New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 218, Transport Planes Dare to Bully People

Among the seven c-47s that landed this time, two were attack-type ac-47s, and some of the remaining c-47s were loaded with various supplies, while others were carrying personnel.These transport planes quickly unloaded their cargo and personnel, took off on this narrow runway, and flew back to the UK.

Among the unloaded materials, the most important is a radio system.With it, we can better command operations.However, the installation and debugging of this system still takes time, so, at least today, the 21st Attack Aircraft Wing will not have much combat operations except for transition.

The combat unit transferred to this "advance airport" this time has half a squadron of PA-38 attack aircraft, two AC-47 "air gunboats", and six P-81 fighter jets responsible for air defense.With the completion of the airport's new apron in the next few days, the remaining half of the squadron's PA-38 attack aircraft will also be transferred here.

At this time, it was already around five o'clock in the afternoon, the sun had already turned to the west, and night was coming soon.


On the road to St. Sauve, a large caravan is riding the dark night.This is the night march of the 17th Panzergrenadier Division of the Waffen-SS.In the impression of ordinary people, the Waffen SS troops are the most elite troops of the German army.In fact, this view is not entirely correct.Among all the 38 Waffen SS divisions, the truly elite are the first dozen or so.It can be said that the Waffen SS divisions after the ss-12 "Hitler Youth" armored division are basically garbage.For example, the famous ss-13 "Holy Knife" and ss-14 "Ukrainian Volunteer Division" are all armed SS divisions whose combat effectiveness is not as good as a regiment of the ordinary Wehrmacht.However, the ss-17 Panzergrenadier Division is the best among the lower numbered Waffen SS divisions.Although they cannot be compared with the elite SS divisions numbered in the top 12, they are not the scum of war like the "Holy Knife" and "Ukrainian Volunteer Division".In the history of time and space before Ron, although they rarely appeared as protagonists, they were quite tenacious when fighting with those ace troops.

As a lower-ranked Waffen SS unit, the equipment of SS-17 is completely incomparable with those of the top-ranked elites.Whether it is equipment or personnel, the gap is huge.Although there is the word armor in the name, in fact, the armor strength of this division is no stronger than that of an ordinary US infantry division.In fact, as the richest U.S. military in World War II, their luxurious equipment was the envy of the Germans.In addition to the lack of heavy tanks, almost any US infantry division placed on the German side should be called an armored grenadier division or even an armored division.

SS-17 has no Tiger tanks, and even very few Leopard tanks. The main force of his armor force is the No. 76 H tank and the No. 4 assault gun.These weapons are at a disadvantage compared to the m10 tanks and m-[-] tank destroyers equipped with long-barreled [-]mm guns in the hands of Americans.So the Germans didn't really count on the division to repel the Americans, they just hoped that it would hold them back for as long as possible, buying enough time for the destruction of Cherbourg.

The weather tonight was fine, the sky turned cloudy after nightfall, and the cloud cover was only about 1000 meters high, which made the SS-17's march much less likely to be interfered by enemy fighter planes.Of course, such an opportunity must be seized, so tonight, they let go of their courage, and every car turned on its headlights and sped on the road.

During this night, ss-17 safely ran the distance that it took two nights to run.However, the rapid march also brought a big trouble. The troops were pulled very long, and some infantry units were left behind. The cars attached to the ss-17 were not enough to pull all the infantry, only half of the cars could be pulled, and half walk on foot.A few days ago, due to the impact of air strikes, the marching speed of the troops traveling by car was actually no faster than walking, so when it was dawn, everyone could rest together in a hidden place. ride.In this way, no one was left behind.But tonight is different. Those who travel by car are too far away. If those foot troops want to ensure the march tomorrow night, they will have to travel during the day.


The weather change at night made Ron very worried.Although meteorological experts said that after dawn, the weather will improve. Although it will not be sunny, it will not rain, and the height of the cloud cover will gradually rise to more than 3000 meters-this is enough.But Ron is still very worried, because even decades later, with the help of artificial earth satellites and trillion times per second supercomputers, weather forecasts are still often unreliable.Not to mention this time.

