Just like what Franz Klingberg worried about, the troops on the way didn't have time to start the radio, they couldn't receive his instructions, and the various delays along the way also made their team very long , the leading troops barely arrived at the hiding place, but the trailing troops were still tens of kilometers away.Moreover, Franz Klingberg also studied the map and knew that although there were some available hiding spots along the way, none of them were enough to hide so many people.

"The loss is inevitable, I just hope that the loss can be smaller."

In fact, at about the time Franz Klingberg issued the order, those lower-ranking officers who were still on the road had already realized that they would not be able to reach their destination in time before dawn.So many officers have issued covert instructions in advance.For example, company commander Kopke, he gave the order to evacuate and hide even earlier than division commander Franz Klingberg.The soldiers left the road one after another and hid in the fields beside the road. They were all covered with branches and grass leaves temporarily obtained from the trees in the field.As long as they are inactive, these soldiers are absolutely invisible from the air.It's just that the three transport vehicles responsible for transporting their company are now a problem. Kopke asked them to leave the kilometers and drive as far away from the road as possible.Then, well, it depends on God's will.

In fact, these vehicles didn't have time to run very far at all. As soon as they drove off the road, the sound of aircraft engines came from the sky.The drivers immediately abandoned the car and ran to hide in the nearby grass.Flying are several pa-38 attack aircraft.Apparently the planes spotted the cars below, they swooped down and easily knocked out the three cars with a few rounds of 37mm guns, and then the planes circled the area again - obviously , the guy on the plane also suspected that the Germans were hiding not far from the car.However, they obviously failed to find these Germans hiding in the grass and fields, so they pulled up the plane again and flew along the road to the distance.

As soon as these PA-38 attack planes left, before Kopke had time to get up from the ground, the roar of planes came from the sky again.Kopke lay on the ground, raised his head and looked towards the direction of the sound. He saw two transport planes flying towards this direction.The two transport planes did not fly high. According to Kopke's visual inspection, their flying altitude was only about 800 meters.

"What are these transport planes doing here at this time? And they're flying so low. Could it be that they want to airdrop paratroopers, or drop supplies for them?" Kopke immediately thought of those who ambushed Krautchen and the others, with extremely powerful firepower paratroopers.

"This must be for them. They need fuel and ammunition." Kopke thought so, and he decided that they would lie here first, and give them a surprise when the paratroopers appeared.


"Look, Captain, there are three German vehicles that have been destroyed." Co-pilot Joaquin said to Captain Stephen, "It's a transport vehicle, it's still burning, it must have just been destroyed. They are not far from the road, Then the soldiers they transport must be nearby."

What Joaquin said, he also thought of Stephen when he saw the three burning cars.He carefully observed his surroundings. There were fields all around him, and there was no place where he could hide a 47mm anti-aircraft gun that could threaten the AC-37.So he began to lower the height carefully.

"Is there anyone in that meadow over there?" Joaquin asked.

"Sweep two shuttles and we'll talk." Captain Stephen replied.

Unlike the PA-38 attack aircraft, which has a limited number of shells, the AC-47 carries much more shells, so the ability to waste a little shells and engage in "wrong kills, wrong releases" is far stronger than the pa- 38 attack aircraft.Therefore, Stephen will make such a decision.

The plane gradually approached the grass, and the cabin door was opened. Koku pointed the muzzle of the 25mm Gatling gun at the grass, and then pressed the fire button.Driven by the motor, the six gun barrels rotated rapidly, spewing out long tongues of flame.So that kind of chainsaw-like sound immediately filled the entire cabin, and then a choking smell of gunpowder also permeated.

Cocu swept across the grass a few times, and at this moment he heard Stephen's instruction: "Okay, stop...cough...cough...".Obviously, the smell of gunpowder made everyone choke.

"It's definitely a design loophole not to equip every flight crew with a gas mask, and we must bring it up as above when we go back." Stephen thought so.

