The nights in June are not long, and the dawns come very early.This short night was not peaceful. In the first half of the night alone, there were four exchanges of fire between German engineers and US troops.There were more than 20 casualties on the U.S. side, and the situation of the Germans was unclear. However, after these four exchanges of fire, the German night-laying operations completely stopped.From this point of view, the losses of the Germans are not estimated to be small.

As the storm receded, the weather began to improve gradually.For example, today, there is not as much fog as yesterday, so the attack time can be greatly advanced.By 05:30 in the morning, the sun had already illuminated the ground very brightly, and around 6 o'clock, the American bombers began their routine bombing.Compared with yesterday, the number of bombers dispatched has decreased to 300, and compared with yesterday, it has decreased by [-], while the number of bombs dropped has dropped by two-thirds compared with yesterday.

But this does not mean that the strike force has decreased. The decrease in the number of bombs is certainly due to the decrease in the number of bombers, and it is also because the Army Aviation has changed the ratio of bombs based on what the ground forces learned during the attack yesterday. It is only the number of heavy aerial bombs that can more effectively destroy reinforced concrete fortifications.And these bombs are much heavier than ordinary 250-pound or 500-pound bombs, so of course the carrying capacity of each aircraft will be much reduced.

Compared with yesterday, the area that needs to be attacked is also greatly reduced.The area of ​​the fortified area, which is still under German control, is only one-third of what it was yesterday.Therefore, not only did the Army Aviation's strike force not decrease, but it even increased significantly.

After the bombing by the bombers, the navy bombarded as usual, and the one-hour artillery preparation time was the same as yesterday.However, due to the reduction of the shelling area, the density of shelling has also increased greatly compared to yesterday.

By 08:30 am, the attack by ground forces began again.Compared with yesterday, the German resistance is further weakened today.Ground forces are seeing significantly fewer APK-43s firing at them today.On the way, they also found anti-tank gun bunkers that were destroyed by heavy aerial bombs or battleship main guns.It seems that the firepower preparation that has been further strengthened just now has played a big role.

In addition, the soldiers of the 7th Army also discovered that there are still many machine gun bunkers and anti-tank gun bunkers equipped with pak-40 anti-tank guns, and there are no defensive troops.This also seems to indicate that the human resources of the German army are almost exhausted.

This guess was quickly confirmed.By 11 o'clock in the morning, a unit of the 7th Army had penetrated the German defense zone, successfully penetrated into the urban area of ​​Cherbourg, and cut the German fortifications into two parts.Just when the U.S. military was planning to wipe out the German army in one go, the Germans sent envoys with white flags.

The German army, which was still clamoring to fight to the last man yesterday, announced its surrender.This was a bit beyond the expectations of the Americans, but when they saw the German troops supporting each other and coming out to surrender, they felt that this was really a normal thing.According to previous intelligence, there were no more than 1000 defenders in Cherbourg, but now there are only more than 1000 German troops who can walk out of the fortifications and surrender.And among the more than [-] people, nearly half of them were wounded.According to the German army that surrendered, there are still nearly a thousand seriously wounded who cannot move in the hospital.

"Surrendering like this is a normal thing." General Collins said to Ron, "I thought the Germans and the Japanese were allied and infected with the madness of the Japanese."

"Well, if it was the Japanese, they would have rushed out shouting 'Long Live' last night, and died in front of our position." Ron also thought of the days in Guadalcanal.

"If that's the case, that would be great." General Collins laughed, "Then we can enter Cherbourg this morning."

"Actually, it's not too late. We captured Cherbourg before the expected time, didn't we? At least it's better than the British. They are still in a stalemate with the Germans near Caen." Ron said.Ron didn't have a good impression of the British because of things like the British selling teammates in Burma that he learned in his previous life.

"However, if it weren't for those British guys who stopped the Germans in Caen, we might not be able to have such success. Although these arrogant British guys are sometimes annoying, I have to say that in Caen, they are It played a key role. There are several German ace divisions in front of them, coupled with the current decline in shipping capacity, it is not so easy for them to capture Caen. Oh, I heard that a few days ago, they were in Polkadot Key was ambushed by the 5st Division of the German SS and lost 25 tanks and 28 other vehicles within [-] minutes. I estimate that the time for the British to capture Caen will be pushed back.”

"These Germans are tough! I've been waiting till the flowers bloom at that airport in Caen!" said Ron.

