New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 215 Don't be afraid of the pig teammate, be afraid of the pig captain

The air battle on this day was extremely tragic.Of course, this tragedy has to be discussed separately.This "miserable" is "miserable", and this word belongs to the Germans. More than 500 fighter planes were besieged by nearly 180 American and British fighter planes. There were more than [-] planes, and the rest were all shot down by the Allied forces. This time, for the first time, what a "miserable" word!As for the "Lie", it was a "joyed" "Lie". After the war, according to the statistics after the war, the air power of the Allied forces shot down [-] four enemy planes in one breath, but the price I paid was only [-] fighter planes were shot down. Twelve fighters were damaged only.And most of the pilots of these downed fighter planes also parachuted successfully, and nine of them have also successfully reunited with the airborne troops or underground resistance organizations.

Therefore, after this battle, the air power of the Allied forces, whether it was the Royal Air Force or the U.S. Army Air Force, was full of joy.The pilots gathered together to figure out how many enemy planes they had shot down this time, and how they could brag to their elders in their hometown after returning home.

"If you want me to say, Kent was lucky. Today, he took down 6 shots in one day, tying the record."

"What kind of luck? I'm technical, do you understand?" The pilot named Kent replied with a smile, "Mr. Ron may have said that 'a lot of things that look like luck are actually a manifestation of strength', right? Today I The results of the battle are completely a manifestation of strength. It is a pity that there are too few German aircraft, and I will break the record if I have one more."

"Bah! Why? Even if there is one more fight, it should be our turn to fight!"

"That's not necessarily true. What's wrong with my luck today? You guys are jealous, ah, God, how much I enjoy such eyes full of envy, jealousy and hatred!" Kent looked complacent and in need of a beating.

"Even if you break the record, it doesn't explain anything. When they set the record of shooting down six enemy planes in an air battle, the opponent was not so bad!" said another pilot.

This sentence was agreed by Kent, who also nodded and said: "It's true, the level of the Germans is really, the rookies who just came out of the aviation school are much better than them. And, I think the average level of German pilots has been getting lower and lower, and if this continues, it may be difficult for us to encounter any decent air combat in the future."

"If only the German Army was this bad, then we can go home and eat turkey for Christmas!" Another pilot laughed.

Ron passed by and just heard this sentence, he couldn't help shaking his head secretly.

The words "go home and eat turkey at Christmas" are not auspicious words for the US military.It seems that as long as such words come out in history, there will always be some troubles in the war situation.And Ron also knew that compared with the Air Force whose spine had been broken, the German Army still had a strong combat effectiveness. Christmas '44 was not going to end the war anyway.However, after this battle, the Germans should have understood that it is impossible for them to drive the Allies into the sea, so what will they do next?


A hospital in Paris, France, Rommel is undergoing a final examination by doctors.

"Marshal, it's unbelievable that you recovered so quickly!" an old doctor said to Rommel.

"Ah, Dr. Muller, in this situation, I must recover quickly." Rommel forced a smile and said, "Otherwise, they will secretly tell me that Long is gone."

Rommel knew that during his absence, the Allied forces landed, and then during his absence due to injuries, the Allied forces repelled the decisive counterattack of the German army. Now, there is no possibility of driving the Allied forces into the sea. up.In the next step, we can only follow Rundstedt's idea, retreat step by step, organize a line of defense, and block the Allied forces as much as possible.It is a pity that the German armored force suffered heavy losses in the previous failed counterattack, which inevitably led to the lack of flexibility of this line of defense.

Moreover, the deployment of the German military force is also very troublesome now. At the beginning, Rundstedt asked the main force to be deployed at the back, while Rommel asked the main force to be deployed at the front. In the end, Hitler made a compromise and deployed the troops at the same time. .As a result, not long ago, if you wanted to counterattack, your troops were too far behind to attack; now you want to defend, your troops are too far forward, making it difficult to withdraw safely.This is really... Rommel shook his head involuntarily.Since the Battle of Moscow, the head of state has become more and more fond of directly intervening in the command of the army, and now, he is becoming more and more stubborn and difficult to persuade.He couldn't help but think of some of his old subordinates who mentioned to him about the idea of ​​​​making peace with the United States and Britain alone.This idea is of course good, and it is almost the only possible way for Germany to end the war decently, but will the head of state agree?

But now is not the time to think about this kind of problem, the collapsed battle situation is still waiting for him to clean up.

