The night is already very deep, but the tranquility that belongs to the night has not yet come.On the contrary, in what is now France, there is a lot of hustle and bustle.The attack of the US Seventh Army did not end because of the arrival of night. In order to take advantage of the chaos after the breakthrough of the German defense line to obtain more results, the Seventh Army was attacking overnight.General Collins divided his attacking troops into several batches, and put them into the attack like a drum according to the time.Although the US armored forces are not used to boldly cutting behind the enemy like the German or Soviet forces during the attack.However, when the enemy's armored forces are no longer actively engaged in combat, and even try to avoid engaging with the US armored forces, the US military's progress is still very fast.

Sergeant Bill was squatting in a temporary trench dug, which was a temporary anti-tank support point. After the armored troops began to withdraw from the battlefield, the only thing to defend was the infantry.The infantry alone cannot stop the enemy's breakthrough. The task of the German infantry is only to delay the enemy's attack, thus buying time for the attack that is being prepared.

Speaking of which, Bill is really no novice in dealing with the enemy's armored forces.In fact, since the first battle of Kursk, facing the ever-growing Soviet armored forces, the anti-tank pressure of the German infantry has been increasing day by day.Therefore, the anti-tank weapons and related training of the German infantry units have also been unprecedentedly strengthened.In terms of infantry anti-tank capabilities alone, the anti-tank capabilities of the German infantry were among the top of all countries at the time.

On a mound of earth in front of the trench, there were four Iron Fist rockets.This is the most commonly used anti-tank weapon by German infantry.Bill likes this weapon very much, although this kind of thing is a bit shoddy compared to the "Tank Killer" or the "Bazooka" of the US military, and compared with them, the range of the "Iron Fist" is too short.The range of only 50 meters allows the user to take more risks when attacking the enemy than using "tank killer" or "bazooka".But its excellent parallelism and great power make up for this deficiency.

Indeed, the "Tank Killer" bazooka also has enormous power, like an iron fist, it is enough to destroy any kind of Allied tank, even an iron turtle like IS-2M.But the "Tank Killer" is not as light as the "Iron Fist", and one person can carry several of them around. The "Bazooka" is much lighter than the "Tank Killer". It can be carried and run by one person, plus a rocket-propelled one, the anti-tank team composed of two people is also quite flexible.But the power of this thing is no match for "Iron Fist".Especially now at night, Iron Fist's main flaw - its short range - is no longer a big problem.This gave Bill more confidence in anti-tank missions.

Soon, the engine sounds of tanks and various vehicles sounded in front of the position.Compared with the Russian t-34 tanks, the U.S. military's m4 tanks use gasoline engines and rubberized tracks, so they are much less noisy when driving.But no matter how small the noise was, it was still a tank, and it was impossible to approach the target silently.So Bill spotted them from afar.

Tanks are practically blind at night due to night vision problems.Therefore, in the night attack, the tank does not rush to the forefront, but follows the infantry.Relying on the relatively low position and the advantage of being able to use the sky as a background, Bill vaguely saw in front of the tanks that there was about a row of infantry spreading out in skirmish formation, approaching all the way.And behind the tank, there are some vehicles.It can be seen that Americans are very careful.They always wait for the infantry to advance a certain distance first, and after confirming that it is relatively safe, the tanks will follow up for a certain distance.Then the infantry advanced again under the direct protection of the tank guns.

"I found the enemy, 5 tanks, and at least one infantry company." Bill lowered his voice, and communicated with German soldiers at other positions in the support point through a wired phone.

This is a typical anti-tank support point.There is a zigzag trench on the front of the support point, where several mg-42 machine guns for suppressing infantry are arranged.Slightly further back are two artillery bunkers, where the Germans deployed two anti-tank guns.One of them is a pak-40 anti-tank gun, which is deployed a little to the right of the front; the other is a smaller pak-38 anti-tank gun, which is placed quite a bit to the left.Both of these guns were buried in the ground, only the barrels were exposed.However, the muzzle flames during night shooting are very easy to expose the target, so in order to cover these artillery.There were also some explosive points containing gunpowder set up on the German positions, which would be detonated when the artillery fired to create an effect similar to the muzzle flash of the artillery to confuse the enemy.

