Conjectures that elite paratroopers of the enemy might appear in the rear made the 17th SS Panzergrenadier Division more cautious in its actions at night.You must know that if there is such a paratrooper unit equipped with highly mobile airborne self-propelled anti-aircraft guns, then they may launch a new ambush at a certain location.At night, the possibility of being ambushed is also higher.In order to avoid falling into the enemy's ambush circle, the 17th Panzergrenadier Division of the SS must first send troops to conduct investigations and seize commanding heights when the main force passes through areas where enemy troops may have ambushed.

This approach is of course safer, but it also slows down the speed of the march.In addition, the harassment of Allied bombers along the way suddenly intensified. In addition to constantly dropping flares, they also dropped a large amount of troublesome things that the 17th Panzergrenadier Division had never encountered before-time bombs. .At first, the 17th Panzergrenadier Division was not familiar with this thing, and just ignored it as a dud that did not explode.As a result, a bomb exploded suddenly when a convoy passed by, overturning three trucks at once, killing and injuring nearly 200 people.Troubled by these factors, the movement speed of the entire division was almost half slower than the previous few days.

Now, in order to fight for time, the army can no longer even eliminate those damn time bombs according to the conventional process.For example, now, just five or six meters away from the road, a 250-pound time bomb is planted in the dirt on the side of the road, and no one knows when it will explode.Maybe an hour later, maybe half an hour later, maybe the next second.Under normal circumstances, the fuze of the bomb should be dismantled by special explosives personnel, and then the bomb should be moved to a safe location before the whole army passes.But now, the Germans don't have time to deal with this, because if they can't get to a safe hiding place at night, they will be exposed to the enemy's overwhelming air power during the day.

So now the procedure for dealing with these time bombs is much simpler, and the most time-consuming first step is omitted.Going directly to the second step, a few people risked being blown to pieces, dug up the bomb, and then loaded it on a half-track trailer and dragged it to a safe enough distance to throw it away.Doing so is of course very dangerous. Just half an hour ago, Kopke saw with his own eyes that when three soldiers and the trailer driver lifted up the time bomb and were about to put it on the trailer, the bomb that was also 250 pounds The aerial bomb exploded suddenly without warning.The four soldiers didn't even have time to scream, and the half-track vehicle was torn to pieces by the bomb.

Now, as the company commander, Kopke is watching the three young men in his company who volunteered to carry out this dangerous task step by step towards the time bomb that may swallow their lives at any time.

"Have you thought about it? It is very dangerous to perform this kind of mission, and you may die at any time." This is what Kopke said to the three soldiers who stood up automatically when he was selecting bomb discharge volunteers in his company .

"I didn't order that some of you must participate. You don't have to go. No one will blame you for this. Do you still insist on going?"

"Yes, sir!" Rams, the youngest of the four, who just turned 18, replied firmly, "I am willing to give my life for the head of state and for Germany! This is my honor!" Kopke The frenzied light shining in his large eyes can be clearly seen.

This answer made Kopke speechless for a long time, he could only stretch out his hand, and patted Ramsay's shoulder lightly.Then he turned to the second volunteer, Zig...

Now that the three of them had walked to the side of the bomb, Chigurh supported the bomb, and at the same time used the flashlight between his head and shoulders to illuminate the two people outside.Ramsay and Gauss each took a pickaxe and started digging to loosen the soil next to the bomb.The bomb was nearly halfway embedded in the dirt on the side of the road, and it took three men several minutes to dig it out.At this time, a half-track trailer also drove past quickly, the driver jumped off the driver's seat, and pulled out a rope and a thick wooden stick from the vehicle body.Several people frantically tied up the bomb, and then worked together to lift it up.In the distance, Kopke, who watched this scene, felt that his heart seemed to be lifted together.

Four boys carried the bomb onto the car, and then three of them jumped into the car. When Chigurh jumped on it, he tripped over his foot, and a guy fell on the bomb.This moment almost made everyone faint with fright.Fortunately, there was still no movement from the bomb, and it seemed that there was no plan to explode at all.

The driver of the half-track vehicle yelled "Hold it up!" At the same time, he slammed on the accelerator and drove the half-track vehicle towards the distance, disappearing into the night.About ten minutes later, maybe not that long, maybe only two or three minutes, the trailer appeared again, and there were quite a few people on it!

