New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 233, Straight Knee Arrow

Traby carefully pricked the pane of the window with the dagger and took it off.He dared not open the window directly, because the window opened outwards.It is now easy to be spotted by the enemy by pushing open the window.But he can't shoot through window panes either.The optical flatness of window glass is very average.After light passes through the glass, it will be significantly distorted due to refraction.This can cause the object to appear to be at a much different location than it actually is.In addition, when the bullet passes through the glass, it will also be disturbed. Now those Americans are at a distance of 800 meters. The rotation will affect the accuracy of the hit. If you add the unpredictable disturbance when passing through the glass, the possibility of hitting the target will be as small as winning the lottery.

Carefully removing the glass, Traby moved a large table to the window, so that he could have a support when holding his gun.Although Traby's hand is very steady, when shooting a target at such a distance, his breathing and pulse will all affect his shooting accuracy.Breathing can be temporarily stopped, but the pulse is uncontrollable.When shooting such a long-distance target, it would be much better to have a support.

Those Yankees were on the move all the time, which kept Trabby from getting a shot.You must know that although the initial velocity of the Mauser 98k bullet is only 755 meters per second, plus the deceleration during the flight after the bullet is ejected from the chamber, it takes about two seconds to hit the target at that distance.During this time, any movement of the moving target may prevent the bullet from hitting.And Traby hadn't been able to tell which one of them was the highest ranking officer.So he could only wait patiently.

However, as an old sniper, what Traby lacks most is patience. Back then on the Eastern Front, in order to ambush a target, he could even lie down in the snow for six or seven hours.


It was General Collins, Ron, some other officers and some technicians who appeared near the collapsed gantry crane.They came together to see the state of Cherbourg's destruction.In order to ensure the safety of these personnel, the US military controlled the commanding heights within 400 meters nearby.Moreover, none of the officers wore ranks, and soldiers were ordered not to salute when talking to officers.

"Ron, look at this, it's completely destroyed." General Collins pointed to the gantry crane whose steel frame was twisted like twists on the ground and said to Ron.

"Well, but, I think it shouldn't be very difficult to install a new gantry crane?" Ron added, "Of course, I don't know anything about this. You have to ask our professionals."

Collins turned to look at a bald technician in his 50s, "Mr. Joey, are you an expert in this field, or tell me."

"Oh, what General Ron said is right. The gantry crane alone is definitely not a problem. Whether it is the United States or the United Kingdom, there are a large number of ready-made gantry cranes. You can dismantle one at any port, load it on a ship, ship it, and reinstall it. , are all problems that can be solved soon. Well, this gantry crane is made in the UK. The same model can be easily found in the UK. The British are still very strong in these aspects!"

When he heard Joey's praise of the British port machinery manufacturing, Ron couldn't help but think of the time and space he was in.At that time, China's port machinery had occupied nearly 80.00% of the world's port machinery market. At that time, the de-industrialized British Empire had fallen to the point where it was building an aircraft carrier in its own home, but even a larger gantry crane could not afford it. It cannot be produced by itself, so it has to be imported from China.Of course, what is even more interesting is that when US President Ou Guanhai gave an impassioned speech on "reviving American manufacturing" at a certain port in the United States, a gust of wind blew away the Stars and Stripes covered on the large gantry crane behind him, and then exposed The four characters "Zhenhua Port Machinery" on the gantry crane.As a result, the speech promoting "revitalizing American manufacturing" became an advertisement for "Zhenhua Port Machinery".This is really no one in the world.

"The real troubles are in these places!" Joey stretched out his hand, pointing to the docks and docks ahead. "Look, in those docks, even the reinforced concrete walls on both sides have been blasted, and they can't be repaired in a few months. Of course, this is not the worst thing. Anyway, the big deal is that we don't repair ships here. But you see In the harbor channel, the masts of those sunken ships are still out on the sea."

Ron and Collins looked into the distance.There are some things looming on the sea far away.

"Give me the telescope!" said Collins.So his adjutant handed him a telescope.Collins raised his binoculars and looked out to sea.

"It's really a mast. There's a lot more... Joey, how long will it take to clear those wrecks?"

