New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 203, the long-lost Luftwaffe

Arthur put the anti-aircraft gun on the bridge into the firing halo, and then pressed the fire button.Several rockets whizzed straight out from under the wings of his plane.In a blink of an eye, the anti-aircraft gun was surrounded by flames and thick smoke.Almost at the same time, his wingman also used a rocket salvo to destroy another anti-aircraft gun.

As Arthur pulled up, he heard his rear gunner yell, "Great job! They're screwed...Boy at 5 o'clock!"

The second half of the sentence startled Arthur. "Enemy plane", how long have you not seen this thing?Anyway, after returning to Europe this time, he almost never saw enemy planes again.Arthur turned his head and looked over there, and there were really two planes there—big heads and thin tails, which were German FW-190s.

Obviously, those two fw-190s had spotted them.The two enemy planes were climbing rapidly and seemed to be a little away from them.This is a typical reaction of the fw-190 fighter when it encounters the enemy. If this fighter enters the battle before gaining the energy advantage, it is not particularly terrible, but once this kind of aircraft has the energy advantage, with its excellent dive and With a superb roll, it becomes a perfect killing machine.Therefore, when facing other fighter jets, the pilots of fw-190 always try to go into battle after gaining an energy advantage. From a distance, the pa-38 looks little different from ordinary p-38 fighter jets.It is estimated that the Germans recognized them as ordinary fighter jets, so their actions were so cautious.

But, damn it, if Arthur had an original fighter, then he wouldn't be afraid of these two fw-190s. You know, the air supremacy is in the hands of the Americans.

"If my plane was a fighter jet, as long as I delayed the time a little, the two enemy planes would be dead. Because I only need to radio for help, and a whole squadron of fighter jets will come to help. But now, with this cumbersome plane Attack aircraft, I'm not sure I can last until the friendly forces arrive." Arthur thought this way, and dropped all the bombs indiscriminately, and at the same time pushed the throttle to the bottom, so that he could shout on the radio: "Encounter Enemy fighters! Two! In area 53! Repeat, encounter enemy fighters, in area 53!"


"General, we found German fighter jets!" Scott said to Ron, who was drinking tea on the bridge.

"Oh?" Ron stood up. "German fighter jets? Where are they? How many are there?"

"Area 53, Arthur and the others encountered two German fighter jets." Scott replied.

Ron knew that in the original history, during the whole day of D-Day, the Luftwaffe only dispatched two FW-190s to the beach, not to mention throwing bombs, and even shooting with machine guns. Do it, just go back.Could they have encountered these two fighter jets this time?

"Is our fighter nearby?" Ron asked as he walked towards the combat command room.

"Yes, the combat staff is mobilizing the fleet. Our fighter jets will arrive in 10 minutes at most. The key is whether our attack planes can withstand the 10-minute attack."

"If the opponent is a veteran, it's still a bit difficult. However, Arthur should be able to withstand it." Ron thought for a while and said.


Major Jericho is now one of the few veterans in the Luftwaffe with more than 2000 flying hours.He joined the Luftwaffe in 1941 and also fought on the Eastern Front. In 44, as the air defense pressure on the German mainland increased, he returned to the Western Front with his troops and joined the battle to intercept American and British bombers.At this time, Major Jericho was already a super ace with a record of 110 shot down.

The battles on the Western Front are completely different from those on the Eastern Front. Although the battles on the Eastern Front are cruel, this cruelty is compared to rookies.On the Eastern Front, as long as you have good skills and tactics, you can survive.So there veterans and aces can rely on their own skills to live well.But on the Western Front, the situation is completely different.Here, luck replaces technology and becomes the number one factor in determining life and death.Here, no matter how good your skills are, when facing hundreds of machine guns, as long as you are unlucky, you will only have a dead end.

In just one week, Jericho's unit lost more than 80.00% of its pilots, including almost all aces except Jericho.Since then, his unit has seen less and less activity.This morning, after the news of the enemy's landing came, the flight team was on alert, but their superiors did not give them any combat orders until noon, and they received the order-go to Normandy and see See where the enemies are coming from.

To carry out this kind of mission, a reconnaissance plane should have been sent.However, considering that there must be American fighter jets everywhere over Normandy, the reconnaissance planes used to be sent to death.So the army finally decided to send the most experienced Jericho to drive the relatively strong, fast and flexible fw-190 to have a look there.

