New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 239, If you don't die, you won't die

The train Ron took took nearly ten hours to arrive in Portsmouth.This is mainly because there are too many stops and stops along the way to give way to military columns.

It was about ten o'clock in the evening when the train arrived at the station.In Britain during the war, because of the blackout, at night, even the city was dark.The entire Portsmouth Station, and only on the platform, were still lit with two lights.

In fact, the German bombers have not been here for a long time.However, the blackout ban has never been lifted.Several soldiers hurriedly lifted Ron and his wheelchair off the train, and then carried them directly into an ambulance converted from a Dodge truck parked on the platform.Nadya also climbed into the car and sat down beside Ron. She reached out a hand and took Ron's hand.

"You should take the jeep in front of you," said Ron. The Dodge's body was converted into a high cabin, and it was a bit difficult for Nadya to climb up.

"I'm going to be with you." Nadya said coquettishly, waving Ron's hand.

"Scott, have you contacted Nadya with the hotel yet?" Ron turned his head and asked Scott, who was snickering.

"Contacted, it's on our way back to the crow's nest. We can stop there for a while." Scott quickly answered with a straight face.

Led by a jeep, the ambulance slowly drove away from the platform and headed into the distance on the dark street.

After walking for about twenty minutes, the jeep in front stopped first, followed by the ambulance.

"Here we are, this is the hotel," Scott said.

Nadya's hand was still firmly on Ron's right hand.Ron reached out with his left hand and patted her hand.

"Nadya, we're here."

"Well." Nadya didn't stand up, she just pulled Ron's hand over, held it with both hands, and pressed it against her soft chest.

"Ron, can I visit you at the airport tomorrow?" Nadya asked.

"This...Najia, you know...the airport is a military restricted zone, or I'll come out tomorrow..." Ron said.

"No, you don't need to comfort me like this." Nadya put Ron's hand down, and she turned into that elegant swan almost in a blink of an eye, "I understand that this is a time of war, and I can see you again, I'm very satisfied. I don't want to interfere with your work—this work is very important, and it will save many, many people." She smiled again and lowered her eyes, "Besides, how did you come to be like this? What? Well, I wonder if there is a telephone in this hotel..."

Ron glanced at Scott, who nodded.

Nadya stood up, hugged Ron's head, kissed him lightly on the forehead, turned around, got out of the car, and Scott followed.After a while, Scott climbed into the car.

"Miss Nadia lives in Room 408. There is a telephone extension in the room. You need to access it from the main station in the lobby first. This is the phone number." He handed a note to Ron.


Today, the PA-20 attack aircraft and CA-38 attack aircraft under the No.47-25 attack aircraft wing have basically moved to Cherbourg, only some B-47 bombers and some new PA-47 Attack aircraft and some C-47 transport aircraft still remain at Crow's Nest Airport.The reason why those PA-[-] attack aircraft are still here is mainly because Caen Airport is not yet in use.And Cherbourg Airport is close to capacity.As for the temporary airport, the main runway had some problems due to the intensive use some time ago, well, it is temporarily unusable anyway.

Once the Caen airport can be put into use, these pa-47s will go there immediately.The pa-47s staying here will not be idle, they also have to perform combat missions, of course, in order to be able to fly over the target, they must carry auxiliary fuel tanks, and after carrying the auxiliary fuel tanks, the bombs they can carry are Much less.


In the past few days, the battle situation has been quite stable. Although Hitler replaced the old and conservative Marshal Rundstedt in his opinion, he replaced him with the more aggressive Marshal Kruger.But Marshal Kruger did not show the so-called "offensive spirit" as Hitler hoped.Under his command, the performance of the German army was no different from that under the command of Field Marshal Rundstedt.under Allied air pressure.He still can only use the armored forces to resist on a small scale, and cannot launch an effective counterattack at all.

On July 1944, 7, the British High Command launched an operation code-named "Goodwood" in order to open a breakthrough near a small town in the Caen region.In order to achieve a breakthrough smoothly, the British invested a lot of money and dispatched 18 heavy bombers in one breath, bombarding all the places where German tanks might be hidden.Immediately afterwards, the Americans also dispatched 1056 heavy bombers to clean up the remaining suspicious locations.Then, the British team set off.

Ron's 21st Attack Aircraft Wing was ordered to provide direct fire support to the British army, because the pa-21 in the hands of the 38st Attack Aircraft Wing had a much longer airborne time than the Storm attack aircraft in the hands of the British .Easier to be on call.

