New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 259, Anti-Tank Trap

The power of the quadruple 20mm anti-aircraft gun is far inferior to that of the 37mm anti-aircraft gun, but its firepower density is much higher than that of the 37mm anti-aircraft gun.Therefore, when the attack planes who have run out of rockets have to attack these targets with cannons, it is inevitable that they will also suffer twice.

Malone's PA-38 aimed at a quadruple 20mm gun mounted on a Leopard chassis and rushed straight over.The Leopard tank is really a strange thing. The barrel of its 71-caliber 75mm gun is too long, and it is too difficult to manufacture, which makes the production volume always unable to increase.On the contrary, the chassis is much simpler to build. As a result, the Germans discovered that the Leopard chassis they built was much more than the long-barreled 75 guns dedicated to Leopards.These extra chassis were refitted by the Germans into various other weapons, such as the cheetah tank destroyer equipped with a long-barreled 88 gun (this is the gun, but in terms of manufacturing difficulty, it is not as difficult as the leopard's 71 times the 75 gun How much.), or self-propelled anti-aircraft guns with quadruple 20mm anti-aircraft guns.

The range of the two 38mm rotary guns on the pa-2 exceeds that of the German quadruple 20mm anti-aircraft guns, but the rate of fire of the German anti-aircraft guns, the flexibility of firepower pointing, and the stability of shooting are better than those of the US military's PA -20 is stronger.In addition, the anti-strike capability of the platform itself is not at the same level.Of course, the shooters of the German anti-aircraft guns had no protection.If you can hit him, it will solve the problem too.However, this target is too small, it is better to fight directly outside the anti-aircraft guns.It is difficult to overwhelm the German anti-aircraft guns with 38 guns alone.However, Ma Long started to fire with his two 20 guns from a long distance, so that even if he missed, at least he could interfere with the opponent's shooting.

The 20mm shell fired by Malone hit the Leopard self-propelled gun, splashing a series of sparks, and the shells fired by the German self-propelled gun kept passing by his plane.Now that it has entered the precise shooting range of the 37mm gun, Ma Long raised the nose slightly. The trajectory of the 37 gun is slightly curved than that of the 20 gun, and the nose must be raised a little to hit the target.

Malone fired three 3mm shells in a row.He saw at least two hit the target.The Leopard self-propelled gun was immediately dumb.Ma Long opened his mouth, laughed hehe, and gave himself a thumbs up in his heart.

But at this moment, a string of 20mm shells suddenly shot from the side.Ma Long heard an ominous "pop" sound, followed by another loud "bang", Ma Long immediately felt a gust of cold wind blowing into the cockpit.

The wind was blowing from behind. Malone knew that the backseat had been shot, so he hurriedly pulled up the fighter plane and shouted, "Tommy, it's okay!"

The machine gunner in the back seat didn't answer.Ma Long pulled up the plane with some problems with the engine on one side, out of the range of the German anti-aircraft guns, then unfastened the seat belt, then turned around and looked back.He saw that his rear gunner was covered in blood and had passed out.

This so-called blessing is unparalleled, but misfortune never comes singly.At this moment, the left engine of his pa-38 began to make a "click click" sound, and then the left propeller stopped and stopped turning-the left engine had been reimbursed.

In theory, the pa-38 attack aircraft can continue to fly with only one wing.But in fact, because the pa-38 is much heavier than other prototype p-38 fighters.In addition, in the attack just now, other parts of Malone's PA-38 attack aircraft were also damaged, and now the control of the aircraft is a bit inconvenient, and it is really not easy to fly back.

This situation is not a big deal if it's on the side.Although Malone's PA-38 attack aircraft is not in good condition, even if both engines are stopped, Malone can glide it to a safe area by gliding, and then parachute with the rear machine gunner.What?You mean plane?That thing is purely a consumable, if you drop it, you will drop it, and I really don't feel sorry for it.

But now, Malone couldn't just find a place to skydive, because his rear-seat machine gunner was unconscious—maybe dead, but it's possible he wasn't dead yet.Ma Long asked himself that he still couldn't do the thing of abandoning his comrades casually.So now, no matter what, he must fly back, and he must fly back as soon as possible. The sooner he goes back, the more likely Tommy will be alive.

"Tommy was shot and knocked out, I think he's alive. My plane is damaged, the left engine is damaged, I'm going back!" Malone yelled over the radio.

"No. 1, I will escort you back!" Malone's wingman flew to his rear left to escort him.


While the anti-aircraft guns and attack aircraft were fighting to the death, Wittmann's Tiger tanks also approached the US positions.Now there were three continuous wide and deep anti-tank trenches before his eyes.Wittmann is already very familiar with this kind of anti-tank fortifications.The real purpose of this kind of fortification is not really to rely on it to stop the enemy tank troops, a bridge car can help tanks to cross such obstacles.But the trench would stall the attack, and until the trench was overcome, the tank would be exposed to enemy long-range fire. The explosion of the 155mm howitzer near the tank is not enough to threaten the tank, but if it is directly hit by this thing, although it will probably not be directly and completely destroyed, it is estimated that it will lose its combat effectiveness.