Stephen had served in the Army Aviation before the war, when he was flying a transport plane.If the war broke out a month later, he would have retired to a company to drive McDonnell 3.After the war broke out, he became a bomber pilot again.Recently, because of his experience in flying transport aircraft and combat aircraft, he was transferred again and became the captain of the AC-47 attack aircraft.

In Stephen's opinion, flying an AC-47 attack aircraft to fight is more exciting than a bomber, but the handling of comfort is really too careless.In order to ensure the stability of the design, the artillery was placed on the central axis of the aircraft. As a result, when the 25mm cannon fired, the barrel was still in the cabin. As a result, both the noise and the exhaust gas were unbearable.

However, the firing of the 25mm Gatling gun was nothing more than discomfort to the AC-47 crew, but it was hell to the people under attack.

Kopke was sprawled in the grass that would be the target when the shelling began.Beside him, there were quite a few comrades lying on their stomachs. Among them, the platoon leader Camacho who was closest to him was lying on his stomach less than 5 meters away from Kopke.When the AC-47 started shelling, Kopke put his head in the ground, closed his eyes tightly, and prayed to God.Something kicked up by the shell hit him, but he couldn't care less about it, he didn't even open his eyes to look at it.At this time, there is no difference between watching or not watching, anyway, life and death are all about luck.

Maybe it was Kopke's luck, or maybe prayers helped.The shelling ended quickly, and Kopke appeared to be unhurt.So he opened his eyes, and the sight in front of him immediately made him jump up at just one o'clock—just less than 20 centimeters away from him, Camacho, whose face was covered with mud and blood, was staring at him with wide eyes. he.

"Why did he come so close to me?" This was Kopke's first reaction, but he immediately realized that something was wrong. Camacho in front of him had no body, just a head!And his body was still five or six meters away from Kopke.Kopke remembered that just now, something heavy knocked on his helmet, and then rolled down in front of him.At first he thought it was a rock lifted by a shell, but now it seemed that the rock was Camacho's head.

During the shelling just now, a shell hit Camacho in the neck.Like a hot knife through a stick of butter, it sliced ​​his head and body in two with ease.The high-explosive shell then exploded, and the shock wave threw Camacho's head here.

Kopke could be considered a battle-tested veteran, but at this moment, he couldn't bear it anymore, fell to his knees, and vomited desperately.


Stephen has always wanted to find an opportunity to try the power of another weapon on the AC-47 attack aircraft-the 40mm cannon.As far as the data is concerned, the accuracy and power of this gun with a longer barrel and a higher muzzle velocity are far superior to the 38mm gun on the PA-37.It should be a good choice for hitting armored targets.It's just that the speed of the AC-47 is really too slow. It's not that they didn't see German tanks along the way, it's just that the tanks or armored vehicles they saw were already smoking and breathing fire.Obviously someone has taken the lead and turned these things into scrap iron.

"Damn it, why do you guys eat so cleanly? You don't want to leave us anything." The disappointed Stephen simply cursed on the radio.This reminded Ron, who was in the headquarters, of the joke in "Laughing Forest Guangji" that accused people of eating sugar cane for too long and losing any taste.

Obviously, judging from the results reported just now, today's assault was very successful. There are vehicles everywhere near the road that the enemy didn't have time to hide. So far, his attack planes have destroyed at least 22 trucks and 10 towed artillery pieces , 15 tanks and assault guns, and 5 motorcycles.And this result is still expanding.This shows that the trick that Ron played last night has achieved good results.

"After these few days of attacks, at least one-third of the combat capability of the 17th Panzergrenadier Division of the SS has been killed. In this way, our flanks will be much safer." Ron thought so.


"Captain, do you see something in the woods at one o'clock?" The co-pilot Joaquin once again spotted the target.

Stephen looked towards the woods, and he noticed that several trees in this grove were broken and fell to the ground.And through the not too dense branches and leaves, if you look closely, there seems to be something really under the tree.


It took a lot of effort for Thomas to finally drive his four-barreled 4mm anti-aircraft gun into the woods.exposed to open space.Even anti-aircraft guns can only be smashed into scum by attack aircraft.But now, two transport planes circled the woods where he was, did they see him?But what if they saw it?

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