New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 219, Wolf in sheep's clothing

Stephen gently turned the steering wheel and at the same time pushed the left rudder, and the plane began to approach the Germans who were forming a formation.Deputy gunner Tony opened a large ammunition box, and quickly loaded the ammunition chain into it.In the darkened cabin, the brass eggshell glows golden.

"Major, what are these Americans doing?" Looking at the two AC-47 gunboats approaching from left to right, Sergeant Barak seemed to feel something was wrong. Something is wrong."

"Two unarmed transport planes can scare you like this? The more battles you have fought, the less courage you have." Klauschen said disapprovingly, while raising his head to look at the two planes. past.At this moment, his pupils suddenly constricted—he saw that the hatches of the two planes were opened, and something seemed to protrude from the dark hatches.

"Damn it! It's a machine gun!" Clausen immediately ordered: "Disband! Cover up!"

But the order was too late, and the hatches of the two AC-47s had already begun to emit deadly flames. The 25-tube Gatling gun with a caliber of 6mm spun rapidly, making a whistling sound like a chainsaw, and a series of dense shells were fired at the German soldiers on the ground.According to the preparation method of shells, there will be one tracer shell in every 10 shells.Now, these tracer shells with long flames show the entire trajectory. From a distance, the shells fired by the two AC-47s are like two long whips with flames, viciously Drawn on the marching columns of the Germans.

However, the effect of this blow is far beyond what any whip can match. The 25mm armor-piercing shell is even enough to destroy most armored vehicles, and even some tanks.For example, the side and top armor of the No. 17 H-type tanks of the 25th Panzergrenadier Division of the SS, which Krautchen belongs to the most, cannot withstand the attack of [-]mm guns.Of course, this time they were only attacking soft targets.Therefore, when attacking the target, the Americans did not choose the armor-piercing projectiles used to attack armored vehicles, but chose high-explosive projectiles.

25mm HE rounds have quite a small charge, much less than hand grenades.If a single shot was placed on flat ground and exploded, even if it exploded right next to the target, most of the damage caused would not be enough to kill a person, at most it would only blow up a sole of the person's foot.But as it is now, being ejected at a rate of 4000 rounds per minute, the effect is completely different.Barak, who was still talking to Clausen just now, was hit directly in the waist by a 25mm high-explosive shell. With a bang, he was blown in two from the waist.The upper half of his body flew out and landed two or three meters away.But Barack hadn't lost his breath yet. While screaming in a voice that was not human at all, he propped up half of his body with his hands, and crawled two more steps, as if he wanted to escape from the flesh-and-blood Shura field.But immediately another shell caught up with him, ending his delusions and ending his suffering.

The current road has completely become a Shura field. In the dense shells, countless stumps are flying everywhere, and the team of two to three hundred people was swept to the ground almost instantly.Compared with Barack, Krautchen's death came much more simply.Just after he issued the order to disband, two flame whips were slammed at the end of the queue.For a moment, the flames rose, and flesh and blood flew everywhere.Seeing the whip of death approaching him quickly, Clausen opened his eyes wide. He seemed to have forgotten to run away, but felt endless remorse in his heart.

"It was you who gathered them together! It was you who let them die under the enemy's artillery fire! You can't run, you should die with them!" A voice from nowhere caught him, making him He couldn't turn around and run away.So he just stood here firmly, watching the flames and the whip of death rushing towards him, engulfing him.A 25mm shell hit him in the chest, "it's finally over," Krautzen thought in excruciating pain, and then he fell into the boundless darkness.


Released his hand from the shooting button, Koku stuck out his tongue and licked his parched lips.The whole cabin was filled with the choking smell of gunpowder smoke, which made Koku feel even thirstier.

"Is there any water? Tony, I'm a little thirsty," Cocu said.He looked very tired.

"Yes, yes." Tony replied, he hurriedly took out a water bottle from a dark yellow canvas bag beside him, and handed it to Cocu.

Koku stretched out his hand and caught the kettle, his hand trembling slightly.After unscrewing the lid of the pot, Koku took a few sips.Maybe it was because he drank too much, or because the smoke in the cabin was too choking, Koku coughed violently.

The two AC-47s circled around the remains of the German soldiers again, and seeing that there seemed to be no movement in the pile of dead bodies, they turned around slowly and began to climb slowly.


An hour later, another group of German infantrymen appeared here.

"Oh my god! What is this?" The captain and company commander Kopke, who led the team, was almost stunned by the sight before him, but he still reacted immediately.

