At 4 o'clock in the morning, at an airport of the German army, the first batch of fighter jets were preparing to take off.This is a batch of the latest bf-109 fighter jets that have just appeared. This is a bf-109 that has been replaced with a new engine.After installing the new db-605 engine, the flight performance of this bf-109 has been significantly improved. At an altitude of 7500 meters, it can even fly at a speed of 715 kilometers per hour.This speed has even surpassed the American p-51d, and its high-altitude performance has also been significantly improved.Because of this improvement, this new bf-109 was also given a new number: bf-109k4.

However, Lindbergh knew that this did not mean that the plane in his hand had regained the technological advantage for the empire.Not to mention that compared to the American p-51, its range is still too short.And it also has the highest wing load in the bf-109 family. The wing load of 231.70kgm also makes this aircraft the most clumsy of all the bf-109s that Lindbergh has flown.At the same time, the material shortage of the Third Reich was also reflected in this latest type of bf-109. In order to save aluminum, many parts of this aircraft, such as the tail, have already begun to use wooden structures.

Fortunately, the biggest advantage of the bf-109 series has been inherited and carried forward.It has the best climb rate and speed in the bf-109 series. In the hands of veterans, it is definitely a terrible aircraft, but there are too few veterans like Lindbergh now.

Lindbergh started the engine and the plane taxied on the dark runway.In order not to attract the U.S. safari fighter jets, when the first batch of bf-109k4s took off, the lights on the runway were not lit, only at the end of the runway, and the ground crew turned on two flashlights to indicate that the runway was over.When the veterans have all gone to the sky and obtained a good energy condition, at that time, the sky will almost be bright. At this time, the bf-109g and fw-190a of the rookies can take off.

It was pitch black outside the window, and Lindbergh couldn't see the runway at all. He could only stare at the two light spots ahead to maintain his direction.The speed of the plane continued to increase, and finally reached the take-off speed. Lindbergh carefully pulled the control lever, the nose of the plane lifted slightly, and then the main wheels began to leave the runway...

One after another bf-109k4 fighter jets took off in sequence.It was still dark and Allied fighters could not safari near the airfield unless the runway was lit.That's why Lindbergh and the others took off at 4 o'clock.Although the attack did not really start until after dawn, if the German fighters were going to take off after dawn, they would probably be smashed by the American safari fighters on the runway.

Of course, considering the short-legged nature of the bf-109 series fighter jets, taking off at this time almost means that they need to go down to refuel when the attack is launched.Therefore, according to the plan, around 7 o'clock in the morning, when most of the rookies have finished taking off, another team of slightly older rookies driving fw-190d will take over from them and provide protection for the airport. Need to land on the airfield to refuel, and then take off again, to join the battle.

Lindbergh began a rapid climb with the other five bf-109k4s.The remaining pilots in the 6 planes including him are the only 6 veterans in his brigade who have more than 500 hours of flying time.The flight time is 500 hours. This number was placed a year ago, which can only be regarded as just getting out of the ranks of rookies.At that time, in the brigade, only those who had flown 1000 hours could be regarded as veterans, but the current brigade captain Lindbergh, in the brigade at that time, was not even in the top 20 in terms of flying time or number of shot downs. Can't get in.But now, he is already the pilot with the longest flying hours and the most number of enemy planes shot down in the entire brigade.

Not long after, Lindbergh's bf-109k4 flew out of the shadow of the earth, and the golden-red sunlight shone into his cockpit.Behind him, five BF-109K4 aircraft lined up in a loose formation, following behind him.This formation allows each aircraft to move more freely, and also increases the field of view of each aircraft.This used to be the classic formation of German fighter jets, but now, there are not many Luftwaffe units that can use this formation.Because now, the old birds are basically dead. As for the rookies, if the formation is too dense, they will collide; and if they maintain such a loose formation, they will fall behind, and they don't even need enemy planes To attack, as long as they turn two circles in the sky, they will have a situation where the lead plane cannot find the wingman, and the wingman cannot find the lead plane.

Now, the sun is almost up, and it's almost time for those American safari fighters to arrive.Lindbergh looked around with wide eyes.As he expected, a plane appeared in his sight.

It was a British Mosquito reconnaissance bomber. It flew high and pulled out a long track.Lindbergh knew that the purpose of the plane was to monitor the airport.If it is allowed to stay there, as soon as the planes on the airport are dispatched, it will attract a large group of American and British fighter jets.So Lindbergh left four Bf-109k4s to continue guarding at an altitude of 4000 meters, and he took his wingman and began to accelerate the climb to expel the Mosquito reconnaissance bomber.