When he came to the headquarters, Rommel immediately made such a judgment after learning about the current specific situation.Now the center of gravity of this battle has become the port of Cherbourg. For the Allied forces, it is absolutely impossible to support large-scale offensive operations only by relying on the transportation capacity of the beachhead.If Cherbourg cannot be conquered in time, with the arrival of the storm season, the number of beachhead supplies will also be affected. Then, I am afraid that the Allied forces will not have any decent attack capabilities until April of the following year.In this way, the German army will have a chance to breathe, and it is possible to organize a relatively strong and flexible line of defense in Paris and the Seine River.

It's just that the troops in the port of Cherbourg are very empty. With such a small number of troops, Cherbourg cannot be defended no matter what.It's just that Caen is now under siege by the British, and there is really no way to mobilize the army to Cherbourg, maybe... that's the only way to go.

Rommel raised his head from the map and said: "Order, General Schlieben, the destruction of the port at Cherbourg must begin immediately. It must be ensured that the port facilities are completely and completely destroyed! At the same time, the order, Cherbourg surrounding...etc. The local troops abandoned their current garrison and moved to Cherbourg to be included in the order of command of General Schlieben. Ordered the Seventh Army to transfer all remaining coastal defense troops to Cherbourg and send its four infantry divisions to Cherbourg. Get ready to move."

After issuing these orders, Rommel said to the adjutant: "Give me a report to the Fuehrer, asking him to approve my transfer of the four infantry divisions of the Seventh Army to the line of the Seine. Well, the telegram reads like this: Dear Fuehrer ..."


Wolf's Den Command.

"Führer," said an aide, placing a telegram on Hitler's desk, "an urgent telegram from Field Marshal Rommel, who has requested that the four infantry divisions of the Seventh Army be withdrawn to the line of the Seine, and has ordered the Seventh Army's The coastal defense force withdraws to Cherbourg to strengthen the defense of Cherbourg. The Marshal awaits your approval."

"What? Rommel is going to retreat too? This will never be allowed!" Hitler suddenly became excited. He stood up suddenly and grabbed Rommel's telegram.

"Let's see how this fearless hero of the Empire explained that he wanted to retreat and run away! Ah, 'The four infantry divisions under the Seventh Army had suffered losses in previous battles, and their strength The loss of equipment and equipment is huge, and it is urgent to withdraw and rest to restore combat effectiveness'? I knew it! They will only find such a clumsy excuse! No! I will never agree to retreat! The current war is the willpower of the two nations The one who retreated, no, the one who fled could only be defeated! Back in Moscow, when the Russians made a small counterattack, the cowards in the general staff wanted to escape one by one. If it wasn't for my order at that time, it would have been a huge defeat! No retreat, we collapsed like Napoleon in the harsh Russian winter! No! We cannot retreat a single step!

Ah, let me see again, what else does the brave Rommel ask for?Well, he has ordered the rest of the Seventh Army's coastal defense units to be transferred to Cherbourg?Who approved him to do this! 'Transferred to'?Our marshal's rhetorical skills are good, moving the troops from a position facing the enemy to a position far away from the enemy, this is not a "transfer", it is a retreat, it is an escape!Immediately send a message to Rommel and tell him that I will not allow any troops to take a step back! "Hitler severely crumpled up Rommel's telegram and threw it into the wastebasket.

"Yes, Führer!" The aide-de-camp saluted Hitler, then turned to leave the office.When he reached the door, Hitler stopped him suddenly.

"Führer, what other orders do you have?" the aide turned around and asked Hitler.

"Directly send a telegram to the combat troops, send my order directly to them, and order them to return to their posts immediately!"


Coastal artillery gunner Hans is installing explosives on the fixed 203mm coastal artillery.Just now they received an order from their superiors to immediately leave the current position and move closer to Cherbourg, and destroyed all the equipment that could not be taken away. The 203mm coastal artillery could not be moved at all, so of course it was included in the destruction.In fact, the Allied forces have already landed on the European continent in Normandy, and it is meaningless for them to continue to guard areas where no one can land.Being transferred to Cherbourg is also very reasonable.The superiors have already prepared for this.So when Hans got the order to blow up the cannon, he skillfully installed explosives in various key parts of the cannon, so that it could be blown up immediately with an order from above.

At this moment, a soldier rushed over: "Stop the blasting! Stop the blasting! The latest order, the transfer order is cancelled, our department must continue to stick to the current position!"

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