Thomas saw the two AC-47s getting closer and closer to him, and he hesitated now.Two targets appeared within his range, and they were still unarmed targets. Logically speaking, this was definitely a godsend.However, he also knew that even if he launched a surprise attack, with the firepower of four 4-gun guns, it would be difficult for him to shoot down a transport plane at once, because such targets are generally stronger.As for shooting down two transport planes at once, it is even more impossible.As long as he fired, even if one of them was shot down, the other plane would quickly radio his position to the other attack planes.

However, if one transport plane can be shot down, even if another transport plane can call an attack plane, at least, before the attack plane arrives, he and his friends still have a chance to abandon the tank and escape in all directions.

So Thomas made up his mind. He turned the anti-aircraft gun and aimed the front sight at the front of Stephen's AC-47.Now, in Thomas' eyes, the C-47 flew low and slow, like meat on a chopping block.But it won't be that easy to secure him down.If you can smash its cockpit with a barrage of shells, that's all the better.But the cockpit is too small a target to hit so easily, so in fact the best way is to attack its engine.After the engine is hit, not only may it shut down and cause the aircraft to lose power, but it is also easy to catch fire and cause a fire.And once the engine catches fire, at this altitude, the enemy basically has nothing to do except parachute.

Thomas glanced at it for a while, then decisively pressed the fire button to fire, and the flying shells accurately hit the engine on one side of the transport plane.Thomas couldn't help showing a smug smile on his face, but the smile froze on his face immediately.Because he found that the armor-piercing incendiary bombs he fired did not ignite the engine, they just knocked out a string of sparks outside the engine, which did no harm to the aircraft at all.

"My God, the Americans are so extravagant! How dare they equip the transport plane with such thick armor!" Thomas couldn't help sighing, "If I had known this, I might as well have shot at the cockpit." Thomas didn't know that the cockpit also had thick armor. Immune to 20mm cannon fire.

But Thomas' attack was not as useless as he imagined. When the AC-47 attack aircraft was modified, although armor was added to the key parts, it was obvious that they could not wrap most of the area with armor like they did when they were dealing with the PA-38 or PA-47.Therefore, most parts of the AC-47 are still unarmored. For example, its big belly has no armor at all.Several rounds that missed the engine hit the fuselage of the AC-47.They easily penetrated the thin aluminum skin of the AC-47 and got in.Then drilled out from the other side.

Although there is no protection in the cargo compartment, the cargo compartment is not a critical area. Let alone drilling a few holes, even if a hundred holes are drilled, it is nothing to the aircraft.However, for the people in the cargo hold of the aircraft, if a hundred holes were really drilled by enemy shells, it would definitely be a disaster.Fortunately, only a few shells hit the cargo hold this time, but one unlucky guy was injured.

At that time, deputy gunner Tony was pushing a large box of 25mm shells along the track on the ground towards the 25mm Gatling cannon that had made great achievements. A 20mm anti-aircraft shell came in from the side. Hitting the water jug ​​that Tony himself hangs next to.The whole kettle exploded all of a sudden, and a piece of blown aluminum pierced Tony's eye directly, and blood flowed out immediately.

"Damn it! Damn it! Where's the medicine kit!" Cocu rushed forward, supported the crumbling Tony, and shouted at the same time.

"Here, here!" Navigator Tommy ran over holding the medicine kit.


The sudden attack startled Captain Stephen. He understood that the most important thing now was not to fight back, but to quickly distance himself.So he began to control the plane to fly into the distance.

Thomas continued to fire on the transport plane as well.Strings of shells continued to fly towards the transport plane.However, as Thomas expected, the shells still failed to cause fatal damage to the aircraft.

But this string of shells frightened those in the cabin.The flying shells roared past them, and as long as they hit one, they would be killed immediately.Fortunately, luck was good in this blow, no one was killed and no one was injured.But after this round of shelling was over, everyone looked at the cargo hold, only to find that at some point, a 20mm shell hit the 25mm Gatling gun and damaged it.

With the wounded on the plane, everyone can't care about revenge. After all, the most important thing is to hurry back and send comrades to the hospital.Tony's eye was injured, and he was taken to the hospital late, and he may lose an eye forever.Besides, isn't there an AC-47 next to it?It will definitely not let go of the anti-aircraft gun.

