Now those British are caught in the front and back attack of anti-tank guns and Tiger tanks, which is an extremely dangerous situation.The thickness of the armor of various parts of the tank is different. Generally speaking, the armor of the front of the tank is thicker, while the armor of its sides and tail is much weaker.Because if the tank wants to have thick armor in all directions, its weight will be too high for the road and bridges and its own suspension system to bear.For example, the 70-ton King Tiger tank produced by the Germans, even the 17-pound gun of the "Firefly" cannot penetrate its frontal armor, but its 88mm gun can easily penetrate any tank. An Allied tank.In theory, this tank should pose a huge threat to the Allies.But in fact, this thing troubled the Germans even more than it threatened the enemy.In later generations, people even told such a joke: If the Germans could have 24 King Tigers in World War II, what would happen?The answer is that Hitler had to conscript all the Germans into the army for this purpose, and then let half of them be responsible for following the King Tiger, ready to repair tanks at any time, and the other half would build bridges and roads [-] hours a day.

The tanks on the Allied side have to cross the boundless sea by boat, cross roads that have been bombed by their own people and the enemy, and cross rivers without bridges by pontoon bridges, so their weight is even more restricted. .Under such a weight limit, their side and rear armors are of course even weaker.

At the beginning, when the British m4 tanks faced the German pak-40 anti-tank guns and the No. 40 assault guns, they turned the front of the tanks to the direction of the German anti-tank guns. The power of the pak-4 anti-tank gun is enough to destroy the m4 tank from the front, but the large inclined armor on the front of the m40 still has a great chance to make the shells fired by the pak-4 ricochet.As for the No. 0 assault gun, well, its howitzer is not suitable for attacking armored targets. From the side, it still has a chance to penetrate the M[-] tank. If it comes from the front, then... well, it still interrupts others. Chances of crawling.If there was no intrusion of the third company of the German [-]th Triple Tank Battalion, the British would still have a good chance of breaking through this anti-tank gun position.

However, the addition of Tiger tanks from the third company of the 0th Triple Tank Battalion of the German Army immediately put the British in a desperate situation.If they continue to maintain the current state, it is tantamount to selling the chrysanthemums to the German Tiger tanks. If they turn around, well, even the howitzers of the No. [-] assault guns can easily penetrate their tail armor.

"Retreat! Retreat!" In the current situation, the British can only increase their horsepower to speed up the m4 tank and escape.As for how many cars can run out under such crossfire, only God really knows.

The British m4 tank turned around awkwardly in the rain of bullets, and in the process, several more tanks burned. M4 tanks use gasoline engines, gasoline is very flammable, and their armor is not thick enough, especially the protection of the engine part is not enough. Once hit, the engine will easily catch fire.So much so that the Germans nicknamed this kind of tank a lighter, which means that it ignites as soon as it is hit, and it must be ignited every time it is hit.The remaining m4 tanks turned on their horsepower and rushed in the direction they came from.As for the infantry that accompany them, well, let them do their best.

In fact, the speed of the tiger tank is not much slower than the m4 tank.As a heavy tank weighing more than 40 tons, this tank can also run at a speed of 4 kilometers.This speed is not much slower than the m4 tank.But now it's off-road terrain, the Tiger tank is too heavy after all, on this kind of terrain, it definitely can't outrun the m4 medium tank.And if you run fast and the bumps are severe, you will not be able to shoot effectively.And those m[-] tanks of the British don't need to consider the issue of firing, of course they can run as fast as they can.In this way, in theory, it is still possible for the British to escape.


Of course, in fact, when there were no such things as ballistic computers, laser rangefinders, and cross-wind sensors, the hit rate of tanks against targets kilometers away, especially moving targets, was extremely low.Although the Tiger tank has a record of destroying a t-3000 at a distance of 34 meters, it was just a blind cat meeting a dead mouse.In essence, it is close to ten kilometers away from a certain 203mm gun of the Soviet army, and a shell is shot through the roof of a Ferdinand tank destroyer that is not closed, or a certain m10 tank destroyer is at 800 The same as the gun barrel that broke the tiger in the first shot, it was purely accidental.However, it is not easy for the British m4 to keep a distance of more than a kilometer from the Germans. In the process, one m4 tank after another was hit and ignited a fire.

"Help! Who will save us!" Witnessing one m4 tank after another being turned into burning torches by the German artillery fire, Bill? Kouros couldn't help shouting wildly on the radio, "Please Please, whoever it is, save us!"


"The British were ambushed and are calling for help!" In the command room of the 21st Attack Aircraft Wing, a staff officer reported the news to Captain Bington.

