New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 236, News from China

Nadya stayed with Ron in London for a day, and even slept in Ron's ward at night.But Ron's foot is still in a cast, so, well, nothing fancy can happen.

Early the next morning, Ron and Nadya had breakfast together, and Scott had already completed all the procedures for discharge from the hospital.And arrange the vehicle.

"Ron, are you going back to the army now?" Nadya looked at Ron and said, tears rolling in her big eyes.

"No way, that's how war is. Now is the critical moment," Ron explained.

In fact, Nadya did not understand this.In the Soviet Union, serving with injuries is also very common.

"However, I'm not going back to the front line right away. Someone will take care of the front line. I'm just going back to Portsmouth, recuperating, and serving as a consultant for others." Ron said to Nadya, "It's not too late for you to ask for leave. For a few days, if you are interested, you can also go there to play for two days to relax."


Because there is no need to cross the sea, Army Aviation will not arrange a plane for Ron.The most comfortable way to travel within the UK is by train.The hospital directly sent Ron and the others to the station in an ambulance.

When Nadya pushed Ron onto the platform, Ron looked at the platform of Waterloo Railway Station and suddenly felt that he had seen this place before.Ron has never been to Waterloo Railway Station, even in his previous life, although he has been to England twice, he has never been here by train.Where did this strange sense of familiarity come from?

At this time, several young people ran over from a place not far from Ron.While running, one of them turned his head and shouted at the others: "Hurry up, the time is about to pass."

The man turned his head and shouted while running like this, but he didn't see the front, so he hit a pillar directly, fell back instead, and sat on the ground with his buttocks.

"Haha!" Ron suddenly remembered where his sense of familiarity came from, so he unconsciously said, "This unlucky Muggle."

"What is a Muggle?" Nadya behind Ron naturally heard this sentence.Nadia, who was pursing her lips and smiling, asked this question.

"Ah, Muggles, that's..." Ron didn't expect Nadya to ask such a question. He couldn't answer according to "Harry Potter", "Muggles" refers to idiots without magical talents.So he quickly found an excuse: "Muggle is a dialect from the Philippines, which means silly hat. You know, I used to stay in the Philippines for a long time."

"I remember, you also told me about the giant boa constrictor and the monkey-eating hawk in the Philippines." Nadya replied with a smile.

To say that the current Waterloo Station is really similar to the one in the "Harry Potter" movie, especially when a steam locomotive enters the station, it really looks like "Harry Potter" The train in "Potter" that takes the students to the magic school.Speaking of which, when Ron was in elementary school in his previous life, he also rode this kind of steam locomotive once.A group of green leather carts was towed by a foggy front, and the simple carriages were crowded with all kinds of people.

But the British trains are much more luxurious than the green leather cars that Ron rode in his previous life.Lu Hang booked a box for Ron, which has a sofa, bed, and bathroom. Except that there is no LCD TV and Internet service, other places are much better than the high-speed rail that Ron took in his previous life.

However, there is no place for Najia in this box. When Lu Hang booked the train compartment, he didn't know that Ron's girlfriend was coming.Although the box is not small, there is still a document in Scott's hand to be shown to Ron, so naturally Nadya can't stay in this box.

Scott also reserved a berth for Nadya, but it was not such a luxurious box.It's just an ordinary box.However, according to Nadya, the conditions are not bad.It is much better than that of the United States, and it is even better than that of the Soviet Union.

According to the standards of Ron's previous life, the speed of the British trains is really slow like a snail. This is natural, but how fast can the steam locomotive run?It's only thirty to forty kilometers per hour.What's more terrible is that there are so many freight cars on the railway now.If it is in peacetime, the rule on the railway has always been that freight cars should give way to passenger cars.But this time is a time of war, and everything must give way to war.And Portsmouth is an important port in the United Kingdom. Many of the materials shipped to the beaches of Normandy are shipped from Portsmouth.So the freight trains currently running on the railway to Portsmouth are basically military trains carrying military supplies. They have the highest authority, and all other trains must give way to them.As a result, the express that Ron was riding on was also made to look like a slow train, and he had to stop to give way to those military trains after he didn't run much farther.It took more than ten hours to travel from London to Portsmouth.

Knowing that Ron still had business to deal with, Nadia accompanied him to lunch in Ron's compartment and left.After Nadya left, Scott took out the document.

This is a document transferred from China.Here is the first mention of the b-29 air strikes against Japan.

After the completion of several airfields in China, the Americans began to attack Japan.In the beginning, the b-29 targeted some Japanese industries in Manchuria (Northeast China).Since 9.18, the Japanese occupied the Northeast and began to build various industries in the Northeast to plunder the resources of the Northeast.And when Japan and the United States went to war, the iron and coal mines in the Northeast became the key to Japan's support for the war.Therefore, this place has become the primary target of the US military's b-29.

