New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 266, Covering Feint

"Since the Americans and the British are so unwilling to take risks, maybe we can take advantage of it. Let's think about it, my friend, how can we scare the Yankees with bluff?" Marshal Model said to his chief of staff explain.

"Marshal, this is very difficult. We don't have any troops that can be used to launch even a feint attack." The chief of staff replied.

"Yes, the soldiers in our hands are all inside the encirclement. Kruger is so weak, he actually launched such a counterattack according to the order. For this kind of thing, just arrange a division, no, a company It’s okay if you don’t mean it. He’s not even afraid of suicide, why should he listen to a layman? It seems that scolding him is a bit bad, so he just complained and stopped it.

"However, you are wrong about one thing. We still have the power to feign an attack, and that is our secret weapon. Of course, this matter requires Goebbels' cooperation.

Let's take a look at Kruger's retreat plan.Well, the steps are clear and well organized.It's really a typical Kruger-style plan.It can even be said that it is full of a kind of mathematical beauty.However, he still likes order too much, and he always wants to bring out the troops in an organized way.Well, order is more efficient than chaos most of the time though.However, in some special cases, the efficiency of chaos may be higher.dont you agree? "Model looked at his chief of staff.

"I'm not sure about this, Your Excellency the Marshal." The Chief of Staff replied politely.

"Ah, my friend, I know, what you actually want to say is 'I think you're joking', right?" Seeing that the Chief of Staff seemed to want to defend himself, Model shook his head and said, "Don't make excuses, I know , you and Kruger, and I, like all Germans, have a preference for order. But think of the most successful retreats of the years."

"Most successful retreat?" the chief of staff began to recall.

"Don't just think about the Eastern Front. This is the Western Front. A few years ago our enemy had a great retreat that was chaotic and efficient." Model said.

"You mean Dunkirk?"

"Well, actually, the British retreat was pretty successful, wasn't it? It was messy though."

On May 1940, 1940, the German army headed straight for the English Channel, besieging nearly 5 British and French allied forces in a narrow area in northern France, leaving only Dunkirk, a small port with only 21 residents, as a sea retreat.The handling capacity of this small port is extremely limited. Even the British themselves think that they can only withdraw 40 people.The German army believed that the destruction of the British and French troops was a foregone conclusion.But the spontaneous action of the British people saved the force.Countless British people stood up spontaneously, from boy scouts who were still studying in primary and secondary schools to gray-haired old sailors who had retired long ago, driving any boat they could find, from various ships to sports competitions. Boats, even small boats in the park, even a big bathtub, took risks, crossed the strait, withstood the wind and waves and the bombing of the German army, and miraculously evacuated 3 people in one breath.

Mordel stood up and walked to the map. He looked at the map seriously, and then he began to give orders:

"Order... the above troops must hold out until tomorrow afternoon. Then they may surrender to the enemy. Order other troops to allow abandonment of anything that may slow down the march, including weapons, and to collect any material that will help increase the speed of advance for the benefit of the Increase the marching speed. Let them approach the gap at the maximum speed regardless of the establishment, and order them to collect any items that can be used to cross the river along the way, so that they can swim by themselves when the bridge cannot be used. When ordering the army, disperse the queue, and the foot troops are in the Do not take the road during the day, order..." Model issued a series of orders in one breath.


"Carol, look below!" Two PA-47 attack planes were flying in the encirclement, and the lead pilot, Captain Lucas, suddenly shouted.

Wingman pilot Carroll rolled the plane at an angle, stretched his neck and looked down, there was a large field below, and countless people could be seen moving below like ants.

"Follow me, attack!" The command of the lead plane came from the ear again.Carroll saw the lead plane do a 180-degree roll and then dived down with the lever, and he quickly followed suit.

As the plane swooped over, the crowd below quickly dispersed to both sides, like waves plowed by the bow of a ship.From a high altitude, the field was full of people, but after diving to a low altitude, Lucas found that the density of the enemy troops was quite low.The distance between them is quite large, which makes them occupy a very large area, which looks spectacular from a higher place, but it also makes Lucas and Carroll dive down to find that even with rockets, They are also only effective against one target at a time.If you want to knock down a row of people with a single shuttle, don't even think about it.

