New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 211, the final large-scale air battle

"Quick! Park the car by the trench over there!" Wittmann ordered hastily, "Put the car on a sideways side so that it looks like it's overturned." Wittmann understood that in a few more minutes, The sun will shine from the sky to the ground. At this time, all ground vehicles that are still moving will become the key targets of the first round of strikes. Even stationary tanks, unless they look completely harmless, will not Most likely will be filled with a shot.In the time available, Wittmann knew that his tanks would not be able to retreat back to the relatively safe woods where they started.Therefore, Weidmann believes that he must retreat his tanks to a first round of attack by the Allied Air Forces before the earth is illuminated. After that, you can go up to the position where you can retreat faster.

That trench that's half covered with dirt is a good choice.It was not far from the road leading to the woods, and after the first round of air strikes, it only took a few minutes for the tanks to rush into the woods.And this trench that was half filled with the fallen soil, if the track on one side of the tank is driven in, the tank will tilt a lot, and it looks like it has overturned.Generally speaking, pilots are unwilling to waste ammunition on such a target that must be captured alive.But once the air raid was over, the two seemingly overturned chariots were able to revive immediately and rush towards his target.

Just as Wittmann was finishing his tank, the sun rose over the horizon.

"Attack!" Arthur swooped down from the air with his wingman.Under his belly hung a huge fuel-air bomb.The task of him and his wingmen was to prevent the further flow of German follow-up troops into the gap.

"Fuel-air bombs are the most suitable weapon for this type of mission. Not only is it powerful enough to clear a large area with one shot, but it can also create an area of ​​extreme hypoxia large enough to make the enemy The infantry and various vehicles will not be able to enter this area for a period of time. In this way, we only need a few bombs to block a large area." This is Ron's speech at the pre-war preparation meeting .Under his arrangement, a whole squadron of PA-38s was equipped with such bombs and set off before dawn.

At this point, the bombardment of the battleships had ended.The British infantry were rushing towards the gap, trying to block the gap, and the German infantry also rushed towards the gap.

Arthur dropped a bomb on a large group of German infantry advancing towards the gap, and as the bomb was dropped, his plane began to climb rapidly.And the bomb he dropped also opened a parachute, and it wobbled and fell towards the Germans.

Some German soldiers looked at the slowly falling bombs, their faces turned pale with fright.Many of them have heard of this horrible bomb. Some soldiers immediately fell to the ground, or jumped into the ditch or trench next to it. Some soldiers probably knew the horror of this bomb. As a result, I knew that even if I hid in the trenches, I couldn't escape the terrifying impact of this bomb.Moreover, compared to being directly killed in the explosion, it may be more uncomfortable to die slowly after evading the explosion and then slowly suffocating in extreme suffocation.So these soldiers actually stood upright like this, watching the bomb fall towards them.

Of course, more Germans chose to run away, trying to get out of the bomb's killing range before the explosion.However, there was not only one bomb that fell. Even if they ran as fast as cheetahs and ran out of the killing range of one bomb, they would send themselves into the killing range of another bomb.

Wittmann also saw the falling bombs.The bomb was only about 20 meters away from his tank. Obviously, his tank was also within the strike range.So Wittman jerked his head back and closed the hatch at the same time.

At this moment, more than ten bombs exploded almost simultaneously.A huge shock wave swept across this large area immediately.Wittmann's tank was already tilted, and the shock wave rushed straight over and hit the side of the tank.As a result, the tank, which had been tilted almost overturned, was really turned over, with its tracks facing the sky and the turret facing down.However, the airtightness of the Tiger tank is good, at least, there is no large group of flames coming in from a certain gap.

"Captain, captain! Are you okay?" This was the voice of the loader Gunther Weber. The overturning of the tank caused all the members to fall heavily.

"Oh, I'm fine." Wittman rubbed his head, trying to straighten himself, and said, "Everyone okay?"

"Captain, I'm fine." This was the voice of the pilot Heinrich Rammel.

"I'm fine, it's just that something hit my eye socket." Gunner Carl Wegner replied.

"I'm fine..."

"I'm fine, just a bit of a sprain in my left hand."

Wittmann breathed a sigh of relief seeing that his crew was fine.He then asked, "Are the oxygen cylinders there?" The space inside the tank is extremely narrow, and the air there will never last long.

