New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 246, the original open space one-body battle

() As a bright orange fireball exploded on the side of the m4 tank, the barrel that was rotating slowly stopped immediately.Then Cabel, who had been following the tank and was lying on the ground now, saw that the escape door under the m4 tank opened, and a tank crew member with a bloody face got out from there and crawled towards the back of the tank.There were still flames on his trouser legs-obviously, the m4 tank once again showed its true nature as a lighter, and once again hit it.Another person got out behind him, but he didn't crawl over immediately, he lay on the ground, turned around with great effort, and pulled a wounded person out desperately.

At this time, the hatch on the turret was also opened. Obviously, due to the fire, the people inside had no time to escape through the escape door in turn, and they wanted to take a risk from the hatch above.

The Germans also noticed this, so the mg-42 bullets crackled near the turret of the tank.The exit was tightly blocked.

"Zigler! Grenade!" Kabel shouted towards Ziegler beside him.At the same time, he threw a grenade violently.

The grenade exploded between the bunker and the tank, and the smoke and dust of the explosion temporarily blocked the sight of the German machine gunner.Ziegler followed suit and threw a grenade.Taking advantage of the gap between the explosion of the grenade, a tank crew jumped out of the hatch, turned over, and jumped behind the tank.Then he fell to the ground and rolled twice, extinguishing the flames on his body.

"Is there anyone else in there?" Kabel asked.

"There's no one alive. Billy was killed by that thing on the spot. And there was a lot of fire in the tank, and the source of the fire was very close to the ammunition." The tanker said, "We need to lean back a little bit, the ammunition in the tank has some It might explode."

Cabell immediately changed his countenance. The death rate of the m4 tank is not high. Compared with the Soviet t-34 and is-2 tanks, the m4 tank is more concerned about the protection of ammunition.At the same time, the ammunition used by the Americans is inherently safer than the ammunition used by the Soviets.Therefore, even if it is about to be martyred, the m4 tank will leave everyone with much longer time to escape than the Soviet tank.Of course, the ammunition of the Soviets is not useless. For example, in terms of grenade power, the grenades of the Soviets’ t-3485 tanks are even more powerful than the Germans’ 88mm tank guns with a larger caliber. .Of course, one of the consequences of using more powerful and unstable explosives is that after the tank is hit, once a fire occurs near the ammunition, the chances of dying are very high.And often there is not much time left for members to escape.

"Back! Quick! Back!" Cabel gave instructions to his soldiers while throwing two grenades towards the bunker.The soldiers also shot at the bunker with the M1 semi-automatic rifle and Browning automatic rifle in their hands, while retreating backward.

At this time, from the other side, another firepower point of the German army suddenly appeared.It was a bunker, and it opened fire with the bunker just now, forming a cross-fire force, crushing the Americans who were just about to retreat until they could hardly lift their heads.

At this time, the flames on the m4 tank were getting bigger and bigger, and not only the thick smoke could be seen from the hatch, but even the rising flames could be seen.At this time, Kabell was only ten meters away from the tank.If a tank explodes, it is definitely not safe at this distance.

Fortunately, the tank did not explode as expected, and even until the flames gradually died down, the tank still did not explode.It's just that there is still nothing that Kabel's two bunkers can do.During that period of time, two more soldiers had been wounded.

To make matters worse, a German mortar hidden somewhere also started firing at them.This makes them no longer safe even if they lie obediently in the crater.

Fortunately, at this time, a savior appeared, and two PA-47 attack aircraft appeared in the sky.Now that Caen Airport has been put into use, even a pa-47 with short legs can get quite a long time in the air.

German mortars were the first to be targeted.A PA-47 swooped down and hit a long point she with a 20mm gun, and the mortar went dumb instantly.

However, the two bunkers of the Germans were well concealed, and it was difficult for the pilots to find the target when they looked down from the sky.

"Carter! Launch the pointing grenade!" Cabel shouted.

Carter lay on his stomach in a bomb crater, loaded a grenade with green circles on the barrel, then carefully poked out half of his head, looked at the bunker, and then fired a round at the bunker first. grenades.

The grenade fell near the bunker's firing hole, but it didn't explode, it just burned violently, emitting a puff of orange smoke.

