New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 242, Sai Weng loses his horse

() Although the PA-21 attack aircraft group of the 38st Attack Aircraft Wing beat the Tiger tanks of the third company of the German 0th Triple Tank Battalion to the ground.But the British attack failed ignominiously.The attack launched by three whole armored regiments with the support of two thousand heavy bombers was beaten up by the Germans in this way.Ma Long looked over from the sky, and within his field of vision, there were dozens of burning British tanks.Sometimes, these tanks will explode suddenly.That is the ammunition in the tank exploded in flames.

The Germans also lost ten Tiger tanks, although Malone is not sure whether these tanks have been completely destroyed.Because, in many cases, most of the tanks destroyed on the battlefield, except for those whose ammunition was completely destroyed, only need to be dragged back, repaired and repaired, and then they can go on the battlefield again.For example, according to the figures in the German battle reports, the t-34 tanks they destroyed have exceeded the production of t-34 tanks, but the t-34 tanks in the hands of the Soviets are still increasing.One of the reasons is that after every battle, the Soviets control the battlefield. They can drag the "destroyed" t-34 back for repairs, and then the Soviet army will have another t-34 tank.

Of course, in addition to this reason, there is another reason that the battle reports of various countries will desperately pour water into it out of propaganda considerations.Especially those countries that are at a strategic disadvantage need to use such battle reports to boost morale.For example, the Eighth Route Army ambushed the Japanese Army at Pingxingguan. The Eighth Route Army reported to Yan'an that it had wiped out more than 1000 Japanese soldiers. Yan'an reported this number to Chang Kaishen. Unfinished, I changed the first 0 to 1, and then publicized it in newspapers as a battle report.Another example is Ri himself, who was beaten to the crap by the U.S. Navy and Air Force in the Philippines, but sent back a sensational battle report of sinking more than ten aircraft carriers and battleships of the U.S. fleet.As a result, not only did the Japanese fools dance and celebrate in the streets, even Roosevelt was taken aback.Of course, the battle report will not only exaggerate the results of the battle, but also minimize its own losses.For example, after the war, Ri himself compiled a book called "North China Public Security War" based on the battle reports. On the one hand, he admitted that there were often small groups of devils who were ambushed by the Eighth Route Army and wiped out. On the other hand, he? They The total annual loss calculated is only one or two teams.So the numbers on the battle report are sometimes really just reference numbers, and they are super unreliable.

In order to increase the difficulty for the Germans to repair the tanks as much as possible, Ma Long called on his fleet to repeatedly replenish the guns for the "destroyed" Tiger tanks.It wasn't until the 37mm shells on the plane were shot out, and the Tiger tanks were also covered with various bullet holes, that Shi Shi ran away.


This defeat slowed down the British offensive, but on the other hand it also gave the Germans an illusion.Before this battle, Marshal Kruger and Marshal Rommel had been telling Hitler that the current situation of the German army was very dangerous. After the U.S. army captured Cherbourg, they turned their troops westward, and the German army was in danger of being surrounded.So now not only can't attack, but the German army must retreat and level the front to avoid falling into encirclement.

Such a proposal certainly did not satisfy Hitler.However, even a person as crazy as Hitler is unlikely to replace a commander-in-chief just now, and immediately replace his successor, although he sent this guy to take over the position of commander-in-chief. I just hope he can launch a counterattack immediately.

But now, Hitler has sufficient reasons to refute the proposal of the two marshals.Since such a small force, after being bombarded indiscriminately by more than 2000 bombers, it can still defeat the strong with the weak, and beat the British army with obvious numerical advantages to the ground.Then considering that the comparison of the current total force is much more favorable than the battle just now, why can't the German army defend the existing position, and even launch a counterattack to drive the enemy back from the European continent?

"No, I will never allow a retreat! I will never allow it! Wherever we Germans go, we will be nailed there like a nail. No one will make us retreat! Kruger, and Rommel, they They have all fallen! Frightened by the enemy! The balance of power, the balance of power? Have they all forgotten that when we just started to challenge those seemingly powerful enemies, when did the balance of power ever favor us? When we How many times stronger was the French than we were when we entered the Rhineland? But we won! When we began our holy vengeance to punish those despicable Poles, all of Europe was against us, including the world's largest navy Great Britain, the world's largest army and powerful France, but relying on the belief of victory and the great spirit of the German nation, we won again! No, we have never won because we have more strength and more steel Victorious. The foundation of our victory has always been the great fearless German spirit! In this dark forest of the world, with it, no matter what kind of opponent we face, we can be invincible! But now, Obviously, some of our generals have become depraved and decadent, they can no longer see the great German spirit, they only see the balance of power! They are not even as good as a company commander now!" After receiving the victory After the battle report, Hitler was delighted at first, and then became angry again.

