New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 256, The Little Mushroom at the Airport

Bington continued to maintain altitude and circled over the airfield to make sure that there were no other German fighters at high altitude.At this time, the 88mm anti-aircraft guns deployed by the Germans near the airport began to fire at them.Although these 88 guns have limited threats to fighter jets, they are not without threats.Therefore, Bington took the p-81 fleet to shorten the distance from the airport-the p-81's stay in the air is quite long, which allows Bington to continue to stand by near the airport.

Since the complete loss of air supremacy, the air defense firepower of German airports has become stronger every day. Up to now, the Germans have deployed more and more various 20mm, 37mm, and 88mm anti-aircraft guns near the airport.Almost several times more than a year ago.Faced with such intensive firepower, even a thick-skinned guy like P-81 is not willing to enter the air defense firepower circle of the airport when the enemy is prepared.You know, even the p-81 may not be able to withstand a head-on blow from a 37mm gun.

However, the defense area of ​​small and medium-caliber anti-aircraft guns is still very limited. Can't the German fighter jets always stay within the 1500-meter height range of the airport wall and not come out?Even if the Germans really intend to be turtles, the bomber fleet will be able to obediently stick their heads out after a while.

The Germans also understood this, so when the p-81 fleet was a little farther away, they started to run outside and higher.However, when the p-81 fleet turned their heads, they all shrank back.There was even a plane that stalled because of over-steering, and fell straight down.

"Shouldn't the Germans send people who have never piloted a plane?" Seeing such a scene, Bington was really surprised.

At this time, the B-21 medium bomber formation of the 25st Attack Aircraft Wing had also arrived near the airport.These b-25 bombers are loaded with fuel-air bombs used to suppress ground air defenses.The bomber group began to enter from an altitude of about 4000 meters.This height has already exceeded the threat range of small and medium-caliber anti-aircraft guns. In contrast, it can better guarantee the accuracy of the attack.Although the large damage range of fuel-air bombs reduces the requirements for accuracy, it is better to be more accurate.

The appearance of bombers further exacerbated the confusion of the German army.After Lindbergh was shot down, he hadn't had time to rush back to the airport. The current command is in charge of his staff officer Dewey.Duy knew that if the fighter jets continued to stay near the airport, it would only make the airspace near the airport more congested, making it difficult for the remaining fighter jets to take off.And these fighter jets that are ready to take off are now lined up at one end of the runway.Once bombed by enemy bombers, the consequences are really unimaginable.So Duy immediately gave this order:

"All fighter jets that have taken off must attack immediately to intercept enemy bombers! Any fighter jets that still stay near the airport will be regarded as treason and will be hit by anti-aircraft fire!"

This tough order finally worked. About 20 fighter jets of various types that had already taken off finally mustered up the courage to fly out of the protection zone of the anti-aircraft artillery, trying to intercept the approaching bombers.

Naturally, Bington would not let go of such an opportunity. As soon as he gave an order, 24 P-81 fighter jets rushed towards the German fighter jets that had left the protection of the anti-aircraft artillery.

There is a saying that most of the German fighters are more suitable for veterans.Because most of them are fighter jets with outstanding advantages and disadvantages.For example, the bf-109 series fighter jets have excellent climbing and negative-g maneuverability, but their hovering is average, and the lever force (the force required to pull the operating lever) is surprisingly large.In the hands of an experienced fighter who can manage his energy efficiently, this is a pretty formidable fighter, as evidenced by the Luftwaffe's massive record of over two hundred aces.But if it falls into the hands of a rookie, a lot of energy will be lost when turning a turn. The bf-109, which can make the pilot's hands sore after turning a few turns, is simply terrible. A novice driving a Spitfire, Most of them can easily kill another novice driving bf-109.

As for another main fighter of the Germans-the fw-190 series fighter, let alone.This thing has the best roll, very good firepower, pretty solid build, really good acceleration and dives, decent climbs and a messy hover.In the words of the Germans themselves, when this thing is turning sharply, the speed on the speedometer will drop so fast that the needle on it will turn as fast as an electric fan.All in all, this is by no means the kind of aircraft suitable for hovering grinders, however, grinders are a favorite of rookies.So, um, look, you don't even need to attack, those rookies will use one sharp turn after another to stall themselves directly.

What appeared before Bington's eyes was a group of rookies who knew nothing. Most of them had only been flying for less than 20 hours, and it was unknown if there were two hours of flying time on fighter jets in these [-] hours.As a result, the performance of these rookies simply opened Bington's eyes.

Bington took the p-81 and rushed towards these rookies head-on.He used his shooting halo to noisily trap a family of fw-190s that were flying straight towards him.The plane also flew straight towards him, as if it wanted to play a shootout with him.