"General, this is not necessarily the case. Look at the specific number of sunken ships of the Germans, the depth of the sinking, what was inside the ship, and how many mines they placed there, as well as the types of mines. Before careful investigation, we..."


Traby saw that one soldier handed a telescope to another soldier, and the soldier raised the telescope and began to look towards the sea.And the other person next to him raised his finger and pointed, as if he was explaining to the person holding the telescope.

"This person is probably a high-ranking officer!" Traby immediately made such a judgment.At this time, General Collins was holding up his binoculars to look into the distance, and it happened that there was no movement. Except that the distance was a little too far, this was really a perfect target.

Trabby observed the Stars and Stripes fluttering in the wind in the distance, then took a deep breath, put his right cheek on the walnut butt of the Mauser 98k sniper rifle, and carefully aimed at the One click, and the trigger fired a 7.96mm bullet.


General Collins put down his binoculars and took another step forward.

"Mr. Joey, is there any way to clear mines quickly?" Collins said as he walked.

At this moment, the first bullet fired by Trabby had already flown over. Because of the movement of General Collins, the bullet failed to hit Collins. It flew behind Collins and hit the ground, splashing a wave dust.

"There are snipers!" Ron rushed over and pushed General Collins to the ground.At this time, the sound of the Mauser 98k sniper rifle came leisurely.

"Damn it!" Seeing Collins take a step, Trabby knew that his shot must have missed.At this time, Traby really envied those Yankees with m1 automatic rifles.If you have an m1 semi-automatic sniper rifle by your side, then you can immediately replenish the gun.Now, however, he had to pull the bolt first.

When he pulled the bolt, his eyes left the scope, so when he put his eyes on the scope again, the target just now went nowhere.So he searched a little bit, and just shot a guy at random.Traby knew that he had to move immediately.After firing the shot, without even looking at the results of the shot, he picked up his Mauser 98k sniper rifle, rushed out of the room, and ran down the stairs.A few seconds later, he heard a continuous popping sound, mixed with the sound of breaking glass and bricks, from the room where he had been hiding.He knew that the Americans were shooting the room where he was just now with the M-2 heavy machine gun.


Ron and Collins fell to the ground, and Collins immediately understood that he had become the target of a German sniper.They each rolled half a circle to the left and right, then got up, stooped, and ran towards the nearest hiding place.

The closest to Ron is an m8 Greyhound armored reconnaissance vehicle.The armor of this wheeled armored vehicle is very weak, and any anti-tank gun can easily penetrate it.Even the US military's own m2 heavy machine gun can penetrate it.Still, its armor is more than adequate to stop rifle bullets.As long as you hide behind it, you are absolutely safe.

"One more step!" Ron jumped forward, using a nearly three-step layup action, and threw himself at the side and rear of the m8 armored vehicle - there were already several soldiers hiding there.At this moment, he felt a sudden pain in his left knee joint, and then he fell beside the M8 armored vehicle.Several soldiers rushed out immediately and dragged him behind the armored vehicle.


"Ron, are you okay?" Inside an armored ambulance, General Collins said anxiously to Ron who was lying on a stretcher.

"I don't know," Ron said worriedly, "I feel like I've been shot in the knee. It's terrible, it might affect flying the plane!" To be honest, Ron still has a lot to achieve by flying the plane. dream.

"I have always had this dream:

I have a dream, I dream that one day, I can drive a p-81 fighter jet to hunt turkeys on the Ryukyu Islands;

I have a dream, I dream that one day, I can drive a b-29 bomber to hunt fish in the Seto Inland Sea;

I have a dream, I dream that one day, I can drive a b-29 bomber to Tokyo and Osaka to be a glorious fire broadcaster;

I have a dream, I dream that one day, I will be able to drive a b-29 bomber to the Japanese fields and spray defoliants tirelessly;

I have a dream, I dream that one day, I can drive a b-29 bomber to plant mushrooms on the Japanese archipelago.

until I got shot in the knee..."

The knee injury was the worst, and Collins could only comfort him by saying, "Don't worry, Ron, you're fine. You'll be back alive and well soon."

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