New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 237, News from China

If reliability is not considered, the ki-84 "Hayate" is really a good aircraft.It is equipped with Japan's first 2000-horsepower "Yu" engine, which is twice as powerful as the ki-43 Falcon fighter.This also makes the ki-84 much faster than its predecessors.Its maximum speed can even reach 624 kilometers.This speed is no faster than the 51 kilometers per hour of the American p-706 or the 47 kilometers per hour of the p-690.But compared to ki-43's 490 kilometers per hour and Zero War 52's 565 kilometers per hour, it is much faster.In Ron's original time and space, after the Americans won, they got some ki-84 blast fighters and tested them.After using American high-grade fuel, it is said that the ki-84 flew at a higher speed.American technicians believe that if American technology is used and optimized for high-grade fuel, the ki-84 is expected to fly at a speed of 680 kilometers per hour.

Some Japanese fans in later generations also came up with the so-called method of marking the maximum speed of Japanese aircraft differently from other countries.These Japanese fans claim that the highest speed marked by the aircraft in the United States, Germany, the Soviet Union and all other countries in the world is the fastest speed that the aircraft can fly out in an instant. Only Japan marks the so-called sustainable flight time. maximum speed.Therefore, although some Japanese fighter jets are marked at a much lower speed than American fighter jets, their actual speed is not slower than them, and may even be faster than them.

In fact, as long as you carefully check the records of the Japanese themselves, you will know that this is pure nonsense.In fact, during the war, the Japanese also captured the American p-51b fighter jets. The Japanese added Japanese low-quality fuel to the Mustang, and then used it with the fw-190a2 they got from their German allies. The Japanese Own ki-84 conducted a comparative test.As a result, although the fw-190 and ki-84 were ahead of the p-51 because of faster acceleration, in the end, as the speed gradually increased, the p-51 quickly caught up and put the fw-190 and ki-84 far away. Far behind.Even with the same inferior fuel, the p-51 flies significantly faster than the ki-84.According to the Japanese pilot in charge of the test, the flight quality of the P-51 at high speeds made him even more desperate. At high speeds, the P-51 was much better than any Japanese aircraft.

Of course, this aircraft still has unique advantages over the p-51 or p-47.First of all, the acceleration of this aircraft is quite fast, faster than the p-47 and p-51 in the hands of the Americans. In addition, its climb is also quite good. It only takes 5000 minutes to climb from zero altitude to 6 meters.Therefore, when this kind of aircraft faces the American p-51 and p-47, it is almost helpless like Zero War or Ki-43.

In addition, although compared with Ki-43 and Zero War, the two World War II champions and runners-up, the hovering performance of the Hayate fighter is much worse, but it is still much better than the American products that basically do not consider hovering performance.In this way, at least at medium and low altitudes, ki-84 has advantages in hovering, acceleration and climbing when facing p-47 and p-51.In terms of performance alone, the ki-84 "Hailwind" is fully capable of fighting the Americans.Of course, if the Japanese dare to go to high altitudes to compete with p-51 or p-47, it will be no different from death.

In addition, the firepower of ki-84 has also made great progress compared with its predecessor ki-43.It is equipped with four 4mm guns, and it can already kill a target like the p-20 with one hit.Even for a thick-skinned guy like p-51, it's not easy to meet such a guy.

This kind of aircraft was deployed to Wuhan by the Japanese, and it often had air battles with those of the 14th Air Force who escorted the b-25 medium bomber or the p-51 fighter jets that came out for safari.These air battles all took place at medium and low altitudes. In these airspaces, the ki-84 performed well.

The appearance of this aircraft has attracted the attention of Army Aviation.Obviously, after the successful Normandy landings, the end of Nazi Germany is not far away.After eliminating the Nazis, the Japanese are the next target to be attacked.How to deal with the Japanese fighters has naturally become a problem that needs serious study, and in Army Aviation, Ron is recognized as the king of fighters.Therefore, Lu Hang sent this information to Ron, wanting to ask for Ron's opinion.

However, Ron, who has experience in his previous life, knows that the ki-84, which looks good, is actually just beautiful.He was much less of a threat to the Americans than Army Aviation thought.Because the reliability of the "Yu" engine it uses is really too bad.In fact, in World War II, the Japanese produced a total of more than 3000 ki-84s. Compared with the German bf-109 series or fw-190 series, the American p-47 and p-51 production, Naturally not worth mentioning.But in the output of Japanese fighter jets, it is not too small.But you have to ask those American pilots who fought in the Pacific, do you often encounter ki-84?Those American pilots will probably ask you, what is ki-84?Because this kind of aircraft is dragged down by the "Yu" engine that may strike at any time, it is completely a hangar queen. Among all the ki-84s, only a quarter of them can be guaranteed to fly. .

