New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 213, the final large-scale air battle

The p-81 already had a very high climb rate, and in order to save time on the way here, Boyington and his fleet flew very fast.So when the two sides found each other, although the Germans immediately climbed up crazily, but, relying on their higher initial speed and higher climb rate, the P-81s of Boyington quickly took advantage of the altitude.

There are two basic principles for selecting the attack target in the fleet confrontation when one's own side has an energy advantage. The first is to attack the most threatening target first. The so-called "most threatening target" refers to the target with the highest energy. Generally, the target with the highest energy is the target with the highest altitude.The second principle is to hit a target with limited attack power, in order to quickly shoot down the opponent or disable the opponent's combat capability.But now, when one's own side is at a disadvantage in terms of numbers, this is even more important.Because only by quickly shooting down or damaging the enemy plane can this disadvantage be quickly reversed.

Those German fighters before Poynton included three.One is the bf-109g series of fighter jets, and the other is the fw-190a series. In addition, Boyington also noticed that among these common aircraft, there is also a type of fighter jet that he has only seen in pictures before, but There is no long-nosed fw-190 encountered on the battlefield.

Since the climb rate of the bf-109g series fighters is better than that of the fw-190a, it is basically those bf-109g that are at higher altitudes.Since the bf-109gs were higher in height, they naturally became the priority targets of Boyington's attack.

Poington, who had gained the height advantage, did not dive down immediately.While maintaining the altitude advantage, he continued to observe the enemy plane below.Although you must be decisive in battle, you must be cautious before going into battle, and the more advantage you have, the more cautious you should be.Although Boyington always showed his enthusiasm for air combat when speaking to his comrades, when he actually faced the battle, he was always quite cautious.From this point of view, he is a bit like Barton, both of them are "fake bold, but really careful".

After carefully observing the situation of the enemy fleet, Poington began to assign tasks.

"Moses team, you attack the highest BF-10 below your 109 o'clock; Sleeping Beauty team, attack the one below 11 o'clock; Vampire team, attack the one below 1 o'clock; Mickey Mouse team, 2 o'clock ..."

After receiving the order from Boynton, these fighter jets swooped down immediately, and the battle began...


Ron sat in the combat command room, quietly listening to various voices coming from the radio.In his opinion, Poynton's command on the scene was quite good.And the shouts that came from the radio after that also proved this point.

"Haha, I hit him! That guy skydived!"

"You idiot! You actually let that damned Nazi have a chance to parachute! Just like I did just now, just hit him and blow him up in the air! Do you understand, just send that damned Nazi to hell!"

As soon as Ron heard the conversation, he knew that it was the pilots of the Moses team.The guys in Moses' squad were all Jewish, and they hated the Germans more than anyone else.In previous air battles, they even violated discipline by shooting enemy parachutes.Of course, this situation must be stopped.This is not because of any convention, or chivalry, but to protect their own pilots.If American pilots can shoot German pilots who parachute today, then tomorrow, when American pilots parachute, the Germans can shoot their parachutes, or shoot American pilots who fall in German-controlled territory and are captured.In Ron's opinion, before the Germans shoot the parachutes of the American pilots on a large scale, it is absolutely impossible to shoot the parachutes of the Germans first.While the exchange ratio in air combat was always more favorable to the US military, more Germans would have died if they had been shot at.However, just as Ron said, the Nazis are just animals, and it is not worthwhile to exchange human lives with animals.

On the Eastern Front, when the Germans had a big advantage and thought the outcome was decided, they once violated the principle of not shooting enemy pilots who parachuted and opened fire on parachuting Soviet pilots.As a result of this, the Soviets did not hesitate to open fire on the parachuting Germans, and did not hesitate to shoot the German pilots caught by them.When the final battle situation was reversed, many pilots in the Luftwaffe deeply regretted their original actions.

So when Ron found out that this happened to his subordinates, he immediately punished the violating pilot severely. First, he was banned from flying and placed in confinement. The guy kicked to the Pacific Ocean.Ron felt that this was a good thing for the troops and for him.It is difficult for a fighter pilot who is too easily controlled by emotions to live very long.

