Ideally, the evacuation would be done entirely at night, but in reality it is very difficult to do so.Because the Germans had weakened the left and right flanks too much for this doomed counterattack, it was difficult for the Germans to hold off the Allied offensive on the two flanks.In addition to the Americans, British, and Canadians, the Polish army and the Free French French army are now also involved in the battle.

On the South Road, in just one day, General Leclerc's Free French Second Armored Division occupied Le Mans almost on the move. Well, it is the Le Mans famous for its 24-hour endurance racing.However, the German army did not show too much stamina here. It was composed entirely of light infantry, and the defenders who did not even have a No. [-] assault gun in the formation, after facing the well-equipped French armored division, failed to How long did it resist and was expelled from Le Mans.However, after the German army escaped, the ecstatic French people who heard the news and came to celebrate caused quite a traffic jam in Le Mans, which slowed down the speed of the Free French Second Armored Division.

But the situation in the north is better.The attack of the Polish First Armored Division under Montgomery was quite unsuccessful.This is not because the combat effectiveness of the Polish army is not good. In fact, although Poland was completely defeated by the German blitzkrieg at the beginning of the war, some Polish troops still showed good combat effectiveness.Their failure is more due to the backwardness of tactical thinking and political stupidity.Today, after receiving weapons and training aided by the United States and Britain, the combat performance of the Polish First Armored Division is actually good.

It's just that on the northern line, the terrain is not very ideal. There are a lot of woodlands and hills, which not only restricts the use of tanks and other weapons, but also limits the use of air power.Relying on the cover of the woodland, the Germans resisted steadily, and the situation seemed to be fine.But Marshal Kruger knew that the soldiers were already close to their limit, and it was only a matter of time before they collapsed.

Kruger called Hitler again, asking for a retreat.But Hitler firmly disagreed. Not only did he not agree to retreat, he even asked Kruger to continue to attack at all costs.

"Fight like a soldier, don't be scared into a coward by the enemy." In the telegram, Hitler said to Field Marshal Kruger.He even quoted Shakespeare's line in "Macbeth": "I will still lift up my mighty shield and do my last strength."

"Huh, "Macbeth"? This is really a wonderful metaphor, isn't it? Every tyrant and tyrant will behave like this when facing the end?" Marshal Kruger threw Hitler's telegram on the table, Said to his chief of staff in a rare sharp tone.

"Marshal, you have to careful..." Hearing the outrageous words of "tyrant and tyrant", the chief of staff was a little nervous.

"Oh, it's nothing to be afraid of." Kruger laughed. "As far as he quotes a good sentence, it inspired me. You know, my failure is inevitable, I have committed Irreparable mistake, for my own sake, I obeyed the wrong order and led the soldiers to a desperate situation. But now, I can't go on wrong. I know that I may not end well, but 'I still have to fight Take up my majestic shield, and do my last strength', ah, what a beautiful sentence, it almost went to my heart. Inform the troops and continue to retreat as planned!"


"The German army is already retreating. We must complete the encirclement as soon as possible. In addition, we should use continuous air strikes to slow down the retreat of the German army. In this regard, General Rowan and General LeMay are experts. What do you think about this? Is it?" General Bradley asked.

"General, if we want to encircle as many Germans as possible, we'd better blow up the bridges near Mar del Plata. This will make it more difficult for the Germans to retreat," Ron said.

"This will also cause trouble for our own operations in the next stage." General Bradley said, "I am also worried that the Germans will blow up these bridges after they run out."

"General, we can try to blow up these bridges to cause general damage instead of permanent damage." Ron said, "For example, we can blow up a section of the approach part of the bridge, or blow up the bridge deck every once in a while. Cut him a big hole. Such damage can be repaired in a few hours in our hands. The Germans are the same, but I don't think the Germans have many 'hours' to wait for now. Besides, he Once it’s fixed, we can blow it up again.”

"General Li Mei," General Bradley turned to Li Mei, "how do you think this approach is feasible?" Obviously, Li Mei still has more authority than Ron on matters such as bombing.

"General, you should remember that before this, we had an example of a precise strike on a bridge." Li Mei said, "Technically speaking, it is easier to hit the bridge deck than the bridge pier. Of course, accidental damage to the bridge pier The possibility cannot be completely ruled out.”

