New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 245, the original open space one-body battle

() Compared with being killed by a heavy bomber of the Eighth Air Force in the first round of bombing on the first day of "Operation Cobra" in history, Leslie? James? McKenna in this time and space Lieutenant General Er was not accidentally bombed, at least not yet.Just now, a group of bombers flew in the wrong direction and almost dropped bombs on his position.Fortunately, after the bomber formation issued a bomb warning, the liaison officers on the ground responded quickly, and a catastrophic accident was avoided.

Under the guidance of the ground personnel, these bombers finally dropped the bombs in the correct position.Due to the existence of the liaison team, all bombers dropped their bombs in the right place during the first day of bombing, and there was not even a single accidental bombing incident.But both Ron and Li Mei knew that this was only the first day.At this time, the U.S. and German fronts are relatively neat, and the positions of both sides are relatively clear.Under such circumstances, the chance of accidental bombing is naturally smaller.Although the subsequent bombings will be smaller in scale, it is estimated that by that time, the US and German forces will likely form a staggered situation, and the distance between the two sides will also be very close.At this time, the possibility of accidental bombing will become even greater.

In the original history, the first day of the U.S. offensive was not smooth. On the first day, according to the plan, the U.S. military should advance 3 miles. However, perhaps because of the fear of the counterattack of the German armored forces, the U.S. military did not send a large number of armored forces. Instead, they were kept in reserve to deal with German tanks.As a result, when encountering some relatively strong support points of the German army that were not destroyed in the bombing, the American infantry had nothing to do with these support points for a while.In fact, the German defense line is not complete, and there is a huge space for interspersed between the remaining support points.However, in order to ensure the integrity of its own front, the U.S. military did not make good use of these shortcomings on the first day.

If the US Marines were in charge of the attack, they would definitely have been able to penetrate further during the first day of Operation Cobra.In World War II, the Marine Corps has always had a tougher fighting style than the Army.For example, when attacking, if there is an enemy bunker in front, the army will usually stop and wait for m4 tanks or other artillery to come up to solve the problem.The Marine Corps dared to use flamethrowers or even blasting barrels to solve problems as long as they had a Browning automatic rifle and a few m-1903 rifles as cover.

Therefore, facing the same position, if the marines go up, it may be possible to take it down in one day; but if it is replaced by the army, it may take a week.However, this is not to say that the Army is inferior to the Marine Corps, because most of the time, the Marine Corps dies more people trying to lay down one such position than the Army lays down four or five such positions.

It is common practice in almost any country to look down on each other among various militaries, and the same exists in the United States.Although it didn't make trouble to the point where the Japanese Locust Army and the Locust Navy regarded each other as the number one enemy that surpassed the enemy army.However, military rivalry has always existed.The Army and Navy, as well as the Marine Corps, have always looked at each other badly.So the Marines guys will take every opportunity the Army is soft ass.What about the Army?They would also unceremoniously call the Marine Corps dumbass.

However, the situation has changed in this space-time attack.The existence of the 21st Attack Aircraft Wing has greatly improved the US military's ability to attack these isolated strong points.In the original history, although the American p-47 fighter jets would come to support with bombs and rockets.However, as a non-professional attack aircraft, the P-47s of the Army Aviation are too low in precision in dropping bombs, and it is okay to attack exposed living targets, but it is really unreliable to attack targets such as bunkers.The accuracy of the rockets is much better, but it is a pity that the power of the rockets is too weak to hit this kind of target at all. In addition, there is a lack of direct contact between the air and the ground, and direct indication of the target. Aircraft efficiency against such targets sucks.

But now, the PA-21 attack aircraft of the 47st Attack Aircraft Wing can basically be used as a dive bomber after the dive flaps have been improved, and it is quite useful for attacking targets such as bunkers.Coupled with the fact that there are liaison officers indicating the target, such remaining support points can no longer stop the advance of the US military.

Learned the lesson that the British moved too slowly in the "Goodwood" operation last time, which gave the German army who had been stunned by the bombers time to recover.Therefore, as soon as the three rounds of bombing ended, the US military began to advance towards the German positions.

As in history, on this day, the Seventh Army did not invest many armored troops.The number of m4 tanks around the infantry is quite limited.Kabell's platoon was lucky. They were assigned an m4 tank. Although this tank was a bit old and equipped with a 75mm short-barreled gun, it was always a good thing to have a tank.

The tank drove ahead at a low speed, and the soldiers followed it and spread out in skirmish formation.The front was originally a minefield, but in the morning, several fuel-air bombs fell here.This bomb can create a huge overpressure when it explodes, which is enough to detonate any anti-infantry and anti-tank mines.So, now Cabell can safely lead his platoon through this minefield.

