This is the first time Arthur has been shot in the army for several years. After the record was broken, Arthur was a little flustered.In a sense, never being hit by the enemy is not necessarily a good thing for the pilot.Because once they are hit, the psychological fluctuations are often greater.

For example, now, if the person being hit is a guy like Ron who has been shot down several times, he is used to being hit by others.So after they are hit by others, it is often easier for them to make more reasonable choices.And the lucky ones who are used to being unscathed lack the experience.For example, now, once he found out that he was hit, Arthur didn't know what to do for a while.Half of the vertical tail was smashed, which destroyed the stability of the aircraft. Now the aircraft will always automatically deflect to one side during flight.Arthur, on the other hand, was only nervously making corrective actions.But he forgot to throw away all the external ammunition as soon as possible.In addition, when he does the movements, he always makes them too big.It made the plane writhe in the air as if it was drunk.The energy of the aircraft is also rapidly lost in such actions, and the speed of Arthur's aircraft is also getting slower and slower.However, this kind of twisting seemed to interfere with the enemy's aiming, so until it flew out of the fire range of the enemy's anti-aircraft guns, it was not shot again.

After flying out of the threat range of the enemy's anti-aircraft guns, Arthur realized that his speed was already very low, almost on the verge of stalling.

"Arthur! Keep your bearings and throw away all the external weapons!" The wingman Thom's shout came from the radio.In fact, Tom had yelled this sentence several times, but it wasn't until this time that Arthur understood what he was yelling.So Arthur quickly threw away the rockets under the wing, then firmly controlled the plane and began to return.

As the enemy suppressed artillery fire and a large number of German soldiers entered the trenches, the American feint troops began to retreat slowly.One of the goals of this tentative attack has also been achieved. The anti-tank guns and suppression artillery exposed by the Germans were all smashed by the US aviation force.Moreover, some bunkers of the German army have also been exposed. These bunkers have been marked by the Americans, and they can be completely wiped out when they attack tomorrow.

Soon, night fell.During this night, the US military has been preparing for the general offensive the next day.

At 8 o'clock in the morning the next day, the overwhelming b-17 bombers flying from England dropped a large number of bombs on the positions outside the city. Occasion singing.The shelling continued for a full hour.

Just as the 155mm artillery shells continued to fall towards the German positions, with the support of dozens of tanks, the US ground attack began.The soldiers carefully spread out in skirmish formation, closely behind the advancing barrage, and advanced towards the German defensive positions.

The reaction of the Germans was quite strange. Until the American pioneers jumped into the first trench of the Germans, the German army still did not fire a single bullet.And the American soldiers who entered the trenches immediately found that there were no Germans in the trenches, not even in the small anti-battery holes.

Without firing a single shot, the U.S. Army captured the first trench of the German Army, but this abnormal smoothness not only did not make people happy, but made people feel more nervous.Then this strange situation happened again on the second line of defense, and there was no one in the entire line of defense.

"Have the Germans run away?" The thought crossed the minds of everyone who had learned of the situation.

The city of St. Sauvo was within easy reach, and the Germans were still peaceful.After capturing the second line of defense, the U.S. military quickly prepared several detachments and began to approach the city of San Sauvo.

Second Lieutenant Tom was the captain of one of the squads. Although there were all indications that the Germans had fled in the dark, Second Lieutenant Tom still did not relax his vigilance.His commando maintained a standard battle formation and gradually approached the city.At this time, Tom saw that the window facing them was pushed open in a small building not far away.Tom immediately dodged and hid behind a big rock, and several comrades behind him also immediately hid themselves.Several guns—m1 semiautomatic rifle, Springfield sniper rifle, m1 carbine, Browning automatic rifle—were aimed at that window.

A red, white and blue flag slowly protruded from the window, and then the flag began to wave in the wind, and then, more windows opened, and more flags began to flutter in the air.Many people opened the door and rushed to the street, waving to Tom and the others vigorously.

Tom came out slowly from behind the stone, and a crowd of men and women, old and young, rushed towards them.They laughed and cheered to them in a language Tom could not understand.

"Boss, do you understand what they're saying?" Private Harris asked Tom.

"Don't understand," replied Tom, "but I'm sure of one thing, and that's that the German must have gone."