"Starscream One, look there! 2 o'clock direction!" Wingman Duy reminded,

"I saw it. Let's climb a little higher and prepare to dive and attack." The lead plane Grant replied.He pulled up the pa-47, climbed to an altitude of 1500 meters, and then began to turn into a dive, heading straight for the bunker at a large angle of 80 degrees.

As early as the grenade fell next to the bunker and started to emit orange smoke, the Germans in the bunker knew that the situation was not good.The German machine gunner tried to hit the thing farther away with bullets at first, but the thing happened to be at the dead end of the shooting, and it couldn't be hit at all.At this time, the Germans found that the sound of the plane seemed to be getting smaller.They knew that this was not a good omen, that the enemy plane had turned into a dive, and the bomb was about to drop.

A German ran out of the bunker and ran towards the remaining trench on the right.He stopped suddenly, stretched his hands to the sky, as if trying to grab something, and then fell headlong to the ground.

Ziegler, who was squatting in a large crater, retracted his m1903 sniper rifle. The muzzle was still emitting faint smoke. He took out a small notebook and wrote another note on it: No. 40 one.

At this time, Grant's PA-47 had already swooped down, and a 500-pound hammer-the Army Aviation attack aircraft pilot's nickname for the 500-pound bomb-was thrown out at an altitude of 800 meters.Grant leveled the plane, and then he heard explosions from below, and the wingman yelled, "Starscream One, a beautiful home run!"

The bomb hit the bunker directly, blowing it to pieces.Those broken cement blocks even flew several hundred meters, almost hitting Kabel's head.

Maybe they were frightened by the bomb, and several Germans in the bunker over there ran out of the bunker at the risk of being targeted by the Americans before Carter shot the smoking grenade over there. Run to the back.

"Starscream No. 2, have you seen those Germans? Are you interested?"

"Fart, just a few infantrymen, not interested!"

The pilots of the Army Air Corps have a bad taste and look down on a few infantrymen.But Army Ground Force guys can be so picky eaters. The M1 semi-automatic rifle, the M1903 sniper rifle, and the Browning automatic rifle fired at the same time, killing those German guys on the ground quickly.

"Shoot a green flare into the sky as a thank you," Kabell said, "and then we'll go on the offensive!"


Compared with the achievement of only advancing a mile or so on the first day in history, in this time and space, with the support of attack aircraft and the use of ground-air cooperation, the U.S. military has continuously pulled out the remaining solid support points of the German army.It took a day to advance a full 5 miles and successfully completed the planned goal.


Night fell on the French fields, and after a long day, the large-scale fighting temporarily ceased.However, the wilderness has not completely restored the tranquility of the past.From time to time, you can hear the low roar of the engine of the bomber flying at night.Sometimes, there will be a sharp swishing body coming into your ears, which has nothing to do with the -34 tank, and it has nothing to do with the American t120 heavy tank equipped with 34 anti-aircraft guns.It is just a self-propelled rocket launcher modified on the m4 Sherman tank, using 114mm rockets.

In order to prevent the Germans from launching a counterattack at night, the U.S. military retreated a little appropriately to level the front.At eight o'clock in the evening, Lieutenant General Leslie James McNair, commander of the U.S. Army Ground Forces, quietly came to the front, intending to learn from the soldiers about the daytime fighting situation, especially the German army's camouflage of the fortifications.

At this time, a large group of B-24 Liberator bombers also happened to set off to launch an air strike.Their goal was a possible rallying point for the Germans.Although such a bombing may not really hit many Germans, it can at least disrupt the rhythm of the Germans, making it impossible for the Germans to use the night to launch a too powerful counterattack.

The bomber arrived near the target. Because the German fighters, even the night fighters, had been beaten down by the Allied forces, the American P-61 Black Widow and the British Mosquito night fighter were now the masters of the night sky.So these bombers boldly turned on the searchlights used for landing, and sent a signal to the ground: "My fleet is preparing to launch a bombing. In order to avoid accidental strikes, please indicate your position."

String after string of flares rose from the ground.

Then, another signal was sent from the B-24 Liberator heavy bombers: "Please indicate the target for us." So, an M7 Priest fired a flare towards the distance.

"Damn it! I counted the wrong squares just now!" Just as the flare was fired, a low-ranking officer yelled, "I've missed a line, the flare will land... it will land on top of General Leslie's head!"

At the same time, Leslie was surprised to find that a flare was lit just above their heads, illuminating his surroundings like daylight.

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