Just as Cabell crossed this minefield, an ominous "chi chi chi" sound suddenly rang out in his ears.Kabell knew that the only thing that made the sound that sounded like a chainsaw or a large piece of cloth being ripped was the mg-42 general-purpose machine gun known as the cloth tearing machine or Hitler's chainsaw.This kind of machine gun has a high firing rate of 1500 rounds per minute and is extremely powerful.Being hit by this kind of machine gun is basically a dead end.Because this kind of machine gun shoots very fast, once it is hit, most of the hits are not one bullet but four or five bullets.After the firing speed of the machine gun exceeds 1000 rounds per minute, people cannot distinguish individual gunshots. The sound of mg42 shooting is not like the "da da da" sound of Czech or Browning machine guns, but the "chicking" sound of a high-speed rotating chainsaw Chi Chi" sound.

Kabel quickly dodged behind the m4 tank, but there was no room for a whole row of soldiers to hide behind the tank.Some soldiers quickly lay down on the ground, while others jumped into the bomb crater left by the bombing just now.However, there are still two unlucky ones who moved a little slower. One twitched and fell to the ground, and then became silent. Shouting "Help me!" on the ground.

The m4 tank moved forward, blocking the unlucky guy who was still screaming.

"Medical soldier, damn it, it's almost over!" Kabel pulled the trembling medical soldier holding the medicine box from the crater, pushed him towards the unlucky bastard who fell on the ground, and by the way licked his ass There was a kick on it.

The medic was called Jim, and he was a coward with a college degree.I know a lot, and my skills are good, but I am particularly afraid of death.This wasn't his first time on the battlefield, but this guy still didn't have the courage to practice.But Kabell knew that this guy had another advantage, that is, once he started working, even if shrapnel flew around him, he could immediately forget that he was there.It's just that every time after this, when he went to bed at night, he would always have nightmares and scream.

Jim scrambled and rushed over, leaned forward, and then he saw clearly that the unlucky guy who was knocked down was Parker—a recruit.

"Where's the shot?" Jim asked.

"Belt, down below me... I can't move a bit down there, I don't feel anything. I'm going to die... I miss Mommy..." Parker cried as he removed his covering from his stomach.Jim saw blood gushing out of his stomach.Obviously, that bullet came in from here just now.

"Let me bandage you. It's okay. It's nothing if you hit the abdomen. You can't die." Jim quickly began to bandage his wound.As for his injury, Jim took it easy, but Jim knew that losing consciousness in his lower body was definitely not a good thing. The bullet probably injured his lumbar spine.If this is the case, he will be confined to a wheelchair for the rest of his life.

"Stretcher! I need a stretcher!" Jim yelled to the back after wrapping Parker's wound.Two soldiers crawled over dragging a stretcher.The mg-42 machine gun just now disappeared after firing a few bullets. No one knows when this cunning guy will suddenly appear again.

Two soldiers dragged the stretcher to Jim's side, and the three worked together to put Parker on the stretcher. "Don't touch him, keep his body still and don't move? Especially don't touch his waist!" Jim explained to the two soldiers while fixing Parker with a belt.

Two soldiers dragged Parker's stretcher back.Then Kabell's platoon began to move forward again. This time, everyone stared at the surroundings with wide-eyed eyes, and no one wanted to be the third target to be harvested by mg-42.

Suddenly, the gunfire of a tearing machine rang out again.This time everyone's reaction was even more swift. The low-slung soldiers almost fell to the ground in an instant, rolled into the bomb crater, or hid behind the m4 tank.

The reaction of the Germans this time was different from last time.Last time they just fired a long shot and didn't know where they went, but this time, the mg-42 machine gun fired non-stop.

This approach allowed the Americans to quickly find out where he was.Just two o'clock ahead, there is a reinforced concrete bunker that has not been destroyed.

The m4 tank fired a shot at the bunker, but obviously, the effect was not very good, and the machine gun only stopped for a few seconds.It seems that the 75mm grenade can't hit this bunker at all.

The m4 tank turned slightly and drove towards the bunker.The tank commander may be thinking of approaching the shooting method, and directly shoot the shells through the shooting holes of the bunker.

The 42mm bullet of the mg-7.92 hit the armor of the tank, making a tinkling sound, and a series of sparks popped up.However, the 4 mm thick sloping front armor of the m63 tank is not something this kind of thing can move.The tank stopped about 75 meters away from the bunker, and the [-]mm artillery began to point at the target.At this time, the gunfire in the bunker had stopped, and the machine guns were probably ready to flee for their lives.

But at this moment, a German soldier suddenly stood up from a half-collapsed trench next to him, and then, an "iron fist" flew towards the m30 tank that was only 4 meters away from him...

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