Under Hitler's pressure, the original plan to retreat a little and straighten the front was rejected. Even Kruger and Rommel had to formulate another counterattack plan and agreed to implement it as soon as possible.

"Attack? This is simply death! If I knew this, I would rather be the ones who were beaten in the previous battle!" Regarding the prospect of this operation, Marshal Rommel said so.


The defeat of "Goodwood" also affected the Allies.It even cited a little dispute with the British Army.When the British summed up the reasons for the failure of "Goodwood", they added this one: the coordination between the open space and the ground is out of joint.According to them, at the most critical moment, the attack aircraft of the US Army Aviation, which was supposed to provide direct fire support, did not know where it went.Some people even said that if the Americans hadn't claimed that they could provide longer cover time, the task of direct air fire support this time would have been handed over to the Royal Air Force. When the tanks were in danger, they couldn't see the situation of our planes.

This irresponsible statement naturally aroused the anger of Bington.

"mmd, these Brits still have the face to criticize us! How dare they say that the protection we provide is not good enough? Without our protection, they can have a two-hour picnic leisurely? If those pigs... no no no, I shouldn't insult the pigs, pigs are much more useful than they are! Pigs wouldn't be blocked by a railroad for two hours! If they hadn't dawdled there for two hours, why would our plane need to turn back because it ran out of fuel?"

However, beyond Bington's expectation, Ron expressed some agreement with the statement that the British's open space coordination was out of touch.

Ron said: "There is indeed a problem of coordination between the two sides. This problem is mainly due to poor communication. I have an idea that we should perhaps set up an air-ground joint command. It is responsible for the overall coordination of air-ground forces."

Ron understood that the British were just looking for reasons for their own face.In fact, no one, including the British themselves, would take their accusation seriously.It's just that the British have always regarded themselves as number one in the world. Now, well, even the British themselves know that it is not his turn to be the number one in the world, let alone the number one in the world, even the number two position is not his turn up.In such a loss, it is actually quite normal for something like this to happen.Americans can understand that General Eisenhower, for example, never argued with the British about these face-saving issues.Not even the famously outspoken Patton had anything to say to the British to undermine their unity.After all, in this war, Britain lost the world and America won the world.

Although the leg injury is still not healed, Ron still needs to participate in many combat meetings.For example, now, Ron has been notified that there is a meeting that he needs to attend.At this moment, he was about to go to the train station to see Nadya off.Nadya had come all the way to visit him, and now she was going back. Ron originally wanted to see her off at the train station.But now it seems that this promise can not be realized.

After entrusting Scott with seeing him off, Ron took another staff officer, Lieutenant Pirlo, to fly to London in a "Lysander" Mkiiisd liaison plane to discuss the next round of military operations.

The speed of the "Lysander" mkiiisd communication machine is not fast, but compared to the train, it is still quite fast.Ron just dozed off on the plane, and the plane landed in London.Then a car took him to General Eisenhower's headquarters.

This operational meeting discussed the next phase of the offensive.After the British offensive was blocked, the Americans who turned their troops eastward were preparing to launch a large-scale offensive on their own side to tear through the German defense line and finally encircled the German army.This operation was named Operation Cobra.

According to the plan, the U.S. Army, including Patton's Third Army, would go into battle. They would break through the German defenses from the direction of Le Mans and eventually encircle the Germans in the Falaise area.

At the end of the meeting, Eisenhower suddenly asked Ron: "Ron, do you have anything to add to the plan?"

"Ah, General, I'm thinking about a problem. There are so many assault routes in our plan, and there are a lot of times when air power and ground power are interleaved. There are even a lot of direct cooperation between heavy bombers and ground forces. It is easy to make mistakes. Exploded. We need to strengthen the air-ground connection and try to avoid this from happening. For this, I have some ideas..."

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