The crowd couldn't help erupting into suppressed, low-pitched cheers.Kopke rushed up and hugged them one by one.He found that their bodies were drenched with sweat.

"Good job! Good job! It's good to be back, good to be back!" Kopke whispered while hugging them.

But time is running out, and it's a luxury to waste time celebrating.So everyone immediately climbed into their assigned Opel trucks.The convoy started to move again and drove off into the distance.At this moment, about 300 meters away, there was a loud noise—the time bomb exploded just now.

"It's dangerous. If we had been a little slower just now, we would have..." Hearing the explosion, Chigurh broke out in a cold sweat again.

However, not long after the convoy had gone, it stopped again-there were warnings ahead and Allied aircraft.So all kinds of vehicles drove off the road one after another, hanging up camouflage nets.

I don't know how long it took before the roar of the enemy plane's engine gradually disappeared.Then all the vehicles started moving forward again.It's just that this time, they didn't go very far, and the alarm came again from the front - a time bomb was found.


It's 4:21 in the morning, and it's still dark.A busy day has begun at the "forward field" of the 21st Attack Aircraft Wing.The side of the tarmac was brightly lit, and the ground crew was adding weapons to the attack aircraft.Today, the US military is about to launch an attack on San Sauvo, and the [-]st Attack Aircraft Wing will provide direct fire support for the attacking forces.

According to the information obtained by the Allied Forces, the Germans not only did not evacuate the residents of San Sauvo, but even prohibited these residents from leaving on their own.Therefore, in the current city of Saint-Sauveur, there are still thousands of peaceful residents.The presence of these residents meant that the Allies had absolutely no way of dropping fuel-air bombs on the city.It’s nothing more than this kind of bomb against the Germans. If you want to use this thing to kill thousands, maybe even tens of thousands, of French people at one time, de Gaulle will have to fight the Americans immediately.Therefore, the fuel-air bombs that destroy the balance of the game are no longer needed. Now, the PA-38 attack aircraft is being equipped with some ordinary weapons.

In order to ensure attack accuracy and reduce accidental injuries, those pa-38s are now equipped with two 37mm guns on the wings. For this reason, the number of rockets mounted on the pa-38 has dropped by four. The attack accuracy of the 37mm gun is worse than that of rockets, but its range and power are not as good as rockets.This configuration is actually at the expense of increasing the threat received by the attack aircraft to increase its own attack accuracy.

However, the target of this attack was not San Sauvo. Although the attack on San Sauvo was launched today, the general attack was scheduled for tomorrow.What was launched today was nothing more than an offensive operation of the nature of fire reconnaissance.And the attack will not start until the afternoon.So this time they went out, they still wanted to find trouble with the 17th Panzergrenadier Division of the Waffen-SS.

In order to more effectively attack the 17th Panzergrenadier Division of the SS, Ron played a trick. In the previous night harassment, he never let the night bombers use time bombs, nor did they use the maximum night attack intensity .Ron felt that after a few days of night raids, the German army would get used to how far they could travel in one night, and they would arrange the hiding spots for the next day according to their previous achievements.But the night attack that increased in intensity last night will definitely delay the Germans' itinerary.If we set off now, we might see a lot of Germans who have no time to hide on the road.

Half an hour later, when the eastern sky began to turn white, 12 PA-38 attack aircraft, 6 P-81 fighter jets, and two AC-47 attack aircraft flew into the sky one by one. They were over the airport. After circling a few times, it climbed to the predetermined height and began to fly westward.


As dawn was approaching, Franz Klingberg, commander of the 17th Panzergrenadier Division, realized that at least half of his troops would not be able to reach their hiding places in time.So he issued an order: "The troops that are now more than 10 kilometers away from the intended target should immediately hide on the spot." The order was first conveyed by telegram.However, considering that the troops below were on the march, most of them would not receive this order, so he sent messengers to convey the order on motorcycles.

"I don't know how many troops can hide well, and I don't know how much loss we will have today." Franz Klingberg thought, "Facing the enemy's air superiority, even if we can arrive on time , and will definitely be exposed to the enemy's air power in future ground confrontations. How should we fight this battle?

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