This example shocked other Jewish pilots who were eager to try, and they dared not shoot the parachute directly, so they put their energy into researching how to prevent the Germans from parachuting. The powerful firepower of the p-81 is very beneficial for them to achieve this goal.In order to increase the chance of directly smashing the enemy plane during shooting, these guys have adjusted the convergence point of the machine guns closer.In this way, when they hit the enemy, more shells will be hit on the enemy plane, and the chance of the enemy plane being blown up will of course be higher.But in this way, their attack distance is greatly shortened, and the probability of being hit by the fragments of the exploded enemy plane is also greatly increased.

In just over six minutes, Ron heard the cheers from the fighter pilots of his own side after shooting down the enemy plane as many as eleven times on the radio.

"Oh my God! What are the Germans doing? Even if it's eleven pigs, they can't be killed in six minutes!" Ron couldn't help saying this.And this sentence was memorized, and as a result, the Army's "Normandy Pig Killing" and the Navy's "Mariana Turkey Hunting" became a symbol of the United States' overwhelming air power.


In fact, the achievement of shooting down eleven enemy planes in just over six minutes surprised not only Ron, but even Boynton who was on the scene.These German guys, um, the level of these German guys is too bad?

Just like just now, when Boynton dived towards a BF-109G, the German pilot panicked and pulled a sharp turn desperately, but he pulled too hard, causing one wing to stall, and the plane suddenly into the spiral.And the rookie sitting in the cockpit obviously forgot how to get out of the spiral, he didn't even try, he just opened the canopy and jumped out in a hurry.You know, the current altitude is a full 4000 meters, and he still has enough time to try to get out of the spiral.

There are also some German fighter jets, as soon as they saw the American plane rushing over, they panicked and made defensive actions. As a result, energy wasted in vain. made such an action.As a result, the p-81, which was easily thrown up, smashed it into pieces like hitting an immovable empty target.

The battle was so smooth that some pilots gradually relaxed their vigilance.Isn't it just bullying a bunch of stupid pigs?Is it worth being too careful?With opponents of this level, even with their eyes closed, they can still be beaten to pieces.Such thoughts popped up in the heads of some pilots unknowingly.


Heathfield knew that those rookies were definitely no match for the Yankees, but their collapse was far beyond his expectations.

"This is really... the Soviets were not as miserable as they were at the worst on the Eastern Front?" Heathfeld looked at the sky outside, watching German fighter jets turn into fireballs one after another. , can not help but think so.

However, at this moment, an opportunity he had been waiting for for a long time appeared.The two p-81s completely ignored their existence, and went directly to attack the several bf-200gs that were about 109 meters taller than them at eleven o'clock.These pilots probably didn't notice that although the bf-109gs were a little higher, the speed of Heathfield's fw-190d was much faster than those bf-109gs.In this area, they are the most powerful German fighters!

"Opportunity!" Heathfield immediately pushed the throttle valve to the end, and at the same time turned on the switch of the booster device that injects MW50 water methanol into the engine.The Yumo 213a-1 engine roared deafeningly, and Heathfield's fighter jets rushed towards the two P-81s in front.

Heathfield knew that the p-81 was extremely strong, and he was attacking from the direction of 6 o'clock.This further weakens the attack power of the shells fired by itself.If you can't hit the opponent with enough shells, it may be difficult to shoot down the opponent.In the battle against those p-51s just now, Heathfield has already fired a lot of shells.He was running low on shells.So he has to approach to a very close distance before firing, the only way to ensure the hit rate.

Now, Heathfield's target, Hughes, who was flying a P-81 fighter jet, had been reminded by his wingman that the Germans approaching from the rear had been spotted.As long as he increases his horsepower and climbs, he can get rid of the fw-190d behind him, but now the bf-109g in front of him has been bitten by him, and he can shoot down this enemy plane in a few seconds up.So Hughes decided to kill the bf-109g in front of him first, and then get rid of the fw-190d in time.Anyway, at the level of the Germans, how could he hit himself?

Heathfield approached to a distance of only 81 meters from Hughes' P-100. He lightly pedaled the rudder, and firmly put the P-81, which wanted to use some small movements to interfere with his aiming, on the shooting target. in the aperture.Then he hit the fire button hard.

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