Although the b-29 has the most amazing combat radius of this era, the entire Manchuria and even part of Japan are within its strike range.But these targets are already at the limit of its strike range.Against these targets, the number of bombs the B-29 can carry is much smaller than normal.In addition, the cost of transporting materials through the hump route is high, so the attack is very limited and the effect is very general.

However, during the air strikes on Manchuria, the Americans discovered several new Japanese fighter jets.

In the beginning, the Japanese always used the ki-44 Zhong Kui fighter to intercept the b-29.Zhong Kui climbs well, as an interceptor, this is a great advantage.And compared to the ki-12.7 Falcon fighter jet with the most 43mm machine guns in the Japanese army, the firepower of the ki-44 Zhong Kui's four 4mm machine guns is twice as strong.But if this kind of firepower is used to hit the so-called "Super Sky Fortress" b-12.7, it is really like hitting a rhinoceros with a 29-style small smashing cannon in the hands of the TG public security that has run out of bullets and can't knock down a dog. Same, completely untouchable.It's no different than tickling.On the contrary, the fully automatic 64mm gun of the b-29 can often hit those ki-20s into big fireballs.Facing the b-44s that formed a box formation, even without escort aircraft, the Japanese fighters were no match.Therefore, at that time, when the Japanese fighter jets faced the b-29, they were really a complete coffee table.

But it didn't take long before the emergence of two fighter jets changed the situation.

The first is a twin-engine, two-seat Ki-45 "Dragon Slayer" fighter.Speaking of this kind of aircraft, although some 213 fans of later generations praised this thing as the "b-29 nemesis", but to be honest, the performance of this thing is really terrible.As a twin-engine fighter, the maximum power of each of its engines is only 1050 horsepower. The combined horsepower of the two engines is no less than that of a Twin Hornet on the p-47.Coupled with the huge windward area, the maximum speed of this fighter is only 540 kilometers.If the b-29 drops the bomb, this thing doesn't even go as fast as the b-29 bomber.

The climb rate of this thing is also a tragedy. The highest climb rate is only 11.7 meters per second. Even if the whole climb is calculated according to the maximum climb rate, it will take more than 5000 minutes to climb to 7 meters.In fact, the maximum rate of climb drops off very quickly as altitude increases.This thing can't climb 9 meters every 5000 minutes. If you really want to climb to the usual combat height of the b-29, you don't even think about it in half an hour.

In terms of flight performance, such a "fighter", which is not even as good as the BF-110, is not suitable for interception missions at all-by the time it slowly climbs into place, people have already dropped the bombs and went home.But at this moment, the advantage of early warning gave it sufficient time to climb.

First of all, kmt's anti-spy system is terrible.Although some Chinese fans always like to brag about Boss Dai, making him the top espionage king in China and even in the world.It even made up a story that the chairman knew about Japan's surrender before the dead Roosevelt.But if Boss Dai can be regarded as the king of espionage, then commanding a group of Jiang Bo (the protagonist of China's first TV series "81 Years of Camp" in 18) to infiltrate Boss Dai's military command to the point of "there is one among us" What is Li Kenong who is a KMT spy" joke?

During the Anti-Japanese War, in Chongqing, the Japanese stole a lot of secrets almost under their noses, and even instigated the second person of KMT.In Shanghai, the Central Command Army was hit by No. 76 to the brink of death.In the later period of the Liberation War, the KMT's spy system was so infiltrated that it could almost be renamed "TG Detachment".So some people in the future generation joked and summed up the best coffee table combination of World War II: soldiers of noodles (Italy), generals of perfume (France), Japanese staff officers, and KMT spies. KMT's intelligence system is among the period.

As a result, a large number of Japanese spies were active next to the airport where the b-29 was stationed. Almost as soon as the b-29 took off, these guys sent the information back quickly.In this regard, KMT's intelligence department has almost nothing to do, so the Yankees have to set up an intelligence team to solve the problem.

Secondly, if the b-29 taking off from Sichuan wants to bomb targets in Manchuria, it must fly thousands of kilometers over the Japanese-controlled area.The Japanese ground observation post can also issue early warning information long in advance.This allows a rag like the ki-45 "Dragon Slayer" to also have the opportunity to climb to a suitable height.

In this way, the first problem of "Slaying the Dragon" - the climbing rot is solved.And its advantages compared with other Japanese fighter jets - the body is stronger and the firepower is stronger, so it has the opportunity to show it. The ki-45 is equipped with a 37mm caliber cannon. Even the b-29 can't stand this thing.As a result, in the bombing of Manchuria, the Japanese shot down some b-29s with this stupid thing.

As for the second type of fighter, it is really a good one, and that is the ki-84 "Hayate" fighter.

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