By the way, many Japanese fans also believe that if the successor model of Zero War, the a7m Gale fighter that also uses the "Yu" engine, can be put into mass production, it will definitely change the situation of the battle greatly.But in fact, considering the use at sea and the erosion of salt spray, the environment is worse than land-based.I really want to replace the a7m zero battle with the a6m Gale. When it comes to naval battles, I really don't know how many planes on the aircraft carrier can fly.

However, since Lu Hang asked, Ron still had to give a countermeasure.But this is not urgent, because there are also records of the bombing of the Japanese mainland by Army Aviation's b-29 bombers.

In May, the b-29 began air strikes on some cities in southern Japan.The method of these air strikes was completely different from the air strikes on Manchuria. In these air strikes, the U.S. military rarely used night strikes.

The reason why the night attack was adopted was that in this series of air strikes, the Americans used the bat bomb that Ron participated in the research.The first bombing was on May 14, targeting Kumamoto on the island of Kyushu.A fleet of 40 B-29s arrived over the target around 2:[-] a.m., and the Japanese were almost defenseless.Because before this, the Japanese mainland has not really received a decent air strike.

After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, bombers of the KMT Air Force once flew over Japan.However, these bombers did not carry bombs. In return for the Japanese army's indiscriminate bombing, burning, killing and looting in China, these bombers just dropped a lot of leaflets over Japan in hope and the conscience of the "Japanese people".And this kind of propaganda without the backing of force is actually powerless, and it's just sending some toilet paper to the Japanese.

After the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, General Doolittle led a team of b-25 bombers whimsically, took off from the aircraft carrier, and carried out a real bombing of Tokyo.However, in that bombing, the number of bombs dropped was still very limited, and the political significance was greater than the military significance.Since then, the Japanese mainland has never been attacked by air again.Only this air strike was the first real air strike with military significance.Therefore, the Japanese were not prepared.

The b-29 bomber group approached the target from an altitude of 7000 meters. After approaching the target, the b-29 bombers reduced the engine throttle and the engine entered the state of idling.In this way, the original roaring engine sound became smaller, and the aircraft group began to approach the target silently by gliding.When the fleet flew over the city, the altitude was about 5000 meters, and the fleet dropped bat bombs at this altitude.

The parachutes carried by these bombs opened automatically at an altitude of 800 meters, and they fell slowly and leisurely under the traction of the parachutes.When they descended to a height of 400 meters, the small door on the bomb was opened, and bats were thrown out one by one.

The bombs that have completed their mission continue to fall, and each bomb contains about 4 kilograms of TNT explosives.These explosives will explode after the bomb touches the ground to destroy the structure of the bomb and prevent the enemy from discovering the real means of attack.Of course, these explosions will also hurt some people and cause some riots, but as long as the Japanese do not pay attention to the problem of bats in the sky.After these bombs are gone, they'll still go home and sleep.

As the Americans expected, the bomb that exploded on the ground alarmed the Japanese residents and defense forces in the city.But before they could react, the bombers were gone.All the while, the Japanese didn't even fire a single anti-aircraft shell.

Since the power of the bomb that landed is not great, the explosive power of the charge of 4 kg TNT is only comparable to that of a 155mm howitzer.So the damage caused is very limited.Several houses were on fire, but they were quickly extinguished by the fire brigade who arrived after hearing the news.No one has noticed that there are many more bats flying over the city.Before long, the city was once again in dreamland.

At about 4 o'clock in the morning, the bats carrying timed incendiary bombs began to descend in height, and one by one got into the eaves of those wooden buildings.An hour later, the first flame started to ignite from under a certain roof, and within a few minutes, tens of thousands of fire points appeared successively throughout the city.This is also the time when most people sleep the most soundly. Although there are a few people who got up early and found a fire, facing so many fire points, they didn't even have time to wake up the people in the house.After just a few minutes, the fire has become out of control.Those who were awakened by the fire were in a mess. They had never seen such a fire that swept through the entire city.At the beginning, some people tried to put out the fire with basins and buckets beside them, but after a few minutes, they realized that it was futile to do so.Even with themselves have been in danger.Escaping to the streets does not guarantee their safety, because when the fire is burning, the temperature on the streets is also rising rapidly.So the panicked crowd began to run around, but at this moment, they realized that the street had been sealed by the fire...

At 8 o'clock in the morning, a b-29 responsible for reconnaissance of the results of the battle flew over Kumamoto again. The pilot saw that this man who raised the most ferocious and barbaric Sixth Division in the Japanese Imperial Army (the main murderer of the Nanjing Massacre) The city, the entire downtown area has been turned into a white space.

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