Taking advantage of the British concerns about V1 and V2 missiles, Marshal Model successfully reversed the main air forces of the United States and Britain. In this way, the air pressure faced by the German army was greatly reduced on the way to retreat.The Germans seized this gap and tried their best to flee outside the encirclement.According to reports from returning pilots, the Germans rode horses, oxen, or even donkeys brought in from the French in horse-drawn carts and ox-carts collected from the French countryside.There are also all kinds of transportation - cars, motorcycles and bicycles.Photos from a spy plane even entertained Ron.

It was a bicycle that was driving on a country road, and there was a whole Hans on it, and what was even more ridiculous was that there were two Hans wearing roller skates hanging from the back of the bicycle.

"My God, how did these guys learn the unique skills of the third brother? Could it be that there is a third in the German army in the encirclement? I remember that the strange army is not in the encirclement?" Ron couldn't help but stretched out his hand to support him. own forehead.

There are indeed Indians in the German army.Before the war, Germany had considered wooing some radicals in India, Britain's most important colony, and using them to harass and destroy Britain. In 1940, at the behest of the Nazis, many Indian students were absorbed into German universities, and a small number of Indians joined the Brandenburg Special Forces of the German Wehrmacht. In 1941, Chandra Bose, a well-known Indian national chauvinist and radical, escaped from British imprisonment to Moscow, and from there flew to Berlin to defect to Nazi Germany. Free Government of India".

However, this empty-handed "Free Government of India" does not have two soldiers.Later, as the Germans and the British continued to fight, many Indians who served in the British army were also captured by the German army. Chandra Bose pulled a team from among these people. In September 1942, this unit was incorporated by the German Wehrmacht and designated as the 9th Indian Infantry Regiment. There were 950 Hindu soldiers, 1503 Sikh soldiers, 516 Muslim soldiers, and 497 other ethnic minorities and sects. , a total of 77 people, plus about 2593 volunteers and 600 German soldiers, a total of about 300 people.

The Germans tried to motivate those Indians with national independence, but these assholes showed no interest in it-well, anyway, they just couldn't get excited about fighting wars or anything like that.All their efforts seem to be devoted to praying to various gods, so much so that Hitler, who had hoped for the Aryan attributes of the Indians, couldn't help giving them a nickname: " Revolving Prayer".

Such a force, of course, can't let them go to the battlefield, or you have to waste precious troops that can fight to protect them.Of course, it would be great if you could push them to the enemy's side, but unfortunately no one has this ability.So this troop has been kept in the rear, and from time to time they come out to put on a show, so disgusting to John Bull.

This rear is France.Later, when Marshal Rommel began to build the "Atlantic Barrier" and Army Group B in order to defend against the possible landing of the Allied forces, Hitler conveniently threw these Asan to Rommel.Rommel went around the army as usual, and then, um, continued to let them hang around in Lacanau, west of Bordeaux.

After the Allied forces landed, the kind-hearted Germans remembered that there was still such a wonderful team. They worried that these Asan would interfere with the operation if they stayed in the war zone, so they specially allocated wagons to transport them back to Germany.As a result, when they got on the train at the Bordeaux train station, they were attacked by the French resistance organization inspired by the victory of the Allied forces. Then, um, forty of them were killed and three hundred were captured.This is also the only battle of this wonderful unit in the entire World War II.

The rest of the frightened Asan were incorporated into the Waffen SS system by the Germans, and the SS also sent a major general to lead this force.As a result, after the major general stayed in this army for a while, he couldn't stand it anymore.Strongly demanded to be transferred, "No matter where I go, even hell!".He was told at the time that the fortress of Kelberg, which was besieged by the Soviets, lacked a commander, but that was about to end there.In the end, the major general cheerfully left behind those Ah Sans who had made him humiliated, and hurriedly fled into the fortress of Fort Kerr, where he died in the end.

As for those Asan, they finally surrendered to the American and French troops. When they surrendered, they basically maintained their full combat effectiveness-because they had never fought.

"Well, it seems that although Ah San didn't directly participate in the war, they still had an influence on the Germans." Ron thought about this, and handed the photo to Bington.

"Father, there is something interesting to show you."

"What?" Boington took the photo casually and glanced at it, "Damn it! What are they doing?" He exclaimed.


On the second day, the US and British ground forces finally joined forces and closed the last gap. About [-] German troops fell into the encirclement.Before that, with the efforts of Model, nearly [-] troops escaped smoothly.

