New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 238, Countermeasures

The next night, U.S. forces again attacked Oita on the island of Kyushu.The Americans know that the Japanese will definitely find out the problem soon, because some of the bombs dropped may fail to explode due to various reasons.Although such a bomb is also likely to be destroyed by the fire, it is entirely possible that it was picked up by the Japanese.As long as the Japanese get one or two samples of bombs that have not been completely destroyed, they will definitely be able to understand the secret of this bomb in a short period of time, and then the effect of this bomb will be greatly reduced in the future.Therefore, the Americans must launch more bombings before the Japanese react.

The bombing of Kumamoto last night was extremely successful.Almost half of Kumamoto was burned down, and tens of thousands of people were killed or injured.This news made the Japanese on Kyushu extremely nervous.Including Hamada Jiro who just returned from the United Fleet to visit relatives.Hamada Jiro is from Oita, and he is about to serve on the destroyer Yukikaze of the United Fleet.In fact, Hamada Jiro didn't have time to complete his studies in the military academy, and he didn't even have time to learn how to use a sextant.However, because the United Fleet lost a large number of personnel and urgently needed to be replenished, Hamada Jiro was drafted into the army and became a glorious Japanese Locust Navy soldier worth five yen (the price of a death notice).As for the fact that he hasn't finished his studies and doesn't even know how to use a sextant, what's the matter?Will it paint the deck?Just do it!Anyway, I don't expect a cheap conscript to do any high-tech work.

Early tomorrow morning, Hamada Jiro will go to the Navy to report.The family specially prepared a delicious meal for him, a big rice ball and a small fish.Although Jiro Hamada has told his family more than once that the food in the navy is good, don't worry.On the contrary, my family is very poor, so I should be more frugal.But after all, he is going to join the war, so maybe he won't go back to Oita in the future, and the only way to see him in the future is to go to Kudanzaka.So his parents prepared dinner for him according to the Chinese New Year standard.After eating, my father babbled on for a long time. Of course, there were words of encouragement such as being loyal to the country, but the more he said was "to protect the body", don't just run around in places like Jiuduanzaka .And Jiro Hamada is naturally full of "Hay".

After finishing talking, it was getting late, and everyone washed up and went to bed.In the middle of the night, Hamada Jiro was awakened by a loud noise, and he felt that the whole room was shaking.He quickly put on his clothes and ran out of the room.His father, mother and younger brother, who was only 12 years old, also ran out quickly.

"It was probably bombed," said Hamada Jiro's father.

"It seems to be on the side of Xiaosong's house." Mother said.

"Go and see, see if it can help."


The bomb exploded in the yard of Komatsu's home.The blast wave knocked down half of the house's walls.But no one was hurt.

"The power of this bomb is too small?" Although Hamada Jiro has no experience in being bombed, as a military student, he still knows a little bit.If it is really an authentic aerial bomb, how can it only have such a little power? This power is at most comparable to the power of a 6-inch gun on a light cruiser.How could there be an aerial bomb with such a small power?

After checking that no one was hurt, everyone went home.Hamada Jiro's parents also commented that it seems that the bombing is not so terrible.

Hamada Jiro shook his head while walking back, an ominous premonition lingering in his heart.


The next morning, at just 04:30, Hamada Jiro's mother got up to prepare food for her son on the road.It was at this time that the first flame came out.

"Oh! It's on fire!" Hamada Jiro's mother smelled something burning, and when she looked up, she saw flames emanating from the roof of the house.

Amidst the mother's screams, everyone hurriedly got up again.The father and younger brother hurriedly picked up the bucket and prepared to fetch water from the well to fight the fire. Jiro Hamada grabbed the bucket from his father and rushed out.As soon as he went out, Jiro Hamada was stunned. On the street, almost everyone's houses were covered with flames!

"This fire can't be saved!" Hamada Jiro immediately made such a judgment.On the Navy's warships, the biggest concern is fire.Therefore, the students in the navy have learned a lot about fire, which is definitely not comparable to those old hats in the army.

"This fire can't be saved!" Hamada Jiro threw away the bucket.Grabbing my brother and father, "Pull mom out, run! If you run too late, the fire will block the street!"

"It can't be saved?" Father asked, his eyes were red, obviously, he was very reluctant to abandon the house like this.

"I'll go in and get something!" My mother just wanted to go back after being pulled out by her younger brother.

"It's too late! Come to the well!" Hamada Jiro took a bucket of water from the well and poured it directly on his brother.Then hand him a soaked towel, "When you encounter smoke, use this to cover your nose!"

"Brother, run out of the city! Quick!" Then he picked up another bucket of water and poured it on his mother.

At this time, the fire has begun to grow.The flames on the roof had risen as high as a man.

"Run!" Hamada Jiro poured the last bucket of water on his head, and then rushed out of the city.

