New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 212, the final large-scale air battle

The German fighters are out!This news immediately revived Boyington, who was circling the sky boredly with his fighter jet.

"Brothers! The German guy is out, follow me, move quickly, or we won't be able to turn! Follow me!" Boyington pushed the throttle valve forward for a short distance, and at the same time slightly pressed the press head , the plane began to accelerate rapidly. The speed of 24 P-81s quickly exceeded 700 kilometers. The speed of the p-81 has a clear advantage over other fighter jets in the United States and Britain, which makes Boyington very confident that he will rush to the battlefield first.

But Boyington was not the first to confront the German aircraft.The first to fight the German fighters were the 6 P-51s of the Ninth Air Force.

These 6 p-51s were originally going on a safari mission, so the German planes were stared at by them as soon as they took off from the airport.At first, they wanted to sneak attack.But 4 long-nosed fw-190ds that had been lying in ambush attacked them.The German pilots who drove the fw-190d must be veterans, and this sneak attack was very crisp and neat.In just one attack, two p-51ds were shot down.

After the four FW-190Ds completed the first round of attacks, relying on the high speed obtained by diving down, they quickly pulled up, and launched another round of attacks on the other P-51Ds that were at an energy disadvantage.Of course, the effect of this round of attack is far less than just now, they failed to hit the American fighter jet.After all, at this time, the U.S. fighter jets are ready.They began to cover each other in a two-aircraft formation. Although the fw-190d's bz tactics are very powerful, the p-51d is not that easy to deal with. Although the US military is not dominant in numbers, the fw-190d still has a clear advantage in energy, but because the p-51 is Maintaining an energy advantage, if it is just a four-to-four battle like this, it is not impossible for the Americans to come back.

But obviously, it is no longer possible for these four p-51ds to continue to perform the task of suppressing the airport.So, the German fighters began to take off from the airfield one by one.If you wait for these German planes to climb up, then the remaining 4 p-51ds will really be a dead end.

After weighing the situation, after the Germans dived and pulled up again, Captain Lawrence issued an order: "Retreat, dive to zero altitude and retreat!" The so-called "zero altitude" does not mean that the plane's belly is really attached to the ground The altitude is zero, but the indication on the altimeter is zero.When the plane flies below 50 meters, the reading on the altimeter will become zero.Therefore, the so-called "zero height" refers to a height below 50 meters.

In the process of lowering the altitude, the aircraft can use the help of gravity to obtain a higher speed, and a higher speed also means that there is energy to do more actions.Of course, the chasing enemy will also have such benefits, but the aerodynamic shape of the fw-190d is not as good as that of the p-51d, so after obtaining a speed exceeding the maximum level flight speed by diving, once the fw-190d is flattened, the deceleration of the fw-51d needs to be reduced. Faster than the p-[-]d.Moreover, the height close to the ground can also make it difficult for the enemy plane to dive. In addition, the airflow near the ground is complicated, and the plane will shake violently due to the change of airflow, which also increases the difficulty of the enemy's aiming and shooting.Therefore, in an unfavorable situation, diving to "zero altitude" to escape is also a commonly used tactic in air combat.Of course, it is a bit risky to use such a tactic now, because the genius is just getting dark, and the vision is not good. Flying to such a low altitude, it is easy to hit something.

Lawrence swooped down with the 4 remaining p-51ds, and the four fw-190ds of the Germans followed closely behind him. The fw-190d already has an energy advantage, and fast acceleration is a major feature of the fw-190 series of fighter jets. Therefore, these German planes are getting closer and closer.It was about to enter the shooting range.

"Cross scissors!" Lawrence rolled to the right, and then, pulling the joystick sharply, the p-51d made a sharp turn to the right.At the same time, Lawrence's wingman, Ensign Ronald, also completed a sharp turn to the left.

Fw-190 series fighters are not good at circling.Compared with the big-headed A-series, the hovering of the long-nosed D-series fighters with new engines is slightly better, but in terms of stable hovering, they are still inferior to the p-51d, although the p-51d Circling isn't great either.But the aircraft of the fw-190 series all have the advantage of a particularly high roll rate.Compared with the a-series that rolls as fast as an electric fan, the d-series has improved hover performance, high-altitude performance, and maximum speed. On the basis of the increase, the roll has decreased slightly, but its roll is still better than that of the p-51 much faster.So when Lawrence began to roll to the right, the German major pilot Hitzfeld who was following him immediately judged that he was going to make a sharp right turn.So he immediately followed suit and made a sharp turn to the right.

Due to the obvious advantage in roll speed, although Heathfeld started to roll to the right a little later than Lawrence, he completed the 90-degree roll ahead of Lawrence, and a little ahead of Lawrence. Just start pulling the joystick to steer.This allowed it to gain an angle in front of Lawrence, and Lawrence, who was only now beginning to turn to the right, rammed his own plane towards his muzzle.

Hitzfeld stared at the p-51d turning towards his muzzle, and pressed the fire button.The two 13mm machine guns on his nose and the two 20mm machine guns on the wings were firing hard at the P-51D.

"Puff puff puff..." Lawrence didn't need to look to know that this was the sound made by the German 13mm machine gun hitting his fighter plane.If he was flying a thick-skinned p-47, it would not be a big problem to be hit by so many 13mm machine gun rounds.But he is flying a p-51d now, and the p-51 series of fighter jets has never been considered strong.Don't say that it can't be compared with the so-called air-cooled four major thick skins (p-47, p-81, f4u, f6f) in the United States, it is compared with the p-38 and p-40 that also use liquid cooling engines, it can be counted The top is thin skin and big stuffing.Such a few rounds of bullets are entirely possible to shoot it down.

