New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 255, Overwhelming Advantage

The first thing Bington saw was the four BF-4s in the lower position, but the cautious habits he had developed in countless air battles prevented him from rushing down with his fleet immediately.Instead, start searching for enemy fighters in higher positions.Bington is a brave pilot, but bravery does not mean bravery.In fact, any pilot who has survived countless dogfights knows that caution must be taken before going into combat.

As a result, Bington found out that Lindbergh's two bf-109s were located further back, but also at a higher altitude.

"Sure enough, these German guys still want to play tricks on me!" Boington laughed unconsciously, "But it seems that these guys are not all rookies if they can design such a trick. Well, this is a bit interesting. , bullying rookies all the time, ruining their skills.”


Because the six 81mm rotary guns of the p-6 have obvious advantages over the German 20mm cannons in terms of rate of fire, range, and even power.In addition, Bington was quite confident in his shooting skills, so he chose to fly head-on at the enemy.If the enemy is willing to fight him head-on, Bington is absolutely sure to blow him into the air.In addition, p-20 is much stronger than bf-81, unless it is directly hit by mk-109, otherwise, even if it is hit by one or two shots, there will be no fatal consequences.Therefore, p-108 pilots like to shoot head-on.

Lindbergh didn't have much experience fighting with p-81 fighter jets before.But he was not completely ignorant of the aircraft.This aircraft is described in detail in the German manual, and it is called the pinnacle of propeller fighters.Whether it is speed or acceleration ability, whether it is climbing or diving, whether it is firepower or anti-strike ability, it is unparalleled.Those German pilots who fought against the p-81 praised it like a flower.

Lindbergh knew that the p-81 had six 6mm guns.This kind of gun was obtained by the German army on the shot down p-20 fighter jet.The tests of the Germans showed that the performance of this gun far exceeds that of the German 51mm gun, especially the range, which is almost twice as far.Germany also tried to imitate this kind of aerial gun, but there were problems with the yield rate, and the reliability was always bad. As a result, German fighter jets still had to rely on the original 20mm gun to fight against the enemy.Although he has not shot against the p-20, Lindbergh has seen other German fighters and the p-81 fighter. The p-51's shooting did not take advantage of it.What's more, now he is driving the bf-190 with weaker firepower than the fw-4, but the opponent is the p-20 with stronger firepower?Shooting at each other is obviously courting death.

The speed of the p-81 is astonishingly fast, and the two sides are in a head-on state. In a blink of an eye, the distance between the two sides is already very close.Lindbergh made a sudden push, and bf-109k4 immediately made a considerable negative g movement, and swooped down.

This action made Lindbergh's bf-109k4 fighter jet disappear in front of Bington's eyes, and the nose of the p-81 blocked his sight, making him unable to see the bf-109.Bington did not try to do a roll and then pull the bar to dive and bite the opponent. Although the roll of the p-81 is very good, it can even be said to be no worse than the fw-190, but the roll takes time after all.Doing so will only give the enemy a chance to jerk the nose up and shoot him once.So he pulled up with his wingman at a large angle.At the same time, Bington also knew that the No. 03 and No. 04 P-81 fighter jets that were farther behind him had a chance to shoot at their opponents.

Since the p-03s of 04 and 81 were far away, they had time to react to Lindbergh's actions.They made a 180-degree roll, then pulled the bar, and also entered a shallow dive.But at this time, Lindbergh and his wingman made a barrel roll with negative g during the dive. Such an action caused the shells fired by 03 and 04 to miss.Of course, such an action also made them lose the opportunity to shoot at the American plane.

The fighter planes of both sides staggered, and Lindbergh immediately leveled the plane and began to turn and climb.In aerial combat, take the opportunity to climb whenever you get the chance.Besides, although the speed of bf-109k4 is much faster than that of the bf-109g series, the high-speed control of bf-109k4 is not good, while the opponent's p-81 is a typical high-speed fighter.Fighting the p-81 at high speed is definitely not a good idea.It is of course a better approach to convert kinetic energy into potential energy by climbing, while keeping the fighter at the most sensitive speed segment.

But at this time, Bington, who quickly pulled up the p-81 and completed a half somersault, had already occupied Lindbergh's 6 o'clock position.Now it's swooping down on them.