Now, the American and British forces stopped temporarily to destroy the encircled German troops.The German army did not have the ability to launch a counterattack, so it could only escape across the Seine and prepare a new line of defense while licking its wounds.For the time being at least, the battle lines have stabilized.

As usual, Hitler issued an order to the German troops who fell into the encirclement that "surrender must never be allowed, and they must fight to the last soldier".However, the effect of this order is far worse than that on the Eastern Front.

The performance of the German army on the Eastern Front was much more brutal than that on the Western Front, and the bad things they did were absolutely countless.Speaking of which, when the German army first hit Ukraine, the Ukrainian peasants who were dissatisfied with the Soviet Union were eating pots of milk to welcome the king.But with amazing efficiency, the Germans filled Ukraine with guerrillas in just a few months.As for other areas, let alone, anyway, the Germans have already formed a deadly feud with Maozi.Therefore, once the German army was surrounded by the Soviets on the Eastern Front, no need for Hitler to say, every Hans knew that there would be no good end if they surrendered, and they would definitely resist desperately.In fact, this idea is also good. The survival rate of the German soldiers captured by the Soviets is indeed quite low, almost no higher than the survival rate of the Soviet soldiers captured by the Germans.

But this is the Western Front, and here, to be honest, the Germans have always been more restrained than they were in the East.In Hitler's mind, the Gauls in Western Europe and the Saxon Anglos are all superior peoples, so the German army treats them much better than the Slavs who Hitler regarded as inferior peoples. Bad things, but rarely to the extent that they were done in the Soviet Union.Moreover, when the German army was at war with the American and British troops, it was relatively civilized, and there was no such thing as a large-scale massacre of prisoners of war, at least until now.Therefore, the German soldiers felt that surrendering to the Allied forces would not have any serious consequences.So, after a little resistance, the German troops in the encirclement dropped their weapons and went into the camp.

This situation made Hitler extremely angry. He even said to Goebbels: "The biggest mistake we made on the Western Front was that we did not slaughter those prisoners of war and did not carry out complete destruction, so that those cowards had the courage to surrender." At this time, Marshal Model reported to Hitler that General Leclerc's Free French Army had begun to approach Paris, and the people of Paris responded with great anticipation.And because the loss in the previous period was too great, he believed that Paris could no longer hold on.

This news made Hitler more and more angry, and he immediately called Model back.In his reply, he issued such an order to Marshal Model.He asked Model to use the cruelest means to suppress those Parisians and completely destroy Paris! "In Paris, there cannot be a single house standing!"

However, Model did not carry out this hatred mission as faithfully as he did on the Eastern Front this time. The German army did not carry out large-scale destruction in Paris. They neither blew up the Arc de Triomphe nor the Eiffel Tower, let alone Razed the Rue Fontaine-Egrets to the ground.In fact, the German commander, Dietrich von Choltitz, surrendered to the Allies with little resistance.

The smooth liberation of Paris is of course a good thing, but it may have also encouraged the Poles to make a completely wrong choice later.

Now before the allied forces is the choice of the next target.There was a debate within the Allies on this issue.

The first point of view is that the most important goal now is to capture more ports to ensure supplies.Although the Allied Forces in Normandy had the "Mulberry Tree" artificial port, although the efficiency of this artificial port exceeded everyone's expectations, the efficiency of such an artificial port was still not comparable to the natural good port that had been built for many years.Although the port of Cherbourg controlled by the Allied forces is a natural good port, it has been severely damaged, which leads to insufficient throughput of the port.After the victory in Falaise, the British took most of Antwerp, but the land near the mouth of the Scheldt was still controlled by the Germans.This left the port of Antwerp still unusable.Therefore, this faction advocates first concentrating military power and completely taking down these ports to ensure logistical supplies.

However, the Army was not satisfied with this plan.In the opinion of some army generals, due to the result of the First World War in Falaise, there was a huge gap in the German army's strength and equipment on the western front. Now it is time to take advantage of this opportunity to advance in depth. , I am afraid it will give the Germans an opportunity to mobilize forces to improve their defense.

However, these arguments have little to do with Army Aviation, so Ron didn't take it too seriously.And the temporary relief of the recent war also gave the pilots under his command a rare opportunity to rest.It was really tiring some time ago.After the liberation of Paris, Ron simply gave the pilots a vacation in turn, allowing them to go to Paris to relax.

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