New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 217, Aviation Gunship

As soon as Ron's plane came to a stop, he saw a tractor approaching.Ron rubbed his eyes, and he was right, it was a tractor.It's just that the person sitting on it is not an honest and honest French farmer, but an American soldier.

The tractor suddenly drove to Ron's PA-38, and the American soldier skillfully turned the tractor around, then jumped off the tractor, and hung a tow rope on the PA-38 attack aircraft.Then he drove the tractor and pulled Ron's PA-38 towards the tarmac not far away.

After the plane was parked, someone set up a gangway for Ron. When Ron got off the plane, he saw another tractor towing a plane driving towards here not far away.

"Where did you get all these tractors?" Looking at this scene, Ron suddenly remembered some pictures of Indian aircraft carriers he had seen in that previous time and space.It seems that in that time and space, Indians used tractors as tractors on aircraft carriers.I didn't expect to travel to this time and space and let myself encounter such a thing.

"General," replied a second lieutenant officer standing aside, "these tractors originally belonged to local farmers. After we arrived here, we wanted to rebuild the airport, but we couldn't deliver the engineering vehicles for a while. So we went to Contacted the underground organization in France to see if they could find some of these vehicles for us. As a result, they got us a construction team and more than a dozen tractors from farmers. Later, after the project was over, Because there is no tractor, and the runway here is too narrow, it would be very inconvenient without a tractor. Therefore, we simply paid for these tractors and rented them as tractors temporarily."

Indeed, this runway temporarily converted from a road is indeed too narrow, and its entire width is limited compared to the wingspan of the PA-38 attack aircraft.Compared to the runway at Crow's Nest Airport where at least two PA-38s can be placed side by side, this runway is indeed too narrow.

For an aircraft like the PA-38, it is already difficult to turn around on such a runway, and for the C-47 transport aircraft that will take off and land here in the future, it can only rely on a tractor.

At this time, the adjutant Coster in the back seat also climbed down from the gangway.It can be seen that he is not very used to flying, and the plane encountered a turbulence just now, and it was a little bumpy, so Scott's face is still slightly pale.

"General," the second lieutenant continued, "the pilot's lounge and war room are over there. This is the operation area. Do you want to go there first with that pilot?"

"Okay." Ron said, and he looked down at the apron. This apron was obviously newly opened, perhaps because the concrete underneath hadn't dried out yet, so another layer was laid on it for the airport runway. Thick steel plate for emergency repairs.The temperature of these steel plates is not low under the sun's exposure.In addition, the flight jacket itself is very warm, and it was okay during the flight, but it was indeed a little hot after landing, so I should go to the lounge to change it.Anyway, the distance is not far, and the c-47s can be seen when they land in a while.

I got into an open jeep with Scott, left the tarmac and drove towards several wooden houses not far away.Between the tarmac and the wooden houses is a newly opened road.Not to mention the asphalt road, this road is not even paved with pebbles, it is completely a dirt road.Although the Americans rolled it over with a road roller, the road was still full of potholes, and the jeep hopped over it, dragging out billows of yellow dust.

The jeep stopped in front of the wooden house, Ron and Scott jumped out of the car, a private opened the door, and Ron and Scott walked in.

This is a house built entirely of wood, and the wood is still fresh, probably just cut down, not completely dry.The soldiers who built it just tied the trunks of these fir trees together with wire and buried them in the ground to make a wall without even peeling off the bark.Therefore, these fir trees are still alive. In the corner of the wall, you may still see a small branch that has just grown, with a few tender green leaves emerging from it.The whole house is filled with a fresh cedar fragrance.

Strictly speaking, it is actually very inappropriate to build a house like this.Because the wood is not completely dry and has not undergone anti-corrosion treatment, it will not be long before problems such as deformation and cracking will appear, and it will soon become an uninhabitable dilapidated house.But for the US military, this is not a problem at all.Because this "advance airport" will not be used for a long time at all.At most one week later, the U.S. troops will be able to approach the city of Cherbourg, and there is a German military airport less than 80 kilometers away from the city of Cherbourg.By that time, the German airfield must have fallen into the hands of the US military.This "advance airport" can be completely abandoned.And these wooden houses last for a little more than a week, so there is absolutely no problem at all.As for the future, even if it breaks, it has nothing to do with the US military.