After completing a climb to occupy a position, Jericho had already seen clearly that the two enemy planes were not P-38 fighter jets, but a modification of it-a two-seat attack plane.

If this was on the Eastern Front, Jericho would have rushed over immediately and shot the two planes into fireballs.But now, he was a little hesitant - judging from the fact that the enemy dropped all the bombs indiscriminately, the enemy had already found himself.Then they must have been on the radio, calling for reinforcements.It won't be long before a large number of enemy planes will rush over to watch him.

Of course, Jericho's fighter jets performing reconnaissance missions will not mount the bulky mk-108 cannon.If he wants to attack his opponent, he can only rely on the original four 4mm guns on his plane to solve the problem.He knew that this attack-type p-20 was extremely strong, and many key parts could withstand the attack of a 38mm gun.Hit it once or twice, and it's not necessarily guaranteed to take down your opponent.But once they get entangled, when other fighters arrive, there will be no good fruit to eat.

According to Goebbels, their ally, the Japanese, had an ace nicknamed "Skuaul" who once drove a zero-combat single-handedly against 75 P-51s. An American plane.But what Goebbels said, even in Germany, basically no one believes it now.As a super ace, Jericho scoffed at this even more.Among other things, how could he avoid the pursuit of the remaining 74 P-51s by relying on a low-speed aircraft like Zero War?

Jericho knew that he would never be able to create such a miracle, so he said to his wingman: "We will launch two rounds of attacks. If we fail to shoot down the enemy, we will retreat immediately."

After speaking, he swooped towards the PA-38.

To say that the two-seater pa-38 still has an advantage over its prototype.That is - this aircraft has a 360-degree field of vision.The rear gunner complements the pilot's lack of rearward vision.At this time, Arthur's machine gunner shouted: "The enemy plane swooped down from 6 o'clock!"

Arthur turned his head and stared at the enemy plane, constantly judging the distance between the enemy and us.He knew that the roll of the PA-38 was worse than the original, and he had to start turning now to increase the difficulty of the enemy's attack.Even an attack aircraft like the pa-38 is better than the German fw-190 in terms of hovering alone.However, the enemy plane uses the forward tracking method to follow, and he has a longer distance to complete the turn, so if it is just circling, the enemy can still bite him and fire at him.

Therefore, Arthur quickly lowered his height while circling.As long as the altitude is low enough, if the enemy plane wants to attack him again, it must go around to its own 6 o'clock direction and then follow up, instead of freely launching a dive from any possible angle.

Jericho followed Arthur around for half a circle, and he found that Arthur's height dropped rapidly.He knew he had met an old hand.Jericho believed that although the Yankee was very cunning, if he was willing to wait patiently with him, he would definitely be able to shoot him down.But Jericho also knows that it will take a long time to shoot down such a veteran-this is not a rookie who can be shot down in 2 minutes.

Jericho knew that a large group of enemy planes were coming here, and he lacked time now.

"Give up the attack, we withdraw!" Jericho gave instructions to the wingman.

"Why?" The wingman was a little puzzled.

But Jericho didn't intend to answer his doubts, he just said coldly: "Second Lieutenant, obey the order!"

In fact, Jericho really wanted to say to his wingman, the rookie who had only been flying for less than 30 hours, "I'm doing this to give your mother a chance to see you", "Don't be too naive, don't trust Ge Peer shouted, Germany has already lost the war, no matter how many enemy planes you shoot down now, you can’t restore this situation. The most important thing now is to save your life, and you will have a chance to go home in the future.”Of course, in this case, Jericho would not tell him. In fact, anyone in the team who understood this would not tell him that out of self-preservation.He has to figure it out for himself.


A few minutes later, Boynton himself arrived at Area 6 with six P-81s.

"Where's the enemy plane?" Poynton asked.

"He smelled your scent, so he gave up attacking, and he didn't know where he went." Arthur, who continued to successfully maintain the record of never being hit, was obviously in a good mood, and he went straight to Boyne. Dun made a joke.

"Damn it!" Compared to Arthur, Boyington was obviously in a bad mood. He had spent most of the day in the air above the exhibition hall, and he finally got such a goal, but in the end...

"Next time, I'll hang some bombs out." Poynton thought so.

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