New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 265, the fire chief is here

Major Pat moved four mortars and boxes of smoke bombs into the woods.

"Brothers, with the maximum rate of fire, our four mortars can create a smoke screen covering both ends of the bridge in about one and a half minutes. There is no wind today, and the smoke screen should last for a long time. We will take this time to rush across the bridge. Brothers, the smoke screen will interfere with the enemy's aiming, but the enemy will still blindly fire on the road surface of the bridge. Their firepower density will still be very high, and the smoke screen will also interfere. We, therefore, this action, although it cannot be said to be suicide, is not far behind. Once you decide to join the ranks of the breakout, you must understand that it all depends on whether we can rush over and how many people can rush over. God's will," Major Pat said to those gathered around him.

"If we were on the Eastern Front now, I wouldn't tell you this at all. Everyone understands that breaking out is the only option. The Russians will not let us go, just like we won't let them go. This is not the East. Line, we have no blood feud with the Americans or the British like we have with the Russians. Even if captured here, we don't have to worry about being sent to Siberia to dig coal. Just for safety reasons, it's okay to stay as a captive It’s a good choice. And in the previous battles, you have already fulfilled your obligations for Germany. You don’t have to take part in such an adventure, and I hope that those who join this operation will do so voluntarily.” The major continued.

"Then, Major, why are you going to take the risk of breaking out?" asked one of the soldiers.

"Ah," Major Pat replied after thinking for a while, "I'm not like you. I'm an officer and a party member. And, most importantly, when the empire was prosperous, I got more than you. Many. Therefore, I have more obligations than you."

Everyone fell silent.After a while Major Pat said:

"We don't have much time, let's decide now. Raise your hand if you are willing to fight with me!"

A few people immediately raised their hands, and some people hesitated, and then raised their hands one after another.But many people are still silent.

"Okay, there's no time. Just follow me!" Major Pat said. "Also, we need someone to help us control the mortar..."

The sudden shells landed on the bridgehead and the bridge deck, and then thick smoke rose up. The entire bridge, including both ends of the bridge, were quickly shrouded in thick smoke.

"Quick! Quick!" Major Pat took the lead and rushed into the thick smoke.They all had a soaked towel wrapped around their faces—the fumes were poisonous, but they didn't have gas masks on hand, so they had to rely on that.

It was difficult to tell the direction in the thick smoke. Major Pat could only keep his eyes wide open, trying to see clearly the things around him, especially the things under his feet, while running as fast as possible...

"Captain! What are the Germans doing?" said Gunner Grew.

"They want to run! Why are you still standing there? Fire at the bridge!"

Gru turned the muzzle of the 25mm Gatling gun towards the bridge, and then the six 25mm barrels of the gun spun wildly, and a bright orange flame whip ruthlessly swept towards the bridge deck. past.

As soon as Major Pat rushed to the bridge, he heard an ominous crackling sound like dense rain. He knew it was the sound of enemy 25mm artillery shells hitting the bridge deck.Although the distance he could see in front of him was limited, he still saw shells with orange-yellow traces hitting his surroundings.And screams began to sound beside him.

But Major Parker knew that he couldn't stay for a moment at this time.The shells whizzed past him, but he was unmoved, his vision was blurred, but he continued to run at a high speed, and then he suddenly felt empty under his feet, and then his whole body lost weight - there was a bridge on the bridge before it had time The big hole that was repaired, Major Parker stepped on the air, fell out of the hole, rolled and fell towards the river.


"Marshal, a telegram from the head of state." The adjutant handed a telegram to Marshal Kruger.

Marshal Kruger opened the telegram, glanced at it, and smiled.

"Hitler thinks I'm too tired, so let me take a rest." Field Marshal Kruger threw the document on the table.

"I really need to rest. I haven't had a good rest since the outbreak of the war." Marshal Kruger continued, "I want a complete rest... However, I still have to persist until my successor arrives." Well, my successor is Field Marshal Model. Well, Model is a good commander, but his luck is really bad. The situation here is not comparable to that on the Eastern Front. Things here cannot be saved by manpower Yes. He'd better understand that."

Marshal Model was a rare defense expert in the German army.Unlike the general German generals, most of the German generals' best performances are in the early and middle stages of the war. As time goes by, as the enemy army becomes stronger and stronger, these generals' performances are no longer as brilliant as they were in the early days radiant.But Marshal Model was an exception. When the German army was superior, Model did not show a particularly remarkable talent, but when the German army became more and more passive, Model's performance became more and more outstanding.So in this case, Model became Hitler's fire chief, and Hitler would send him wherever there was a problem.Quite a bit like Uncle Joseph used Zhukov in the early days of the war.

And most of the time, Model did not live up to Hitler's expectations. He was always able to efficiently use the broken army in his hands to stabilize the situation.Today's situation on the Western Front can almost be called collapse, and Hitler naturally thought of Model again.

Marshal Kruger himself was transferred from the Eastern Front to the Western Front.He knew that the situation on the Eastern Front was very different from that on the Western Front, but Model lacked the time to understand this difference.Model's ability is indeed very strong, but it is by no means able to adapt to the Western Front without taking time.When I first arrived on the Western Front, didn't I also lack understanding of the Western Front, and even ridiculed Rommel because of his fear of the Allied air power?Therefore, he had to think carefully about how to enable Marshal Model to understand the characteristics of the Western Front faster.

