.He desperately opened his mouth wide and gasped for air, but he was still out of breath, and the scene in front of him began to turn black.Vaguely, he saw that someone seemed to be rushing in front of him. He tried hard to raise the mp-43 assault rifle in his hand, but at this moment, the gun was so heavy that he exhausted all the energy in his body. No strength can lift it up.Then he fainted as soon as his vision went dark.


When Miller led his soldiers to attack the Germans, the Germans could barely move due to lack of oxygen.Miller successfully captured hundreds of Germans at the cost of one wounded.At this time, the oxygen content in the air began to gradually recover, and some German soldiers who had fallen into a coma also began to wake up gradually.But at this time, they have become prisoners at gunpoint.

Miller drove the captured Germans into a large bunker, and the Germans' first attempt to retake the beachhead ended in failure.Now, more American soldiers have arrived here, and the beachhead has been stabilized.The next step is to break through in depth.But this still needs to wait, one is to wait for some heavier equipment to come ashore, and the other is to wait for the attack aircraft of the 21st Attack Aircraft Wing to go back to load the bombs.

But that doesn't mean they can do nothing.

"Miller, have you seen that piece over there? According to aerial reconnaissance, there is a German 6-inch gun emplacement there. Take your men and take him away." A lieutenant colonel said to Miller.

"Yes, Lieutenant Colonel Lawrence!" Miller replied immediately, and then he turned around and began to greet his soldiers. "Okay, Tommy, Stocker, take your platoon, we have a mission."

Tommy put down the mp-43 he was fiddling with, picked up his Thompson, and stood up.


On the command ship, Ron put down the binoculars in his hand.Just now, he has clearly seen that the American soldiers have successfully controlled the crucial fortresses almost without any fighting.Now, it is certain that the bloody rivers of blood on Omaha Beach in history will never happen again.Of course, this may mean that the chances of this beach appearing in war movies in the future will be greatly reduced.

At this moment, Ron's adjutant Scott came over: "General, the British are in trouble. They encountered German tanks."

"Where is it? How's the situation?" Ron said as he turned and walked into the combat command room.

"West of Sword Beach. That place is out of reach of naval guns."

"Where is our plane?" At this time Ron had already walked to the big chart.

"Our 8 attack aircraft on Sword Beach have dropped all their ammunition and are on their way back. The situation on other beaches is roughly the same. However, our attack aircraft from two new squadrons have arrived as planned, about 10 minutes I'll be there later."

"Very well, order, all the planes of the 32nd Squadron carrying anti-tank weapons will concentrate on Sword Beach to support the British army in combat. Attention, be careful of accidental injury! See clearly before attacking." Ron ordered.

Ron knew that before he crossed, until the 21st century, with the common data link of the three armed forces, accidental injury was a very common thing during air-to-ground direct fire support.And between the coalition forces of different countries, the chance of accidental injury will be higher.It's like during the first Gulf War, the soldiers of the British Seventh Armored Division once said that they were not afraid of the T-72, but they were afraid of pigs.The best t-72 tank of the Iraqis is far from being the opponent of the British challenger tank, but if a group of a-10 attack planes of American allies fly in the sky, all the British armored soldiers will involuntarily pray to God of.Because, in this war, the enemy's casualties to the 10th Armored Division were not even brought by the A-[-] Jupiter attack aircraft that accidentally hit the friendly army.And in this day and age, the odds are only higher.

Especially the British also had tanks on Sword Beach.If you are not careful, German tanks will certainly be unlucky, but British tanks will also be unlucky.


On Sword Beach, the British army had already controlled most of the beachheads, but when they pushed westward and tried to join the Canadian army landing on Juno Beach, they encountered the German 21st Tank Division.

In fact, the 21st Armored Division of the German Army is a veteran unit. It has fought many battles with the British and American Allies in North Africa, and has repeatedly made military exploits.But the current army doesn't seem to take it seriously, which can be seen from the tanks they equip.At present, the best tank they are equipped with is not enough, it is only the No. 4 tank.The entire 21st Armored Division didn't even have a single Tiger or Leopard.

Moreover, because of the Germans' mistakes in weather forecasting, the commander of the 21st Armored Division took advantage of this gap to go to Paris to relax. What's more, he actually took many officers with him.So now, the resistance of the 21st Armored Division is just a spontaneous resistance, and honestly, it's not too much of a threat to the British.

However, the positions of these tanks of the 21st Armored Division are really good.They were in a position where the naval guns could not hit, relying on fortifications to organize defenses, and continuously repelled many attacks by the British.Now, the artificial port has not been installed yet, and the British army with limited heavy weapons wants to break through their defensive positions, so they have to hope for the support of air power.

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