New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 254, Fox Reynard's Trap

As the Mosquito reconnaissance bombers went away, Lindbergh knew that enemy fighter jets were about to appear.However, the enemy's fighter jets appeared so quickly, which was beyond his expectation.He looked in the direction of 1 o'clock, and sure enough, he saw several bright spots of silver light.After a while, as the distance approached, Lindbergh recognized that it was 4 p-51d fighter jets.

The paint on the US military's P-51 fighter jets has been washed off, revealing the true color of the shiny silver aluminum.Doing so reduces the weight of the aircraft and improves performance somewhat.Of course, this also makes American aircraft very conspicuous and can be seen from a long distance.But the Americans don't care about this, and even this "flaw" is simply a means for the Americans to show off their absolute air supremacy: so what if you find out?Come up and fight me!

Lindbergh knew that most of these four planes were not sent by the US and British troops after receiving the telegram-their response speed could not be so fast.These guys must have just passed by here.However, these four aircraft are also a threat to the airport, and Lindbergh must expel them to ensure the smooth take-off of other fighter jets.

The four p-51d fighter jets did not seem to find Lindbergh.Lindbergh and the others are currently at an altitude of around 6500 meters. At this altitude, it is just not possible to pull out of the track.Coupled with the cover of the sun, it is normal that the Americans did not find them.However, the four p-51ds apparently spotted the other four bf-4000k109 fighter jets at a lower altitude of about 4 meters.So the four p-51ds began to turn, and they pulled a big circle, preparing to go around to the east of the four bf-109s, and then launch a dive from the angle of the sun to shoot down those bf-109s.

"Reynard 3, pay attention to the direction at 6 o'clock, keep the direction and accelerate slowly. Pay attention to my instructions." Lindbergh issued instructions to the bf-109k4 fighters that were still at a lower position.

"Reynard" is the most cunning fox in German folklore. In the legend, it has repeatedly gained the upper hand from strong men like tigers and lions by maneuvering.Now, the Germans gave such a name to the first batch of bf-109k4 fighter jets to take off. Of course, they hope that their fighter jets can also be like the fox Reynard, and they can also rely on their own machine transformation to take advantage of powerful opponents when facing powerful opponents. Cheap.

At this time, the four p-51ds had turned to the 6 o'clock direction of the "Reynards" who were in a lower position, and then suddenly rolled the lever and dived down.This is a classic tactic of a sneak attack. Dive down from a height at 6 o’clock, and then pull up from below 6 o’clock—this position is an absolute blind spot for fighter jets—and approach quickly with the high speed gained from the dive. target and shoot it down.

The script is well-executed right up to the time the Americans swoop down.The Germans showed no sign of spotting the American plane, except for a little speed in the horizontal direction.But just after the Americans swooped down, these planes suddenly increased their horsepower and began to climb at a large angle.

"They probably spotted us when we swooped down?" thought Captain Simon, who led the team. "But these Germans are really stupid. They tried to get rid of us by climbing. How is that possible? Yes, at this height, bf-109 has a clear climbing advantage over p-51d, but this advantage is based on the premise that the initial energy of the two sides is equal. And we are now diving down from a higher position Yes, our current energy is much higher than theirs. Under such circumstances, how can they rely on climbing to get rid of our attack? They only know how to do it according to the dogma, but do not analyze it in detail. This is a common problem of rookies ah."

The situation was as Captain Simon expected, and they successfully bit the German bf-109 during the climb.Although these bf-109s climbed very fast, which was a bit faster than Simon expected, but the Americans still clung to the 109 points of these bf-6s, and they were getting closer and closer.

But at this moment, Simon felt an inexplicable uneasiness: "These German pilots can make the climb performance of the bf-109 so good, how could they be rookies?" Anyone can climb out.Flying the same fighter, with the same initial conditions, a veteran can easily surpass a rookie in the climb.If it is the kind of super rookie with a total flight time of less than 20 hours, then even if they are flying the bf-109g6, most of them will not be able to climb the p-51 driven by the veteran.And now, the climbing performance of these bf-109s is by no means something rookies can accomplish.They made Simon feel like those top German pilots from more than a year ago.

"There must be something wrong!" Simon looked around vigilantly, and suddenly he saw something flashing in the direction of the sun...