"These pigs have finally been taught a lesson?" The unrestrained Boington immediately said such a sentence.But obviously he also understands that now is not the time to gloat, so he asked: "How far is our PA-38 attack aircraft?"

"Hmm..." A staff officer checked the navigation chart and replied, "There are still 5 minutes to go."

"Order them, ditch the drop tank and accelerate to maximum speed!"


"Throw away the auxiliary fuel tank, speed up! Let's save those British pigs!" Malone ordered, while taking the lead in throwing down the auxiliary fuel tank and pushing the throttle valve to the bottom.

Three minutes later, a tragic scene appeared before their eyes.On the land below that looked like the surface of the moon, there were dozens of piles of large fires that were emitting thick smoke and rising flames.Those were British tanks that were destroyed by the Germans.

"At 11 o'clock, we found a Tiger tank!"

"No. 5-12 attack the Tiger tank on the left, and No. 2-4 follow me to attack the Tiger tank on the right!"

Under normal circumstances, Malone's PA-38 attack aircraft should bypass the side or rear of the Tiger tank to launch an attack.In this way, their rockets can be sure to destroy those Tiger tanks after they hit.And because of the field of vision, the German tanks did not notice the arrival of the attack aircraft.It also takes time for the German infantry to pass the news to the tanks on such a chaotic battlefield.That pretty much means that the pa-38s can hit a pretty good percentage.However, there are still several m4 tanks running away. If Malone and the others go around to the side and rear of the Tiger tank, it means that the Germans still have time to fire at those m4 tanks again.Army aviation has always had a rule, that is, unless there are special regulations (such as knowing that the target is carrying a weapon of mass destruction), rescuing teammates must always be ranked before attacking the enemy.Although the British make many Americans unhappy, they are also comrades-in-arms.

At a distance of about 1000 meters from the Tiger tank, Ma Long fired four rockets at them in one go.In fact, although the range of the rocket is far more than one kilometer, the accuracy of the rocket is naturally not high.Launching a rocket at such a distance has a very low chance of hitting the target.In normal times, Ma Long would never use rockets to attack at such a distance.However, in this attack, his purpose was not to hit the target, but to prevent the Germans from continuing to chase the British tanks.

As Malone expected, only one of the rockets he and his teammates fired hit their target.The rocket hit the turret of a Tiger tank.But maybe because of the hit angle, the rocket hit the side of the turret and was bounced off by the armor.

However, this round of shooting obviously alarmed the Germans, and they quickly gave up their pursuit and planned to retreat.Now, these tanks lack anti-air protection.The self-propelled anti-aircraft guns assigned to them were basically damaged in the morning bombardment.

The Germans tried to escape into a nearby forest.But this is not easy, now the situation is completely reversed, to retreat into the woods, the German tanks have to run more than 1000 meters, this road is not so easy to run.

However, the Germans did not sit still. Their tanks galloped towards the woods, and their machine gunners also ventured out of the turret to shoot at the PA-38s with the anti-aircraft machine guns on the tanks.However, these Ma Long didn't take these self-defense firepower seriously.Compared with the armor of the PA-38 attack aircraft, the power of the 7.92mm bullet is not even scratching the itch.

Malone had a Tiger tank in his mouth, and he swooped over the rear of the tank, whose machine gunner was firing furiously at him.The tank also kept running in an S-shape to increase the difficulty of Malone's aiming.

Ma Long first fired a salvo at the Tiger tank with a 20mm gun, and the barrage from the 20mm gun immediately covered the tank.And the poor machine gunner was beaten into two pieces, and the upper half of his body fell off the tank.

At a distance of about 100 meters, Ma Long fired a salvo with three 37mm guns.The tank stopped suddenly, and then smoke...

"The first one!" Malone counted silently, and at the same time pulled up the plane and looked around, looking for new targets.

At this time, the 0 Tiger tanks of the third company of the 11th Triple Tank Battalion of the German Army participating in the battle were almost all smoking.

"Damn it, why are they moving so fast! I still have a lot of shells left!"

Malone continued to circle the battlefield in the PA-38.He didn't find the pak-40 anti-tank guns lurking below, but something bigger caught his attention.

It was a No. [-] assault gun hiding in the bunker.In the battle just now, the camouflage net covering it was blown away by the shock wave of the shell, so it was exposed in front of Malone's eyes all at once.

"Fortunately, there is one more!" Malone rolled, and then planned to pull the lever and dive over.But at this moment, a few rockets flew over from nowhere, so the new target that was finally found was smoking again.

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