"Ah, mine is here."

"Mine is here too."...

Before this attack, the Germans considered the situation where the tank was attacked by the enemy's special bombs.Tank crews are not the same as those cheap infantry. Those guys are just cheap consumables, but tank crews, especially experienced tank crews, are extremely important.Therefore, the Germans prepared an oxygen tank that can last for about 30 minutes for everyone in the tank crew, so that they can rely on this to survive the most dangerous extreme hypoxia for about 10 to [-] minutes after the explosion (German high estimated the sustained effect of the bomb).

Wittmann has turned himself on its head.He asked: "Are you ready? We are going to abandon the car and retreat on foot."

The explosion of this round of fuel-air bombs completely blocked the route for German soldiers to rush into the British position. There is no doubt that this attack has failed.Now, as long as the commander has an ounce of reason, he will order a retreat.If Wittmann and the others don't evacuate quickly, they can only be captured by the British.

Wittmann put on an oxygen mask and carefully opened the escape door, looking out.There was silence outside, as silent as a large cemetery.The complete or mutilated corpses of hundreds of infantrymen are scattered in this large area, which is horrible.

But Wittmann didn't have time to sigh. He pushed open the escape door and jumped into the trench. Then, his crew members also jumped out.They ran along the trench for a while, and then, in front of them, there was an open field of more than [-] meters.It is already more than a thousand meters away from the current defense line of the British. The British machine guns are no longer a particularly big threat to them. However, the enemy planes above their heads and the British mortars are still ready could threaten them.

Wittmann raised his head, carefully observing the enemy plane in the sky, while thinking about his next move.The open ground of about [-] meters, if you rush, you can rush across it in ten seconds.But now there are no living people in this area. Once my car crew appears on this open ground with such a posture, it will become very conspicuous and will definitely be attacked by the enemy.

"Get down on the ground and crawl until you're near the edge of the woods," Wittmann ordered.


After Arthur pulled up his attack plane, he began to hover over the battlefield. In order to carry this kind of bomb, his plane had fewer other weapons.However, after dropping the bomb, he still has three 37-guns and two 20-guns.

But there are really no decent targets on the ground.And, at least for 10 minutes, he couldn't go into the low-altitude airspace -- the oxygen levels there were so low that the engines would stall.Arthur, who was bored, began to look around, and he even thought: "Why didn't a German plane come to join in the fun?"

To say that there are still German fighter jets who want to come and join in the fun.Under the strict order of the German Command, the Luftwaffe finally took a large-scale operation.In fact, German night fighters have been in combat since the early hours of the morning.But these night fighters met their counterparts, the American and British night fighters, and after a chaotic and inconclusive battle, everyone called it quits.The Germans took down 3 Mosquito night fighters and lost a ju-88 themselves. It seems that the exchange ratio is not bad, but they have not been able to launch a decent attack on those night bombers at all.

When it was almost dawn, the Luftwaffe finally made a desperate move and dispatched all the fighter jets it could dispatch in one go. More than 200 fighter jets of various types rushed towards the landing site.

The sudden force of the German fighter jets completely exceeded the expectations of Ron, other army aviation generals, and the Royal Air Force generals.In fact, for a long time, everyone has been used to and ignored the existence of the Luftwaffe.And Ron, who came from another time and space, knew that in the original history, the German Air Force was very passive in the battle of Normandy, and there was no such action at all.Could it be the butterfly effect of the traveler that ignited the Luftwaffe all of a sudden?However, this news did not shock Ron and the other generals. On the contrary, while they were happy in their hearts, they aimed vigilant eyes at each other.

The reason why no one was shocked was because in the nearby airspace, the Allied Forces had always maintained a large fighter fleet, and they could easily gather a much larger number of fighter jets.And watch the opponent vigilantly, it is because everyone wants to get an extra share of this victory.

"Putting on Boynton," Ron said to the radio operator.

"Okay general," the operator replied, and after a while, he handed a set of headsets to Ron.

"Daddy, how far are you from Area 5?" Ron picked up the headset and shouted into it, "...not far? Great! There are big fish! Hundreds of German planes Flying towards the 5th area... Hurry up and be sure to get ahead of the British and other alliances. I don't think there will be such a good thing in the future. This will be the last large-scale attack on the Western Front Air battle!"

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