About half an hour after the artillery attack began, American infantry, supported by tanks, began to appear on the battlefield.According to the experience in Italy, in order to avoid too much loss under the enemy's superior artillery and aviation firepower, the German army generally does not deploy too many soldiers in the front trenches.At this time, most of the soldiers were in the anti-shell holes.When the enemy approached and the shelling ended, they would quickly enter the trenches to resist.

Later, the Americans began to play tricks. They first covered the firepower, and then pretended to extend the firepower to the rear.When the Germans left the bomb defense holes and poured into the trenches, they turned back to cover with firepower.However, in Italy, this trick did not work, and the Germans were not fooled at all.Because of similar tricks, the Soviets have played it countless times on the Eastern Front.Therefore, whenever the shelling stopped, the Germans would not rush into the trenches all at once. They built some small, strong anti-gun holes in the front-line trenches. Can hold one or two machine gun teams.After the shelling is over, those capable small troops will go out to check the situation at the front. If they find that there is no large group of enemy troops following them, they will quickly run back to the artillery hole.Because few people came out, they ran very fast.And if the enemy really puts in a large force.These people leaned on the machine guns slightly, and soon a large number of troops would enter the trenches and give the enemy a head-on blow.

But this attack by the U.S. military was nothing more than a feint, and not many troops were invested, just a dozen M-4 Sherman tanks and hundreds of soldiers following the tanks.Under the cover of shelling, they have advanced to a distance of less than a hundred meters from the first trench.

A team of PA-21 attack aircraft from the 38st Attack Aircraft Wing was circling high above the deep areas of the German defense line, searching for enemy suppression artillery.Most of the enemy's suppression artillery is well concealed. As for the artillery that was exposed during aerial reconnaissance, everyone knows that most of those things are fakes made by the Germans with telephone poles.As early as when the US military landed in Omaha, a group of 155mm guns in a certain area once made the Yankees nervous.As soon as the infantry boarded, they were immediately sent to capture this 155 coastal artillery position.As a result, after passing by, it was discovered that these cannons were all black-painted wood.

The real suppression artillery of the German army may only be discovered after firing.

The small German troops had already entered the position, and they began to try to suppress the American soldiers attacking forward with mg-42 machine guns, buying time for the reinforcements of the troops behind.But this is a very difficult thing, because there are still more than a dozen m4 tanks on the enemy's side.Under their pressure, any long burst longer than 5 seconds risked tank fire.Under such circumstances, without the support of other firepower, relying on these mg-42s, it is absolutely impossible to prevent the enemy from entering the first trench.But now, there are two weapons that can provide fire support, one is the rear suppression artillery, and the other is the anti-tank gun.Several German soldiers ran towards a 75mm anti-tank gun.The anti-tank gun was buried in a bunker, the barrel almost flat on the ground, and under the muzzle brake, the Germans spread a large green canvas that was watered.In this way, when the gun is fired, there is no need to worry about exposing the target due to the dust on the ground raised by the gunpowder gas from the muzzle.It's just that the German fortifications were still repaired hastily, so that it was too late to equip these anti-tank guns with a solid bunker that could withstand shelling, but they could only cover it with a camouflage net.

Before the anti-tank guns fired at the tank from the ambush position, it was difficult for the tank to find these anti-tank guns.Many times even after it fired at the tank, the tank couldn't find it.In Africa, Marshal Rommel used such ambush anti-tank guns to kill a large number of British tanks many times. In fact, if those British tanks could find the anti-tank guns attacking them, it only needed a few grenades to kill them. Such an unarmored target can be destroyed.However, the narrow vision of tanks makes them perform no better than blind people in many cases.

A more extreme example occurred in Italy, when several American soldiers fired a 37mm anti-tank gun at a Tiger tank that had lost the protection of infantry.The 37mm gun of the US military has no possibility of penetrating the armor of the Tiger tank.Even the armor on the tail of the Tiger tank cannot be penetrated by a 37mm knocker.It's just that the Americans played very smartly. They first broke the track of the Tiger tank with one shot, and then began to knock on the armor of the Tiger tank with the 37mm gun.That poor Tiger tank, turning the turret in vain, trying to find the damned attacker.However, it just couldn't find the anti-tank gun that was almost within reach.In the end, the Yankee emptied several ammunition boxes and hit the poor Tiger tank with more than a hundred rounds.Cause the armor inside the tank to crack due to metal fatigue.In the end, the Tiger tank crew had to surrender to the U.S. military.

But the situation is completely different now, because there are several pa-200 attack aircraft cruising at a height of less than 38 meters above the German position.

Now those anti-tank guns hidden in the bunker rely on the camouflage net above the head. When they are not firing, they may be able to barely fool the eyes of the attacking aircraft, but once they fire, hehe, the vision of the attacking aircraft is much better than that of tanks. Too much.

Even some anti tanks have been spotted by attack aircraft without firing.During the shelling just now, the camouflage nets on the two anti-tank guns were not fixed firmly enough, and were blown away by the air waves raised by the shells.As a result, the cannons were exposed directly under the noses of those attack planes, and then...these two cannons were of course useless.

Several German soldiers ran to the side of a 75mm gun. They skillfully opened the bolt, loaded the shells, and began to aim at the American tanks.

"It would be nice if it was closer." Sergeant Fritz thought as he looked at an M-4 tank through the scope.Those Americans were very cunning. Their tanks did not rush up directly, but hid at a distance of 500 meters from the first trench, using direct fire from tank guns to provide support to the soldiers.

At this distance, Fritz did not have the confidence to hit the first shot.But now it can only fire.

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