Lindbergh pushed the throttle to the end, the engine roared, and the BF-109K4 began to climb upward at an amazing rate of climb.

On the Mosquito reconnaissance bomber, Royal Air Force pilot Captain Thatcher had already observed the six bf-6 fighter jets.

"A total of six planes, it is rare to see so many fighter jets patrolling at one airport. It seems that the Germans are really going to take action." Thatcher said to the co-pilot Blair, "to the command center According to the report, 6 bf-109 fighter jets were found patrolling over the enemy... airport. There are signs of enemy planes dispatching."

Blair immediately started sending messages to headquarters.At this time, Captain Thatcher noticed that two BF-109s had broken away from the formation and began to climb rapidly—it seemed that they were planning to expel themselves.

Thatcher was not too worried about the German bf-109 fighter jets.Mosquito scout bombers are not so easy to deal with.Although it has no self-defense firepower, it has a top speed of more than 640 kilometers that is difficult for many fighter jets to reach.In addition, the flying altitude of his mosquito reconnaissance bomber is as high as 7500 meters, while the altitude of the two bf-109s is only 4000 meters, and there is still a full 3000 meters of altitude difference in between. Although, the climb rate of the bf-109 Yes, although the top speed of the newer bf-109g series is slightly higher than that of the Mosquito, it is impossible for any aircraft to maintain a high speed while climbing at a high rate of climb.Therefore, if he turned around and left, the two bf-109s would not be able to catch up to him no matter what.In fact, unless the interceptor fighters have obtained intelligence in advance and climbed to a sufficient height, or have an overwhelming advantage over the reconnaissance aircraft in terms of climb rate and speed, they will definitely not be able to catch up with the reconnaissance aircraft.

Some Japanese fans in later generations often like to use the fact that Grumman's f6f fighter jet failed to catch up with the Japanese "Caiyun" reconnaissance plane to prove that although the nominal speed of Japanese aircraft is lower than that of American aircraft, the actual speed is faster.Soon these IQ-deficient guys discovered that the nominal speed of "Colorful Cloud" was faster than Grumman's f6f, and "there is no Grumman behind him" could not explain any problem, so they pretended to be clever and made Grumman's f6f Replaced with the faster p-51.Then it claimed that the p-700 with a top speed of more than 51 km/h could not catch up with the "colorful cloud" with a top speed of 610 km/h.Little do they know that it is naturally very difficult for an aircraft at low altitude to catch up with an aircraft at high altitude.What if there is no height advantage?Well, the last enemy plane shot down by the f51u, which was slower than the p-4, in WW[-] was the Caiyun.

Now, although Lindbergh's bf-109k4 is approaching hard, it is not so easy to catch up.Seeing that bf-109 was getting closer, Thatcher began to push the throttle to accelerate.

At this time, Lindbergh suddenly turned on the engine booster system, which began to inject mw-50 additive into the cylinder. The db605dc engine surged to 2000 horsepower, and the speed of the plane suddenly increased.

The sudden acceleration of the Germans exceeded Thatcher's estimation, and the bf-109 chased up while climbing at an incredible speed.Although the Mosquito reconnaissance bomber is already accelerating, the distance between the two sides is still getting closer. It seems that the enemy plane is about to approach the shooting range.The Mosquito reconnaissance bomber has no self-defense weapons. In fact, relying on the high speed, all Mosquito aircraft have no self-defense weapons, which means that if the enemy can catch up, they can open fire in the six o'clock direction without any scruples.

However, this distance did not continue to come close.The speed of the Mosquito was getting faster and faster, and at Lindbergh's place, the engine overheating warning light of the bf-109k4 had already come on.Although the use of mw-50 additive can greatly increase the output power of the engine, it will also overheat the engine.Even the mw-50 additive itself contains substances that are harmful to the engine cylinder, in fact, using this stuff is like doping on the sports field and is very harmful to the body.And this kind of thing carried on the plane can only be used for 5 minutes.Now, the mw-50 additive has basically been used up.

Lindbergh reluctantly reduced the throttle valve and turned on the radiator at the same time. The speed of bf-109k4 decreased rapidly, so he could only watch helplessly as the Mosquito reconnaissance bomber, which was still about 600 meters higher than him, increased its horsepower and gradually moved away.

At this time, his wingman shouted: "At one o'clock, we found enemy fighter jets!"

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