For the first time, Lukes felt that the firepower configuration of the original p-47 was more effective.Yes, there are no hard targets like tanks and armored vehicles that require 37 guns. To fight these skirmishers, 20 guns feel a bit too powerful.The 20-gun shells are much smaller than the 37-gun shells.In this way, if it is still the same six 6mm guns as before, at least they will carry much more shells.What?rocket missile?If the enemy is concentrated enough, this thing is really good. However, now that the enemy is so scattered, considering the accuracy of the rockets, once a rocket is fired, not even one enemy may be hit accurately.

But since he swooped down, he must still attack.Lucas looked casually and found a bullock cart.That's right, it's an ox cart, pulled by a flower ox.A German guy was driving it hard along a path.

Lucas aimed at the bullock cart and fired a long burst with the 20mm gun.Well, the bullock cart immediately collapsed on the ground.Lucas pulled up the plane, shook his head boredly, and hit an ox cart in one attack, killing a cow. As for the German guy, just before he opened fire, this guy suddenly came from I jumped off the car, and I really didn't necessarily hit him.

Lucas understood that with his own two planes, it would be difficult to cause much disturbance to so many Germans below.So he started calling headquarters for more planes to strike those targets.

However, to the surprise of Lucas, almost all the planes from the headquarters were dispatched.


"We found another group of German troops who didn't march on the main road." A staff officer said to Ron.

"How many of these enemies have you found today?" asked Ron.

"Too many, too many to count," replied Boyington from the side.Today he went out to fly five landings and just came back now.

"Damn it," Bington threw his hat on the table, "I've flown five takeoffs and landings today, and I didn't even kill as many targets as I did yesterday with one takeoff and landing. Seriously, it's better to deal with such a target." The heavy bomber is convenient... Ron, when will Li Mei and their bomber arrive?"

"Don't think about it for now." Ron said, "I contacted him just now, but you have to know that the response speed of the heavy bomber unit is very slow. Moreover, they have other missions, so they can't escape."

"What is it?" Pointon became interested.

"The Germans launched more than 1000 V1 missiles towards London in one breath. In addition, there is a more powerful missile that cannot be intercepted-the Germans call it V2 on the radio. At noon today, a missile of this kind It hit a double-decker bus on the streets of London, killing hundreds of people, and another hit a house only one block away from No. 10 Downing Street, causing nearly a hundred casualties. What's more, this thing There was no warning. Therefore, at the request of the British, most of the heavy bombers are now sent to attack those possible V1 and V2 missile launch sites. They have no time to manage things here. ' explained Ron.

"Damn it, the Germans obviously calculated it. But why did they fall for this?" Pointon said sullenly, "It only killed hundreds of people. In the early years, they even bombed on a larger scale I have resisted it, why can’t I resist it now?”

Ron laughed. He knew that what Bington said definitely belonged to the saying that the ass decides the head.Indeed, the military influence of v1 and v2 is quite limited.But what if Hitler loaded them with chemical warheads?The Germans have a lot of research on chemical weapons, and they also store a large amount of sarin gas.If it is used on a large scale, the harm it will cause will not be so great.

Of course, as long as the Germans have a bit of brains, they will not do this. In terms of throwing poison gas bombs at them, although the Germans already had better-performing sarin gas at that time, the production capacity and delivery capabilities of the Allied Forces were relatively lower than that of the Germans. With an overwhelming advantage, even if the Germans use advanced sarin, or even a stronger soman that has not yet been developed, and the Allies can only use old-fashioned mustard gas and Lewis gas, the Germans will definitely suffer.Under normal circumstances, if Germany wanted to have people who could speak German after the war, they would never have dared to use chemical weapons.

However, there is always no shortage of lunatics in the world, especially in Germany now.For example, that Goebbels threatened to use chemical weapons more than once.Hitler was even more insane.And he's an unstoppable lunatic.If he goes crazy all of a sudden, and no one in Germany can stop him from going crazy, no one can guarantee that he will not put sarin in the warhead of the V2 and launch it to London.There is no need to take such risks when the victory of the war is already determined.Therefore, Ron felt that the response of the British was actually quite reasonable.But in this way, I am afraid that more Germans will escape from the encirclement.

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