It's just that Ron has no good solution. Although he is a time traveler, he is not the son of the plane like Liu Xiu who can rain and meteor.Although Ron is also a Christian in name, but like Patton, he found the military chaplain and told him to pray to God so that tomorrow will be sunny.If the weather is fine tomorrow, I will give you a medal; if it is not, I will ask you to write a letter home to every soldier in the entire army. Ron really can't do it.There was no use worrying anyway, so Ron had to go to bed honestly.

The house built by the newly cut big trees exudes a faint fragrance, and Ron can even tell that there are oak, camphor, and fir and oak in it. It reminded him suddenly of Nadya.Najia has a smell very similar to this fragrance. At that time, I asked what perfume Najia used, but Najia replied that she had never used perfume.Well, since day d, I haven't written to Nadya for many days, maybe I should take some time to write to her tomorrow.Thinking of this, Ron slowly fell asleep.


Ron woke up early the next day, and as soon as he got up, he got two good news.The first piece of good news is about the weather.As predicted by the weather experts of the Allied Forces, the height of the cloud cover has risen a lot today, and the attack aircraft can act.However, Ron didn't have much hope for daytime actions. According to Ron's estimation, he would encounter at most a few small miscellaneous fish during the day, because according to the German army's marching habits on the Western Front, they all walked at night and rested during the day.They must be well hidden somewhere during the day, but you can't find them at all.

As for the second good news, after a night of hard work, the installation of the radio command system has been completed, and it is now being intensively debugged, and it is estimated that it will be put into use in another hour.This is definitely good news. Air combat, especially night combat, is absolutely impossible without this.

Although he didn't have much hope for the results of the day, but an hour later, that is, after the radio command system was fully available, Ron sent out a batch of aircraft including the two AC-47 attack aircraft.

In fact, the original intention of sending them out this time was just to let the pilots get acquainted with the air situation in the expected combat area and prepare for future battles.In addition, it also made the pilots on the AC-47 who were accustomed to flying transport planes look for attack planes.


Major Clausen poked his head out of the woods and looked at the sky.Just now a team of PA-38 attack planes passed over them. In order to avoid the attack, everyone got into the woods.

"Come out! The whole team!" Clausen shouted.So the soldiers of his battalion came out of the woods one after another, arranged their formation and continued on the road.

"It's so painful to walk during the day!" Krautchen complained in his heart as he walked, "Those guys ran as hard as they could when they were easy to walk last night, and they didn't think about how painful we were during the day! What did you say you are infantry, the target It’s small and hidden, so it’s okay to walk during the day. They don’t know that as long as there is a plane passing by during the day, we have to hide quickly and wait for the plane to pass before we can come out. Every time we come out, we have to count the number of people and organize the team. In less than 10 minutes just now, I have reorganized the team three times! If we continue like this, we will not be able to catch up today."

But complaints are complaints, the road still has to go, and the plane still has to hide.Clausen led his battalion away for another ten minutes. At this time, the sound of an airplane engine was heard again in the sky.

"Don't let people walk!" At this time, there were no trees on both sides of the road, only wide dark green grass.But this is not a problem, the soldiers' military uniforms are very similar to the color of the grass, as long as they lie down in the grass, it is basically impossible to spot them from the air.So Krautchen waved his hand, and everyone left the road again, ran to the grass and lay down.

The two planes were approaching, and Clausen looked up and saw clearly.That's nothing more than two c-47 transport planes.

"It's just a transport plane. It's not a threat. They plan to throw paratroopers in the back? Send a report to the troops behind in a while, and the report will be enough. Now hurry up and walk." Clausen thought so.So he stood up, waved to everyone, and signaled to leave these transport planes alone and move on.So the soldiers stood up one after another and walked towards the road.


The sudden emergence of so many people from the grass below startled the pilot Stephen.

"These guys are hiding well, why should they expose themselves?" he said to the co-pilot Joaquin.

"It must be that we are transport planes, and we can't do anything to them." The co-pilot didn't have time to answer, but the gunner Cocu made such a judgment.

"Dare to underestimate us, give them a great look!"

"Don't worry, they are preparing to form a team. When they form a team on the highway..." Cocu said while reaching out his hand, stroking his 25mm Gatling door affectionately.

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