In the eyes of everyone, this attack should be quite easy. Think about it, too. After the indiscriminate bombing of more than 2000 heavy bombers, the German defense will definitely be a mess.Then use the armored forces to attack the Germans who have been bombed to the last breath with the support of a large group of attack aircraft. Isn't that just grabbing snails with three fingers-a sure thing.

Since the task was not difficult, Ron didn't even care much about it, and only entrusted the matter to Bington.

As soon as the heavy bombers of the US and British troops appeared, the Germans immediately evacuated the tanks to the woods or something.Soldiers dismounted from the tanks and immediately went under the tanks, where they had already dug trenches to escape the bombing.

Second Lieutenant Feng Rosen was an officer in the third company of the 0th and third battalion of the German army.This company is equipped with the prestigious Tiger tanks.When the air raid alert was received, Second Lieutenant von Rosen quickly drove the tank into the woods where the trenches had been dug and the roads for the tanks had been cleared. He parked the tank on top of a trench, and then he took the Several other members took refuge in the trench.

Lieutenant von Rosen had just hid in the trench when the British bomb fell.Second Lieutenant von Rosen was lying tightly in the ditch, he felt the ground shaking violently, like a ship heaving in a storm.Every time a bomb landed, the clods and gravel in the trench would automatically jump up from below and rush straight into his nose and eyes.The smell of gunpowder smoke filled the air, choking his driver, Paul, to cough desperately.

The heavy bombing went on for a long time, and it seemed like forever.Second Lieutenant Von Rosen was dizzy from the vibration and roar, and the acid water in his stomach turned outwards intermittently.He finally couldn't help it, and with a "wow", he vomited.Since he didn't have time to eat breakfast, his stomach was empty and he vomited, but only a little water came out.On the contrary, it was even more uncomfortable.

The bombing finally stopped, but Lieutenant von Rosen couldn't stand up at all. He felt that his limbs were as soft as noodles, and he had no strength at all.It was a long time before he stood up holding on to the trench wall, but he was still dizzy.After half an hour, he was barely able to crawl out of the ditch.

He was stunned by the situation outside the trench.Some of those Tiger tanks weighing 57 tons were blown 8-9 meters away by bombs.All but one of the remaining tanks were buried under thick soil.Requires tank crews to dig them out with shovels!The gun barrel, machine gun, and engine cooling system of the tank are full of soil. If they are not cleaned, the tank will explode when it fires a gun, and the engine will burn when it is started.In addition, the tracks of some tanks are broken and need to be replaced, and the road wheels of some tanks are broken and need to be replaced... It can be said that at least for now, the 503rd Company of the 3rd Battalion has completely lost its combat effectiveness.If the British tanks rushed up at this time, Lieutenant von Rosen would have no other choice but to raise his hands and surrender.At this time, the observation post in front had sent a message-the British armored force was found!

"Damn it!" Second Lieutenant von Rosen knew that within two hours, he would never even try to clean up the tank.two hours?This is enough for the British to kill themselves 100 times!

But there is no way to complain now, and we can only speed up the time to clean up and repair the tank.Leave the rest to God!


"Hey, Foxhound One, what are these British guys doing?" Matthews sat in the cockpit of the PA-38, looking at the British army below in surprise.The Brits stopped for no reason.A group of British guys surrounded a Sherman tank, not knowing what they were doing.

"Damn it! How do I know what these Brits are doing! Maybe the tank is broken? If it breaks, it breaks. Just push it to the side of the road?"


"Is the report ready?" asked an English officer.

"It's finished. The Yankee's track quality is faulty, and the shock-absorbing rubber has fallen off."

"After recording, we will continue to set off!"

So the m4 Sherman tank that was parked there restarted the engine, and then the entire armored force began to move forward.


"Damn it! Why are these Englishmen stopping again! There's not even a ghost around!"


"Company commander, our wheeled vehicles cannot pass the railway ahead. What should we do?"

"Stop first, report the situation to the regiment headquarters, and ask them to send combat engineers to help us destroy the railway so that wheeled vehicles can pass." Captain Bill Kouros replied.

"Then what are we doing now?"

"What are you doing now? Oh, look, it's such a fine day, it's a rare time of rest!"


"Damn it! Is there something wrong with my eyes! Bill! Look at what stupid things the British are doing down there! Why do I seem to see them spreading the white tablecloth on the ground and drinking tea?"

"Sir, you misunderstood, they... they seem to be having a picnic..."


"Damn it, how long are they going to eat! I've been spinning around here for two hours! My fuel is low, we have to go back!"

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