Of course Lindberg knew that no matter how good the climb rate of the bf-109k4 was, it would be impossible to climb the p-51 in this situation.There is a reason for his decision.When the "Reynards" at the low altitude climbed at a large angle, the speed of both the German bf-109k4 and the American p-51d would drop rapidly.At this time, he and his wingman will dive down from a high place and attack those p-51ds that consume too much energy during the climb.Now the situation is as he expected.

Simon found Lindbergh's bf-109 that was rushing straight, but he had no time to dodge, and his plane consumed too much energy during the climb, and now it is very clumsy.This allowed him to get hit just in time to make a roll.Several 20mm shells hit his plane, which belched black smoke and then burst into flames.

"I'm going to skydive!" Simon shouted on the radio, then hurriedly opened the canopy and jumped out.


Of course, the p-51 without the vertical tail could no longer fight, so the pilot on the p-51 had to parachute.Skydiving over a German airport, well, basically the only way to get captured.

Now the situation has been reversed at once. After losing two p-51s, the ratio of the two sides has become 6:2.Even the most confident pilots had no choice but to retreat in the face of such a quantitative comparison.So the remaining two p-51s immediately gave up the pursuit of the bf-109, and immediately turned to a dive, trying to escape by relying on the high speed brought by the dive.

If the bf-109 has a certain advantage over the p-51 in terms of climbing, then in terms of diving, the p-51 also has an advantage over the bf-109.Compared with the bf-109, the body structure of the p-51 is stronger, so it can reach a higher speed in the dive.And its almost perfect aerodynamic shape makes it have unparalleled handling at high speeds.Therefore, diving away is not a good way.

In fact, after seeing the decisive actions of the American pilots, Lindbergh also knew that he would definitely not be able to catch up with them.Although the speed of the bf-109k4 is not necessarily bad, it is not a rational choice to fight against the p-51 at high speeds, because the high-speed control of the bf-109k4 is too poor, and the airfoil compression effect makes it a simple Circling will be very difficult.Besides, his mission itself cannot allow him to pursue long distances.

So Lindbergh prevented other planes from chasing, and he still kept the other four bf-109k4 fighter jets at an altitude of about 4000 meters, while he climbed to an altitude of about 6000 meters with his wingmen—if possible, in the It's not bad to use this trap to kill a few American planes.

At this time, the ground was already illuminated by the sun, and the bf-109g fighter jets and fw-190a fighter jets began to slide slowly towards the runway.The rookies are starting to take off.This is the most critical moment, the most dangerous moment for the German army.

The first bf-109g10 fighter jet had already started taxiing on the runway, and soon he reached the take-off speed. The pilot pulled the control lever, and the plane slowly left the ground.But at this time, Lindbergh saw a large group of enemy planes approaching from the west.


It was not the fighter unit of the Ninth Air Force that rushed to the scene this time, but the p-21 fighter jets of the 81st Attack Aircraft Wing.After judging that the German army was about to launch a large-scale attack, especially after deciphering the German army code and knowing that the German Air Force planned to use 1000 fighter jets to play a big game, Ron couldn't stay in Portsmouth. .Because the 21st Attack Aircraft Wing also has a fighter squadron, they will definitely be thrown into the air battle.In such a big air battle, it is best for the fighter force to have an old ace commanding in the air.In the past, this work was done by Bington, but now Bington needs to stay on the ground to organize the operations of the entire wing.And Ron felt that in his current situation, he could already complete the task of ground command.So according to his application, he was approved to return to the front line in advance to command this crucial battle.

Ron's return made Bington very happy, because it meant that he could go to the sky to get his record again.Early this morning, they received news from the British army.Six German fighter jets were spotted over a German airfield near Paris.Ron immediately realized that the Germans' counterattack was imminent, and as soon as the sun was bright, the German fighter planes would take off on a large scale, so he immediately decided to send out a fighter squadron and a light bomber squadron in his hand immediately, To attack this airfield of the German army, so that the German air force can be held dead in their airfield.Now appearing in front of Lindbergh is the fighter squadron led by Bington himself-a total of 24 p-81 fighter jets!And behind them, a 6-minute flight away from them, a b-25 bomber squadron was also loaded with ammunition and rushed towards the airport.Bington's current task is to eliminate all enemy fighters that may threaten the attack aircraft within 6 minutes.

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