"That's right, it's pretty cool!" At a distance of 1000 meters, Boington fired, and the six 6mm guns fired at the same time, immediately smashing the fw-20 that hadn't made any moves.The shell severed the right wing of the fw-190, causing the plane to spin and plummet.

Almost at the same time as Bington, some other P-81s also opened fire one after another, while on the opposite side, one after another German fighter jets fell like leaves in the autumn wind.At this time, some German pilots seemed to understand that a fw-190 immediately started a barrel roll crazily, and then a guy collided with another bf-109 next to it, and the two planes immediately became one ball of flames.There was also an FW-190, after witnessing that Boeing shot down his lead plane, panicked, made a sharp turn, and then entered a spiral, spinning and falling.Bington estimated that the possibility of such a rookie being able to correct the spiral by himself is almost zero.

Just a hedge, the Germans lost 18 fighters.Among them, 11 were shot down by the Americans, and they collided with themselves to death, and as many as 7 crashed due to too much movement.When Bington pulled up the plane again and looked towards the German fleet, there were only 4 planes left.

"How could they let such rookies fly into the air to fight in air combat? How could they let these rookies who can't even do the most basic movements fly into the air to fight! This is simply a crime! It's murder!" Although they are actively shooting down records A number was added to the above, but Bington was not happy at all. On the contrary, his heart was even filled with anger, so much so that he wished he could fly the p-81 fighter jet and land directly at the airport below, and then rushed Enter the command center of the Germans, grab the collar of the commander below, and slap him hard several times.

In this mood, Bington has no interest in picking up the remaining few planes. Hey, if only they were all targets like the first one he shot down today.

"From 05 to 08, you go to the rest of the business, bullying these rookies, it's really frustrating." Pointon said.


"All the pilots who have boarded the plane immediately leave the plane and enter the air-raid shelter!" Seeing that the fleet that had already taken off was wiped out in a short meeting, Duy understood that it was meaningless to continue to take off the plane. Now the enemy's bombers can be seen directly with the eyes, and it is too late to take off.

on the runway.On the tarmac, one pilot after another climbed out of the cabin. They didn't even have time to wait for the ground crew to bring the ladder, so they jumped down and ran towards the air-raid shelter.

At this time, the b-25 fleet has entered the attack range of the 88mm anti-aircraft gun.One after another shells exploded near the fleet, blasting black peonies in the sky.Not worried about being attacked by enemy fighter jets, the b-25s formed a relatively loose formation, which reduced the threat of large-caliber anti-aircraft guns a lot.

However, contrary to the pilots of the Luftwaffe, the quality of the German anti-aircraft artillery is getting higher and higher.The explosion point of the first round of shells fired by the German anti-aircraft artillery was still some distance away from the b-25s, but in the second round and subsequent shelling, the control of the explosion point became better and better.Before entering the official bombing route, 5 b-25s have been damaged to varying degrees. Among them, 3 of the engines on one side caught fire, and they have already left the formation and flew in other directions.It is estimated that they are going to skydive.

Under the fire of 88mm anti-aircraft guns, the bomber group approached the airport and began to drop those deadly bombs.Seeing those bombs fall halfway, then suddenly opened a parachute, and then drifted towards his position unsteadily, Major Heinz, who was directing the 88mm anti-aircraft gun to fire wildly, immediately popped up in his head. One word: "fuel air bomb"!

Heinz knew the power of this kind of bomb from the information he had obtained before.He knew that this kind of bomb had a ridiculously wide range of damage to exposed living targets, and the killing effect was also ridiculously good.And his own anti-aircraft artillery positions belong to such exposed living targets.Fortunately, Heinz was not unprepared. Next to the anti-aircraft artillery positions, there were several small but well-airtight air-raid shelters, and there were still enough oxygen tanks inside.

"Quick! Enter the air-raid shelter!" Heinz immediately issued an order.The soldiers who received the order dropped the anti-aircraft guns and ran towards their respective air-raid shelters frantically. In a blink of an eye, no one could be seen on the entire position-due to the daily confrontation with the Allied bombers, the training level of the German anti-aircraft artillery units was really high. Significant progress has been made.

Dozens of bombs with parachutes fell, and these bombs exploded at a height of more than ten meters. A white smoke quickly enveloped the anti-aircraft artillery positions around the airport. After a few seconds, these white smoke The fog exploded violently.Explode a cloud of small mushrooms on each target point.

After dropping the bombs and pulling up the plane, Lincoln, the B-25 pilot who was preparing to return, looked at these little mushrooms and shouted over the radio: "Look, there are so many little mushrooms. I like growing mushrooms the most!"

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