New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 204, Highway of Death

On the day after landing, Utah Beach and Omaha Beach were also fully integrated in the afternoon due to the exceptionally smooth breakthrough.So, according to the plan, the US military began to move towards their main target Cherbourg.An important military port and commercial port in northwest France.At the northern end of the Cotentin Peninsula, near the Strait of Lamanches.After capturing Cherbourg, the Allied forces could send a large amount of supplies to the European continent, and rely on these supplies to crush the German resistance.

The Germans know this as a human being, but now, the configuration of the German army is very weird.According to Rondestedt's idea, the armored forces should be deployed at the back, on the line of the Seine River, so that they can wait for the American and British troops to advance inland, seize the gap and make a beautiful defensive counterattack.And according to Marshal Rommel's idea, these armored units should be deployed as far forward as possible to enhance the resistance to landing.

The ideas of both field marshals are reasonable, but the dispute between them has led to a tragic consequence-Hitler finally intervenes directly, and he adopts the method of making peace with the five vital armored divisions. Deployed from the Seine to the coast.This makes it impossible for them to directly support the beachhead, nor is it convenient to support the second line of defense for defensive counterattacks.If the commander-in-chief of the Western Front was Field Marshal Manbuqun, he would of course declare that the "Fuhrer is wise", but after the war, in his book "Everything's Blame the Mustache", he would definitely blame Hitler for this. Scolded bloody.

Now, how to use these five armored divisions has become the key to German operations.The Germans understood that the crux of the battle now lay in the port of Cherbourg—soon it would be storm season in the English Channel.If the Germans can hold the port of Cherbourg until August, even if the United States and Britain have an artificial port, the raging storm will make it extremely difficult or even impossible for the Allied forces to rely on the beach to provide supplies to the landing army.At that time, as long as there are only a few more days of weather that is not suitable for air force operations, the Germans can regain the initiative and even defeat the Allied forces in one fell swoop.

At this time, the opinions of the two marshals, Rundestedt and Rommel, quickly unified.They all believed that Cherbourg was the key to the outcome, and that Cherbourg's defenses should be strengthened as soon as possible.The German infantry unit should abandon some unimportant strongholds and quickly concentrate on Cherbourg. Of course, it is difficult to defend Cherbourg with infantry alone.The Germans have already been deeply impressed by the Allied attack ability.In order to hold Cherbourg, the German armored force must constantly flank the American troops attacking Cherbourg to contain them.

But this idea ran into two problems.The first question comes from the British Army.After the British army landed on Sword Beach, they attacked Caen in the afternoon of the same day.Although their attack was repulsed by the 21st Armored Division at Caen, the British were sure to make a quick comeback.

Caen is an important transportation hub. Once Caen is captured, Paris will be directly exposed to the attack of the Allied forces.And once Caen is lost, the supply line to Cherbourg will also be cut off.If the safety of Caen cannot be ensured, the armored division will be thrown in the direction of Cherbourg. Once Caen is lost, the armored division without supply support will be in a desperate situation.Therefore, in order to put the armored division in the direction of Luthor, Caen must be kept.

Rommel decided that he would organize an operation, mobilize the few armored divisions on hand, launch a counterattack in the direction of Caen, and solve the threat of the British army to Caen.Then turn to Cherbourg.


It was nightfall, but a house in Portsmouth was still brightly lit.If at this time, a V1 missile falls on this house in Portsmouth, England, it will definitely create an amazing result.Because a large number of generals of the Allied forces are gathering here to hold a military meeting to discuss the next step.

"The German troops deployed in Caen exceeded our expectations, and they fought very tenaciously. Our offensive was very difficult. The original plan to capture Caen during the march has failed." A crooked A short Englishman in a black beret and a large cigar was speaking, "This afternoon, the Germans launched a counterattack and repelled us. Moreover, we have some information that the enemy may be at the nearest There will be a massive counterattack on our side in a few days to neutralize our threat to Caen - if possible, maybe they'd like to get us to Dunkirk again. As far as I'm concerned about Rommel Understand, he is likely to take such a risk. According to the information we have from the French resistance, the Germans have armored units here, here, and here, but the designation and strength are unknown.