The two engines passed by staggered, Heathfield pulled up the FW-190D, and he saw that a long flight path had been drawn behind the P-51D—the plane was leaking oil.Obviously, in the attack just now, he had injured his opponent.So he rushed down again.

Another attack, this time the enemy hid successfully, he failed to hit the opponent, on the contrary, the opponent's wingman who rushed from the sideways almost hit him.Heathfeld was afraid of his recklessness when he attacked just now, and his attacking movements became more cautious.He believed that as long as he was careful enough and added a little time, he would be able to shoot down the enemy plane.

But he soon realized that he had no chance, because just as he completed another attack, and then pulled up the plane, he saw directly in front of him, about 4 kilometers away, in the crimson sky of the rising sun. In the colorful glow, there is a large group of shining planes coming head-on.Although the distance between the two sides was still so far that he couldn't judge the types of those planes, there was no doubt that they must be enemy planes, and their numbers far exceeded his own.Before engaging an enemy plane, the higher the altitude, the better.If I continue to entangle with these p-51ds, I will definitely lose altitude. At that time, when these enemy planes arrive, I will not even be able to run.So Hitzfeld immediately gave up the pursuit, pushed the throttle to the bottom, and led his fleet to start a rapid climb.

While climbing, Hitzfeld carefully observed the enemy planes approaching at high speed, and he quickly recognized that this large group of enemy planes were all P-81s.

"The enemy's P-81 is an extremely terrible fighter. If you encounter it, you must be careful." This is the warning that Hitzfeld has heard more than once.

Three months ago, a P-81 belonging to the Ninth Air Force suddenly had a mechanical failure at a lower altitude and had to make an emergency landing in an enemy-occupied area.Originally, after the plane landed, the pilot should burn the plane.However, an accident occurred when the plane made an emergency landing, resulting in the death of the pilot.And this slightly damaged p-81 fell into the hands of the Germans.

The Germans restored the plane and made test flights with it.In the test flight, the performance of this aircraft shocked the Germans.The Germans finally came to the conclusion that: Except for the me-262, Germany has no fighter that is its opponent.Although the fw-190d that Heathfield is driving is already one of the latest fighters, it is still far from being comparable to the p-81 in terms of performance.In addition, the enemy still has an obvious numerical advantage, so Heathfeld made this judgment: If his own fleet is in front of these fighter jets, it will be completely like a mantis' arm, and it will only be crushed to pieces mercilessly.

"It would be fine if it was before." Heathfield couldn't help thinking this way.

In the past, according to the combat regulations of the fighter force, in this situation, the fighter pilot could decide whether to engage the enemy or not.With such regulations, Hitzfeld can now lead his formation to step up the accelerator and run directly.The enemy plane was thinking about more targets over there, and probably wouldn't pursue him too seriously.

However, just last night, when the mission was assigned, the fighter unit first received a bad news: the effectiveness of this lovely combat regulation was temporarily suspended.In this operation, the fighter force must complete the attack mission on the enemy attack aircraft in the coastal area. Before reaching the sword beach, unless it is shot down, no fighter may leave the battle for any reason. The Allied attack over the sword beach Before the plane is driven away, unless it is shot down, no fighter plane is allowed to leave the battlefield, even if it is injured.

Now at least 40 fighter jets have taken off from the airport, and with the addition of fighter jets taking off from other airports, at least 200 fighter jets will be put into this big air battle.

Although Heathfield knew that they, together with the more than 40 fighter jets that just took off from the airport, probably couldn't beat the p-81s that were approaching at high speed.This is not only because the performance of the enemy plane is too good, but also a more important point: Although the more than 40 fighter jets on my side are superior in number, most of the pilots who fly them are no good. The pink and tender rookie.Their average flight time is less than 60 hours.The Americans are different. Their pilots, even rookies who have just graduated, have hundreds of hours of flying time.And have also received formal air combat training.In addition, the Americans have always had an advantage in the exchange ratio, which also makes their pilots have a particularly high chance of becoming veterans compared to the Germans.Therefore, in each team, the proportion of pure rookies is not high.Basically, in a combat team, the proportion of veterans should be more than four-fifths.In addition, the p-81 is very difficult to take off and land, so there are no rookies in the team equipped with p-81 fighter jets, there are only veterans and more experienced veterans.

"This kind of confrontation is a massacre!" Heathfield thought in despair.

However, on the other hand, Hitzfeld felt that although the overall loss was certain, he was not without a chance to fight for one or two tactical victories. "Let's hide away first. After the Yankees and those rookies face each other, and when they get entangled together, we can kill another one and return to the carbine. Maybe we can end a fight or two."

"Follow me, let's meet up with the big fleet first!" Heathfield issued an order to his four-plane formation.Then, he sent an alert to those pink rookies by radio: "An enemy fighter jet has been found, the model is p-81, and the number is not less than 20!"

This warning made the rookies quite flustered, although they knew before they set off that they would definitely be attacked by Allied fighter jets.But as soon as he left the airport, he encountered the most terrifying p-81 in the legend.

"Climb faster! After the battle, protect each other in groups. Remember, protecting your teammates is protecting yourself!" The commander began to remind the rookies through the radio.Although he knew these truths and the rookies also knew it, but he was sure that when they got nervous, they would forget everything.

"Did you see it? The big meal is ahead!" Poynton also saw the large group of German fighter jets at this time, "accelerate the climb and prepare to attack!"

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