"You go and sort out all the combat records after we came to the Western Front, and pick out the combat characteristics that best show the enemy, um, that is, the relevant records that use overwhelming material power to simplify the situation. These things may affect Marshal Model is useful."


When Model saw Marshal Kruger at the headquarters of Army Group B, he couldn't believe his eyes.Is this man in front of him Kruger?Is it the original Field Marshal Kruger who was known for his tenacity in the Eastern Front?Model felt as if he had been overwhelmed by the Allied offensive.

"This is the situation you are now facing. The entire army group is about to fall into siege. The Führer has just sent me another order, which is still the same old 'do not take a step back', but I suggest you, Your Excellency Marshal, you Just act as if you don't know about it - there are always things that are missed in the handover anyway - and continue to retreat. No one in Germany is better than you in arranging the retreat. Withdraw as many boys as possible .Army Group B can only count on you now. Please pay special attention to the enemy's air power, and don't be easily swayed by orders from Berlin. There are only so many suggestions I can give you. As for how to defeat the opponent and win, I can't do that, Mordel, and I hope you don't have too much hope."

Marshal Kruger used such a pessimistic tone to complete the transfer of command of the b group army.Then he raised his marshal's scepter to salute Marshal Model, then turned and left the office.

"What kind of blow made this 'clever Hans' completely collapsed!" Looking at Kruger's back, Model couldn't help feeling like this.

But Model didn't have time to be too emotional, because the current situation of his group army was really not optimistic: the group army was actually surrounded, but there was still a small gap less than ten kilometers wide.If the Americans and the British were willing to make greater sacrifices, they could quickly close these gaps.In any case, it is impossible for the entire group army to withdraw completely from this encirclement.How much you can withdraw, and more, depends on the enemy's reaction, because you have almost no cards in your hand.

Model sat at his desk, flipping through the records left to him by Marshal Kruger page by page.These records gradually opened Mordel's eyes to a formidable opponent he had never faced before.

This adversary can deploy thousands of heavy bombers to prepare for fire at any point in the entire battle area, and their air power can attack any node in the entire battle area 24 hours a day.On the Western Front, there is no real rear, and all rears are exposed to enemy blows, and any maneuver will be attacked by air power.So the efficiency of all campaign operations will drop sharply, while attrition will rise sharply.The opponent's ground troops also have enviable mobility.They move much faster on the ground than the troops in their hands.Model knew that the success of his best defensive counterattack depended to a large extent on being able to seize the time difference and hit a fatal blow.But when facing an opponent with super maneuverability, it is not easy to seize such a time difference.Because the opponent's reaction is too fast, this feeling is like playing football to defend against counterattack, but suddenly finds that each of the opponent's four defenders can run 11 meters in less than [-] seconds.What's more terrible is that there is also a great offensive player in this team who is completely unstoppable, so that other players only need to do a good job of defense, and there is no need to risk pressing at all.This is completely useless!

"By the way, there is no need to take risks!" Marshal Model felt as if he had touched something. "The fog from last night to noon today stopped the entire Confederate army. What if they hadn't stopped? Their army would have been thrown into chaos with ours. But our army was damned before that In the attack, the most powerful fighting force has been lost. The result of the melee must be that they suffer a little loss and we are all finished. If it were another Russian, they would certainly be willing to do it. But neither Sam nor John seem willing. .They not only want to win, they even want to keep a clean sheet, they prefer 3:0 to 6:2. There seems to be something that can be exploited..."


"Marshal, there is a military train to Berlin at night, are you going to take this car back to Berlin?" In the car, the adjutant asked Kruger.

"No, I won't go back. What are you going back for? Going to be tried for treason? I don't want to go back so early. But I have a letter that you can take to Hitler." Field Marshal Kruger leaned wearily on the back seat The answer said.

The letter was already written, and it was in Kruger's coat pocket, along with it in a small glass bottle containing some small pills called cyanide.


At the Wolf's Lair Command, an aide handed a letter to Hitler.

"Führer, this is a letter to you from Marshal Kruger."

"Oh, let's see, what will this desperate suicide coward say? Well, I guess he's going to say, 'Führer, we surrender, we can't beat them, let's get down on our knees and surrender if we want Get down on your knees and lick their boots, maybe they'll be merciful and give us the treaty of Versailles again'. Don't dream! Think what the Romans did to the Carthaginians? Don't think so Fancy! We have but one road, victory or destruction! Ah, let us see what he has written."

Hitler pulled out Kruger's letter and read it in a tone of malevolent exaggeration:

"'When you read this letter, I am no longer alive. Life has no meaning for me. Rommel and I have already foreseen the situation today. Who is willing to listen to us? I don't know experienced Can Field Marshal Model control the present situation. If he cannot, and the new weapons you expect do not succeed, then, my Fuehrer, resolve to end this war. The suffering of the German people is too great, The time has come to end this horror. I have always admired your greatness and if fate is stronger than your will and genius, I hope you will now be strong enough to end this hopeless struggle if necessary !' Ah, that's pretty damning evidence of Kruger's involvement in a shameful conspiracy, and he deserves to be shot on the basis of this letter!"

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