But I think we did not encounter a large number of armored forces on the beach. Obviously, the main force of the German armored forces was not on the beach.Then the tank units in these positions are likely to be the main force of the German army.But this location is really weird.If they want to counterattack us with armored forces, then they had better be in a position where they can counterattack us at dawn after marching at night.However, judging from the existing positions of these troops.Even if they start to advance towards Caen tonight, it will probably be noon when they attack us tomorrow.From an offensive point of view, this time is not a good time.Because before they attack, they have to be exposed to our attack aircraft for several hours.This is a really good opportunity for our attack aircraft force.

Therefore, I hope that in the next two or three days, we can put the vast majority of attack aircraft, especially the 21st Attack Aircraft Wing, into the direction of Caen! "

"Monty, do you already have a lot of attack planes?" General Bradley said, "Our people are attacking Carentan, and they also need the support of air power."

"General Bradley, it's like this." A lean British marshal stood up, "We do use a lot of attack aircraft, but our attack aircraft have the weakness of insufficient range. And we are now , On the European continent, there is no forward airport yet, and the attack aircraft taking off from England with a full load have very limited stay time in these most critical areas. However, the PA-21s of the 38st Attack Aircraft Wing do not have this problem. They can stand by for a long time over dangerous areas. They can provide us with more timely fire support. This is indeed something our Storm cannot do."

"So Marshal Ted, what should we do? We also need air support." Bradley continued to argue.

"There are no strong armored units in your direction, and with us in Caen, they don't have any extra armored units to move over to deal with you. Unless they bring in another army from Brittany. But it will take A lot of time. Before that, I think the P-51s of the Ninth Air Force are enough to support you." Montgomery replied.

"This consideration is very reasonable, but there may be some problems in the cooperation between the 21st Attack Aircraft Wing and the British Army." Bradley still does not want to give up the 21st Attack Aircraft Wing.

"Ron, you are the commander of the 21st Attack Aircraft Wing and an expert in air combat. Please tell me your opinion." At this time, General Eisenhower, who had been silent all this time, spoke.

"Okay, general!" Ron stood up, and nodded towards the guys with much higher rank than him, "The most likely problem in our cooperation with the British army is probably accidental injury. So, if you must To deploy the 21st Attack Aircraft Wing in the direction of Caen, we have to work hard to avoid accidental injury. I think taking some measures can still reduce the occurrence of this situation as much as possible.”

"Be specific," Eisenhower said.

"First, we can draw eye-catching air identification marks on our own vehicles. Second, we can divide the airspace near Caen and set different rules of engagement according to the probability of our allies appearing in these areas. For example, from the enemy on the road leading to Caen in the opposite direction, and a relatively more cautious combat mode in the direction from the beach to Caen. In addition, our heavy bombers can also attack roads, bridges and possible staging points to delay the enemy's advance."


On the night of June 6, the Wolf's Cave Command.

"Führer, Marshal Rommel sent a telegram again, requesting that the command of the five armored divisions of the Western Front Armored Group be handed over to him immediately. He also asked the head of state to allow him to voluntarily abandon some cities in order to concentrate his forces on the most critical places. "

"What! How dare he ask for the abandonment of the city! No, never! We Germans can't take a step back! Not even a step!" Hitler waved his arms angrily, as if fighting an invisible enemy.

"I know these generals too well, they are nobles, they are cowards! In Moscow in 1941, he just wanted to escape. If it weren't for my order, Germany would be finished at that time! I thought Rommel was Born as a commoner, he will not be corrupted by those guys! But I was wrong, he is no different from those guys now!"

"So Fuehrer, how should I reply to Field Marshal Rommel?"

"Tell him! I don't agree! Wherever we Germans go, we have to stick there like nails. Even if the whole army is wiped out, we will not retreat a step!"

"Where is the armored division that Marshal Rommel wants?" the aide officer reminded.

"No, tell him, I won't give any!" Hitler roared.

"Yes. Führer!" The attendant saluted Hitler, ready to reply to Rommel.

Just as he was about to walk out of the office door, he heard Hitler's voice.

"Wait, let me think again." After a while, Hitler said: "Give him these five armored divisions and tell him that no land is allowed to be surrendered!"

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