When Stephen's plane was attacked, the captain of another AC-47, Shrek, immediately controlled the plane to distance itself from the small forest, and gave an order: "Get ready to fight, use the 40mm gun attack."

Compared to the 25mm Gatling gun.The rate of fire of a single-tube 40mm gun is much lower, but the 40mm gun also has its own advantages. First, because the shell is heavy, it decelerates slower in the air than the 20mm gun, so its range is longer, and It's also more armor-piercing.Judging from the enemy's attack just now, it should be a self-propelled quadruple 20mm anti-aircraft gun that fired.Shrek knows that there are many kinds of chassis used for this quadruple 20mm anti-aircraft gun, from the half-track chassis to the chassis of the Czech 38t tank, to the chassis of the No. 25 tank, the No. 25 tank, and even the Panther tank. If it is a half-track chassis, the 40mm Gatling cannon will definitely be enough to destroy it by sweeping a few bullet chains, but if the enemy uses a Leopard chassis, the 40mm Gatling gun will have no chance to destroy the opponent even from the side. of.Only with a more violent 10mm gun can the target be effectively destroyed.Moreover, Shrek also heard people say that when Chief Ron proposed this plan, he didn't think of the 76mm gun at all, but the 4mm gun on the m-40 tank destroyer.It's just that this thing is too big, and the recoil is even more terrifying. Even if it is installed with a bigger guy like md-[-], it can't bear its terrible recoil.So in the end, due to helplessness, Ron accepted the plan of installing [-] guns.

When the distance between the plane and the enemy's anti-aircraft artillery was extended to about 600 meters, Shrek ordered again: "Open the hatch and attack the target!"

The distance of 600 meters is still within the range of the enemy's 20mm gun, but if the distance is farther, there is no guarantee that it will be able to penetrate the enemy's armor.And the enemy was still firing at Stephen's plane, which also gave Shrek a chance.

The door of the aircraft was pulled open, the barrel of the 40mm gun stretched out, and began to shoot at the enemy's anti-aircraft artillery in the distance. The platform of AC-47 is very stable, which makes the shooting accuracy of the artillery on it higher than that of professional attack aircraft such as PA-38.The first string of shells covered the enemy's anti-aircraft guns quite accurately.

The enemy's anti-aircraft guns immediately went silent, but Shrek was not at ease, he commanded the gunners, and fired nearly 40 more shells.It didn't stop attacking until black smoke and flames rose from below.


Originally, Ron thought that, except for Stephen's injured AC-47, the other planes would have to work on that road for two hours before returning.Who knew that these guys came back very quickly, almost an hour earlier than Ron expected.When asked why, it turned out that all ammunition was used up.It seems that the No.17 Panzergrenadier Division of the SS really suffered a lot today.

But Ron's mind was no longer on the 17th Panzergrenadier Division.This afternoon, the US ground forces will launch an attack on the enemy-held San Sauvo.In each battalion of the ground force responsible for the attack mission, Ron sent a liaison officer in charge of ground-air liaison.For Ron, the fire reconnaissance attack this afternoon was a test to test their cooperation with the ground forces.

At noon, all attack aircraft returned to the airport to prepare for the afternoon operation.The ground troops will launch the first round of feint attack at 01:30 in the afternoon to understand the enemy's firepower configuration. The task of the 21st Attack Aircraft Wing is to attack the enemy's exposed artillery, especially suppressing artillery and anti-tank artillery.In order to facilitate the attack on targets such as trenches and bunkers, the wing team has prepared a lot of napalm bombs for this purpose.However, in order to catch the enemy by surprise in a real attack operation, the 21st Attack Aircraft Wing did not intend to use this weapon in this attack.

At 45:01 p.m., the attack fleet had completed its preparations and began to take off. At 30:[-], all aircraft have arrived at their scheduled standby positions.At this time, the artillery group of the US military began to launch a fierce shelling at the enemy.

In terms of the number of artillery pieces of the U.S. military, it seems that they are not as terrifying as the Soviet army. When the Soviet army launches an attack, it may deploy more than 100 artillery pieces per kilometer at the front-line breakthrough point.The artillery group of the US military does not have such a large scale.However, this does not mean that the shelling of the US military is easy to deal with.Compared with the Soviet army, the US artillery also has an advantage, that is, the proportion of large-caliber artillery is higher, and the shells are more powerful.

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