The time goes back to the day before the general offensive, the command center of Field Marshal Rommel.

"Marshal, this is the battle report near Saint-Sauveur." Rommel's adjutant handed a document to Field Marshal Rommel, "The army has lost a lot."

Rommel took the document and looked at it, "The enemy's large-scale attack has not yet begun, so how come the losses of the troops are so large?"

"The enemy's air superiority is too great. Any activity of the troops may be attacked by the enemy's air. In response to the enemy's actions, any change in the deployment of our troops will be attacked by the enemy. In this way, our troops' Naturally, the losses will be great. Moreover, our preparations and defenses near San Sauvo are not adequate, which gives them more opportunities."

"Well, what you said makes sense." Rommel stood up, put his hands behind his back, and wandered around the office.At last he stood still.

"Due to time and strength issues, we were not prepared for defense in Saint-Sauveur. Neither the hoarding of materials nor the construction of fortifications were decently prepared. In fact, it is impossible to be too fully prepared. If we When I had these materials, I had already used them on the Atlantic Wall. Now, when the enemy has such a clear advantage, we must be the ones who suffer the loss when we confront the enemy in San Sauvo. I think we are the last So that all the troops in the Saint-Sauveur area can be withdrawn and retreat to the line of the Seine. There, we have the opportunity to establish a stronger defense line. "

"But marshal, this plan has been rejected by the head of state. The head of state ordered that the troops in the Saint-Sauveur area must hold their ground. Even if Saint-Sauveur falls, they can only resist step by step and retreat to Cherbourg." The adjutant said.

"What are they doing in Cherbourg? Cherbourg is a dead place. There is no possibility of holding it. Now our requirement for Cherbourg is to be able to completely destroy its port facilities. We have been preparing for this task for a long time. And it has already begun It has been carried out. According to Cherbourg's report, the destruction of the port has been basically completed. Within a few months, the enemy will not be able to restore the port. Even if the four infantry divisions of Saint-Sauvoy are transferred to Cherbourg, how long can they hold it? It is still possible to stay for three or four days, but it will be difficult to stay for more than a week. But we have basically completed the destruction of the port of Cherbourg, so what can we do if we stay for a few more days? It’s just a little more construction rubbish to fill in. This kind of redundant and inefficient damage to the enemy can be recovered in a few days at most. What’s the point? Contact me with the troops in the San Sauvo area and order them to retreat south!”

"Marshal, but the head of state means..." The adjutant hesitated a little.

"I am the frontline commander!" Rommel replied proudly, "If the Führer gets angry because of this, I will bear all the responsibilities."

Rommel knew that among those generals in the German army, he was one of the most favored generals by Hitler.No matter how the Germans will evaluate Hitler in the future, at least Hitler treats himself well.Without Hitler, Rommel, the most civilian-born soldier, understood that no matter how talented he was, it would be difficult to obtain the marshal's scepter in the German army, which has been led by noble officers for generations.You know, even Guderian, the father of the blitzkrieg, was just an admiral.And even if he became a marshal, he was still rejected by the traditional officer corps. Kruger even directly questioned whether he had the ability to command more than one division.

Rommel also heard a lot of taunts about Hitler from his colleagues.They laughed at Hitler's blind command and even nicknamed him Corporal Bohemia.Rommel knew that this accusation was not completely unreasonable, and Hitler's command did have many problems.After all, combat is a very professional thing.And the Führer is not a professional.

Rommel knew that in the situation he faced, if it were his colleagues, they would definitely obey Hitler's instructions.Some people would even praise Hitler's decision against their will when they were in front of Hitler, and then when they got home, they would take out their small notebooks and write down carefully: Corporal Bohemia We couldn't talk him out of it...and then went out to drink with colleagues and laugh at Hitler's stupidity.In the end, maybe after the empire collapses, they will write a memoir called "It's All Blame on Mustache", telling everyone that the war was lost not because I was incompetent, but because Mustache was a captain pig.Rommel had no intention of doing this. He knew the dangers of disobedience and that Hitler would doubt his loyalty.However, he believes that making the most reasonable choice on the battlefield and correcting the mistakes of the head of state is the true expression of loyalty.

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