"There is a passage at three o'clock!" shouted an infantryman staying on the turret.

Wittmann also noticed such a passage.In fact, all anti-tank trenches will have such a passage in order to facilitate the movement of their own people.However, Wittmann also knew that there must be a lot of anti-tank firepower ambushed near such a passage.The winding passages would have forced tanks traveling there to expose their weak sides.At this time, those anti-tank guns that had been ambushed would take the opportunity to fire at the tank.Such a passage is a deadly trap for enemy tanks!

If, if there were not so many American planes in the sky, if there were bf-109s and fw-190s and even Stukas flying above his head, Wittmann would definitely not choose that passage, and he would react The tanks kept moving forward and backward in front of the trenches, constantly firing at suspicious targets, suppressing the firepower on the opposite side, covering bridge-building vehicles to erect bridges, or covering infantry to open a passage in the trenches by blasting.But now Wittmann, and the other German tanks don't have time, because it's not their planes overhead.Once they stop, they will be dealt a fatal blow at any time.Even, if the enemy sends another group of heavy, oh, no need for heavy, even medium-sized bombers to carry out carpet bombing, the result of these tanks blocked in front of the trench is really unimaginable.

"Even if we knew it was a trap, we had to rush in." Under such circumstances, Wittmann could only make such a decision.So Wittmann rushed to the passage first.

Nothing happened when the first anti-tank trench was crossed, and the Americans didn't even fire a single bullet.But Wittmann knew that the real danger lay ahead.

The causeway between the first section of the anti-tank ditch and the second section of the anti-tank ditch is very narrow, and at most only two tanks can run side by side. The two tanks mentioned here refer to the M4 tanks of the US military. Although it is not impossible for a big guy like the Tiger tank to run side by side, it is already very crowded. If you are not careful, one tank will fall into the ditch.The passage across the second trench is more than 300 meters to the left, and the German tanks must turn left and drive along the causeway for more than [-] meters.On this section of the road, they have to expose their vulnerable sides to the muzzles of enemy anti-tank guns. This is a trap specifically aimed at enemy tanks.And the Americans have already prepared such a professional trap, which only shows one point, that is-the German army's attack was completely within the enemy's expectation.

But Wittmann has no time to lament these things now, because since his tank has driven onto this causeway, the enemy's blows will follow one after another, and he must be more vigilant.

The Tiger tank rotated the turret 90 degrees to the left and aimed at the opposite earth embankment. There is no doubt that the enemy must be hiding behind that earth embankment.Wittmann also ventured his head out of the hatch of the tank and looked over there.At this time, only relying on the infantry on the tank to indicate the direction, the reaction speed is definitely not enough.

At this time, a small spark suddenly flickered on the opposite side, and then a series of bullets shot straight over.This is an m-2 machine gun firing at them, obviously their target is the few infantrymen staying on the turret.

The two older veterans, including the guy who was assigned to control the machine gun, jumped off the top of the tank in a motion that was too fast to be seen.And the half-old kid named Chris, who was looking around nervously with an mp-40 submachine gun, didn't respond so well. A 12,.7mm machine gun bullet hit him directly in the neck.This large-caliber machine gun bullet shattered his cervical vertebrae, and Chris's head was also thrown high by the impact of the bullet, and then fell heavily on the earth embankment.The half-grown child's eyes were wide open, as if he was still looking up at the sky, and then, the tracks of a tank following him pressed hard on his head...

The m2 machine gun disappeared after firing a round of bullets.Wittmann knew that behind that earth embankment, there must be another undulating road that can make enemy tanks suddenly reveal their turrets, fire a shell and then disappear quickly.

At this time, Wittmann's Tiger tank was already close to the second passage. At this time, Wittmann saw that on the top of the earth embankment a little to the right, there seemed to be a head poked.

"Turn the turret to the right 25 degrees, pay attention to vigilance." Wittmann knows that for the enemy, the most ideal state is to first destroy his own tanks at the entrance of the passage, then destroy the tanks at the end of the causeway, and then destroy the tanks in the middle. Those tanks would be trapped and they would be destroyed one by one.

Sure enough, a few seconds later, a round turret popped out from under the embankment, and the black muzzle was facing Wittmann's tank.

Almost at the same time, the two tanks fired at each other.Wittmann's luck was good, and the shell fired by the opposite tank hit the turret of the Tiger tank.The solid armor of the Tiger tank turret withstood the blow.Although the vibration of this guy made Wittman's mouth hit the hatch, bleeding a little, and his front teeth loosened, the fearless tank was still fine.

However, the shot fired by Wittmann's tiger accurately hit the turret of the tank about 400 meters away.Wittmann saw that the entire turret of the tank flew out.

But at this time, a sound that Wittman was least willing to respond to came from the air, which was the roar of the aircraft propeller.

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