At first, the morning wind blew on his drenched body, and Jiro Hamada still felt a little cold.But as the fire got bigger and bigger, the oncoming wind became hotter, and Jiro Hamada could even see white steam rising from his clothes.

At this time, more people had already woken up, some were still trying in vain to put out the fire, some were yelling in despair, and some started to run away.Hamada Jiro's family had already been dispersed by the rushing crowd.But Jiro Hamada knew that now was not the time to take care of this, and if he wanted to find someone, he had to wait until he ran out.

The fire was growing and the streets were filled with smoke.Hamada Jiro covered his mouth and nose with a wet towel, and staggered towards the outside of the city.Just now, the people who were running beside him fell into the thick smoke one by one.Just like the teacher in the military academy said, in a fire, the biggest threat to human life is not the flame, but the poisonous smoke. Most of the people who died in the fire were smoked to death.

Even though he covered his mouth and nose with a wet towel, Hamada Jiro still felt a burning pain in his throat.He hurriedly lowered his body a little lower, and the smoke was slightly less in a lower place.The exposed skin on his body was all stinging from the flames, and his clothes had already been dried, but they hadn't burned by themselves like the clothes on the man he saw just now.

Moreover, the thick smoke also affected his vision, his eyes were crying non-stop, and he could hardly distinguish the direction of the road, so he could only run by his memory.The fire was growing, his hair was curling, and his clothes were browning.At this moment, a gust of wind blows, and the thick smoke in front of him is blown away, and he sees that the crossing out of the city is right in front of him...


Also in this air raid, a malfunctioning bomb fell outside the city. The bomb did not explode, and it almost completely fell into the hands of the Japanese. Thus, the secret of the burning city was revealed. .

On the third night, the b-29 fleet attacked Fukuoka on Kyushu Island, but this time, the Japanese were well prepared.Although the lack of large-caliber anti-aircraft guns and night fighters prevented them from shooting down a few b-29 bombers.But almost all the citizens were mobilized. They prepared water for firefighting in advance, and when the bats flew into the eaves, they started to catch the bats together.Therefore, when the scheduled time for the incendiary bomb arrived, there were only a thousand fire points in the whole city.Moreover, as soon as these fires appeared, they were immediately extinguished by the well-prepared citizens.The performance of the Japanese in this defense basically shows that the era of bat bombs has basically passed.


After understanding the situation, Ron took out a piece of paper and began to write his proposal.

"The bombing of Northeast China is very costly, but it is difficult to achieve good results. For bombing Japan, it is best to capture an island in the Pacific Ocean as a base. In this way, Japan lacks long-range early warning radars, and the sea has If a large number of artificial observation posts cannot be set up, the interception efficiency of the Japanese will be very low. Due to the poor speed and climb of the Japanese heavy twin-engine two-seater fighters, they cannot be used to intercept the b-29 attacking from the sea at all. Bombers. Of course, due to political considerations, the air strikes on Northeast China must also be persisted. But the number of dropped bombs can be reduced to improve the flight performance of the b-29 and increase the flight altitude of the b-29. This will greatly reduce the number of aircraft Loss.

Regarding the new Japanese single-engine fighter, judging from the existing data, there is still a gap in performance between the fighters of our army, but compared to zeke (the American name for Zero War) and Oscar (the American name for ki-43 Fighter name), its progress is very obvious.However, considering that the Japanese do not have many high-altitude bombers, and the Germans also lack high-altitude fighters, I infer that the Japanese aircraft may still have defects in high-altitude performance. Therefore, I suggest that p-51 or p-47 pilots encounter this After planting aircraft, try to attract them to fight at high altitudes.In addition, even at medium altitudes, our aircraft still has an advantage in speed, and we can use this advantage to force opponents to enter high altitudes to engage our army through a shallow-angle spiral climb with a large radius.The Japanese aircraft have always been not strong enough, and their ability to resist strikes is poor, and the training ability of Japanese pilots is very poor.Therefore, in the battle, whenever there is a shooting opportunity, don't be too stingy with the shells, and try to wipe out the Japanese pilots directly in the plane.The fighter planes in the fleet should cooperate with each other and concentrate their firepower so that the enemy pilots have no chance to parachute.Killing pilots is far more important than shooting down enemy planes.

Regarding bat bombs, their use should be temporarily suspended. After our army occupies the Pacific islands, they may be mixed with high-explosive bombs and may still achieve certain results.In addition, in future air strikes against Japan, incendiary bombs will be the protagonists, so we should make preparations for this in advance..."


After Ron put down his pen, it was already afternoon, and the slanted sunlight shone through the window screens with white patterns and shone into Ron's compartment.At this time, it may be stopping at a small station to give way to a military column.At this time, the roar of the plane came from outside.

"It sounds like PA-47. Is it that the batch that was added to us a few days ago is training?" Ron asked.

"It seems so. In fact, we are not too far away from the 'Crow's Nest'." Scott replied, while opening the window screen, Ron looked out, and saw a group of PA-47 flying by from low altitude .

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