New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 260, Anti-Tank Trap

Wittmann raised his head and looked in the direction of the sound. He saw a group of attack planes lined up in a single column, flying from behind them along the causeway at an altitude of about 700-800 meters.When these attack aircraft approached the target, the leading PA-47 attack aircraft first began to dive.

At this time, the anti-aircraft machine guns on the tanks also fired at the attack aircraft, but this kind of firepower was not enough to effectively deter the US attack aircraft. Instead, the leading PA-47 dived and used 20 The millimeter gun fired violently, and the machine gunner on the first tank fired a few bullets before being hit by a 47mm shell fired by the PA-20, and the anti-aircraft machine gun immediately became dumb.At this time, the pa-47 had already approached close enough, and the two 47mm guns installed on the inside of the pa-37's wings also began to spit flames.One of two 37mm shells hit the radiator window of the tank's engine. This shell easily passed through the thin layer of barbed wire, and then smashed the engine, and the other hit the unlucky tank. The top of the turret, and successfully penetrated its top armor, the tank stopped immediately, and then black eyes popped up.

The PA-47 that had just completed the attack pulled up from the left side, drew a large slanted circle in the air, circled to the rear of the attack aircraft formation, and re-entered the assault route.Immediately behind him, another PA-47 completed the attack on another tank in the same way, and then used this movement to circle back to the rear of the attack aircraft formation, followed by the PA-47 in front. behind the attack aircraft.

"Accelerate!" Wittmann yelled. In this case, once his own Tiger tank rushing to the front is destroyed, the tanks staying on the causeway will all be blocked, so they really only have It's a dead end.

At this moment, several turrets popped up from behind the earth embankment on the opposite side, and their muzzles were all aimed at Wittmann's Tiger tank...

Kevin Martin is watching his loader put a 76mm armor-piercing round into the barrel.Just now, the armor-piercing projectile fired by his chariot accurately hit the leading Tiger tank. With a distance of more than 400 meters, and hitting the weak side, the Tiger must be finished.However, Kevin is sure that this credit is not only due to his own car team. At least 5 car teams were attacking this target just now.

"Hey, Sergeant, we've got another Tiger!" said Keene, the loader, as he finished his maneuver, rubbing the sweat off his face with his sleeve.

"Maybe only one in five." Kevin said.

At this time, the shells fired by the German counterattack fell on the top of the nearby earth embankment, and the clods of the blasted soil were scattered in the open turret of Kevin's tank like rain.

"Bah, bah, bah, bah." Keane kept spitting out the dirt in his mouth. Just as he was about to speak, a piece of dirt that was blown up flew directly into his mouth.

"Bah!" Keane spit out the last bit of mud: "This is damn... If you say, everything about the m-10 is good, it's just this moment..."


The open turret brings better vision to this tank destroyer, but of course it also brings a lot of trouble.For example, in street fighting, sometimes, the enemy will throw grenades directly in.Of course, in the current battle, Kevin doesn't need to worry about this, but now in order to ensure the vision, it is absolutely impossible to hang up the canvas canopy, and it is inevitable to eat some dirt.

Kevin stepped on the turret and stood up, so that his line of sight could just pass over the earth embankment.He saw the lead Tiger tank collapsed there, burning blazingly.Now on this embankment, a dozen or so tanks are trapped.The PA-47 attack aircraft and PA-38 attack aircraft in the sky are also continuously launching dives.However, their target is no longer the tanks trapped on the embankment, but the enemy tanks and infantry who have not had time to enter the causeway.

"Target direction..." Kevin reported a data, and the turret immediately rotated an angle, and then the m-10 tank destroyer climbed up the ramp, exposing the turret. Against a Panther tank. The m-10 tank destroyer stopped suddenly, and it took almost a few seconds to shoot out the armor-piercing shells that had already been loaded.Then the chariot quickly began to reverse, returning to the protection of the earth embankment.Just when the turret was about to disappear under the earth embankment, Kevin saw a burst of flames from the side of the Leopard tank.

The German tanks on the embankment burned one after another under the attack of the US military.Another Tiger tank, trying to get around a burning tank ahead, slipped off the causeway and fell straight into the ditch.This intact Tiger tank later became the collection of the Aberdeen Museum.

