New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 252, Temporary Pilot

A few days later, the Germans' five armored divisions were finally assembled.In fact, in the original plan, only 4 armored divisions should be invested in this counterattack, but Hitler, who loves to intervene, worried that the assault force of the four armored divisions would not be enough, so he insisted on adding another armored division to the counterattack plan.Of course, this armored division also used the method of tearing down the east wall to make up the west wall, and forcibly withdrew from the crucial line of defense.As for the withdrawal of this vital armored division, what if the line of defense collapses?Hitler's answer was: "Just let the Americans come more, then cut them off, destroy them!"

Seeing such rhetoric from Hitler in the reply, Marshal Kruger really lost the strength to cry.But at this time, Marshal Kruger, who was unable to protect himself, was no longer able to resist Hitler's pressure.

"Forget it! Anyway, this empire belongs to him, so let him make trouble!" Marshal Kruger said to himself in his heart, while signing the counterattack plan made by Hitler, and then handing it over to his staff Commander, "I will issue an order to each unit and launch a counterattack early tomorrow morning." Kruger said weakly.

Originally, considering the air superiority of the Allied forces, the attack should have been carried out at night when it was difficult for the US attack aircraft to play a role.But in the era of World War II, the dark night will also bring a lot of trouble to the attacker.The speed of the breakthrough may be much slower.Compared with the Germans, one of the major advantages of the U.S. Army ground forces is the super high level of mechanization.

Due to the success of the German blitzkrieg in the early days of the war, general military enthusiasts have a high level of mechanization in the German army.But in fact, the German Army is not a real mechanized force.At most, the German army has mechanized some elite troops. On the whole, the German army is still a mule-horse army.Especially in the later period, due to the impact of strategic bombing, fuel and other materials became increasingly tense, and the losses on the battlefield became more and more serious. The mechanization level of the German army even began to decline. In the late 44, the mechanization level of the German army even Already lower than the Soviet Army.

But the U.S. Army and the British Army are different. When the U.S. first entered the war, the total number of the army was not even as large as that of a German army group. The tanks even included Renault ft-17 tanks, which should have been sent to the Something that went to the museum.When the Soviets were already using the t-34\76 and the Germans were already using the long-tube No. 4 tank, the Americans had time to develop the M3 Grant tank with a main gun and riveted armor.

However, once the industrial capabilities of the Beauties are put into war, the U.S. Army’s expansion rate will be astonishingly fast. The Army Ground Forces not only quickly surpassed the German Army in terms of numbers, but also quickly caught up with and even surpassed the German Army in terms of equipment. Except for the heavy tanks, the other areas comprehensively surpassed the Germans.As far as the U.S. Army in Normandy is concerned, their infantry divisions have even more vehicles than the German armored divisions.The U.S. Army Ground Forces also became one of the few real armies on wheels in World War II.

In this way, compared with the German army, the U.S. military's ground maneuverability is surprisingly strong. Even if it is the U.S. infantry division, their movement ability is no less than that of the German armored division.In this way, once there is danger on the front, the US ground forces can respond quickly.If the breakthrough is a little slower, reinforcements from the U.S. military will arrive quickly.Therefore, when attacking at night, once the breakthrough speed cannot keep up, the reinforcements of the US military will arrive quickly, and then the counterattack will be quickly stopped.Therefore, in order to ensure the effect, the attack must be carried out during the day.

In order to ensure that daytime attacks are not interfered too much by the US air power, the German army must come up with a method that can interfere, at least temporarily, with the US air supremacy.Hitler also knew this, so he found the Air Force Commander Gebuling.

When Hitler called, Gebuling was admiring some ancient artworks that his subordinates had collected for him.

"Your Excellency, Marshal of the Empire, this is a genuine masterpiece of Raphael that we just found. Look..." A thin man wearing a monocle is introducing the most precious piece of art among these works of art to Gebuling.At this moment, an officer walked in.

"Marshal, the head of state has a call for you."

"Ah, I'm sorry." Ge Buling stood up, picked up his marshal's scepter, nodded to the few people around him, and followed the officer out.

"Führer, I honestly assure you that my air force can interfere with the American and British air supremacy in a short time, I can send 1000 fighter jets, as long as you can provide us with enough fuel... Yes, Führer, I Assure you..."

Of course Ge Buling knew that his guarantee was unreliable.I do have no less than 1000 fighter jets in my hands, or even more.However, I no longer have any decent pilots.Not to mention those veterans, now, there are not many pilots who have graduated from regular aviation schools according to the normal process.But no matter what, Ge Buling knew that he absolutely couldn't say no to Hitler at this time.As for the issue of the pilot, there is always a solution...