"Waiting for the flowers to wither? It's really an artistic metaphor. But it's not like us war guys can say... Well, I heard that your girlfriend is an artist, that should be said." Wasn't it when you were late for an appointment that you were told?" Collins laughed.

"Nothing! I've always been an artist. People say I'm Karajan, a fighter."

Laughing for a while, Ron said again: "Actually, it's a good thing that the British guys have been dragging the Germans in Caen. We have solved Cherbourg now, and the entire Seventh Army is free. Maybe, we can Move eastward, attack from the side, and fight a large-scale war of annihilation. Think about it, if you kill the flag guards, the empire, and other guys, the collapse of the Germans on the western front is inevitable. We Then we can march forward with triumph and occupy Berlin before the Russians!"

General Collins thought for a while, and said: "This is a good idea. However, there are a lot of materials needed, which puts a lot of pressure on logistics. Whether it can be successful or not depends on how much material we can transport ashore... According to previous investigations, Sir The fort has been severely damaged, and I don’t know how long it will take to restore enough capacity.”

"Why don't we go to the city together," said Ron.

"General Ron, do you understand port engineering?" Collins asked.

"I don't know," Ron replied.

"I don't understand either, I don't understand at all." Collins said, "So, we can't see anything if we look at it... But we have to go and see. After the situation is under control, We'll go and have a look with those port experts."


Although the Germans surrendered at 11 o'clock in the morning, some Germans who were unwilling to surrender were still fighting.

At this time, even General Collins' subordinates missed those "cute" Japanese devils.

"It's better to be Japanese! If they don't surrender, they will rush out to die. And once they surrender, they will be extraordinarily honest. It's not like these Germans, they don't surrender, and they don't come out and charge. They're just like mice Hiding in a room next to the street and shooting black guns like that!" A sergeant with a scar on his face held his M1 semi-automatic rifle in his hand, hid at a street corner, and turned his head to another soldier and said.

There is a 4-story building opposite them, facing the street.On the street, there was another American soldier lying there, moaning loudly, his legs were broken by bullets, but he was not dead yet.Obviously, the Germans used him as bait, and anyone who dared to rescue him would become the target of the Germans.

The soldier following the sergeant was loading grenades on his m1 semi-automatic rifle.He replied without raising his head, "Have you observed the position of the Germans clearly?"

"On the third window on the second floor just now. As for now..." said the sergeant, extending a branch with a mirror attached to it a little out of the corner.On the other side, another soldier was also holding a steel helmet with a branch, deliberately protruding half of it from the corner of the wall.

With a sound of "铛", the helmet flew straight out, turned around in the air, was hit by two bullets, and flew more than ten meters away.

"Fourth door on the second floor!" shouted the sergeant.At the same moment, the soldier with the grenade on his gun leaped from the corner of the street and fired a grenade at the target.Then, at the speed he jumped out, he rolled on the street and rolled directly to the corner on the other side.

"Papapa", a string of bullets landed behind him, causing dust to rise.

At this time, the grenade fired by the soldier also accurately hit the fourth window on the second floor.Through the mirror, the sergeant saw that there was an explosion in that window. A machine gun was blasted out of the window, rolled several times in the air, and fell to the ground.

The machine gun was knocked out, and several American soldiers immediately showed half of their bodies from the corner of the street, and fired wildly at the building with the M1 semi-automatic rifle and Browning automatic rifle in their hands.And a soldier rushed up, grabbed the wounded man's clothes, and quickly dragged him back to the corner of the street.

"Medical! Medic!" the sergeant yelled.

In fact, he didn't need to call, the medical soldiers had already rushed forward.He opened the medicine box and bandaged the wounded soldier with all his might.


After a day's fighting, the remaining remnants who refused to surrender were wiped out, except Trabi.Traby was a Waffen-SS sniper.On the Eastern Front, he killed no fewer than forty Russians.But later, he was hit in the chest by a bullet fired by a Soviet sniper, and if it wasn't for the fact that his heart was not in the same position as normal people, he would have died at that time.So he was able to leave the Eastern Front, go to France to recover from his wounds, and then he fought the Yankees again.

In the battle just now, several of his comrades-in-arms were killed one after another.But he escaped successfully and hid in another building.

From a curtained room on the building's tallest sixth floor, Traby parted the curtains and peered through Zeiss military binoculars.He saw a group of US military vehicles pull up next to a collapsed gantry crane about 6 meters away, and several officers and what looked like technicians came down.

Traby took a deep breath, and then touched his Mauser 98k sniper rifle.

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