New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 214, the final large-scale air battle

A series of shells flew out from the nose and wings of Heathfield's FW-190D, and then hit the P-81 fighter in front hard.

"Damn it!" Hearing the crackling sound from the fuselage, Hughes knew that the guy behind him was definitely a veteran.Just at this moment, I was hit by at least seven or eight 20mm shells. If I was driving a p-51 or something thin-skinned and stuffed like a flamethrower, I am afraid that fireworks would be set off on the spot.But even for a guy like p-81 who is known as "air-cooled and thick-skinned", it is impossible to be unscathed by such a guy.Hughes saw that the thrust of the rear engine had dropped significantly, and it was obviously damaged.

On the other hand, Hitzfeld was also quite depressed.Damn, is it a tank flying in front of me?I have already hit it with more than a dozen 13mm machine gun bullets and seven or eight 20mm shells. The plane actually just dropped a few small fragments, and the propeller behind it was still spinning.At this time, Heathfield really misses his fw-190a4. If he is driving a fw-190a4 now, with four 4mm guns and two external mk-20s, such a distance, such a With a long shot, even if the one flying in front is really a tank, he can beat it down by himself.

Hughes rolled to the right, then pulled the bar and dived.Due to the influence of the torque of the propeller, the general fighter rolls to the left faster than to the right, so when under attack, most pilots are used to turning sharply to the left to get rid of their opponents.Because it is much faster to complete a sharp left turn than a sharp right turn.However, because the p-81 has two propellers in front and one behind, the torque brought by the propellers cancels each other out, so the roll rate is the same whether it is left or right.Therefore, almost all pilots, after flying the p-81, the first flying habit that needs to be changed is to turn sharply to the right when under attack.Because most bandit rolls to the right are slower than the P-81, by the time they complete a 90-degree roll to the right, the P-81 has already turned a certain distance.

But this time, Hughes clearly felt that the roll of his plane was much slower than before.Such a roll speed is impossible to get rid of the fw-190, which is famous for its fast roll.Are you really going to skydive?What a shame!

Just as Hughes predicted, Heathfield easily followed his movements.Hitzfeld once again put his opponent into the shooting aura, and then slammed the shooting button.However, this time, things did not go as he wished—the two machine guns did not fire, and the two machine guns were mute after only two shots.

"Damn it! No more bullets!" Heathfield was so angry that he wanted to smash the sight in front of him.He slid out of the attack position and said to his wingman, "You attack!"

But this process gave Hughes the most precious time.Now that Hughes' plane has entered a dive, it will not be so easy to catch him again.What's more terrible is that they have also been pegged by other p-81s at this time.

Boyington was the first to react. At that time, he had just shot down a BF-109G, and when he pulled up the plane, he saw his subordinates being attacked and the plane was injured. At the same time, he heard Hugh on the radio. Screaming for help.So he immediately made a sharp turn and dived towards the enemy plane, and his wingman followed him and dived towards the opponent.

Hitzfeld's move to give his wingman the attacking position saved his life, but put his wingman in danger.When his wingman entered the attack position, Boyington naturally put the target on his wingman.At this time, a defect of the fw-190 series fighters affected them again.Like almost all German fighters, the fw-190 series fighters have quite limited vision, especially the rear vision, which is even worse.So when the Boynton crew swooped down from above and behind them, none of them noticed.Originally, if the German rookie pilots around could see it.If they have a little experience, they will remind Heathfield them at this time.It's a pity that they are all rookies and are now in a mess under the attack of the Americans.Those who are being attacked, of course, don't bother to remind them, even those who are not actually being attacked think they are being attacked because of panic.Therefore, neither nor anyone else issued a warning to Heathfield and the others.In this way, the hunter has no idea that he has become the prey.

Evans, Heathfield's wingman, was trying his best to catch the clumsy enemy plane. Since his fighter plane did not take the main attack role in the battle with P-51D just now, his shells were not good enough. Therefore, even if the distance is not close enough, he will use the more accurate 13mm machine gun in the nose to shoot a few short bursts from time to time. The enemy pilot brought greater psychological pressure, causing him to make wrong actions in a panic.