The US tanks have actually entered the effective range of the pak-40 anti-tank gun.However, the caliber of another pak-38 anti-tank gun is only 50 mm, and it cannot penetrate the front of the m4 tank at the current distance.So the Germans put it in a more convenient place, and it would shoot at the side armor of the American tanks when the American tanks attacked to the right.

In addition to anti-tank guns, the most important anti-tank means is the "iron fist".About 10 anti-tank marksmen armed with "Iron Fists" lay in ambush in the foxholes just outside the jagged trenches of the trench.In a sense, these soldiers, like the Iron Fist, are disposable.

In addition, in the bunker a little further away, there are four mortars.

The U.S. military is approaching.Bill stuck his Mauser 98k out of the trench and aimed his best at a looming target.

At this time, the sound of cannon firing came from behind Bill.The mortars were fired first.The flares they fired illuminated a distance in front of the support point.Taking this opportunity, Bill clearly saw that there were more enemy troops in front of them than he had seen just now.Before he had time to think about it, he fired a shot at an American soldier.Whether the shot hit or not, Bill didn't have time to look carefully, he quickly retracted his head into the trench, then pulled the bolt, loaded the next bullet, and then carefully exposed his head again to shoot.

At this time, the pak-40 anti-tank gun also started firing.Its first shot was quite accurate, and this shot directly hit an m4 tank.The tank was ablaze and appeared to have been wrecked.And those mg-42 machine guns also began to fire violently at the American soldiers illuminated by the flares.Several American soldiers who reacted a little slower and failed to lie down in time or find a hiding place were knocked to the ground.

But the American response was also quick.And it is very special, completely beyond the expectations of the Germans.When Bill stuck his head out of the trench for the third time to search for the target, he found that his eyes were white and he couldn't see anything!

Behind the first few tanks, there were two searchlight vehicles. They quickly turned on the searchlights, and the strong lights immediately illuminated the German position.Under the interference of the lights, the American infantry completely disappeared from the sight of the German soldiers.The eyes of many German soldiers were suddenly illuminated by such lights, and they even became temporarily blind.The German army, which was still shooting accurately, immediately fell into trouble.

"Damn it! Knock out those two lights!" Second Lieutenant Shane, the commander of the German stronghold, shouted.

The pak-40 anti-tank gun fired several shots at the two lights, but failed to hit them.

"What are you doing!" Second Lieutenant Shane shouted at the gunner Sergeant Luthor, "Why haven't you hit yet?"

"The light was too harsh for us to do accurate ranging!" Luthor explained.

At this time another voice sounded.This is an indistinguishable machine gun sound similar to the "Hitler Chainsaw" mg-42.But this gunshot is much lower than that of mg-42.Bill, who had just let his eyes get used to it, was about to straighten up and shoot, when he saw a puff of smoke rising from the parapet made of soil in front of the trench, and then several soldiers hiding behind the parapet were knocked down to the ground.

"This must be a large-caliber machine gun!" Bill understood that due to the hasty construction, the thickness of these parapets was not enough. In front of the armor-piercing projectiles of caliber machine guns, this parapet is too thin.


The pak-38 anti-tank gun deployed a little to the side was not affected by the searchlight.So the cannon began to fire at the two lamps.But now they are still far away from the searchlight.So the first shot didn't hit.But perhaps the attention of the U.S. military has been attracted to the other side, and this artillery does not seem to have aroused the vigilance of the U.S. military.So the pak-38 seized the time and fired a few more shots at the two searchlights.These few shots still failed to hit the searchlight, but they accidentally hit the m16 anti-aircraft tank. As an anti-tank gun, pak-38 has already appeared to be insufficient in power in 44, but the so-called "insufficient power" refers to the lack of power when fighting tanks.It is still quite powerful when used to shoot lightly armored targets such as half-track vehicles.The m16 anti-aircraft tank immediately burst into flames.

This result also allowed the Americans to discover this goal.The two searchlights went out immediately.However, the extinguishment of the searchlights is not a good thing for the Germans.It takes a long time for the human eye to adapt to changes in light.When facing the strong light of the searchlight just now, the eyes of the Germans finally adjusted to the working state of the strong light, but the searchlight was turned off, which made all the Germans suddenly dark in front of them.Americans with their backs to bright lights were far less affected.They took the opportunity to rush up...

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