"How likely is this?" General Bradley continued to ask.

"General, I had this discussion with General LeMay, and we did some experiments. We thought that if instead of using heavy aerial bombs, we used some lighter bombs, such as 250-pound aerial bombs, then even if the hit We don’t do irreparable damage to the bridge without destroying the piers, unless we hit it every time we drop a bomb.”

"I don't think our luck should be so bad?" General Bradley smiled. "Then go for it! What else do you need?"

"We need the details of these bridges, the more detailed the better..." Li Mei said.


A No. 3 assault gun was driving along the road. After yesterday's battle, there was only such a tank left in the entire company.The company commander and his No. [-] assault gun were blown up by the British heavy bombers in yesterday's air strike, so now, this surviving assault gun has been strengthened to a paratrooper company to strengthen the strength of this unit. Anti-tank combat capability.

Now this paratrooper company was transferred to the Mar del Plata area to protect a bridge there and ensure the retreat of the German army.Although the actions of the Americans and French on the southern front were not particularly fast, they were still close to these goals.

Sergeant Fernand, the commander, and several other crew members sat on the roof of the vehicle, and the driver also opened the hatch above him, exposing his head.Although due to the long-term bombing and the traffic of a large number of military vehicles, the asphalt on this section of the road has long gone, and the entire road is full of flying dust.But in any case, showing your head or simply sitting on the roof is more comfortable than staying in the car.And in this way, once encountering a hunting enemy plane, everyone will run faster.

Fernand was always in a state of apprehension along the way.Because there's just too much dust on this damn road.Passing vehicles kicked up the dust so high that enemy aircraft could see it from a great distance.Originally, the No. [-] Assault Vehicle was low in size, and Fernand and the others built a lot of branches on it. Even if an enemy plane came over, as long as the enemy could find it first and stop somewhere, the enemy plane might kill it. It was ignored as a bunch of bushes.

But now that there is this kind of dust, there is absolutely no such thing. The enemy planes follow the dust, deliberately search for the place where the dust disappeared, and shoot at suspicious targets. No matter how good the camouflage is, it is useless.

However, Fernand was lucky. Although they encountered some Allied aircraft along the way, most of them were heavy bombers. They would not change their attack targets just for a mere assault gun. To them, this small assault Pao is not even qualified to ask them to adjust the route.On another occasion, they also encountered several P-51 fighter jets.At that time, Fernand and his crew were the first to discover the fighters, so they abandoned the tanks in a panic and hid.As a result, perhaps because they ran out of ammunition, they did not attack the No. [-] assault vehicle parked on the road, but flew away directly.And so Fernand's lucky Three Rabbits were able to move on again.

Not far ahead is the bridge, and the soldiers of the paratrooper company have already dug several anti-tank bunkers not far from the bridgehead.In this way, the No. [-] assault gun can maneuver between these bunkers.Guided by a sergeant, Fernand fired its No. [-] assault gun into bunker one.

"Is there any water? We all have to wash our faces. It's too dusty along the way. I have dirt in my nose and ears." Fernand said to the sergeant, jumping off the Stug III.

"Yes, there is plenty of water in the river. But we planted landmines there, I will find someone to take you there, so that you don't step on the landmines." The sergeant said.

At this time, a second lieutenant officer came over, and Fernand immediately raised his hand to salute him.The officer casually raised his arm as a return of the salute.

"You came in time." The second lieutenant said, "Look, that road over there, that road leads to Le Mans. Now, the Americans and French have already occupied it. If there is no accident, they will be there tomorrow morning. It will appear in front of us. But it's still early, we still have time to prepare. Oh," the second lieutenant looked at Fernand's face and laughed, "ah, I should let Claire modernize you to wash your face by the river .”

Then the second lieutenant turned around and said to the sergeant, "Claire, take them to the river and be careful not to let them step on the mines."

Sergeant Clare smiled: "Sir, definitely not. Those mines were all planted by me and my brothers. I know where each one is buried."

Claire led a few people around to the river, the river was very clear, through the river, you can see a few small fish swimming around the pebbles not far from the shore.A little further away, the water gets deeper and you can't see the bottom.

Fernand threw the towel into the water and watched it get soaked, when the air-raid sirens suddenly blared.

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