But at this time, although Hughes was still very ashamed, he was not panicked or frightened at all.Because he had heard Boynton's voice on the radio.

"Attract him, let me shoot him down!"

Boyington quickly approached his prey while talking to Hughes.Under the push and pull of two high-horsepower engines, during the dive, Boyington's p-81 has reached a speed of nearly 900 kilometers per hour.For a general fighter at this speed, the wing surface compression effect will make its handling performance drop in a mess.However, due to the use of technologies such as laminar wings, swept wings, and wing knives, the control performance of the P-81 at such speeds has hardly declined at all.The high speed itself is not necessarily terrible, just like in the history of Ron's original time and space, the bf-109k109, the last modification of the German bf-14 series of fighters, reached a top speed of 760 kilometers per hour in level flight, far exceeding The p-51d of the US military.However, the significance of this extreme speed is very limited, because the bf-109k14's wing and empennage operating surfaces that do not use layered wings have long been affected by the severe airfoil compression effect before reaching such a speed. , and has almost lost its utility.The bf-700k109 flying at a speed of more than 14 kilometers is actually a manned rocket that can only run in a straight line.But once the high speed and control performance are combined, it will be extremely scary.

Just like now, with a high speed of nearly 81 kilometers per hour higher than the opponent, Boyington quickly approached the opponent's tail, but the excellent high-speed control performance of the p-[-] allowed him to firmly hold the opponent's glove. into the shooting aperture.

Boyington lowered a flap to allow his speed to drop a bit so he could have a longer shot.Then he started firing at the fw-190d.

Six 20mm breech guns spewed deadly flames at its victim, and in just one second, around 100 20mm shells were fired.Since the American 20mm revolver fired shells with a higher muzzle velocity than the German 20mm or even the Americans' own .50 caliber aviation machine guns, the guns were also surprisingly accurate.At least a quarter of the hundred shells hit the opponent. Although the fw-190d is also a relatively strong fighter, the lethality of more than 20 rounds of 20mm shells is not something this aircraft can withstand.One of its wings had been cut off in half, and the plane began to belch black smoke.

Boyington pulled up the fighter plane. If any enemy plane didn't explode in the air, the wingman following him would definitely follow up and use a burst of fire to intervene the plane.

However, Poynton's wingman did not get such an opportunity.Because when he was about to add a few more shells, the plane suddenly exploded into pieces.

"It's not too late, but at this time, it can be seen that this is a fallacy!" Boyington's wingman Matthews couldn't help but cursed in his heart.If the plane blows up a little later, I can still add two shots to have fun; if the plane blows up earlier, I still have time to attack another target.

The wingman was set off with fireworks in an instant, which startled Heathfield. He hurriedly made a barrel roll to avoid possible attacks on him.When he was sure that he was not bitten, Heathfeld found that his body was covered with sweat, and the hand holding the joystick was shaking slightly.

Hughes, who turned the corner, now has time to carefully check his aircraft. The power of the rear engine has dropped by about 20.00%. In addition, he does not dare to put a greater load on the rear engine, so he can only reduce the throttle valve. This results in the rear engine actually producing less than half of its full power output.Several 13mm bullets hit the vertical tail, and the rudder was damaged.At the same time, the left aileron was also badly damaged, which caused the roll rate of the aircraft to drop a lot now.Fortunately, through the dive, his fighter still gained a high speed, which was enough to ensure that he got rid of other German fighters and returned.

Under continuous attacks, the rookie pilots of the Luftwaffe finally collapsed.They began to disregard the previous military orders and fled in all directions.But in this era, which propeller fighter can get rid of the pursuit of p-81?In the end, Boyington took his fighters and achieved a big victory.They shot down 34 enemy planes in one breath, but they only paid the price of serious injuries to one fighter plane and minor injuries to 4 planes.At the same time, near several other airports, fighter jets of the Ninth Air Force were also fighting with the Germans.

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