At this time, the German tanks that had not yet entered the causeway were scurrying in front of the US positions like headless chickens, and then were constantly ignited by the attack aircraft of the Army Aviation.Fortunately, these attack planes quickly ran out of their last ammunition, so they turned their heads, climbed to a high place, and then flew towards the distance.

The departure of the attack plane made the Germans breathe a sigh of relief, but as soon as the attack plane left, the 155mm guns from the US military came over again.Obviously, it is impossible to continue to break through.


"Marshal, our offensive is blocked by the enemy." Marshal Kruger's chief of staff said to Marshal Kruger.

Kruger stood up, walked to the sand table, bent down, pressed his hands on the edge of the sand table, and looked down at the sand table.

"Marshal, in order to avoid alarming the enemy, we did not conduct detailed reconnaissance in advance, so our judgment on the defense status of the US military has been biased. We are in this position, um, right here at Height 317. We accidentally encountered the US military's defense status. The second line of defense. The Americans dug three anti-tank trenches here and arranged tank bunkers. Our air force was completely suppressed near the airport and could not provide air protection. Therefore, the tank troops were attacked by the enemy here The repeated attacks of the attack aircraft have caused great losses... In addition, on both our flanks, enemy troops have been found, Marshal, I think... I think we should withdraw our troops."

Kruger nodded, and then replied in a voice so calm that even he himself was surprised: "You are right, we should admit defeat and withdraw the troops." He stood up straight and put his hands behind his back. to the back, and then slowly paced a few steps.The staff knew that every time the marshal had to make a major decision, he always did this.

"Order, withdraw all troops as soon as possible! In addition, immediately dispatch troops to Mar del Plata, transfer the paratroopers there! Hold there, especially those bridges!" Kruger stopped, turned and said said the chief of staff.

"Yes! Marshal!" The chief of staff saluted the marshal. Marshal Kruger noticed that his chief of staff did not give him the Nazi salute, but a military salute during the Second Reich.


"Ron, do you think these Germans are out of their minds?" Bington, still wearing his flight jacket, walked towards Ron with two cups of ice cream in his hand.He walked up to Ron, bent down, and handed Ron one of the cups.

"Well, this is for you," said Bington, taking a seat next to Ron.

"Thank you." Ron took the ice cream, licked it, and said enviously, "Have you had enough of it today?"

"Where, it's meaningless at all." Bington shook his head while eating ice cream, and replied, "The Germans have no pilots available. Although there are many enemy planes encountered today, except for the first And the second one, there is not a decent one. Some guys, well, don’t even need you to fight, just fly over, frighten him with your eyes, and he will fall on his own. Bullying this kind of rookie, sincerity is worse than shooting There is no sense of accomplishment. After all, the target drone will not be scared into a spiral by your eyes anyway. Hey, Ron..." Pointon moved closer to Ron, "If you want me to say, we still have Why not go to the Pacific Ocean and fight the Japanese, maybe the author will be more energetic."

"Dreaming, you!" Ron stared at Bington with a country bumpkin look, "Do you think it's still 42 years? Little Japanese pilots are just as bad. Not long ago, in June, the guys from the navy were in Mariana. , In a wave of air battles with the Japanese, they shot down hundreds of Japanese planes, with almost no loss. After being beaten like this by the navy, do you think the Japanese are better than the Germans?"

"I'm going! I was beaten so badly by the navy!" Boyington sighed, "It seems that Little Japan is not doing well. It's really boring, but at least the devil still has a bit of madness. It's better to have this point. Seriously, it's a pity the Russians are our allies now... oh, do you think the Luftwaffe will come out tomorrow?"

"I don't think it will come out again," said Ron. "The Luftwaffe, as you said, is not as crazy as the Japanese. I don't think they will come out. Not only the Air Force, I think Germany The army, after being hit by a nose today, may not come out to die in broad daylight tomorrow. Today, we killed more than 60 tanks or armored vehicles, and at least 200 trucks and motorcycles of various types. Germany How can people have so many things for us to type like this every day. But tomorrow you should go to the vicinity of the German airport to have a look."


While Ron and Bington were chatting about tomorrow's battle situation, General Bradley was also discussing tomorrow's actions with Marshal Montgomery at the Allied Forces Command.

"The Germans lost a lot in the attack today. They took out both wings for this attack. Now that their armor has suffered such a defeat, we have no need to worry about their counterattack." Montgomery said, " In order to prevent the enemy from escaping smoothly, we have to speed up the speed of collecting the net."

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