Ron changed out of his flight jacket in the locker room and put on a military uniform.Then walk to a window in the lounge facing the runway.There is a table and some chairs.The table has been around for a long time, and the red paint on it has turned black, but it still looks thick and strong.Looking around, the other tables, and the chairs that go with the tables are also all kinds, none of them are the same.Ron thought that most of these tables and chairs were also temporarily rented from other residents.

At this time, the pilots of other PA-38 attack aircraft also arrived one after another.After they came in, they saluted Ron in a hurry, and went to change their clothes.Ron sat down by the window, and someone brought him a cup of coffee.Ron thanked him and sat there, looking towards the runway 200 meters away.

After about twenty minutes, the roar of the engine appeared again in the sky.Ron said to Scott, "They're here too. Let's go out and see."

The sound of the engine was getting closer.Ron saw a string of small black dots appearing in the western sky. These small black dots got closer and bigger as they flew closer. Finally, he saw clearly that they were several C-47s.

These c-47s circled the "advance airport" for a few times, and then began to lower their altitude.One of them lined up on the runway, lowered its landing gear, and began to descend.

Compared with the C-47 transport aircraft, the width of the runway of the "advance airport" is significantly narrower.Still, the plane was firmly aligned with the runway.The main landing gear of the plane landed lightly, emitting a plume of white smoke. After the plane continued to taxi along the runway for a while, the tail wheel also fell on the runway...

With the successful landing of the first plane, the other few planes are naturally not a problem.The c-47 after landing was also towed by those tractors and sent to the apron.

By this time Ron and Scott had also reached the tarmac.Ron pointed to a C-47 that was being towed towards the tarmac and said to Scott: "Scott, can you see the difference between that C-47 and these three?"

Scott opened his eyes wide and looked at the approaching C-47. After watching for a long time, he shook his head and said, "General, we can see the difference. Well, by the way, look at its landing gear. , it is two batches later than these three."

"Not bad!" Ron looked at Scott in surprise, "Yes, you are very good, you have noticed such details! However, I am not talking about this difference."

"Then I really can't see it," Scott shook his head and said, "General, stop playing charades."

The c-47 was overturned and parked.Ron said to Scott, "Want to know the answer? Go check it out."

The two walked to the side of the c-47, when the hatch of the c-47 was opened.As soon as the hatch was opened, Scott immediately noticed the difference between it and other C-47s.Because inside the hatch, there is a big guy facing Scott.

"Good guy, why did you install this thing here!" Scott was surprised.

That big guy is a 6-barreled Gatling gun.It looks like the Vulcan cannon on the p-38 fighter jet, but it is bigger than the one on the p-38.

"This is a 25mm Gatling cannon, which is more powerful than the p-38. Of course, the rate of fire is a little lower, but there are still 4000 rounds per minute." Ron explained in detail, " The aircraft also has a hatch on the other side, and behind that door is a single-barreled 40mm gun. This gun is modified from a Bofors 40mm anti-aircraft gun. It uses clip-feed, Theoretical rate of fire is two hundred rounds per minute, of course, not so fast in practice. When using armor-piercing projectiles, it can easily penetrate the roof of any German tank."

"My God! This is exactly a gunboat flying in the air!" Scott exclaimed.

"You're right." Ron said, "This modification program is called the 'Air Gunship' program. The military also gave this aircraft a new number, called AC-47."

This thing was made by Ron based on the ac-130 attack aircraft of later generations, so when it comes to it, Ron is very interested.

"The firepower persistence of this thing is definitely unparalleled. I estimate that even if there is only one aircraft, it can suppress a large number of enemy troops. Moreover, the stability of the platform is also higher than that of ordinary attack aircraft. With it, we can reduce a lot of landing sorties. Let more pilots get enough rest. But Ron, is this thing safe in the face of enemy fighter jets or surface-to-air fire?" Scott immediately realized the advantages of this aircraft, but he was also worried about it. Concerned about the safety of stupid things.

"In front of enemy fighter jets, this thing is a dish." Ron did not evade this, "but it is not easy to damage it with ground firepower. Its key parts have been strengthened, and the German 20 guns have no threat to it at all." .It flies low and the angular velocity is relatively fast, so the 88 gun is not suitable for such a target. The only worry is the German 37mm anti-aircraft gun. However, there are not many of them, and in terms of range, Our range is much longer than the Germans' 37mm. A lot of times, we can take them out of range first."

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