"First row, immediately occupy the commanding heights on the left; second row to the right; third row to the front in a battle formation." Kopke quickly issued an order.

The soldiers quickly dispersed in battle formation, some of them set up mg-42 machine guns, some of them picked up mp-40 submachine guns or 98k carbines, and were ready to encounter the enemy.At this time, Kopke approached the corpses and began to study them.

The situation of the friendly troops of the battalion who died on the ground was too strange.They seem to have encountered an ambush when they were forming a team, and then all of them died here.Judging from the density of the team, the blow they encountered must have been very severe, so that after being attacked, the entire formation had no time to expand, and all of them were killed here.The person who ran the farthest only ran six or seven meters.

And the death of these friendly troops was also extremely shocking.On the ground, you can hardly find a complete corpse, all the corpses are incomplete, some are missing arms, some are missing thighs, some were directly beaten into two pieces, For some people, the torso is still there, but the head does not know where it is.What kind of weapon would cause such a terrifying effect?Even the m-2 machine gun cannot cause such terrible results.

"Could it be a 20mm gun?" Kopke thought, "The 20mm guns on the US fighter jets have a high rate of fire and strong firepower. If they attack suddenly while they are in formation, they may be able to achieve such an effect. But How could they be so exposed to the enemy's fighter jets in such a dense formation? This is absolutely impossible. Even if the officer forgot to guard, it is impossible for other soldiers to not notice the enemy's fighter jets. Could it be that they were ambushed by the enemy? The ground troops launched a surprise attack? For example, the enemy hid seven or eight small-caliber anti-aircraft guns near here, and then fired together..." Thinking of this, Kopke couldn't help shivering.

"Expand the alert area!" Kopke hurriedly added an order.If the enemy had really ambushed so many small-caliber anti-aircraft guns nearby, their killing range would far exceed the current alert range of the German army.


The two AC-47s continued to fly along the road. In the process, they encountered some German soldiers who had fallen behind during the march.They also regarded this kind of attack aircraft in the skin of a transport plane as a harmless little sheep. As a result, when this obedient little sheep suddenly tore off its disguise and revealed its true colors as a ferocious big bad wolf, the underworld suddenly Just a few more souls.


Listening to the information sent back from the AC-47 in front, Ron was also taken aback. Even he didn't expect that the AC-47's first attack would have such a result.Originally, he only wanted to let the two AC-47s go out to adapt to the battlefield.

"These two wolves in sheep's clothing killed a lot of Germans crazily when they went out for the first time. If there are any survivors among the Germans, the Germans must be particularly impressed with this fighter. Maybe After the Germans are familiar with this kind of aviation gunboat, when necessary, I can also use a large group of real C-47 transport planes to pretend to be AC-47, scaring those Germans to death." Thinking of this, Ron couldn't help showing A smug smile.


The sun finally went below the horizon, and Captain Kopke led his company in a hurry, and finally caught up with the troops.As soon as he caught up with the team, he immediately found his superiors and handed them a big bag.

"What's this?" Jonas asked.

"Open it yourself," said Kopke.

Jonas opened his pocket and took a look with his flashlight. It was full of soldiers' identification tags.

"This is?"

"This is the identity card of all the soldiers in Krautchen's battalion. Commander, we are today..." Kopke reported what happened today to Jonas.Then I added my own opinion.

"I think the enemy may have air-dropped paratroopers behind us. These paratroopers may have light-weight tanks that can move quickly, just like American jeeps. It should not be a tank that is slightly larger than a jeep. It may drive Small-caliber anti-aircraft guns. Because I think that only such a firepower configuration, coupled with highly mobile tanks, and ambushes can cause such a terrible attack effect. If there is such a highly mobile paratrooper unit in our Nearby, we must be very careful even when marching at night."

"Well, your idea makes sense, so did you find traces of the enemy?" Jonas asked.

"No, I searched for a little bit, but I couldn't find it... and enemy planes flew by from time to time, and I was busy on my way, so I didn't search very carefully." Kopke thought for a while, and gave this answer, "But I think other than that, it's really hard to have other explanations."

After listening to his words, Jonas pondered for a while, and then said: "There is some truth in what you think, other than that, it is indeed difficult to have other explanations. Although I still think that the enemy's paratroopers are not so elite as this degree. haven't eaten yet. I have a piece of bread here, eat it quickly, and then we will go find the teacher together."

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