Lindbergh knew from the German flight manual that the P-81 rarely made hovering movements.This should show that the hovering performance of this aircraft is not very good, so he intends to use a horizontal movement to get rid of Bington's attack.However, the timing of such a sharp turn is very important. If you turn too early, people will pull up the plane and watch you waste energy by doing your own actions. If you turn too late, relying on the brutal firepower of the P-81, which can shoot 6000 rounds per minute. , they only need one burst to beat you to pieces.

However, the bf-109 is a fighter with rather poor vision. Even the latest bf-109k4 has limited improvements in this regard.Therefore, judging this timing depends more on the mutual assistance between the two aircraft.At this time, Lindbergh observed that the enemy's P-81 fighter jet had approached his wingman from the rear, reaching a very dangerous distance.

"Reynard 2, sharp left!" Lindbergh shouted.

"Reynard 2" immediately made a sharp turn to the left.However, at this time, another advantage of the P-81 is shown, that is, the excellent roll-roll performance of the P-81. Basically, except somersaults, any action starts with a rolling action, and sharp turns are no exception. .The action breakdown of a sharp turn to the left is as follows: first roll 90 degrees to the left, and then pull the bar. The hovering performance of the p-81 is indeed not good, but its roll is much faster than that of the bf-109k4, so Bington completed the 2-degree roll before the "Rena 90" and began to pull the lever.In this way, when the "Reynard 2" began to pull the lever, Bington had already got a chance to shoot.

Bington fired a long burst, and the "Reynard 2" just crashed into the rain of bullets, and the dense rain of bullets tore up the aircraft almost instantly. "Reynard 2" ignited a raging fire, the wings and tail were also broken, and the plane fell downward in the package of flame red smoke.

"Reynard 2, skydive!" Lindbergh yelled.

However, the pilot on the "Reynard 2" did not jump out.In the sharp turn just now, the cockpit of "Reynard No. 2" was just perpendicular to the line of defense where the shells flew over. Judging from the density of the shells, it is very likely that one or two shells will hit the cockpit.Perhaps the pilot on the "Reynard 2" had been killed in the shelling just now.

The wingman was shot down and Lindbergh was immediately in great danger.Now that there is no wingman to help him observe 6 o'clock, the tragic vision of the BF-109 series fighter jets immediately becomes a fatal problem.Under the siege of four planes, he simply couldn't take care of all directions.Lindbergh couldn't even swoop away.Once it enters the high-speed section during the dive, the bf-109k4's movements will become very sluggish, but the opponent does not have such a problem. Under such circumstances, the opponent can definitely shoot him down easily.

Pointon once again entered the 109 o'clock direction of Lindbergh's bf-6. Just now Lindbergh barely escaped the attacks of 03 and 04, but Pointon once again occupied the attacking position.Bington quickly approached the target, but his wingman slightly widened the distance from him, so that if Bington missed the opponent, his wingman would be more calm to catch up with the gun.

But at this time, Lindbergh made a move that surprised both Bington and his wingman.He yanked all the flaps down and even extended the landing gear.The speed of the plane dropped sharply, which forced Bington, who had already calculated the advance, to launch an attack and pull up the plane again.Bington's wingman barely opened fire, but the shells also flew in front of Lindbergh's bf-109k4.

At this moment, Lindbergh pulled open the cockpit cover suddenly, and then jumped directly.

"Damn it! Why did this guy skydive! We haven't hit him yet!" This move surprised Bington.But Bington immediately figured it out. Although this guy's behavior was a little bit like that, it was indeed the most reasonable way.The dodging action just now consumed too much energy. Although he avoided this round of blows, he couldn't dodge the next round of blows no matter what.What else to do but skydive?

Lindbergh opened his parachute in the air.In fact, the air battle just now lasted very short, only a few minutes.He began to think back to the air battle just now, he felt that he had no tactical or technical mistakes, but he was wiped out so quickly without any possibility of resistance.This is really a disappointing gap!

Lindbergh had no time to pay attention to the situation of the other planes in his group just now. Considering that the US military basically does not have the habit of attacking parachutes, now that he is finally safe, he can look at the situation of other planes.So Lindbergh looked around, just as he expected, there was no shadow of bf-109k4 in the sky, and the other 4 bf-109k4 in his group were besieged by a full 20 p-81s and were shot down long ago Empty.And those bf-109g and fw-190a that just took off were also shot down a lot, and the rest of them dared to fly near the airport, flying along the fence of the airport at low altitude, relying on the protection of the airport's air-to-air firepower to survive .Lindbergh understood that although this counterattack had just begun, the German army had already failed in terms of aerial contests.

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