The day before the attack began, the Luftwaffe fighter unit at an airfield near Paris received orders.All 100 fighter jets will be dispatched early tomorrow morning to provide air protection for the assault.

"Damn! Are the people above crazy? 100 fighter jets? How is this possible? Are there [-] people who can fly planes in the entire base?" When the mission was notified to the pilots, the pilots immediately became a mess .

"That's right, are we allowed to fly two planes by ourselves?"

Captain Lindberg frowned. To be honest, this order made him very dissatisfied, but an order is an order, and he must carry it out.Although the latter part of this order, um, the latter part was indeed absurd and unexpected, but it was the order that ordered him to meow.

"The lack of pilots will be borne by the mechanics." Lindbergh continued to announce the order.

As soon as these words were uttered, the noise became louder, almost toppling the roof.The ground crew who had been watching the pilots protest immediately joined in, and their voices were louder than the pilots.

"Isn't this nonsense? We have never received flight training, let us go to the sky, isn't this sending us to death?"

"How is this possible! I think we should ask the higher up again, is there a mistake..."

"Isn't this nonsense? Which bastard came up with this?"

The situation was almost out of control for a while, and some people even wanted to rush up to see if the original text of the order was like this.

"Boom!" Lindbergh drew his p-38 and fired a shot into the sky.The sudden gunshot suppressed the commotion of the people.Everyone stopped and looked at Lindbergh.

Lindbergh put the p-38 pistol back into the holster on his waist without haste, and then said: "This order is indeed a bit too long, but I am still ashamed of your actions! The Third Reich This is the battle of life and death! Some of you, like me, fought against the Soviets on the Eastern Front, and in 41'42, the Soviet Air Force fought under such conditions! At Stalingrad, they Even the cunts are sent to the battlefield! Are our German men not as good as the inferior Slavic cunts? In Stalingrad, those Slavic cunts piloted wooden biplanes and dared to come out and fight us. They After the plane was hit, he even dared to drive a burning plane to hit our army's ground targets! It was with this spirit of sacrifice that the Russians survived the most dangerous moment. Now, the empire has reached a critical juncture, as Dear Emperor, it is our bounden duty to sacrifice for the country! Tomorrow morning, all 61 pilots including me will take off, and I still need 39 ground crews to serve as pilots. I hope everyone can take the initiative Sign up."


After Lindbergh finished speaking, he looked at the ground staff with expectant eyes, but after a long time, none of the ground staff came forward.The loss rate of ground crew has not been as high as that of pilots, or ground crew generally outlive pilots.And in this way, they know more about the cruelty of air combat than many new pilots.They all know how low the chances of inexperienced novice surviving in an air battle are, and they naturally understand that letting them go into the air is almost the same as committing suicide.They are not like those young rookies who have just come out of flight school and have only flown more than a dozen or at most dozens of hours in elementary trainer planes, who still have unrealistic fantasies about air combat.So, none of them moved.

Lindbergh knew that even if he waited any longer, no one would take the initiative to stand up.This is the case with the fighter force. In the German Air Force, they have received the most preferential treatment, but in terms of fighting will, they have not been very good.

"Since everyone is unwilling to stand up, let's draw lots." Lindbergh said, "Everyone lives in peace!"

Several gendarmes stood up, asked the ground crew to stand in a column, and then took out a box full of ready-made lottery tickets. It seems that Captain Lindbergh had already expected this situation.

Looking at the deadly box, and at the "chain dog" holding an MP-40 submachine gun, Karl, who was first in line, hesitantly put his hand into the box.He could feel that there were many pieces of paper in the box, and he knew that these pieces of paper would decide his life or death!He fumbled the pieces of paper back and forth, unable to make up his mind.

"Hurry up!" urged a gendarme.

Carl closed his eyes, gritted his teeth, and tremblingly took out a piece of paper.He unfolded the piece of paper with trembling hands, and then Carl jumped up with joy, and tears flowed out uncontrollably—this piece of paper was blank, which meant that he didn't have to go to heaven to die!

After more than ten minutes, 29 candidates were selected.The poor wretches who hit the jackpot either looked sullen and said nothing.Or they kept talking nonsense with tears streaming down their faces, and some even stared at Lindbergh with hatred.With this scene, Lindbergh lost confidence in tomorrow's actions.

"Going to heaven tomorrow, you really need to be more careful!"

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